"Ferme" Quotes from Famous Books
... Maxentius... tandem urbe in Saxa Rubra, millia ferme novem aegerrime progressus. Aurelius Victor. See Cellarius Geograph. Antiq. tom. i. p. 463. Saxa Rubra was in the neighborhood of the Cremera, a trifling rivulet, illustrated by the valor and glorious death ... — The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 1 • Edward Gibbon
... Church of Rome carried before Bishops. 2. Double cross, carried before Cardinals and Bishops. 3. Triple or Papal cross. 4. St. Andrew's and St. Peter's cross. 5. Maltese cross. 6. St. Anthony or Egyptian cross. 7. Cross of Jerusalem. 8. A cross patte or ferme (head or first). 9. A cross patonce (that is, growing larger at ... — Carpentry for Boys • J. S. Zerbe
... s'appauvrit parce qu'elle perd en impots improductifs une partie de son epargne, parce que ses fils travaillent moins, depensent plus et boivent davantage, parce qu'ils demandent des salaires trop eleves, et parce que la concurrence allemande, americaine, italienne, anglaise, nous ferme peu a peu tous les marches, et enfin parce que le phylloxera ruine la moitie du pays. Le courant protectionniste se prononce avec une ... — Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. - In Two Volumes. VOL. II. • John Knox Laughton
... vexations qu'ils commettent dans les provinces (Paris, Lambert, 1764, 2 vols., in-12). It was directed against the abominable system of taxation in vogue in France, which was mainly instrumental in producing the Revolution. Darigrand was a lawyer, and had been employed in la ferme gnrale. He knew all the iniquities of that curious institution; he knew the crushing taxes which were levied, and the tender mercies of the "cellar-rats," the gnawing bailiffs, who knew no pity. Indignant and disgusted by the whole business, he wrote his vehement exposure ... — Books Fatal to Their Authors • P. H. Ditchfield
... commonplace enough. Fenayrou was the son of a small chemist in the South of France, and had come to Paris from the Aveyron Department to follow his father's vocation. He obtained a situation as apprentice in the Rue de la Ferme des Mathurins in the shop of a M. Gibon. On the death of M. Gibon his widow thought she saw in Fenayrou a man capable of carrying on her late husband's business. She gave her daughter in marriage to her apprentice, and installed him in the shop. The ungrateful son-in-law, sure of his ... — A Book of Remarkable Criminals • H. B. Irving
... always took place at the chateau, and Mme. A. and I appeared at table. There were all sorts and kinds—some men in dress coats and white gloves, some very rough specimens in corduroys and thick-nailed shoes, having begun life as garcons de ferme (ploughboys). They were all intelligent, well up in politics, and expressed themselves very well, but I think, on the whole, they were pleased when Mme. A. and I withdrew and they went into the gallery for their ... — Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington
... Montreal appartenoit a Messieurs du Seminaire de St. Sulpice, en qualite de seigneurs. Ils en donnerent alors leur demission au roi, a condition que l'exercice leur en resteroit dans l'enclos de leur seminaire, et dans leur ferme de St. Gabriel, avec la propriete perpetuelle et incommutable du Greffe de la justice royale, qui seroit etablie dans l'isle, et la nomination du premier juge."—Charlevoix, ... — The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton
... guerets Avec yvresse Voit tes attraits; De la tendresse Et de la paix Les doux bienfaits Sur toute espece Vont s'epandant, Et sont l'aimant Dont la magie Enchaine et lie Tout l'univers L'homme pervers Dans sa malice Ferme son coeur A ces delices, Et de l'erreur Des gouts factices Fait son bonheur La noire envie Fille d'orgueil, Chaque furie Jusqu'au circueil, Tisse sa vie. Les vains desirs Les vrais plaisirs Sont antipodes; A ces pagodes Culte se rend, L'oeil s'y meprend Et perd de vue Felicite, La Deite La ... — A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse
... much. As for his own countrey men euery one serueth of his owne proper costes and charges, sauing that he giueth to his Harcubisiers certaine allowance for powder and shot: or else no man in all his countrey hath one pennie wages. But if any man hath done very good seruice he giueth him a ferme or a piece of lande; for the which hee is bound at all times to be readie with so many men as the Duke shall appoynt: who considereth in his mind what that lande or ferme is well able to finde: and so many shall he bee bound to furnish ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, • Richard Hakluyt
... yow with ferme[176] intent, To be walkryfe and diligent; For thir Lutherians, rissen of new, Our Ordour daylie dois persew: Thay smaikis do sett their haill intent, To reid this English New Testament; And sayes, We ... — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... te demander.... Aimes-[56] tu le bon Dieu?... Il faut l'aimer, vois-tu! mon cher, et avoir confiance en lui, et le prier ferme; sans quoi tu ne t'en tireras jamais.... Aux grandes souffrances de la vie je ne connais que trois remdes: le travail, la prire et la pipe, la pipe de terre, trs courte, souviens-toi de cela.... Quant aux philosophes, n'y compte pas; ils ne te consoleront jamais de ... — Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet
... finding them at fault. We see the fisherman, accordingly, unpacking his barrel, the housewife seeking a certificate for her hams, the exciseman inspecting the buffet, testing the brine, peering into the salt-box and, if it is of good quality, declaring it contraband because that of the ferme, the only legitimate salt, is usually ... — The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine
... curiosity, had penetrated into the solitude of Devil's Cliff; they were received with a royal hospitality, but they did not see the owners of the place. Six months after this visit, news was received of the death of the first husband, which occurred during a short visit taken by the couple to Terre-Ferme. ... — A Romance of the West Indies • Eugene Sue
