"Forme" Quotes from Famous Books
... the candlestick that clearest there shone. er apered a paume, with poyntel in fyngres There appeared a palm with a pointel in its fingers, at wat[gh] grysly & gret, & grymly he wrytes That was grisly and great, and grimly it writes, None oer forme bot a fust faylaynde e wryst None other form but a fist failing the wrist Pared on e parget, purtrayed lettres Pared on the plaister, pourtrayed letters. When at bolde Balta[gh]ar blusched to at neue When that bold Belshazzar looked to that fist, Such a dasande drede dusched to his hert ... — Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various
... remember or conceaue what proposition you meane. If I haue had such a one of you, tel me what one it is and by what tokens I may know it ; If I haue not had, then let me now haue it, for you know how much I loue your things and of all wayes of teaching for richnesse and fullnesse for stuffe and forme, yours vnto me are incomparablie most satisfactorie. If your leasure giue you leaue imparte also unto me somewhat els of your riches in ... — Thomas Hariot • Henry Stevens
... qu'il y ait plus de treize cens ans. Entre ces figures sont treize fenestres de chacun coste, qui rendent un grand jour par toute l'eglise: derriere la troisieme et quatrieme colomne de la main droite est un tres-beau et riche base de marbre blanc de forme ronde a six pans de quelques trois pieds de diametre, qui sert ... — Palestine or the Holy Land - From the Earliest Period to the Present Time • Michael Russell
... the Greate. With his impassionate furie, for the death of his Lady and Loue fair Zenocrate: his forme of exhortation and discipline to his three Sonnes, and the manner of his owne death. The second part. London Printed by E. A. for Ed. White, and are to be solde at his Shop neere the little North doore of Saint Paules Church at the Signe of the ... — Tamburlaine the Great, Part II. • Christopher Marlowe
... her painting, than Her face would seeme but pale, Then Iuno would haue blush't for shame And Venus looked stale. Eurymine, thy selfe alone Shouldst beare the golden ball; So far would thy most heauenly forme Excell the others all; O happie Phoebus! happie then, Most happie should I bee If faire Eurymine would please To ioyne in ... — Old English Plays, Vol. I - A Collection of Old English Plays • Various
... Rue des "Vieux Augustin" est l'etablissement de M. Delacroix Mecanicien Bandagiste Gymnastique pour redresser les defauts de la nature, particulierement chez les femmes. On y remarque Le Mat qui est une Colonne en forme de Mat, autour duquel se trouvent des echellons servant a monter pour developer les hanches et la poitrine; les Colonnes ou piliers, exercice servant a mettre le corps droit. Le Balancier sert a redresser ... — A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium • Richard Boyle Bernard
... des contours, Mais d'ou vienne la forme qui touche? Comment fais-tu les grands amours, ... — Life Immovable - First Part • Kostes Palamas
... "common-sense." The tendency to exalt the letter of what is spoken or written, at the expense of the spirit, is as much of the essence of ecclesiasticism as of legalism. "Si dans les regles du salut le fond l'emporterait sur la forme, ce serait la ruine du sacerdoce." And, as a matter of experience, the hair-splitting puerilities of Pharisaism under the Old Dispensation have been matched, and more than matched, in the spheres of ritual, of dogmatic theology, and of casuistical morality, ... — What Is and What Might Be - A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular • Edmond Holmes
... my hert emprynted is so sore Her shap her forme & al her semelynes Her porte her chere, her godenes more & more Her womanhed and eke her gentiles Her trout[h], her fait[h] and her kyndnes Wit[h] alle vertues eche set in her degre Ther is no lack, ... — The Temple of Glass • John Lydgate
... Sonnerat tells us, about the bird of Paradise, agrees perfectly with the account here given of the preserved red-birds. Speaking of the Papous, he proceeds thus: "Ils nous presenterent plusieurs especes d'oiseaux, aussi elegants par leur forme, que brillants par l'eclat de leur couleurs. La depouille des oiseaux sert a la parure des Chefs, qui la portent attachee a leurs bonnets en forme d'aigrettes. Mais en preparant les peaux, ils coupent les pieds. Les Hollandois, qui trafiquent sur ces cotes, y achetent de ces peaux ainsi ... — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 16 • Robert Kerr
... laissee son accueil si plein de grace et d'affectueuse bonte. La politique nous a rapproches d'abord, mais aujourd'hui qu'il m'a ete permis de connaitre personnellement votre Majeste c'est une vive et respectueuse sympathie qui forme desormais le veritable lien qui m'attache a elle. Il est impossible en effet de vivre quelques jours dans votre intimite sans subir le charme qui s'attache a l'image de la grandeur et du bonheur de la ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria
... ou la Lune ocieuse Tourne si lentement son char tout a l'entour, Ou le Coq si tardif nous annonce le jour, Ou la nuict semble un an a l'ame soucieuse: Je fusse mort d'ennuy sans ta forme douteuse Qui vient par une feinte alleger mon amour, Et faisant toute nue entre mes bras sejour Me pipe doucement d'une joye menteuse. Vraye tu es farouche, et fiere en cruaute: De toy fausse on jouyst en toute privaute. ... — Avril - Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance • H. Belloc
... right vp, and I would haue cryed out, but could not: and presently the Woolfe ranne away: wherevpon returning to my selfe, and casting my eyes towards the wooddie mountaines, which seemed to ioyne themselues together, beeing looked vnto a farre off, I sawe the forme of a tower of an incredible heygth, with a spyre vnperfectlie appearing, all being of very ... — Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame • Francesco Colonna
... qui n'a point de Style forme, ecrivant au hazard, employe des Expressions outrees en des Choses tres communes; & quand il en veut dire de plus relevees, il les affoiblit par des Expressions basses, & fait ramper le fort avec le foible. Il tend sans relache a un sublime qu'il ne connoit pas, & ... — A Critical Essay on Characteristic-Writings - From his translation of The Moral Characters of Theophrastus (1725) • Henry Gally
