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Jehovist   Listen
Jehovist  n.  
One who maintains that the vowel points of the word Jehovah, in Hebrew, are the proper vowels of that word; opposed to adonist.
The writer of the passages of the Old Testament, especially those of the Pentateuch, in which the Supreme Being is styled Jehovah. See Elohist. "The characteristic manner of the Jehovist differs from that of his predecessor (the Elohist). He is fuller and freer in his descriptions; more reflective in his assignment of motives and causes; more artificial in mode of narration."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Jehovist" Quotes from Famous Books

... still another reason. The second account of creation, as it begins Genesis II, 4, and goes on to the end of the third chapter, is strikingly different from the first account, Genesis I-Genesis II, 4. It has its origin in that author whose book is called that of the Jehovist, or, more lately, the judaico-prophetic book; and who, among all those that have contributed stones to the building of the Pentateuch, gives the deepest insight into the nature of sin and grace, and into the divine plan of salvation. Now in this book, from the religious point ...
— The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality • Rudolf Schmid

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