"Fane" Quotes from Famous Books
... Perhaps this old fane has been made more of in poetry by Burns than anything else. It is inspected by thousands of travellers who ... — Adventures and Recollections • Bill o'th' Hoylus End
... us down the river. The arbor-vitae along the banks marked tracery more delicate than any ever wrought by deftest craftsman in western window of an antique fane. Brighter and richer than any tints that ever poured through painted oriel flowed the glories of sunset. Dear, pensive glooms of nightfall drooped from the zenith slowly down, narrowing twilight to a belt of dying flame. We were aware of the ever fresh ... — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 10, No. 61, November, 1862 • Various
... library have been in ripening the mind that was to cast a halo of immortality around that old monastery, and to generate a renown which was long to survive the grey walls of that costly fane; for whilst we now fruitlessly search for any vestiges of its former being, we often peruse the living pages of Bede the venerable with pleasure and instruction, and we feel refreshed by the breath ... — Bibliomania in the Middle Ages • Frederick Somner Merryweather
... No one hath ruth on the smitten, for that he is doomed to endure But he who alike is afflicted and long in affliction hath lain My passion, my yearning, my sighing, my care and distraction end woe Are all for a loved one, whose dwelling is in my heart's innermost fane. He made his abode in my bosom and never will leave it again; And yet with my love to foregather I weary and travail in vain. I know of no friend I can choose me to stand in his stead unto me, Nor ever, save him, a companion, to cherish and ... — The Book Of The Thousand Nights And One Night, Volume III • Anonymous
... needing a god; thought grew clearer; such admirable ethics as those of the Aztecs were developed, and while bleeding human hearts smoked on every altar, Nezahuatl conceived and erected a bloodless fane to 'The Unknown God, Cause of Causes,' without altar or idol; and the Inca, Yupanqui, or another, declared that 'Our Father and Master, the Sun, must ... — The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang
... teach us that thy power is a fable, and that thy divinity is a dream. Oh, thou bright Queen! I will be no traitor to thy sweet authority; and verily, I will not believe that thy influence o'er our hearts is, at this moment, less potent than when we worshipped in thy glittering fane of Ephesus, or trembled at the dark horrors of thine Arician rites. Then, hail to thee, Queen of the Night! Hail to thee, Diana, Triformis; Cynthia, Orthia, Taurica; ever mighty, ever lovely, ever ... — Vivian Grey • The Earl of Beaconsfield
... filled with majestic buildings that looked like palaces, or town-halls; and, in the midst of them all, a vast temple with courts and a central dome. For here, notwithstanding the lack of necessity, its builders seemed to have adhered to the Over-world tradition, and had roofed their fane. ... — When the World Shook - Being an Account of the Great Adventure of Bastin, Bickley and Arbuthnot • H. Rider Haggard
... employ several nouns that are not used in prose, or are used but rarely; as, benison, boon, emprise, fane, guerdon, guise, ire, ken, lore, ... — The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown
... concerning the infectious vapor, seems decisive as to the feet of the church of St. Paul occupying the site of the pagan fane. It stands without the walls of the town, upon elevated ground, at a very short distance to the right of the barrier below Mont St. Catherine, on the road to Paris, in the immediate vicinity of some mineral springs, strongly ... — Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman
... gain'd, on which is built Our city with proud bulwarks fenced around, And laved on both sides by its pleasant port Of narrow entrance, where our gallant barks Line all the road, each station'd in her place, And where, adjoining close the splendid fane 330 Of Neptune, stands the forum with huge stones From quarries thither drawn, constructed strong, In which the rigging of their barks they keep, Sail-cloth and cordage, and make smooth their oars; ... — The Odyssey of Homer • Homer
... Salati, with its high walls and iron-barred windows testifying only too plainly to the lawlessness that once reigned in this district, we find ourselves face to face with the great temple of Neptune or Poseidon, and its companion-fane, the so-called Basilica. The Temple of Neptune (for in this instance at least the popular appellation chances to be the correct one), in all probability co-eval with the first Greek foundation of the city, formed the central ... — The Naples Riviera • Herbert M. Vaughan
... Tyrians, beat by waves and whirling of the wind, Dug out the token Juno once had bidden them hope to find, An eager horse's head to wit: for thus their folk should grow Far-famed in war for many an age, of victual rich enow. There now did Dido, Sidon-born, uprear a mighty fane To Juno, rich in gifts, and rich in present godhead's gain: On brazen steps its threshold rose, and brass its lintel tied, And on their hinges therewithal the brazen door-leaves cried. And now within that grove ... — The AEneids of Virgil - Done into English Verse • Virgil
... original width. In this case it was found necessary to carry the line across the parts which yielded, under strong timber shores. On the Dundalk and Enniskillen line a heavy embankment twenty feet high suddenly disappeared one night in the bog of Meghernakill, nearly adjoining the river Fane. The bed of the river was forced up, and the flow of the water for the time was stopped, and the surrounding country heavily flooded. A concealed bog of even greater extent, on the Durham and Sunderland Railway, near Aycliff, was crossed by means of a ... — Railway Adventures and Anecdotes - extending over more than fifty years • Various