... occurred to a well-known book lately published, called Men of the Time. It sometimes happens in a printing-office that some of the types, perhaps a printed line or two, fall out of "the forme." Those in whose hands the accident occurs generally try to put things to rights as well as they can, and may be very successful in restoring appearances with the most deplorable results to the sense. It happened thus in the instance referred to. ... — The Book-Hunter - A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author • John Hill Burton
... not by right, she cast to win by guile, And by her hellish science raisd streightway A foggy mist, that overcast the day, And a dull blast, that breathing on her face, Dimmed her former beauties shining ray, 340 And with foule ugly forme did her disgrace: Then was she faire alone, when none was ... — Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I • Edmund Spenser
... orthography of the period. The following are portions of it: "I leon Dymoke of maryng of the hill in the Countie of lincolne knyght being of good and hoole mynde make and ordigne my testament and Last will in forme following | First I bequeathe my soule to almyghty god and to the blessid virgine his mother seint Mary and to all the holy Company of heven | And forasmoch as no man is certeine of the houre of dethe nor what place ... — A History of Horncastle - from the earliest period to the present time • James Conway Walter
... toujours des vers, et bien ou mal appliques ils prouvent que le vainqueur de l'Autriche aime les belles-lettres que j'aime de tout mon coeur. D'ailleurs D'Arnaud est un bon diable, qui par-oi par-la ne laisoe pas de rencontrer de bons tirades. Il a du gout, il se forme, et s'il aime qu'il se deforme, il n'y a pas grand mal. En un mot, la petite meprise du Roi de Prusse n'empeche pas qu'il ne soit le plus singulier de tous ... — Berlin and Sans-Souci • Louise Muhlbach
... which I could plainly discern my master (or, as I believed for a moment, my master's ghost), with coat off, and sweating with the heat of the place, working like any journeyman at a printing-press, on which lay a forme of type, which he inked with his balls and struck off in print with the noises which had ... — Sir Ludar - A Story of the Days of the Great Queen Bess • Talbot Baines Reed
... 91/2^{h.} post merid; the Air light (in weight) and clear, without inflecting parts; the Face appear'd most distinctly of this Forme. A shallow Charge. ... — Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Vol 1 - 1666 • Various
... appearance. "Leurs habits sont aises a faire, car en ce doux climat on ne porte qu'une piece d'etoffe fine et legere, qui n'est point taillee et que chacun met a long plis autour de son corps pour la modestie; lui donnant la forme ... — Lander's Travels - The Travels of Richard Lander into the Interior of Africa • Robert Huish
... in open Court, to returne a Iurie of worthy sufficient Gentlemen of vnderstanding, to passe betweene our soueraigne Lord the Kinges Maiestie, and her, and others the Prisoners, vpon their liues and deathes; as hereafter follow in order: who were afterwardes sworne, according to the forme and order of the Court, the Prisoners being admitted to ... — Discovery of Witches - The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster • Thomas Potts
... Reason, rules the state of things, Reward goes backwards, Honor on his head, Who is not poore is monstrous; only Need Gives forme and worth to every humane seed. As cedars beaten with continuall stormes, 5 So great men flourish; and doe imitate Unskilfull statuaries, who suppose (In forming a Colossus) if they make him Stroddle enough, stroot, and look bigg, and gape, ... — Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois • George Chapman
... that a printer's widow in Germany once tampered with the purity of the text of a Bible printed in her house, for which crime she was burned to death. She arose in the night, when all the workmen were in bed, and going to the "forme'' entirely changed the meaning of a text which particularly offended her. The text was Gen. iii. 16 ("Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over ... — Literary Blunders • Henry B. Wheatley
... reteyne that worship of the inuisible god which was deliuered them in worde / but they wolde worshippe the true God vnder some signe / and visible form and shape / whiche sholde represent vnto them the liuinge God their deliuerer: And that shape or forme they moste desyred to haue / wich they hade seene the Egyptians vse to represente vnto them their god: They vsed the form or shape of an oxe / the very same forme wolde the Israelytes nowe haue: And as the very heathen men mighte haue sayde that ... — A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful • Peter Martyr
... Oldcastle, Scholemaster, who, as appeareth by his treatise, then taught Arithmetike, and this booke in Saint Ollaves parish in Marko Lane.'' John Melfis refers to the fact that the principle of accounts he explains (which is a simple system of double entry) is "after the forme of Venice.'' The very interesting and able book described as The Merchants Mirrour, or directions for the perfect ordering and keeping af his accounts formed by way of Debitor and Creditor, after the (so termed) Italian manner, by Richard Dafforne, accountant, ... — Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia
... solutions proposees pour resoudre le probleme philosophique. La theologie ne doit plus etre que l'histoire des efforts spontanes tentes pour resoudre le probleme divin. L'histoire, en effet, est la forme necessaire de la science de tout ce qui est soumis aux lois de la vie changeante et successive. La science des langues, c'est l'histoire des langues; la science des litteratures et des philosophies, c'est l'histoire des litteratures et des philosophies; ... — History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion • Adam Storey Farrar
... 604: 'Custome is a second nature, and no less powerfull.... To conclude, I am ready to finish this man, not to make another. By longe custome this forme is changed into substance, ... — Shakspere And Montaigne • Jacob Feis
