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Kedge   Listen
Kedge  v. i.  (past & past part. kedged; pres. part. kedging)  (Naut.) To move (a vessel) by carrying out a kedge in a boat, dropping it overboard, and hauling the vessel up to it.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Kedge" Quotes from Famous Books

... about two hundred and fifty yards outside her. As long as she lies quiet there we will leave her alone. If she tries to make off we will board her at once. Anchor with the kedge; that will hold her here. Have a buoy on the cable and have it ready to slip at a moment's notice, and the sails all ...
— The Queen's Cup • G. A. Henty

... the flat bottom remains fixed upon the soft soil for a few moments, during which the force of the stream upon so large a surface brings the steamer broadside on to the obstruction and releases the stem. It is then an affair of an hour or more to get her off the bank by laying out kedge anchors, and heaving upon the hawsers ...
— Wild Beasts and their Ways • Sir Samuel W. Baker

... the Hon. Kedge Halloway of Amo delivered himself of his lecture; "The Past and Present. What we may Glean from Them, and Their Influence on the Future." At seven the court-room was crowded, and Miss Tibbs, seated on the platform (reserved for prominent citizens), viewed the expectant throng ...
— The Gentleman From Indiana • Booth Tarkington

... important parts of one's equipment, I had begun early to experiment at once with mine, and the small one had been tried once as a kedge. With the first heave it broke off short; the stock had snapped in the place which ought to be the strongest, but which is really made the weakest, by the present faulty construction of anchor-stocks. The memo in my log-book was, "Invent a proper anchor;" and even ...
— The Voyage Alone in the Yawl "Rob Roy" • John MacGregor

... sight of Death. Wind roaring furiously for victims: waves worse. No chain can stand these sledge-hammer shocks. Chain parts,[EN140] and best sheet-anchor with it. Bower and kedge anchors thrown out and drag. Fast stranding broadside on: sharp coralline reef to leeward, distant 150 yards. Sharks! Packed up necessaries. Sambuk has bolted, and quite right too! Engine starts some ten minutes before the bump. Engineer admirably cool; never left his ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... flaws of wind. At the following noon [MONDAY 3 AUGUST], the ship was under Brazen Head, which forms the east side of Funchal Road; and being there becalmed, we towed in with the boats, and came to an anchor at four o'clock, in 22 fathoms, steadying with a kedge to the north-west. In this situation, which seems to be as good as any in the road, the bearings ...
— A Voyage to Terra Australis • Matthew Flinders

... yards from the mouth, because there was a slight current against us, and the mangroves which narrowed the creek impeded the rowers in some places. Having reached the spot, which was so darkened by overhanging trees that we could see with difficulty, a small kedge anchor attached to a thin line was let softly down ...
— The Coral Island - A Tale Of The Pacific Ocean • R. M. Ballantyne

... (spare) anchors stowed. To let go a stockless anchor (fig. 9) the cable or capstan holder C is unscrewed, and in practice it is found desirable to knock off the bottle screw-slip A, allowing the weight of the anchor to be taken by the inner slip A' (Blake's stopper). Stern, stream and kedge anchors are usually stowed with special davits. A portable anchor suitable for small yachts is the invention of Mr Louis Moore; the shank passes through the crown of the anchor like the handle of a pickaxe and the stock over the head of the shank. At the end of the stock ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

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