"Hider" Quotes from Famous Books
... hemeralopia^, nystagmus; xanthocyanopia^, xanthopsia [Med.]; cast in the eye, swivel eye, goggle-eyes; obliquity of vision. winking &c v.; nictitation; blinkard^, albino. dizziness, swimming, scotomy^; cataract; ophthalmia. [Limitation of vision] blinker; screen &c (hider) 530. [Fallacies of vision] deceptio visus [Lat.]; refraction, distortion, illusion, false light, anamorphosis^, virtual image, spectrum, mirage, looming, phasma^; phantasm, phantasma^, phantom; vision; specter, apparition, ghost; ignis fatuus [Lat.] &c (luminary) 423; specter of the ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget
... by, which Kenneth had not seen in his dream. Oddly enough, the murderer had originally hidden the pack, or some of its contents, in a cairn of stones, but later removed it. In the 'willing game,' as played by Mr. Stuart Cumberland, the seeker usually goes first to the place where the hider had thought of concealing the object, though later he changed his mind. Macleod was hanged, ... — Cock Lane and Common-Sense • Andrew Lang |