... facsimile impression of a leaf of sage, has already been published in the Saggio delle Opere di L. da Vinci, Milano 1872, p. 11. G. GOVI observes on this passage: "Forse aveva egli pensato ancora a farsi un erbario, od almeno a riprodurre facilmente su carta le forme e i particolari delle foglie di diverse piante; poiche (modificando un metodo che probabilmente gli eia stato insegnato da altri, e che piu tardi si legge ripetuto in molti ricettarii e libri di segreti), accanto a una foglia di Salvia impressa in nero su carta bianca, lascio scritto: ... — The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci
... possessed with this common errour, to judge of others according to what I am my selfe. I am easie to beleeve things differing from my selfe. Though I be engaged to one forme, I do not tie the world unto it, as every man doth. And I beleeve and conceive a thousand manners of life, contrary to the common sorte." ... — The Essays of Montaigne, Complete • Michel de Montaigne
... s'éveillait en moi quand mourut ma jeunesse, et j'étais inspiré de conserver mon passé, son esprit et sa forme, dans l'art. ... — Confessions of a Young Man • George Moore
... she can charme for fyer and skalding in forme as oulde women do, sayeng 'Owt fyer in frost, in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the Holly Ghost;' and she hath used when the skyn of children do cleve fast, to advise the mother to annoynt them with the mother's milk and ... — Notes & Queries, No. 30. Saturday, May 25, 1850 • Various
... 271, l. 14, C'est que c'est une chose difficile a rencontrer que la naissance d'un bouddha, aussi difficile a rencontrer que la fleur de l'Udumbara, que l'introduction du col d'une tortue dans l'ouverture d'un joug forme par le grand ocean. ... — Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I - Essays on the Science of Religion • Friedrich Max Mueller
... of Aristotle's Poetics spreading through Italy, Germany, France, and England, gave the plot or fable more importance, allegory lost its hold on the minds of the critics. When Ben Jonson writes in his Timber "For the Fable and Fiction is, as it were, the forme and Soule of any Poeticall worke or Poeme"[419] the change had come. Jonson, like Sidney, was steeped in classical criticism as interpreted and spread abroad by the sixteenth-century critics of the continent. But while Sidney ... — Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance - A Study of Rhetorical Terms in English Renaissance Literary Criticism • Donald Lemen Clark
... personall appearance before them. At what time, if upon their motion, if he would be contente to quitte and give over that parte of his Patente, and contrary therunto woulde submitte himselfe to the general forme of governemente as all others did, that then his Burgesses should be readmitted, otherwise they were utterly to be excluded as being spies rather than[43] loyal Burgesses, because they had offered themselves to be assistant ... — Colonial Records of Virginia • Various
... and checked word by word. In this passage Casanova says, for instance: Elle venoit presque tous les jours lui faire une belle visite. This is altered into: Cependant chaque jour Therese venait lui faire une visite. Casanova says that some one avoit, comme de raison, forme le projet d'allier Dieu avec le diable. This is made to read: Qui, comme de raison, avait saintement forme le projet d'allier les interets du ciel aux oeuvres de ce monde. Casanova tell us that ... — Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons
... rarement expose—m'est survenu aussi mal-a-propos qu'a cette fois-ci. J'avois compte de jouir encore au moins quelques jours, apres mon retablissement, de votre entretien, et jetter les fondemens d'une amitie collegiale pour la future. La nouvelle, que M. Scherer m'apporte, me desole. J'avois forme le plan de vous accompagner pour voir quelqu'uns de nos Institutions remarquables, principalement La Lithographie, "Vana Somnia!" Votre resolution de quitter Munich plutot que je n'avois pense, detruit mes esperances. N'est-ce-pas possible que vous ... — A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three • Thomas Frognall Dibdin
... on moins troubles par un reste de propre justice, que les plus humbles eux-memes trainent partout avec eux. Cette malheureuse force propre, cette eloquence propre, cette science propre, cette influence propre, forme en nous comme un petit sanctuaire favori, que notre orgueil jaloux tient ferme a la force Dieu, pour s'y reserver un dernier refuge. Mais si nous pouvions devenir enfin faibles tout de bon et desesperer absolument de nous-memes, la force ... — The Preacher and His Models - The Yale Lectures on Preaching 1891 • James Stalker
... that is toward the Northe, that wee clepen the lode sterre, ne apperethe not to hem. For whiche cause, men may wel perceyve, that the lond and the see ben of rownde schapp and forme. For the partie of the firmament schewethe in o contree, that schewethe not in another contree. And men may well preven be experience and sotyle compassement of wytt, that zif a man fond passages be schippes, that wolde go to serchen the world, men mighte go be schippe ... — The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown
... jetees dans la piscine. On put alors constater tout le dommage que ce miserable petit animal avait cause aux especes sacrees dont les debris ici tombaient en poussiere, la se trouvaient ronges et laceres, de telle sorte que l'Hostie n'avait presque plus rien de sa forme circulaire, et presentait de profondes decoupures partout ou le vermisseau s'etait livre ... — Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland • George Forrest Browne
... letter if they are not supported by the oaths of persons in a situation to give them validity." 3rd Phillimore, 394. Further, "Valin sur l'Ordonnance" says, "Il y a plus, et parceque les pieces en forme trouvees abord, peuvent encore avoir ete concertees en fraude, il a ete ordonne par arret de conseil du 26 Octobre, 1692, que les depositions contraires des gens de l'equipage pris, prevaudrojent a ces pieces." ... — The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter • Raphael Semmes
... nobly, and Ile meet you In the same line of honour, and I hope, Being blest but with one daughter, I shall not Appeare impertinently curious, Though with my utmost vigilance and study, I labour to bestow her to her worth; Let others speak her forme, and future fortune From me descending to her; I in that Sit down with silenc[e]. Bri. You may my Lord securely, Since fame alowd proclaimeth her perfections, Commanding all mens tongues to sing her praises; Should I say more, you well might censure ... — The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher - Vol. 2 of 10: Introduction to The Elder Brother • Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
