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Gopher   Listen
Gopher  n.  (Zool.)
One of several North American burrowing rodents of the genera Geomys and Thomomys, of the family Geomyidae; called also pocket gopher and pouched rat. See Pocket gopher, and Tucan. Note: The name was originally given by French settlers to many burrowing rodents, from their honeycombing the earth.
One of several western American species of the genus Spermophilus, of the family Sciuridae; as, the gray gopher (Spermophilus Franklini) and the striped gopher (S. tridecemlineatus); called also striped prairie squirrel, leopard marmot, and leopard spermophile. See Spermophile.
A large land tortoise (Testudo Carilina) of the Southern United States, which makes extensive burrows.
A large burrowing snake (Spilotes Couperi) of the Southern United States.
Gopher drift (Mining), an irregular prospecting drift, following or seeking the ore without regard to regular grade or section.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gopher" Quotes from Famous Books

... thing about them, though you may not believe it; there will be no wool carpets on the floors,—no, nor rag ones either. The people will walk upon planks of fir and boards of cedar, sycamore from the plains and algum-trees, gopher wood and Georgia pine, inlaid in forms of wondrous grace. There will be no moth or dust to corrupt and strangle, neither creaks nor cracks to annoy. It's a question among theologians whether the millennium will come "all at once and all o'er," or gradually. ...
— Homes And How To Make Them • Eugene Gardner

... Internet service first floated around 1991 and now (1994) being obsolesced by the World Wide Web. Gopher presents a menuing interface to a tree or graph of links; the links can be to documents, runnable programs, or other gopher menus arbitrarily far ...
— The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0

... you recognize Gopher Prairie as a type? Is Mr. Lewis's picture photography, caricature, or the kind of portraiture that is art? Or to what degree do you find ...
— Contemporary American Literature - Bibliographies and Study Outlines • John Matthews Manly and Edith Rickert

... unfriendly. Guess them's gopher's words. But say, pard, the law ain't got me yet. Wot d'ye think of the road across the keg? Mighty fine trail that." He laughed as though ...
— The Story of the Foss River Ranch • Ridgwell Cullum

... and cows were forever doing things which they should or should not do; men and maids had griefs and joys to share with mistress or Headman; flowers were blooming, trees were leafing, a robin had built in the black oak, a gopher was tunnelling the rose bed,—a thousand things, full of interest, were happening every day. As a place where things the most unexpected do happen, recommend me to a ...
— The Fat of the Land - The Story of an American Farm • John Williams Streeter

... description of a galoot miscallin' himself Bevel-edged Travels impairing the atmospheric air of Kingfisher for the past two weeks. You know who he was? He was not otherwise than Ben Tatum, from the Creek Nation, son of old Gopher Tatum that your Uncle Newt shot last February. You know what he done this morning? He killed your brother Lester—shot him ...
— Whirligigs • O. Henry

... he crooned, softly: "Ira, it's a heap risky puttin' your faith in maverick sharps that trail around the country, God-a'mightying it, renaming little, old rocks into precious stones, seein' gold mines in every gopher-hole they come to. They names your backyard and the rocks appertainin' thereunto a heap fashionable, and like as not some sucker gives him good money to ...
— Judith Of The Plains • Marie Manning

... sounds bespeaking deep satisfaction as he saw that there was cold chicken and ham, cheese and buttered bread. Then they ate, Wanda sparingly, pretending to have little appetite, Mr. Dart swiftly and joyously and noisily. And, with his mouth crammed full and his cheeks puffed out gopher-wise, he talked. He demanded her name and her father's business; he wanted to know what she was doing so far from home and if she wasn't afraid; he ascertained that buffaloes were extinct in this part of the West ...
— The Short Cut • Jackson Gregory

... a second-story man, and a gopher-worker, and a train- robber, and a confidence operative all rolled into one!" Jimmie admitted. "This holding people up is new exercise for us! Say, will you agree to let me push ...
— The Boy Scout Camera Club - The Confession of a Photograph • G. Harvey Ralphson