... have been delivering the oracles and terrifying crime in the name of heaven, return to his vices, reiterate his injustice, increase his political crimes, augment his transgressions against society? Issuing from the sacred fane, their ears still ringing with the doctrines they have heard, the minister returns to his vexations, the courtier to his intrigues, the courtezan to her prostitution, the publican to his extortions, the merchant to his frauds, the ... — The System of Nature, Vol. 2 • Baron D'Holbach
... thought to crush him in an equal force, True sword to sword; I'll potch at him some way Or wrath, or craft may get him.— ... My valour (poison'd With only suffering stain by him) for him Shall fly out of itself: nor sleep, nor sanctuary, Being naked, sick, nor fane, nor capitol, The prayers of priests, nor times of sacrifices, Embankments all of fury, shall lift up Their rotten privilege and custom 'gainst My hate ... — Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher • S. T. Coleridge
... the Maison Carre is the Public Garden, adorned with vases and statues among shrubs and flowers, overshadowed by tall elm and plane trees. To the left are the remains of a temple or fane (called the temple of Diana), dedicated to the Nymphs, built B.C. 24, of huge carefully-hewn blocks of sandstone, and reduced to its present state in 1577. The little of the ornamental work that remains ... — The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black
... her fane within the soul Of fire-tongued seers descending, Or from the dream-lit temples of the past With feet immortal wending, Illuminate grief's antre swart and vast With half-veiled face that promises the whole To him who ... — Artemis to Actaeon and Other Worlds • Edith Wharton
... held forth to our admiring fathers. Church and theatre both owed their birth to the late Chief Justice Sewell. The site of this theatre was purchased some years back by the ecclesiastical authorities of St Patrick Church. Thus disappeared the fane once sacred to Thespis and Melpomene, its fun-loving votaries, as such, knew ... — Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine
... play, in the streets, in the lanes, At the fane of the merciful God, 'Midst a people in prison and chains, Spy-haunted, at home and abroad— Steals through all like the hiss of a snake Hate, by terror itself unsuppressed: "Cursed be the Italian could take The Austrian ... — Modern Italian Poets • W. D. Howells
... with its little fairy temple; and we left the carriage to view it from below, and drink of the classic stream. The temple (now a chapel) is not much in itself, and was voted in bad taste by some of our party. To me the tiny fane, the glassy river, more pure and limpid than any fabled or famous fountain of old, the beautiful hills, the sunshine, and the associations connected with the whole scene, were enchanting; and I could not at the moment descend to ... — The Diary of an Ennuyee • Anna Brownell Jameson
... forget, that when Oileus went From the wronged virgin and the ruined fane, When storms were howling round "Repent, Repent," Thy holy ... — Ionica • William Cory (AKA William Johnson)
... centre of mad ire, Rank error's school and fane of heresy, Once Rome, now Babylon, the false and free, Whom fondly we lament and long desire. O furnace of deceits, O prison dire, Where good roots die and the ill-weed grows a tree Hell upon earth, great ... — The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch
... was hollow to his mouth like a Tunnel, with the Orifice euacuated to his mouth, to the which was sowdered a Trompet, with his left hand holding the Lanquet to his mouth, & his right hand extending towardes the middle ioynt, iust ouer the pinyon of it the wing or fane. Al which was of thinne brasse, excellently wel cast and guilt. Which wing, ball, and boye, with his cheekes and countenance as if hee were sounding, with the hinder part of his head euacunated towardes the blustring winde, as that blew, so he sounded, and as the winde caused a strange ... — Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame • Francesco Colonna
... legends of holy men of old, and said that the patron saints of West Cornwall were in the calendar of the Eastern Church, and those in the north of Cornwall belonged to the Western. His own patron saint, Morwenna, was a Saxon, and his church a Saxon fane. He talked of these saints as if he knew all about them, and wrote of them in a ... — From Death into Life - or, twenty years of my ministry • William Haslam
... prelude! Faraway Rolls the swift Rhine beneath the starry ray; But to my ear its haunted waters sigh; Its moonlight mountains glimmer on my eye; On wave, on marge, as on a wizard's glass, Imperial ghosts in dim procession pass; Lords of the wild, the first great Father-men, Their fane the hill-top, and their home the glen; Frowning they fade; a bridge of steel appears With frank-eyed Caesar smiling through the spears; The march moves onwards, and the mirror brings The Gothic crowns of Carlovingian ... — The Pilgrims Of The Rhine • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... bearing aloft like stately pillars the high, arched roof of green, the lower limbs sticking out from the trunks bony and bare but for the pendant streamers of grey moss, all bathed in the diffused radiance of the yellow afternoon light, suggested some weird and mighty fane of a people long dead, whose spirits, haunting these solemn spaces, still kept over their temple ... — The Prospector - A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass • Ralph Connor
... one struck, and I began to congratulate myself that the ordeal by the bier was coming to an end. I looked with a sort of bravado into the dark, shadowed distances of the fane, and smiled at my nameless trepidations. And then, as my glance sought to penetrate the gloom of the great western porch, I grew aware that a man stood there. I wished to call the attention of the priest to this man, but I could ... — The Ghost - A Modern Fantasy • Arnold Bennett
... of Dares first the combat sought, A wealthy priest, but rich without a fault; In Vulcan's fane the father's days were led, The sons to ... — The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes - Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II • Samuel Johnson