... recreation of the minde which is taken heereby cannot be but verie good and honest, for they admonish and stir up a man to that which is comely and honest. For flowers, through their beautie, varietie of colour, and exquisite forme, do bring to a liberall and gentle manly minde the remembrance of honestie, comeliness, and all kinds of vertues. For it would be an unseemely and filthie thing, as a certain wise man saith, for him that doth looke upon and handle faire ... — Proserpina, Volume 2 - Studies Of Wayside Flowers • John Ruskin
... siliceous sand, mingled with much finely comminuted particles of shells and coral. Further in the offing, for a space of 1,300 miles along the coast, from the Abrolhos Islands to Maranham, the bottom in many places is composed of "tuf blanc, mele ou forme de madrepores broyes." This white substance, probably, is analogous to that which occurs within the above-mentioned lagoons; it is sometimes, according to Roussin, firm, and he compares it ... — Coral Reefs • Charles Darwin
... almost to gelly. [C1] With the act of feare stands dumbe, And speake not to him: this to mee In dreadfull secresie impart they did. And I with them the third night kept the watch, Where as they had delivered forme of the thing. Each part made true and good, The Apparition comes: I knew your father, These handes are not more like. Ham. Tis very strange. Hor. As I do liue, my honord lord, tis true, And wee ... — The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke - The First ('Bad') Quarto • William Shakespeare
... aulic counsellor, M. Dufour, and Dr. Gross, waited upon him after the battle of Luetzen, he expressed himself in the following terms respecting the corps of revenge: Je sais bien que c'est chez vous qu'on a forme ce corps de vengeance, mais qui enfin n'est qu'une policonnerie qui n'a ete bon a rien. It was on this occasion also that the deputies received from the imperial ruffian one of those insults which are so common with him, and which might ... — Frederic Shoberl Narrative of the Most Remarkable Events Which Occurred In and Near Leipzig • Frederic Shoberl (1775-1853)
... controversy, kept silence and took no part in the discussions. But when all the theories had been presented to the public, he set about refuting them. He made himself very merry, in the seventh edition of 'Questions sur l'Encyclopedie distibuees en forme de Dictionnaire (Geneva, 1791), over the complaisance attributed to Louis XIV in acting as police-sergeant and gaoler for James II, William III, and Anne, with all of whom he was at war. Persisting still in taking 1661 or 1662 as the date when the incarceration of the masked prisoner began, ... — CELEBRATED CRIMES, COMPLETE - THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK • ALEXANDRE DUMAS, PERE
... surpris. "Vous demandez un charme de plus. Impossible! Je vous ai dj donn tous les charmes. Je vous ai donn une forme parfaite. Je vous ai donn une couleur charmante. Je vous ai donn un parfum dlicat. Je vous ai donn tous les charmes et toutes les grces, et vous demandez un attrait (charme) de ... — Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber
... La Nouvelle Heloise, Partie IV. Lettre xvii, Oeuvres, etc., ii. 262: "Un torrent, forme par la fonte des neiges, rouloit a vingt pas de nous line eau bourbeuse, et charrioit avec bruit du limon, du sable et des pierres.... Des forets de noirs sapins nous ombrageoient tristement a droite. Un grand bois de chenes etoit a gauche ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron
... inclinees; on en voit la de verticales et meme quelque fois de renversees en sens contraire, qui sont soutenues par le plus exterieures. Celle ci font avec l'horizon un angle de 60 a 65 degres. Ces couches sont souvent tres etendues, bien suivies, et continues a de tres-grandes distances. Leur assemblage forme une epaisseur considerable au pied de la montagne. Elles ont cependant ete rompues, et manquent meme totalement dans quelques places. Cela meme donne la facilite de les bien observer, parce qu'en se postant ... — Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton
... disfraz expresa Y a la intencion ajusta la promesa? No del espejo al importuno ensayo 5 La risa se compone, el paso, el gesto; No falta alli carmin al rostro honesto Que la modestia y la salud colora, Ni la mirada que lanzo al soslayo Timido amor, la senda al alma ignora. 10 ?Esperareis que forme Mas venturosos lazos himeneo, Do el interes barata, Tirano del deseo, Ajena mano y fe por nombre o plata, 15 Que do conforme gusto, edad conforme, Y eleccion libre, y mutuo ardor ... — Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various
... weak of bodie, but of perfect minde and memorie, I praise God therefore, this thirtieth daie of December in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fortie and six, doe make and declare this my will and testament in manner and forme following:—First and principallie, I comend my soule to the hands of Almighty God my Maker, trusting by the meritts, death, and passion of his sonn Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, to have life everlasting; and my bodie I comitt to the earth from whence it came, to ... — The Life of John Milton Vol. 3 1643-1649 • David Masson
... (Voyage de Decouvertes 1 316): "Le 30 mars, a la pointe du jour, nous portames sur la terre, que nous atteignimes bientot. Un grand cap, qui fut appele Cap Richelieu [it is now Cape Schanck] se projette en avant, et forme l'entree d'une baie profonde, que nous nommames Baie Talleyrand. Sur la cote orientale de cette baie, et presque vers son fond, se trouve un port, dont on distinguoit assez bien les contours du haut des mats; nous le designames ... — Terre Napoleon - A history of French explorations and projects in Australia • Ernest Scott
... plus. Elle avait pris en horreur le savon. Est-ce une aversion hereditaire, datant de la premiere femme qui a senti la puanteur de cet abominable savon francais, avant la bienfaisante invention de M. POIRES? Sans doute c'etait l'atavisme en quelque forme. Elle avait son beguin. C'etait le linge sale. Plus il etait sale, plus elle en raffolait. Elle ne voulait plus les chemises en batiste fine du Prince de BALEINES. Elle priait les aristos du Jockey Club de donner leurs plastrons a d'autres. Les clients qu'elle preferait etaient les ... — Punch, Or The London Charivari, VOL. 100. Feb. 28, 1891 • Various
