"Gedd" Quotes from Famous Books
... prisoners there/ for them y'e were taken/ and so to cha[u]ge one for an other And made hym swere and promyse to come agayn/ And so he cam to rome And made proposicion tofore the senate And demanded them of cartage of the senatours to be cha[u]ged as afore is sayd And than the senatours demanded hym what counceyll he gaf Certayn sayd he I co[u]ceyll yow that y'e do hit not in no wise For as moche as the peple of rome that they of cartage holde in prison of youris ben olde men and brusid in the warre as ... — Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton
... Dearest, the Dragon hasn't drag-ged once, yet! And, by the way, till he does so, I think I won't call him Dragon again. It's rather gratuitous, as I'm eating his bread—or rather, his perfectly gorgeous a la cartes, and am literally smeared with luxury, from my rising up until my ... — Set in Silver • Charles Norris Williamson and Alice Muriel Williamson
... Ged's^5 Hole now," Quoth I, "if that thae news be true! His braw calf-ward whare gowans grew, Sae white and bonie, Nae doubt they'll rive it wi' the plew; ... — Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns • Robert Burns
... ancient name of the Hays—a tale. I loved him dearly; he had high spirits, a zealous faith, good-humour, and enthusiasm, and it grieves me that I must pass within ten miles of him and leave him unsaluted; for mercy-a-ged what a yell of gratitude would there be! I would put up with a good rough gale which would force us into Tangiers and keep us there for a week, but the wind is only in gentle opposition, like a well-drilled spouse. Gibraltar we shall see this evening, ... — The Journal of Sir Walter Scott - From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford • Walter Scott
... were thus pl[u]ged into great ingagments, & oppresed with unjust debts, yet y^e Lord prospered their trading, that they made yearly large returnes, and had soone wound them selves out of all, if yet they had otherwise been well delt with all; as will more appear here after. [192] Also ... — Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' • William Bradford
... for Johnny Ged's-Hole[7] now," Quo' I, "If that thae news be true! His braw calf-ward whare gowans grew, Sae white and bonie, Nae doubt they'll rive it wi' ... — The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham
... the ravenous and bloodthirsty men who then dwelt in this vexed country; and so much were they famed for successful freebooting, robbery, and bloodshed, that they are said to have been called Geddes, as likening them to the fish called a Jack, Pike, or Luce, and in our country tongue, a GED—a goodly distinction truly for Christian men! Yet did they paint this shark of the fresh waters upon their shields, and these profane priests of a wicked idolatry, the empty boasters called heralds, ... — Redgauntlet • Sir Walter Scott |