... still morning," said Jim, "you can hear the wheels go round in the Captain's head; but his instinct for real-estate conditions is as accurate as a pocket-gopher's. The Captain, in a hysterical sort of way, is right: I consider that a cinch. Good-night, friends, and pleasant dreams. I expect to see you at breakfast; but if I shouldn't, Al, you'll come aboard at nine, won't you, and help run up the Jolly Roger? ...
— Aladdin & Co. - A Romance of Yankee Magic • Herbert Quick

... healing of men. I have been here three days and have taken more exercise than in three months—walking and climbing; beside the creek lined with great sycamores—alluvial soil, crumbles in your hand, and with our friend the gopher in it; and climbed up through a bit of manzanita—big fellows, twenty feet high some of them— and such a rich brown, near-burgundy red! I barked a bit of the bole to get that green beneath, spring green, ...
— The Letters of Franklin K. Lane • Franklin K. Lane

... it was done as the chief had said. The children were tied to the tree with raw hide strings, and the people tore down all the lodges and moved off. The old woman called her dog to follow her, but he was digging at a gopher hole and would not come. Then she went up to him and struck at him hard with her whip, but he dodged and ran away, and then stood looking at her. Then the old woman got very mad and cursed him, but he paid no attention; and finally she left him, and followed the camp. When the ...
— Blackfoot Lodge Tales • George Bird Grinnell

... animal, though it bit his hand through; how he had never learned to play the games of boyhood; that when the youths of the little Illinois village were at play, he roamed the prairies, or the rolling, wooded hills, or watched a gopher hole. That boy was father of the man: for sixty years an enduring passion for dominion over wild animals had possessed him, and made his ...
— The Last of the Plainsmen • Zane Grey

... In the novel domains they now traversed the small dog's excitable nature led him to investigate everything that seemed suspicious, but he was so cowardly, in spite of this, that once when Patsy let him down to chase a gopher or prairie dog—they were not sure which—the animal turned at bay and sent Mumbles retreating with his stubby tail between his legs. His comradeship for Wampus surprised them all. The Canadian would talk seriously ...
— Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John • Edith Van Dyne

... know. Plant that Jap somewhere and do it quickly. Confound you, Pablo, you should have known better than to drag your kill home, like an old she-cat bringing in a gopher. As for my head—well, I was thrown from my horse and struck on a sharp rock. The ladies would be frightened and worried if they thought somebody was gunning for me. When Bill Conway shows up with your spark plugs I'd be obliged, Mr. Parker, ...
— The Pride of Palomar • Peter B. Kyne

... [criminal law] confederate; accomplice; complice; accessory, accessory after the fact; particeps criminis [Lat.]; socius criminis [Lat.]. aide-de-camp, secretary, clerk, associate, marshal; right-hand, right-hand man, Friday, girl Friday, man Friday, gopher, gofer; candle- holder, bottle-holder; handmaid; servant &c 746; puppet, cat's-paw, jackal^. tool, dupe, stooge, ame damnee [Fr.]; satellite, adherent. votary; sectarian, secretary; seconder, backer, upholder, abettor, advocate, partisan, champion, patron, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... Johnny was hobbling around the ranch on a wrenched ankle, suffered when his horse stumbled in a gopher hole and ...
— Make Mine Homogenized • Rick Raphael

Words linked to "Gopher" :   genus Spermophilus, souslik, pocket rat, whitetail antelope squirrel, genus Citellus, genus Gopherus, Gopher State, Geomyidae, gopher tortoise, parka squirrel, Geomys pinetis, gopher snake, Citellus citellus, northern pocket gopher, Citellus parryi, live wire, gopher hole, ground squirrel, tortoise, pocket gopher, suslik, rock squirrel, American, Thomomys bottae, Citellus lateralis, flickertail, Thomomys talpoides, southeastern pocket gopher, sharpy, gopher turtle, antelope squirrel, Arctic ground squirrel, Citellus leucurus, pouched rat, Citellus richardsoni, squirrel, Minnesotan, Citellus, antelope chipmunk, sharpie, Gopherus polypemus, plains pocket gopher, mantled ground squirrel, spermophile, eager beaver, Gopherus

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