... published in 1585, The scratchinge of the wytches, published in 1579, and A lamentable songe of Three Wytches of Warbos, and executed at Huntingdon, published in 1593. Already in 1562-3 "a boke intituled A poosye in forme of a visyon, agaynste wytche Crafte, and Sosyrye," written "in myter" by John Hall, had been published (Stationers' Registers, ... — A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718 • Wallace Notestein
... coast is not deepe of earth, bringing foorth abundantly peason, small, yet good feeding for cattel. Roses, passing sweet, like unto our mucke roses in forme, raspases, a berry which we call harts, good and holesome to eat. The grasse and herbe doth fat sheepe in very short space, proved by English marchants which have caried sheepe thither for fresh victuall, and had them raised exceeding fat in lesse than three weekes. ... — The Story of Newfoundland • Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of Birkenhead
... is the next presents it selfe; which is onely a headland of high hils of sand, ouergrowne with shrubbie pines, hurts, and such trash; but an excellent harbor for all weathers. This Cape is made by the maine Sea on the one side, and a great Bay on the other in forme of a sickle: on it doth inhabit the people of Pawmet: and in the bottome of the ... — Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II - The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733 • Various
... Essex were inclined, and by which he often made himselfe ridiculous or contemptible, drew all those of the like sowre or reserved natures to his society and conversation, and gave him opportunity to forme ther understandings, inclinations, and resolutions to his owne modell; and by this he grew to have a wounderfull interest in the Common souldyers, out of which, as his authority increased, he made all his Officers, ... — Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles • Various
... of the mere shell of epic, and avoids any semblance of epic scope. But by devising somehow a connected sequence of idylls, something of epic scope can be acquired again. As Hugo says, in his preface to La Legende des Siecles: "Comme dans une mosaique, chaque pierre a sa couleur et sa forme propre; l'ensemble donne une figure. La figure de ce livre," he goes on, "c'est l'homme." To get an epic design or figure through a sequence of small idylls need not be the result of mere technical curiosity. It may be a valuable ... — The Epic - An Essay • Lascelles Abercrombie
... for the Portuguese; but Selden tells us, that "their Cortesias and giving of titles grew at length, through the affectation of heaping great attributes on their princes to such an insufferable forme, that a remedie was provided against it." This remedy was an act published by Philip III. which ordained that all the Cortesias, as they termed these strange phrases they had so servilely and ridiculously ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli
... in her better parte? Goe, serche the logges [1] and bordels[2] of the hynde[3]; Gyff[4] theie have anie, itte ys roughe-made arte, Inne hem[5] you see the blakied[6] forme of kynde[7]. Haveth your mynde a lycheynge[8] of a mynde? 5 Woulde it kenne everich thynge, as it mote[9] bee? Woulde ytte here phrase of the vulgar from the hynde, Withoute wiseegger[10] wordes and knowlache[11] free? Gyf soe, rede thys, whyche Iche dysporteynge[12] ... — The Rowley Poems • Thomas Chatterton
... books. Henry Smalls, owner of the Smalls Lot on Comin' Street was Second Lieutenant on the Police Force. Henry Fordham was Second Assistant Lieutenant. Captain James Williams, Third Assistant Lieutenant who become Captain of the Military Department an' forme' the Carolina Light Infantry which was recogniz' 'til Ben Tillman call' them on the Green ... — Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration
... of Christ." God has something in His kingdom that fits each spiritual stature, something suited to each intellectual capacity. He does not want one and the same note struck by all—"harping blindly on one string." He does not want men to be "tyed to one forme and kept forever to one lesson, unable to top up their work"—He wants men to "go from strength to strength, from faith to faith and ... — Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries • Rufus M. Jones
... Principles of Legislation, a preface written under the eye of Mr. Bentham, and published with his sanction, are the following still more remarkable expressions: "M. Bentham est bien loin d'attacher une preference exclusive a aucune forme de gouvernement. Il pense que la meilleure constitution pour un peuple est celle a laquelle il est accoutume . . . Le vice fondamental des theories sur les constitutions politiques, c'est de commencer par attaquer celles qui existent, et d'exciter ... — Critical and Historical Essays Volume 1 • Thomas Babington Macaulay
... misere, qui a cause le malheur de ce Roi et sa famille. Le Duc Charles est, en attendant, Regent avec tout le pouvoir du Roi, et il sera fait et declare pour Roi de Swede aussitot que les etats ont eu le tems pour faire une autre forme de regence. Dans le moment on apporte la nouvelle que les Autrichiens ont totalement battu l'armee de Napoleon. Si cela se manifeste, je n'en doute pas que cela causerat des grands changemens chez ... — Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross
... Hedelin, Abbe D'Aubignac, a famous critic and champion of the theatre, was born at Paris, 4 August, 1604. Amongst his best known works are: Terence justifie (4to, 1646, Paris), an attack on Menage; La Practique du theatre (4to, 1669, Paris); and Dissertations concernant le poeme dramatique en forme de remarques sur les deux tragedies de M. Corneille, intitulees Sophonisbe et Sertorious (12mo, 1663, Paris). He died ... — The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. III • Aphra Behn
... au Roy, faite en forme de Complainte (1566). This is a petition for redress to Charles the Ninth from the relatives of the French massacred in Florida by the Spaniards. It recounts many incidents of ... — Pioneers Of France In The New World • Francis Parkman, Jr.