... wrapt musicians strike the lyre, While plaudits shake the vaulted fane; Let warriors rush through flood and fire, A never-dying name to gain; Let bards, on fancy's fervid wing, Pursue some high or holy theme: Be 't mine, in simple strains, to sing My darling Jeanie 's ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume III - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various
... them that he was undone, For his people all went insane, And fired the Tower of London, And Grinnidge's Naval Fane. And some of them racked St. James's, And vented their rage upon The Church of St. Paul, the Fishmongers' Hall, And the Angel ... — More Bab Ballads • W. S. Gilbert
... the high-priests, for a bribe, showed to Alexander in the innermost shrine of the white temple in the Libyan oasis: such pictures as the pontiff of the sun strove to hide from Cortez, when, sword in hand, he burst open the sanctorum of the pyramid-fane at Cholula: such pictures as you may still see, perhaps, in the central alcove of the excavated mansion of Pansa, in Pompeii—in that part of it called by Varro the hollow of the house: such pictures as Martial and Seutonius ... — Redburn. His First Voyage • Herman Melville
... courses of my age Worship afar, lest haply I profane The temple that is now my holy fane, For which my song is given ... — The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker
... that laurel, by Delphi's decree Set apart for the Fane and its service divine, So the branches that spring from the old Russell tree Are by Liberty claimed for ... — Fifteen Chapters of Autobiography • George William Erskine Russell
... before midnight two forms entered the south transept by a little wicket door. There was a black darkness over the heavens that night, and a high wind moaned and shrieked about the upper turrets of the stately fane. Oh, how solemn was the inner aspect at that dread hour, lighted only by the seven lamps, which, typical of the Seven Spirits of God, burned in the choir, pendent ... — The House of Walderne - A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons' Wars • A. D. Crake
... still and fleet - And overtook her hurrying feet. And, heartsick, by the sacred fane She fell, and prayed the god again. She sobbed and beat her bursting breast: "Ah, thou hast mocked me, Mightiest! Lo! I have wandered far and wide; There stands no house where none hath died." And Buddha answered, in a tone Soft as a flute at twilight blown, But grand as heaven ... — Pike County Ballads and Other Poems • John Hay
... of philosophy, and the well-spring of oracles more practical, more prudent, more profound, and penetrating further into the abyss of the dark and illimitable future than were ever uttered at the Pythian fane; and last, though not least, how, in the lingering twilight of his years as in their earliest dawn, he loved Virginia, not with that cold feeling which looks to latitude and longitude, to East or to West, as the limits of affection, but, first, in that tender ... — Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon. Littleton Waller Tazewell • Hugh Blair Grigsby
... On the white moonlit wall of the fane the camel alone cast the queer-shaped shadow of his protuberance. Prince Gregory had cut and run with the wallet of bank-notes. His Highness had been for the month past ... — Tartarin of Tarascon • Alphonse Daudet
... through the influence of the fine arts, of which the great mission is to excite, and at the same time elevate, the feelings of the human family. Lothair found himself frequently in a reverie over Miss Arundel's ideal fane; and, feeling that he had the power of buying up a district in forlorn Westminster, and raising there a temple to the living God, which might influence the future welfare of millions, and even effect ... — Lothair • Benjamin Disraeli
... have to do is to land on the promontory, Mr. leoding. Who knows but we may come across some vestige of the crew of the fane, supposing them to have succeeded ... — An Antarctic Mystery • Jules Verne
... There rose that fane, the pride and boast of Cambridge, not unworthy to rank among the chief temples of Christendom. Its vast form was exaggerated in the uncertain hour; part shrouded in the deepest darkness, while a flood of silver light suffused its southern side, distinguished with revealing beam the huge ribs ... — Coningsby • Benjamin Disraeli
... Where were the offerings, in jewels or in gold, to propitiate that undoubted man of God and denizen of heaven, St. Moses? what prows, in wax, of vessels saved from shipwreck, hung about the dripping fane of Jonah? and where was, in the olden time, that wretched and insensate being, calling himself rational and godly, who had ventured to solicit the good services of Isaiah as his intercessor, or to plead the merits of St. Ezekiel as ... — The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper • Martin Farquhar Tupper
... we found ourselves somehow walking up the centre aisle of the church, without well knowing how we got there. The grand old fane was transmogrified into something between a forest and a flower-garden, and I then began, for the first time, to surmise where all our shrubs and flowers had betaken themselves; every pew was closely ... — Under the Meteor Flag - Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War • Harry Collingwood
... to the simple, hallowed fane, we turn our willing feet, Where, rank unknown, the free alone in humble worship meet; While 'Holiness unto the LORD' upon the walls we read, No other ornament than this, no ... — The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, June 1844 - Volume 23, Number 6 • Various