... answer to a deputation of parliament, which attended him at Versailles. It may serve to show the spirit which exists between them. It was in these words, and these only: "Je vous ferai savoir mes intentions. Allez-vous-en. Qu'on ferme la porte." ... — The Writings of Thomas Jefferson - Library Edition - Vol. 6 (of 20) • Thomas Jefferson
... ex mari, quo egeret, et reddere, quo redundaret: ut mihi iam tum divinasse ille videatur, hanc urbem sedem aliquando et domum summo esse imperio praebituram: nam hanc rerum tantam {15} potentiam non ferme facilius alia in parte Italiae posita urbs tenere potuisset. Urbis autem ipsius is est tractus ductusque muri cum Romuli tum etiam reliquorum regum sapientia definitus ex omni parte arduis praeruptisque montibus. Locumque delegit {20} et fontibus ... — Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce
... Look at her: she's so impressed, and thinks it so wicked, that she's blushing and uncomfortable. I've a splendid way, Edith (pardon), of silencing all these elderly ladies who make love to me. I don't say "Ferme!" I'm polite ... — Love at Second Sight • Ada Leverson
... Normandy. lxxiii. Ferme de Turpe. lxxiv. Ferme de Turpe. lxxv. Ferme de Turpe. lxxvi. Ferme de Turpe. lxxvii. Manoir d' Ango. lxxviii. Manoir d' Ango. lxxix. Manoir d' ... — The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Vol. 1, 1895 • Various
... efforts, je vous assure, tendront sans cesse a empecher. L'attention impartiale avec laquelle j'ai suivi les causes qui ont fait echouer jusqu'a present toutes les tentatives de conciliation, me donne la ferme conviction qu'il n'existe pas d'obstacle reel qui ne puisse etre ecarte ou promptement surmonte avec ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria
... Ne tirez pas trop vite, menagez vos cartouches! Tenez ferme, mes enfants!" said an old officer, dismounting and walking coolly out beyond the ... — Lorraine - A romance • Robert W. Chambers
... arraigned and found gyltie of a murther, was only by his clergye saved; and as for his thousand pounde, Kyng Richard gave him not one farthing, saying that he which would be untrew to so good a master would be false to al other; howbeit some saie that he had a smal office or a ferme to ... — Handbook to the Severn Valley Railway - Illustrative and Descriptive of Places along the Line from - Worcester to Shrewsbury • J. Randall
... opportunitate loci, quam maximas potest copias omnium generum parat ac per tramites occultos exercitum Metelli antevenit.[271] Erat in ea parte Numidiae, quam Adherbal in divisione possederat, flumen oriens a meridie, nomine Muthul; a quo aberat mons ferme milia passuum viginti tractu pari,[272] vastus ab natura et humano cultu. Sed ex eo medio quasi collis oriebatur, in immensum pertingens,[273] vestitus oleastro ac murtetis aliisque generibus arborum, quae humi arido atque arenoso[274] ... — De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino • Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)
... about the stability of the Republic, and was evidently worried over the possibility of a general amnesty, "a very dangerous measure which no government should sanction." W. assured him there would be no general amnesty, but he seemed sceptical, repeated several times: "Soyez stable, soyez ferme." The Grande Duchesse talked to me about Paris, the streets were so gay, the shops so tempting, and all the people so smiling and happy. I suppose the contrast struck her, coming from Russia where the people look sad and listless. I was much ... — My First Years As A Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 • Mary King Waddington
... his friends, Madame Deshoulieres, shortly before he died sent him an ode on death, which aptly describes his state— "Oui, soyez alors plus ferme, Que ces vulgaires humains Qui, pres de leur dernier terme, De vaines terreurs sont pleins. En sage que rien n'offense, Livrez-vous sans resistance A d'inevitables traits; Et, d'une demarche egale, Passez cette onde ... — Reflections - Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims • Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld
... nouveau maitresse de la rive gauche du Danube, quand elle le voudra. Comme dans ce cas [nous] nos deux pays sont tenus par Traite a reprendre les armes, il me parait de notre devoir a prevenir de tels dangers. Ces dangers seront ecartes a l'instant que la France s'unira a nous pour tenir un langage ferme a la Russie, qui tache de nous desunir et il ne faut pas qu'elle ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria
... hardihood and love of freedom and country that distinguished early Greece and Rome in language of eloquence that might inflame any people to liberty. Of undegenerate Greece, free and invincible: "Mais ce que la Grece avait de plus grand etait une politique ferme et prevoyante, qui savait abandonner, hasarder et defendre, ce qu'il fallait; et, ce qui est plus grand encore, un courage que l'amour de la liberte et celui de la patrie rendaient invincible." Of ... — Principles of Freedom • Terence J. MacSwiney
... cultivateurs, devenus nombreux, auront defriche toutes les bonnes terres; par leur augmentation successive, et par la continuite du defrichement, il se trouvera un point ou il sera plus avantageux a un nouveau colon de prendre a ferme des terres fecondes, que d'en defricher de nouvelles beaucoup moins bonnes" (I, p. 126). The author was, however, unaware of ... — Principles Of Political Economy • John Stuart Mill
... hurriedly, "to gang doon to the ferm an' see if he can find oot onything aboot Marion Clerk an' Isabel Scott. I'm wae for thae lassies. They're ower guid to let live in peace at a time like this. Tell him to tell them frae me to flee to the hills. Noo that the hidy-hole is gaen, there's no' ... — Hunted and Harried • R.M. Ballantyne |