... Nay my good Lord, let me ore-rule you now; That sport best pleases that doth least know how. Where Zeale striues to content, and the contents Dies in the Zeale of that which it presents: Their forme confounded, makes most forme in mirth When great things labouring perish in their birth." ... — Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 • Various
... trasnlates "Tarz," "Markaz" or "Mirkaz" by Un pierrre en forme de dame, instrument qui sert a enfoncer les paves ( our "beetle"); ... — Supplemental Nights, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton
... the finest Wheat flower you can get, to which you must put in a spoonfull (and not above) of good Yest, then mingle it well with Butter, cream, Rose-water, and sugar, finely beaten, and working it well into paste, make it after what forme you ... — A Book of Fruits and Flowers • Anonymous
... nous dit: Sors de la fange, Peuple en proie aux deceptions, Travaille, groupe par phalange, Dans un cercle d'attractions; La terre, apres tant de desastres, Forme avec le ciel un hymen, Et la loi qui regit les astres, Donne ... — The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury
... to my loving brother of Castille. But, generall, vnfolde in breefe discourse Your forme of battell and your warres successe, That, adding all the pleasure of thy newes Vnto the height of former happines, With deeper wage and gentile dignitie We ... — The Spanish Tragedie • Thomas Kyd
... dire, qu'elle leur a laisse briser la chaine de besoins qui les liait, qui les attachait a elle, et qui les fait dependants. Aussi toutes ces Colonies Anglaises auraient-elles depuis longtemps secoue le joug, chaque province aurait forme une petite republique independante, si la crainte de voir les Francais a leur Porte n'avait ete un frein qui les avait retenu. Maitres pour maitres, ils ont pefere leurs compatriotes aux etrangers; prenant cependant pour maxime ... — History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle
... put the ball which is thought to be in your left hand vnderneath the same, and so vnder the other candlesticks Boxes &c. seeme to bestow the other balls, and all this while the beholders will suppose each ball to be vnder each box, or candlestick &c. this done vse some charme or forme of words (before set downe) as hey Fortuna furie nunquam credo, passe passe: then take vp the candlestick with one hand and blow, saying thats gone you see: and so likewise looke vnder each candlestick with like grace and words (for you must remember to carry a good grace and face on the matter) ... — The Art of Iugling or Legerdemaine • Samuel Rid
... rayn. Aug. 12th, recepi literas a D. Doctore Andrea Hess occult philosophi studioso, per Richardi Hesketh amici mei, Antwerpi agentis, diligentiam in negociis meis, et recepi, una cum literis, Mercurii Mensitam seu Sigillam Planetarum. Aug. 26th, abowt 8 (at night) a strange meteore in forme of a white clowde crossing galaxiam, whan it lay north and sowth over our zenith; this clowd was at length from the S.E. to the S.W. sharp at both endes, and in the west ende it was forked for a while; it was abowt ... — The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee - And the Catalog of His Library of Manuscripts • John Dee
... stands between "le Dieu inaccessible, et inconnaissable, qui regne dans les spheres etherees, et le genre humain qui s'agite ici-bas."—"Il est le Logos emane de Dieu, et participant a sa toute puissance, qui apres avoir forme le monde comme demiurge continue a veiller sur lui." The initiates must practice a strict chastity—"La resistance a la sensualite etait un des aspects du combat contre le principe du mal—le dualisme ... — From Ritual to Romance • Jessie L. Weston
... de Padoue a Milan Ou se trouvent le Cene, et un restaurant pas cher. Lui pense aux pourboires, et redige son bilan. Ils auront vu la Suisse et traverse la France. Et Saint Apollinaire, raide et ascetique, Vieille usine desaffectee de Dieu, tient encore Dans ses pierres ecroulantes la forme precise de Byzance. ... — Poems • T. S. [Thomas Stearns] Eliot
... paper in its locked formes lay on a stone-topped table, a proof by the side; but not for worlds would Beetle have corrected from the mere proof. With a mallet and a pair of tweezers, he knocked out mysterious wedges of wood that released the forme, picked a letter here and inserted a letter there, reading as he went along and stopping much to chuckle over ... — Stalky & Co. • Rudyard Kipling
... bouche fort ouverte fait voir le saisissement du coeur, par le sang qui se retire vers lui, ce qui l'oblige, voulant respirer, a faire un effort qui est cause que la bouche s'ouvre extremement, et qui, lorsqu'il passe par les organes de la voix, forme un son qui n'est point articule; que si les muscles et les veines paraissent enfles, ce n'est que par les esprits que le cerveau envoie en ces parties-la." I have thought the foregoing sentences worth quoting, as ... — The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals • Charles Darwin
... which Aegypt whilome did devise, All that which Greece their temples to embrave, After th'Ionicke, Atticke, Doricke guise, Or Corinth skil'd in curious workes to grave, All that Lysippus practike* arte could forme, Apelles wit, or Phidias his skill, Was wont this auncient citie to adorne, And the heaven it selfe with her wide wonders fill. All that which Athens ever brought forth wise, All that which Afrike ever brought forth strange, All that which Asie ever ... — The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5 • Edmund Spenser