... dissaive us evin, Pryde is the nett, and cuvatece is the trane; For na reward, except the joy of hevin, Wald I be yung in to this warld agane. The Schip of Faith, tempestuous wind and rane Dryvis in the see of Lollerdry that blawis; My yowth is gane, and I am glaid and fane, Honour with aige to every ... — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... genius was a member of the Church of England and if the sorrowing nation at large deems him worthy of the supreme honour of a national funeral, then by all means let him be buried in the Abbey. But if he was a Catholic, then I claim him for Westminster Cathedral, that magnificent fane which we have raised as a symbol of our renewed vitality. Now, was he a member ... — The Great Adventure • Arnold Bennett
... France, the heroes, the apostles of letters and liberty, who were murdered, exiled, denied Christian burial or dragged through the streets after death by Frenchmen, stand morally united in one grand monumental fane commemorative of ... — Mlle. Fouchette - A Novel of French Life • Charles Theodore Murray
... this victory (that ye have won). After resting yourselves and regaining the full use of your faculties, meet me again in the morning." After this, the mighty-armed Vrikodara like Maghavat entering his own beautiful fane, entered the palace of Duryodhana, that was adorned with many excellent buildings and rooms, that adorned with gems of diverse kinds, that teemed with servants, male and female, and that Yudhishthira assigned to him with the approval of Dhritarashtra. ... — The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 - Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 • Unknown
... something very sad,' went on Aunt Margaret, 'She is afraid that Miss Fane's headache was caused by the great trouble she had with a certain little pupil of hers yesterday. What do ... — Chatterbox, 1906 • Various
... a babe in arms when my father crossed the ocean to settle down on the Fane estate as one of the number of settlers, called for by the terms of the original grant. His father was a warm houlder in Errigle-Trough, and had my father been patient and industhrious, he would in a few ... — Adrift in the Ice-Fields • Charles W. Hall
... lines, the beauty of which, however, it is a matter of notoriety, was considerably marred by a prosaic circumstance, which proves the danger of assuming facts even in poetical compositions. The monument is commemorative of the poet and of his only daughter, the wife of Henry Fane. His widow survived him, and her inconsolable affliction ... — The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II • Various
... Edinburgh, Miss Delacour proceeded to London, and soon had the happiness of securing Master Henry de Courcy Anstel, the Lady Leucha Villiers, the Lady Barbara Fraser, the Lady Dorothy Fraser, the Hon. Daisy Watson, Miss Augusta Fane, Miss Featherstonhaugh, Miss Margaret Drummond, Master Roger Carden, Master Ivor Chetwode, Miss Mary Barton, Miss Nancy Greenfield, Miss Isabella Macneale, and Miss Jane Calvert. There were many more to follow, ... — Hollyhock - A Spirit of Mischief • L. T. Meade
... instead the "Lion of Bohemia" in all his rampant pride of a double tail. I shall have more to say about this wonderful heraldic animal on some future occasion; it is significant that this crest swings over the sacred fane where rest the remains of St. Wenceslaus, over the cradle ... — From a Terrace in Prague • Lieut.-Col. B. Granville Baker
... received at the old house with great kindness by Mrs. Fane, wife of the present proprietor. It is a beautiful old house with carved oak partitions, with a dining room rising to the roof. Lady Lisle's chamber and the place where the two fugitives were concealed are still shown. Mrs. Fane had gathered some local traditions which are ... — Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1-2 • George Hoar
... ill conceived as it was ill carried out, followed its appointed course. That is to say, it was punctuated by "regrettable incidents" and quarrels among the generals (two of whom, Sir Henry Fane and Sir John Keane, were not on speaking terms); and, with the Afghans living to fight another day, a "success for British arms" was announced. Thereupon, the column returned to India, bands playing, elephants trumpeting a salute, and guns thundering ... — The Magnificent Montez - From Courtesan to Convert • Horace Wyndham
... residences of an archdeacon and canons. The Cathedral itself is, though small, a dignified and beautiful building of true cathedral character. At the same time it is the College Chapel, and the undergraduates who daily attend its services are privileged to worship in a magnificent fane, but at the same time must lose that sense of what, for want of a better word, must be called the home-like charm which endears to so many their College Chapel. The scenes, too, that the quadrangles witness are curiously varied. Now there is a procession of divines wending ... — Oxford • Frederick Douglas How
... He was twice married; first to a daughter of Mr. Parsons, one of the auditors of the revenue; and afterwards to a daughter of Mr. Devenish, of a good family in Dorsetshire[151]. By the first he had a son; and by the second a daughter, married afterwards to Mr. Fane. He died the sixth of December, 1718, in the forty-fifth year of his age; and was buried the nineteenth of the same month in Westminster Abbey, in the aisle where many of our English poets are interred, over against Chaucer, his body being attended by a select number of his friends, and the dean ... — Lives of the Poets, Vol. 1 • Samuel Johnson
... neat church, which is romantically situated on the top of a high hill overlooking the lake. In summer time nothing can exceed the beauty of this spot, or be more suitable for the erection of a fane ... — Twenty-Seven Years in Canada West - The Experience of an Early Settler (Volume I) • Samuel Strickland
... a summer hotel where Kathie and I chanced to be staying, and never shall I forget my first sight of Charmion Fane as she trailed into the dining-room and seated herself at a small table opposite our own. She was so tall and pale and shadowy in the floating grey chiffon cloak that covered her white dress, she ... — The Lady of the Basement Flat • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
