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Impala   Listen
impala  n.  An antelope (Aepyceros melampus) of Southeastern Africa, the male of which has ringed lyre-shaped horns, which curve first backward, then sideways, then upwards. ALso called impalla and pallah.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Impala" Quotes from Famous Books

... by taking a rifle and going to kill something. For a couple of hours I poked about without seeing anything that I could get a shot at, but at last, just as I was again within seventy yards of the waggon, I put up an old Impala ram from behind a mimosa thorn. He ran straight for the waggon, and it was not till he was passing within a few feet of it that I could get a decent shot at him. Then I pulled, and caught him half-way down the spine. Over he went, dead as a door-nail, and a pretty shot it was, though I ought ...
— Long Odds • H. Rider Haggard

... of all fancy flies. The golden pheasant from China, the bustard from Africa, the Mandarin wood duck from China, the capercailzie from Ireland, the game cocks from Spain and the Orient, the teal, mallard, grouse, ibis, swan, turkey, and hundreds of others. The polar bear, Impala, North and South American deer, seal, black bear, skunk, rabbit, squirrel, are a few of the hairs that are used. The beginner need not worry about the great variety. Some hooks, silk floss and spun fur or wool yarn and chenille for bodies, a few ...
— How to Tie Flies • E. C. Gregg

Words linked to "Impala" :   Aepyceros melampus, impala lily

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