... tout-puissant, qui avez forme le coeur de vos saints avec une admirable bonte, afin qu'ils deviennent pour nous une source de bienfaits et de consolation; assistez-nous dans le pressant besoin ou nous nous trouvons et sauvez-nous de la mort, par les prieres at les merites de saint Hubert de ... — Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing • George Barton Cutten
... do believe you equally just as brave: and were your whole sex drawn out forme to choose, I should not cast a look upon the multitude if you were absent. But, my lord, I'm a woman; colours, concealments may hide a thousand faults in me, therefore know me better first; I hardly dare affirm I know myself in anything except my ... — The Beaux-Stratagem • George Farquhar
... the Spirit of adoption teaching them to pray, Gal. iv. 6; Rom. viii. 26; and to whom God hes opened a doore of utterance, to speak the gospell with boldness, haveing touched their lips with a coall from His awin altar) to such a Liturgie as is to be made the onlie forme of God's publict worship. For though I confess good use may be made of a formed Liturgie and publict service, to serve for a rule to other kirks to fall on the like way, finding it warranted by the Word, and to be as a monument to the posteritie, who thence ... — The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell
... graceful story of his love with a charm that is almost natural. And, although he checks the action of the story for thirty-three pages, we are sorry to take leave of this "fatherlye and friendlye sire"; for he lays for a time the ghost of homily, which reappears directly his guests begin to "forme their steppes towards London." Having reached the Court, in due time Philautus, in accordance with the prophecies of Euphues though much to his disgust, falls in love. The lady of his choice, however, has unfortunately given ... — John Lyly • John Dover Wilson
... he the choice? M. Guizot has eloquently described the position of Charlemagne towards the Saxons. Il y fit face par le conquete; la guerre defensive prit la forme offensive: il transporta la lutte sur le territoire des peuples qui voulaient envahir le sien: il travailla a asservir les races etrangeres, et extirper les croyances ennemies. De la son mode de gouvernement et la fondation de son empire: la guerre offensive et ... — The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 5 • Edward Gibbon
... a small basket for their Temmes, then pound againe the great, and so separating by dashing their hand in the basket, receive the flowr in a platter of wood scraped to that forme ... — Prehistoric Textile Art of Eastern United States • William Henry Holmes
... irons, sous la lumiere, D'un ciel plus frais et plus leger Chacun dans sa forme premiere, Moi courir, ... — Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn • Lafcadio Hearn
... Monkis and Channounes. Johnne Lyn, ane Gray freare, left his hipocryticall habite, and the den of those murtheraris the Gray Frearis. Ane Black freir, called Frear Kyllour,[143] sett furth the Historye of Christis Passioun in forme of a play, quhilk he boith preached and practised opinlie in Striveling, the King him salf being present, upoun a Good Friday in the mornyng: In the which, all thingis war so levelye expressed, that the verray sempill people understood and confessed, ... — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... went away, he sent the Scotch foreman of the Trumpet-Call to explain to her that the catch-line of an auctioneer's advertisement had been 'dropped' on the same galley as the mortuary notice, and overlooked when the forme was locked. And so, after a tender farewell to little Susie Sum Fat, and with her kisses still warm upon his lips, Denison went out into the world again ... — Ridan The Devil And Other Stories - 1899 • Louis Becke
... is scant made an ende of / nor no man can haue knowlege whether Tul- lies argument that he maketh in his ora- cyon for Milo / be a good argumente or nat / and howe it holdeth / excepte he can by Logyke reduce it to the perfecte and briefe forme of a Sillogisme / takynge in the meane season of the Rhetorycyans what ornamentes haue ben cast to for to lyght and augment the oracyon / and ... — The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke • Leonard Cox
... Martel, Comte d'Anjou, fit faire ainsi le proces a Guerin de Craon, qu'il avait fait foi et hommage de la Baronnie de Craon a Conan, duc de Bretange. Geoffroi fit assembler ses Barons, qui, selon l'ancienne forme observee en matiere feodale, firent le proces a Guerin, son vassal, et le condamnerent, quoiqu'il fut absent.—Et il est a remarquer a ce propos, que le Pape Innocent III., qui favourisait Jean sans-Terre, parcequ'en 1213 il avait ... — Notes & Queries, No. 18. Saturday, March 2, 1850 • Various
... of Giggleswick in 1576. He had been a Sizar of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, in 1561 and graduated B.A. in 1564, M.A. 1568, and B.D. in 1580. He was a writer on religious subjects and published "A Compendious Forme and Summe of Christian Doctrine, meete for well-disposed Families" and among other writings "A verie Godlie and necessary Sermon preached before the young Countess of Cumberland in the North, the ... — A History of Giggleswick School - From its Foundation 1499 to 1912 • Edward Allen Bell