... "organ utters its voices," and a hush, intense, unbroken, falls on the vast assembly. The glorious music peals through the vaulted aisles, and swells upward to the arching roof, pervading every nook and corner of the fane; and so perfect is the stillness that one would think the winged notes the only living ... — The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851 • Various
... his policy of special benevolence towards religious institutions, Yoritomo exempted the manors of temples and shrines from the jurisdiction of high constables. Thus military men were not permitted to make an arrest within the enclosure of a fane, or to trespass in any way on its ... — A History of the Japanese People - From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era • Frank Brinkley and Dairoku Kikuchi
... fane! Ho, altar-guard, Where is King Thoas gone? Undo the barred Portals, and call the King! The King ... — The Iphigenia in Tauris • Euripides
... a fane of devotion, My feelings are converts at prayer, And every thrill of emotion Makes dearer the crown I would wear. My soul in its fulness of rapture Begins its millennial reign, Life glows like a sun, Love's zenith is won, And ... — Hesperus - and Other Poems and Lyrics • Charles Sangster
... Which rolling through the city spread; And this the cry,—"When, Sons of Greece, When shall the lingering leaguer cease; When will ye spoil Troy's watch-tower high, And home return?"—I heard the cry, And, starting from the genial bed, Veiled, as a Doric maid, I fled, And knelt, Diana, at thy holy fane, ... — Specimens of the Table Talk of S.T.Coleridge • Coleridge
... and her love's; The fane of Venus where he moves His worthy love-suit, and attains; Whose bliss the wrath of Fates restrains For Cupid's grace to Mercury: Which tale ... — Hero and Leander and Other Poems • Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman
... it seems I was a somewhat horrid little chap in this. I certainly adored Miss Armstrong; though in an entirely different way from the manner of my subsequent passion for little black-haired Nelly Fane. The Fane family consisted of the father, mother, one boy, and two girls: Nelly, and her sister Marion, both charming children, the first very dark, the other fair. Nelly was a year older than I, Marion two years younger. The boy, Tom, was within a month ... — The Record of Nicholas Freydon - An Autobiography • A. J. (Alec John) Dawson
... 1866.—I went to the dhow, and there being no wind I left orders with the captain to go up the right bank should a breeze arise. Mr. Fane, midshipman, accompanied me up the left bank above, to see if we could lead the camels along in the water. Near the point where the river first makes a little bend to the north, we landed and found three formidable gullies, and jungle so thick with bush, date-palms, twining bamboo, ... — The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume I (of 2), 1866-1868 • David Livingstone
... expressive features; he would dream of her abstractedly by day, and her form was the subject of his visions by night; and yet, though he thought her personal charms the perfection of frail humanity, his admiration was not so much for the outward fane, as the spirit that held dominion within. It is true his attention had been first arrested by her beauty; but the cause of those after feelings, which now consumed his soul, was the constant contemplation of her gentleness, amiability, mental accomplishments, and pure unsullied ... — Fern Vale (Volume 1) - or the Queensland Squatter • Colin Munro
... joy Rich were this twain, for old Lanciotto, he Who was her lord, was brother of her boy, And in one home together dwelt the three, With brothers two beside; and he and she Sat at one board together, in one fane Their voices rose upon one hymn, ah me! Beneath one roof each night their limbs had lain, As now in death they share the ... — English Poems • Richard Le Gallienne
... batheth therein and straightway goeth forth and fareth homewards. But one Friday said I to myself, 'I will not go to the Mosque, for I would fain look upon her with a single look;' and when prayer- time came and the folk flocked to the fane for divine service, I hid myself within my shop Presently that august damsel appeared with a comitive of forty handmaidens all as full moons newly risen and each fairer than her fellows, while she amiddlemost rained light upon them ... — Supplemental Nights, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton
... rescue;—for the force Of sciolists hath legal right to seize Such innocents to torture as they please, Alive and sentient, with demoniac skill; Ungodly men! hot with the lawless lust Of violating Nature's holiest fane, Breaking it open at your wicked will,— Yet shall ye tremble!—for the Judge is just; To Him those victims do not plead in vain, On you for aeons crowd their ... — My Life as an Author • Martin Farquhar Tupper
... in one splendid passage, numbering the glories of the land as a lover might count the perfections of his mistress. But the sentiment is ever in your heart, and often on your lips. 'Me neither resolute Sparta nor the rich Larissaean plain so enraptures as the fane of echoing Albunea, the headlong Anio, the grove of Tibur, the orchards watered by the wandering rills.' So a poet should speak, and to every singer his own land should be dearest. Beautiful is Italy, with the grave and delicate ... — Horace and His Influence • Grant Showerman
... as if he were a Greek, His heart was Grecian in his greenwood fane; 'My life and soul,' through all the sunny week The chaffinch sang with beating heart amain, 'The humble-bee the wide wood-world may roam; One feather's breadth I shall not stir ... — Field and Hedgerow • Richard Jefferies
... of this misapplied "aid." If the lady's whip is not sufficiently long to give her mount the requisite reminder on the off flank, either by being pressed closely against it, or by the administration of a sharp tap, it will be useless for straightening him. Lady Augusta Fane, who is one of the best horsewomen in Leicestershire, and who certainly rides a greater variety of hunters during a season than any other lady in the Shires, is strongly opposed to the use of the spur. She tells me that ... — The Horsewoman - A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed. • Alice M. Hayes
