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"Indices" Quotes from Famous Books

... AGENT and LEGAL ANTIQUARIAN (who is in the possession of Indices to many of the early Public Records whereby his Inquiries are greatly facilitated) begs to inform Authors and Gentlemen engaged in Antiquarian or Literary Pursuits, that he is prepared to undertake searches among the Public Records, MSS. in the British Museum, Ancient Wills, or ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 208, October 22, 1853 • Various

... valuable chiefly for their local coloring and for the light which they throw upon the tastes, the habits and the mental processes of a peculiar and long-isolated people. Yet the fact that they are among the oldest heirlooms of the human race does not detract in the least from their value as indices to character. On the contrary, it adds to it by linking them with the folk-lore of the world, and enabling the student to compare them with their original types and understand and estimate aright the significance ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, November, 1878 - of Popular Literature and Science • Various

... can make a Doric temple different from the Parthenon without departing from the settled principles of beauty and proportion which all ages have indorsed. Such were the Greeks and Romans in an art which is one of the greatest indices of material civilization, and which by them was derived from geometrical forms, ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume III • John Lord

... - if he could have seen it in another - would have been a rare feast to him; but his son's empty guffaws over a broken plate, and empty, almost light-hearted remarks, struck him with pain as the indices of a ...
— Tales and Fantasies • Robert Louis Stevenson

... serviceable to him, and that he could always remember in what book he had read anything, for his memory was wonderful. I asked him how at first he could judge what facts would be serviceable, and he answered that he did not know, but that a sort of instinct guided him. From this habit of making indices, he was enabled to give the astonishing number of references on all sorts of subjects, which may be found in his 'History of Civilisation.' This book I thought most interesting, and read it twice, ...
— The Autobiography of Charles Darwin - From The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin • Charles Darwin

... ahead, right ahead; forehead, foremost; in the foreground, in the lee of; before one's face, before one's eyes; face to face, vis-a-vis; front a front. Phr. formosa muta commendatio est [Lat][Syrus]; frons est animi janua [Lat][Cicero]; "Human face divine" [Milton]; imago animi vultus est indices oculi [Lat][Cicero]; "sea of ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... or Marginal Index-Book of Daily Record: a Diary provided with Marginal Indices so arranged that any day of the year may be referred to at once, and the various subject-matters recorded in it may be arranged for ready reference, together with Calendars, Interest Table, etc. Devised and arranged by M.N. Lovell. ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, April, 1876. • Various

... steadily lost, rather than gained, ground; and the flash of anger that had colored her cheeks, lit twin beacons in her eyes, which she resolutely fought down until they faded to mere gleams of resentment and determination. But she forgot to control her lips; and they are the truest indices to a woman's character and temperament; and Kirkwood did not overlook the circumstance that their specious sweetness had vanished, leaving them straight, set and hard, quite ...
— The Black Bag • Louis Joseph Vance

... with its bones. It has been buried, with curses deep and bitter for its funeral obsequies. Its officers have been loaded with infamy. Even its wonderful results have been hidden from the sight of man, and its history blackened with shame and hate. It is one of the curious indices of public feeling that the North listened, at first, with good-natured indifference to the virulent diatribes of the recently conquered people in regard to this institution; after a time wonder succeeded to indifference; until finally, while it was still an active branch of the public service, ...
— Bricks Without Straw • Albion W. Tourgee

... lady's, whose ancestors have been two hundred years in the country." It was the latter. Such feet lift or leap, as if raised every time to go over entangled grass or sticks. Like an Indian, I instinctively observe everybody's ears, which are unerring indices of character. I can sustain, and always could endure, incredible fasts, but for this I need coffee in the morning. "Mark Twain"—whom I saw yesterday at his villa, as I correct this proof—also has this peculiar Indian-like or American ...
— Memoirs • Charles Godfrey Leland

... as to annihilate all trace of their analogy. 3rdly. The liver and the spleen are opposite parts; and as such, they are associated by arteries which arise by a single trunk (coeliac axis) from the aorta, and branch right and left, like indices pointing to the relationship between both these organs, in the same manner as the two emulgent arteries point to the opposite renal organs. 4thly. The liver is divided into two lobes, right and left; the left is less than the right; that quantity which is wanting to the left lobe ...
— Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise

... coincident with a flowing tide occasionally (though not invariably) creates a gentle swirl in Brammo Bay, a swirl so placid as to be imperceptible in default of such indices as driftwood. Under such a condition Neptune makes playthings which possibly in some future age may puzzle men who happen to ponder seriously on first causes. I recall an afternoon when such playthings were being manufactured abundantly. Globular, oval, and sausage-shaped ...
— My Tropic Isle • E J Banfield

... over it. Nobody could have read the entire Sector directory, even with unlimited leisure during travel between solar systems. Calhoun hadn't tried. But now he went laboriously through indices and cross-references while the ship continued to ...
— This World Is Taboo • Murray Leinster

... Life of our Life. Harmony of the Life of Our Lord, with Introductory Chapters and Indices. Second edition. Two vols. 0 ...
— The Formation of Christendom, Volume VI - The Holy See and the Wandering of the Nations, from St. Leo I to St. Gregory I • Thomas W. (Thomas William) Allies

... at her in surprise. It was the first indication that he had ever had from an habitue of Feinheimer's that there might lurk within their breasts any of the finer characteristics whose outward indices are pride and shame. He was momentarily at a loss as to what to say, and as he hesitated the girl's gaze went past ...
— The Efficiency Expert • Edgar Rice Burroughs

... to them," said Rangar, with a note of regret. "Axles compelled us. But we have never taken up with these new contraptions —fads—like phonographs to dictate to, card indices, loose-leaf systems, adding machines, and the like. Of course it requires more clerks and stenographers, and possibly we are a bit slower than some. Your father says, however, that he prefers conducting his business as ...
— Youth Challenges • Clarence B Kelland

... faith in the discoveries which I seemed to make. But I could not help it. Had I loved him less, I might have used him better. He and Zenobia and Priscilla—both for their own sakes and as connected with him—were separated from the rest of the Community, to my imagination, and stood forth as the indices of a problem which it was my business to solve. Other associates had a portion of my time; other matters amused me; passing occurrences carried me along with them, while they lasted. But here was the vortex of my meditations, around ...
— The Blithedale Romance • Nathaniel Hawthorne

... Properties of Essential Oils. Physical Properties, Optical Properties, Table of Specific Gravities, Refractive Indices and Rotation.—II. Compounds occurring in Essential Oils. (I.) 1. TERPENES—Pinene, Camphene, Limonene, Dipentene, Fenchene, Sylvestrene, Carvestrene, Phellandrene, Terpinolene, Terpinene and Thujene. 2. SESQUITERPENES—Cadinene, Caryophellene, Cedrene, Clovene, Humulene, Ledene, Patchoulene, ...
— The Handbook of Soap Manufacture • W. H. Simmons

... taught to play guessing games with marbles in a hand, and the like. The abacus, the hundred square and the thousand cube, will then in all probability become its cardinal numerical memories. Playing cards (without corner indices) and dominoes supply good recognizable arrangements of numbers, and train a child to grasp a number at a glance. The child should not be taught the Arabic numerals until it has counted for a year or more. Experience speaks here. I know one case only too well of a man who learnt his Arabic ...
— Mankind in the Making • H. G. Wells

... gentle and timid to excess, acquired among them the reputation of a termagant. Popular opinion among children, as among men, is of ten just, but as often very unjust; for the same manifestations may proceed from opposite principles; and, therefore, as indices to character, may ...
— The Portent & Other Stories • George MacDonald

... Secretary of the Bury and West Suffolk Archaeological Institute. The selection contains upwards of fifty Wills, dated between 1370 and 1649, and the documents are illustrated by a number of brief but very instructive notes; and as the volume is rendered more useful by a series of very complete indices, we have no doubt it will be as satisfactory to the members as it is creditable to its editor. Mr. Tymms acknowledges his obligations to Mr. Way and Mr. J. Gough Nicols: we are sure the Camden Society ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 46, Saturday, September 14, 1850 • Various

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