... "Observations sur les changements de forme que les divers Crustaces eprouvent," Ann. Sci. nat. (1) xxx., p. ... — Form and Function - A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology • E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
... pur, repondez, solitude! O Nature, abritee en ce desert si beau, Quand nous serons couches tous deux, dans l'attitude Que donne aux morts pensifs la forme ... — Astronomy for Amateurs • Camille Flammarion
... Elle nous les montre meme d'un sentiment tres affine dans leur simplicite naive et leur cordiale bonhomie. En somme, elle en fait des natures, des temperaments, quelque chose de typique, en meme temps qu' harmonieux de teinte et de forme. ... — The Habitant and Other French-Canadian Poems • William Henry Drummond
... Beschope Scrope grantis on to alle tho that drinkis of this cope x dayis to pardune, Robart Gubsone, Beschope Musm grantis in same forme aforesaide x dayis ... — The Cathedral Church of York - Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief - History of the Archi-Episcopal See • A. Clutton-Brock
... Monsieur de Pages had observed this discriminating mark before Captain Cook. His words are as follows:—"L'on vit que la cote de l'Est, voisine du Cap Francois, avoit deux baies; elles etoient separees par une pointe tres reconnoissable par sa forme, qui representoit une porte cochere, au travers de laquelle l'on voyoit le jour."—Voyages du M. de Pages, vol. ii. p. 67. Every one knows how exactly the form of a porte cochere, or arched gateway, corresponds ... — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 15 (of 18) • Robert Kerr
... greatest mart, from which it was spread among the tribes, both north and east. Wood, describing the Narragansets in 1634, says they "are the most curious minters of the wampompeage and mowhakes which they forme out of the inmost wreaths of periwinkle shels. The northerne, easterne, and westerne Indians fetch all their coyne from these southern mint- masters. From hence they have most of their curious pendants and bracelets; hence they have their great stone pipes which will hold a quarter ... — The Voyage of Verrazzano • Henry C. Murphy
... by Robert Frescher.—Fol. 1. "Prologue du present livre, V. p. 163. par maistre Robert Frescher, bacheloir forme en theologie translateur.—Berose, ainsi que Josephe nous a laisse par enscript, fut natif de la cite de Babilone...."—Fol. 9. Begins: "Pour scavoir la pure verite des diverses regions du monde, lises au faictes lire ce livre...." Incomplete; ends: "... Argon ... — The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa
... VICTOIRE,—Hier ayant recu la communication de votre mariage avec Albert, je ne veux pas tarder un seul instant a vous en feliciter sur votre heureux choix, et en meme temps vous prier de croire aux v[oe]ux sinceres que je forme pour votre bonheur avec votre excellent c[oe]ur il n'est pas possible le contraire. Permettez que je vous dise que votre choix ne m'a pas du etonner, car sachant combien Albert est bon, vous ne pouviez pas choisir un autre dont vous fussiez aussi sure qu'il puisse ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) • Queen Victoria
... Roi et le gouvernement de son pays, on le prend pour un frntique echapp de ses chanes, et livr aux transports les plus violens de sa rage. Quoi, Monsieur le philosophe, protecteur des moeurs et de la vertu, ignorez vous qu'un bon citoyen doit respecter la forme de gouvernement sous laquelle il vit, ignorez vous qu'il ne convient point un particulier d'insulter les ... — Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing
... somewhat misreported before, upon talke had with the poore Cutler himselfe, is set downe now in true forme and manner how it was done, therefore is there no offence offered, when by better consideration, a thing may be enlarged or amended, or at least the note be better confirmed. Let the poore Cutlers mishap example ... — The Third And Last Part Of Conny-Catching. (1592) - With the new deuised knauish arte of Foole-taking • R. G.
... and agreid wyth Comell Clerke, for the makyng off the dextis in the liberary, to the summe off xvi, after the maner and forme as they be in Magdaleyn college, except the popie heedes off the seites, thes to be workmanly wrowght and clenly, and he to have all maner off stooff foond hym, and to have for the makyng off on dexte xs the sum off the ... — The Care of Books • John Willis Clark
... il me devient doublement precieux d'etre uni a votre Majeste et au Prince Albert par tant de liens, et qu'il se soit forme entre nous cet attachement mutuel, cette affection et cette confiance, qui sont au dessus et independants de toute consideration politique; mais qui pourront toujours plus ou moins exercer une influence salutaire sur l'action et la marche de nos ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria
... weight on what he calls the principle of finality, "puissance mysterieuse, indeterminee; fatalite pour les uns; pour les autres volonte providentielle, dont l'action incessante sur les etres vivantes determine, a toutes les epoques de l'existence du monde, la forme, le volume, et la duree de chacun d'eux, en raison de sa destinee dans l'ordre de choses dont il fait partie. C'est cette puissance qui harmonise chaque membre a l'ensemble, en l'appropriant a la fonction qu'il doit remplir ... — On the Origin of Species - 6th Edition • Charles Darwin |