... the spirit of that wind Whose soft step deepens slumber, her light feet Passed through the peopled haunts of humankind. Scattering sweet visions from her presence sweet, Through fane, and palace-court, and labyrinth mined 525 With many a dark and subterranean street Under the Nile, through chambers high and deep She passed, observing ... — The Witch of Atlas • Percy Bysshe Shelley
... } And swear, and seem as tickled as you please. } Their spawn, the pride of this sublimer age, 185 Feel to the toes and horns grave Milton's rage. Tho' liv'd he now he might appeal with scorn To Lords, Knights, 'Squires and Doctors, yet unborn; Or justly mad to Moloch's burning fane Devote the choicest children of his brain. 190 Judge for yourself; and as you find report. Of wit as freely as of beef or port. Zounds! shall a pert or bluff important wight, Whose brain is fanciless, whose blood is white; A mumbling ... — Essays on Taste • John Gilbert Cooper, John Armstrong, Ralph Cohen
... Brannhard asked. "Treasure it in your memory. You may have to testify to it in court sometime." He turned to the Chief Justice. "Your Honor, may I suggest the recovery of these Fuzzies be entrusted to Colonial Marshal Fane, and may I further suggest that Mr. O'Brien be kept away from any communication equipment until ... — Little Fuzzy • Henry Beam Piper
... origin. To construct such a clock was the object for which Dumiger labored; and not he alone, but hundreds of skilled workmen, toiled anxiously through the long autumn nights, for the citizens of Dantzic loved that glorious fane whose lofty towers looked upon their birth, and beneath whose shadow the noblest of their freemen were buried. To connect their names with that great monument, seemed to them to be an object well worthy ... — International Weekly Miscellany, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 8, 1850 • Various
... seek Thee, passionately yearning; Like altar fire on some forgotten fane, My life flames up irrevocably ... — Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol. 5 • Various
... to Apollo's fane her father sent, Seeking to know the dreadful Gods' intent, And therewith sent he goodly gifts of price A silken veil, wrought with a paradise, Three golden bowls, set round with many a gem, Three silver robes, with gold in every ... — The Earthly Paradise - A Poem • William Morris
... she could rest here now, and go home and have a long sleep, and sit all the next morning on the brow of the hill and watch the fishing-boats lie like black, fainting birds on the shining flats, the child would feel her like a peaceful fane around it and it would decide to live. But if Harry's mother came to see her next day it would ... — The Judge • Rebecca West
... Derwent's rocky dales; Till like volcanoes, flared to heaven the stormy hills of Wales; Till twelve fair counties saw the blaze on Malvern's lonely height; Till streamed in crimson on the wind, the Wrekin's crest of light; Till broad and fierce, the star came forth, on Ely's stately fane, And town and hamlet rose in arms, o'er ... — The Canadian Elocutionist • Anna Kelsey Howard
... thick their rifted snow, The English mother o'er her babe sings low; Where red the cross burns on the ivied fane, Unwitting, pagan Lilith lives again— And softer sings, nor feels the wailing pain Still faintly surging through that low refrain; Nor dreams she hears Love's early cradle cry Slow echoing through Earth's song—sweet lullaby— ... — Lilith - The Legend of the First Woman • Ada Langworthy Collier
... too— Let me be just—that friend so true; In danger both, and in our cause! Minstrel, the Douglas dare not pause. Why else that solemn warning given, 'If not on earth, we meet in heaven!' Why else, to Cambus-kenneth's fane, If eve return him not again, Am I to hie and make me known? Alas! he goes to Scotland's throne, Buys his friends' safety with his own; He goes to do—what I had done, Had Douglas' daughter been ... — The Lady of the Lake • Sir Walter Scott
... news came in fast upon Clare in the autumn of 1820. The poet, at his humble home, was visited, first by Lady Fane, eldest daughter of the Earl of Westmoreland; secondly, by Viscount Milton, coming high on horseback, in the midst of red-coated huntsmen; and, finally, greatest of honours, by the Marquis of Exeter. The villagers were awe-struck when the mighty lord, in ... — The Life of John Clare • Frederick Martin
... volcanoes flared to Heaven the stormy hills of Wales, Till twelve fair counties saw the blaze on Malvern's lonely height, Till streamed in crimson on the wind the Wrekin's crest of light, Till broad and fierce the star came forth on Ely's stately fane, And tower and hamlet rose in arms o'er all the boundless plain; Till Belvoir's lordly terraces the sign to Lincoln sent, And Lincoln sped the message on o'er the wide vale of Trent; Till Skiddaw saw the fire that burned on Gaunt's embattled pile, And the red glare ... — The Ontario Readers: Fourth Book • Various
... gorgeousness, the Lord of Day To the bright chambers of the west retired, And with the glory of his parting ray The hundred domes of Mexico he fired, When I, with vague and solemn awe inspired, Entered the Incarnation's sacred fane. The vaulted roof, the dim aisle far retired, Echoed the deep-toned organ's holy strain, Which through the incensed air did ... — Life in Mexico • Frances Calderon de la Barca
... stones. Its construction is extremely simple, and not remarkable in any way. In former times its summit was decked by a colossal statue of the saint. This fell down, and the head alone remained unmutilated. Like the statue, the fane is now in ruins, and its site is only visited for the ... — A Visit to the Holy Land • Ida Pfeiffer
... as I wander'd by each cliff and dell, Once the lov'd haunts of Scotia's royal train;^1 Or mus'd where limpid streams, once hallow'd well,^2 Or mould'ring ruins mark the sacred fane.^3 ... — Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns • Robert Burns
