"Froggy" Quotes from Famous Books
... hell—and then Southampton. Py Yesus, I vish somepody take my first vatch for me! Gittin' seasick, Square-head? Drink up and forget it! What's in your bottle? Gin. Dot's nigger trink. Absinthe? It's doped. You'll go off your chump, Froggy! Cochon! Whiskey, that's the ticket! Where's Paddy? Going asleep. Sing us that whiskey song, Paddy. [They all turn to an old, wizened Irishman who is dozing, very drunk, on the benches forward. His face is extremely monkey-like with all the ... — The Hairy Ape • Eugene O'Neill
... no working—at least this is all he gives: after stating the given equations, he says "therefore the difference, 1 sandwich 3 biscuits, 3d.": then follow the amounts of the unknown bills, with no further hint as to how he got them. FROGGY has had a very narrow escape of not being ... — A Tangled Tale • Lewis Carroll
... "Froggy Malin's and those fellows' kites may fly high, but they will not be able to pull anything along," growled out Blackall. "Before they think that they are going to carry off all the prizes, let us see what my kite can do. He looks like a strong, tough fellow, who can ... — Ernest Bracebridge - School Days • William H. G. Kingston |