"Ingrown" Quotes from Famous Books
... is attracted to a child's stammering, they labor under the mistaken illusion that the child 'will outgrow it.' A more harmful doctrine has never been perpetuated than the one contained in that stock phrase. As a matter of experience, speech troubles are not 'outgrown.' They become 'ingrown.' If not corrected at first they go from bad to worse. So firmly rooted and ingrained into the child's habits does stuttering become that with every hour's growth the chance for a cure becomes ... — Stammering, Its Cause and Cure • Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue
... him that even as a baby Joseph never cried, but endured his various troubles with silent stoicism. As he grew older, this trait of silence became ingrown; it was alluded to as "Joffre's taciturnity." But as a matter of fact the gift of silence in him as both boy and man did not indicate a sullen or unfriendly disposition. It was merely that he had his ... — Boys' Book of Famous Soldiers • J. Walker McSpadden |