... so sweet, That he doth watch for coming of the feet That brings him happiness and thrill his heart— For one, of all thy kind who can impart To him the holiest bliss, the sweetest joy, That e'er can crown his life so tenderly; He worships thee within a holy fane, Let not his hope and joy be ... — Babylonian and Assyrian Literature • Anonymous
... one enters a land of meadow and oak-trees. This is the sacred central tract of Jupiter Apenninus, whose fane— ... — Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete - Series I, II, and III • John Symonds
... he boast some farther excellence— Mind to create as well as to attain; To sway his peers by golden eloquence, As wind doth shift a fane; ... — Poems by Jean Ingelow, In Two Volumes, Volume I. • Jean Ingelow
... decoyed the brave English from their position, and by stratagem succeeded in defeating them at last. Or go to the Madingley Windmill, near Cambridge, and see the fifteen miles of rich drained cornfields which intervene between "Ely's stately fane" and the spot on which you are standing. Here read Kingsley's well-known story of Hereward; or, The Last of the English, and instead of the rich cornfields you will see that black abyss of mud and bottomless slime ... — English Villages • P. H. Ditchfield
... journey. He was twice married—first to a daughter of Mr. Parsons, one of the auditors of the revenue; and afterwards to a daughter of Mr. Devenish, of a good family in Dorsetshire. By the first he had a son; and by the second a daughter, married afterwards to Mr. Fane. He died 6th December, 1718, in the forty-fifth year of his age, and was buried on the 19th of the same month in Westminster Abbey, in the aisle where many of our English poets are interred, over against Chaucer, his body being attended ... — Lives of the Poets: Gay, Thomson, Young, and Others • Samuel Johnson
... with our fate, We haul along the horse in solemn state, Then place the dire portent within the tower. Cassandra cried and cursed th' unhappy hour, Foretold our fate; but, by the gods' decree, All heard, and none believed the prophecy. With branches we the fane adorn, and waste In jollity the day ordained to be the last." —The AEneid. ... — Mosaics of Grecian History • Marcius Willson and Robert Pierpont Willson
... desecrated ourselves,—as who has not?—the remedy will be by wariness and devotion to reconsecrate ourselves, and make once more a fane of the mind. We should treat our minds, that is, ourselves, as innocent and ingenuous children, whose guardians we are, and be careful what objects and what subjects we thrust on their attention. Read not the Times. Read the Eternities. Conventionalities ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 72, October, 1863 • Various
... will listen to it; and, if it shall seem good to you, conscript fathers, free your state from the guilt of irreligious conduct. For we have seen with how great solemnity you not only worship your own deities, but entertain even those of foreign countries. We have a fane dedicated to Proserpine, of the sanctity of which temple I imagine some accounts must have reached you, during the war with Pyrrhus; who, when sailing by Locri, on his return from Sicily, among other horrid enormities which ... — History of Rome, Vol III • Titus Livius
... again, Calls again Her little fifers to these hills, We'll go—we two—to that arched fane Of leafage where they prime their bills Before they start to flood the plain With quavers, minims, shakes, and trills. "—We'll go," I sing; but who shall say What may not ... — Late Lyrics and Earlier • Thomas Hardy
... laurel-boughs and flowers, From house-tops and from windows, Fell on their crests in showers. When they drew nigh to Vesta, 745 They vaulted down amain, And washed their horses in the well That springs by Vesta's fane. And straight again they mounted, And rode to Vesta's door; 750 Then, like a blast, away they passed, And ... — Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School • O. J. Stevenson
... New-England men and women with some of the darkest problems of existence, and have more vital import to thoughtful minds than the records of Indian or Revolutionary warfare. In the "Prophetic Pictures," "Fancy's Show-Box," "The Great Carbuncle," "The Haunted Mind," and "Edward Fane's Rose-Bud," there are flashes of moral insight, which light up, for the moment, the darkest recesses of the individual mind; and few sermons reach to the depth of thought and sentiment from which these seemingly airy ... — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 31, May, 1860 • Various
... Itzamal was consecrated to him, under one of his names, Kabil, He of the Lucky Hand,[1] and the sick were brought there, as it was said that he had cured many by merely touching them. This fane was extremely popular, and to it pilgrimages were made from even such remote regions as Tabasco, Guatemala and Chiapas. To accommodate the pilgrims four paved roads had been constructed, to the North, South, East and West, straight toward the quarters ... — American Hero-Myths - A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent • Daniel G. Brinton
... wall, hiding all their rents and imperfections in its silver garment, and clothing their hoar majesty with the peculiar glory of the night. It was a wonderful sight to see the full moon looking down on the ruined fane of Kor. It was a wonderful thing to think for how many thousands of years the dead orb above and the dead city below had gazed thus upon each other, and in the utter solitude of space poured forth each to each the tale of their lost life and long-departed glory. The white light fell, ... — She • H. Rider Haggard
... it not in Monarchs' hall, Nor yet beneath the glittering pall, That hides Ambition's fane; Nor yet with Beauty does it dwell: It is not charm'd by magic spell, Nor bound ... — Withered Leaves from Memory's Garland • Abigail Stanley Hanna
