"Goggled" Quotes from Famous Books
... the smallest vehicles—low and streamlined, so that it suggested a fat-bellied cigar, white-wrapped. It stood alone, a little apart from the others, with no confusion around it. The green-lighted windows in its sides goggled ... — The White Invaders • Raymond King Cummings
... at the direction of her eyes, and found a bright yellow motor car, with dark goggled driver and fur-clad passengers, whooping, throbbing, and buzzing resentfully at his heel. He moved his foot, and the mechanism, with three angry snorts, resumed its fussy way towards the town. "Filling up the ... — The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth • H.G. Wells
... and then by the dark mass of a tramping regiment or the clatter of a train of artillery. In the intervals between these waves of military traffic we had the road to ourselves, except for the flashing past of despatch-bearers on motor-cycles and of hideously hooting little motors carrying goggled officers in goat-skins and ... — Fighting France - From Dunkerque to Belport • Edith Wharton
... creature, Demurred to here and there a feature: 'For surely, sir—with your permeession - Bricks here, sir, in the main parteetion. . . . ' The builder goggled, gulped, and stared, The foreman's services were spared. Thin would not count among his minions A man of ... — Moral Emblems • Robert Louis Stevenson |