... flesh of man untouched by steel. Lastly, he half filled his skull with burning embers, blew upon them till they shot forth tongues of crimson light, serving as a lamp, and motioning the Raja and his son to follow him, led the way to a little fane of the Destroying Deity erected in a dark clump of wood, outside and close ... — Vikram and the Vampire • Sir Richard F. Burton
... Smintheus! sprung from fair Latona's line,(47) Thou guardian power of Cilla the divine,(48) Thou source of light! whom Tenedos adores, And whose bright presence gilds thy Chrysa's shores. If e'er with wreaths I hung thy sacred fane,(49) Or fed the flames with fat of oxen slain; God of the silver bow! thy shafts employ, Avenge thy servant, and the ... — The Iliad of Homer • Homer
... if she had been some acceptable class of custom, and when the tall young clerk came in to ask him something, and Mrs. Atwell said, "I want to introduce you to Miss Claxon, Mr. Fane," the clerk smiled down upon her from the height of his smooth, acquiline young face, which he held bent encouragingly upon ... — Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells
... the chimes of Motherland, Of England green and old. That out from fane and ivied tower A thousand years have tolled; How glorious must their music be As breaks the hallowed day, And calleth with a seraph's voice A nation up ... — The World's Best Poetry Volume IV. • Bliss Carman
... from the delight of being avec vous. He hails and notifies additions to the list of her admirers; quotes enthusiastic praise of her from Stansfeld and Charles Villiers, warm appreciation from Morier, Sir Robert Peel, Violet Fane. He rallies her on her victims, jests at Froude's lover-like galanterie—"Poor St. Anthony! how he hovered round the flame";—at the devotion of that gay Lothario, Tyndall, whose approaching marriage will, he thinks, clip his wings for flirtation. "It seems that at the Royal ... — Biographical Study of A. W. Kinglake • Rev. W. Tuckwell
... demands of the writer the ability to catch striking details and to present them vividly and interestingly. Examples: Hawthorne's "Sylph Etherege" and "Old Esther Dudley;" Poe's "The Man of the Crowd;" James' "Greville Fane" and "Sir Edmund Orme;" Stevenson's "Will o' the Mill;" Wilkins' "The Scent of the Roses" and "A ... — Short Story Writing - A Practical Treatise on the Art of The Short Story • Charles Raymond Barrett
... hoot them or honour them, whether they wrap themselves in delicate apparelling, or, in rugged homespun, toil all day for bread, they are parts of the true temple which God esteems higher than cloistered crypt or stately fane, and the top stone of which shall hereafter be brought on ... — The Wesleyan Methodist Pulpit in Malvern • Knowles King
... resplendent couch, Nor the burnished ocean waves Paving that gorgeous dome, So fair, so wonderful a sight 215 As the eternal temple could afford. The elements of all that human thought Can frame of lovely or sublime, did join To rear the fabric of the fane, nor aught Of earth may image forth its majesty. 220 Yet likest evening's vault that faery hall, As heaven low resting on the wave it spread Its floors of flashing light, Its vast and azure dome; And on the verge of that obscure abyss 225 Where crystal battlements o'erhang the ... — The Daemon of the World • Percy Bysshe Shelley
... they as is the desert sand, Loud in their mirth, and of their bearing free; And gifts they bore, from the deep treasury And forests of some far-off Eastern lord, Vases of gold, and bronze, and ivory, That might the Pythian fane have over-stored. ... — Helen of Troy • Andrew Lang
... quivering beams beset, Her emblem sparkles o'er the minaret; The groves of olive scattered dark and wide, Where meek Cephisus pours his scanty tide, The cypress saddening by the sacred mosque, The gleaming turret of the gay kiosk, And, dun and sombre 'mid the holy calm, Near Theseus's fane yon solitary palm,— All, tinged with varied hues, arrest the eye, And dull were his that passed ... — Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various
... superbos. 19. commoda noxae disposed to harm. —North Pinder. 24. Marcius umor, i.e. the aqueduct of Q. Marcius Rex; built 145 B.C. 25. The Alban and Arician Lakes (Nemorensis mod. Nemi) are close together. 26. i.e. the well Iuturna in the Forum ('the well that springs by Vesta's fane') at which the Dioscuri washed their horses after their hot ride from Lake Regillus. 41. ad eloquium cives citizens to hear and profit by ... — Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce
... informed that one Mr Newton, alias Neville, alias Fane, and with a dozen other aliases, has been arrested at Padua for swindling. This ubiquitous gentleman has been travelling for some years at the expense of hotel-keepers, and other geese easily fleeced, on the Continent In the year 1862, ... — Cornelius O'Dowd Upon Men And Women And Other Things In General - Originally Published In Blackwood's Magazine - 1864 • Charles Lever
... fane I can not ask, and ask in vain; The language of Castille I speak, 'Mid many an Arab, many a Greek, Old in the days of Charlemagne, When minstrel-music wandered round, And science, waking, blessed ... — Christopher Columbus and His Monument Columbia • Various
... wavy alabaster, each and every slab being dressed so deftly and joined with such nice joinery that the whole pavement albeit covering so great a space, seemed to the sight but a single stone. In the centre of the terrace stood the domed fane towering some fifty cubits high and conspicuous for many miles around: its length was thirty cubits and its breadth twenty, and the red marbles of the revetment were clean polished as a mirror, so ... — Supplemental Nights, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton
... proud association of ideas—the bubbling spring, the golden, waving harvest, "ploughed by her breath"—the fane of Apollo suggesting in a word images of Greek maidens in chorus by the white temple of the God, the dew of Helicon, the soft waking of men from beneficent repose. It is all very well to talk of a bird doing all ... — Gifts of Genius - A Miscellany of Prose and Poetry by American Authors • Various |