"Lene" Quotes from Famous Books
... hym, &e next fig{ur}e of two or of thre or of foure, or how mony {ere} be by cifers, how wold {o}u do. {o}u wost wel {o}u most nede borow, &{o}u mayst not borow of e cifers, for ai haue no[gh]t at ai may lene or spar{e}. Ergo[{4}] how woldest {o}u do. Certay[n] us most {o}u do, {o}u most borow on of e next figure significatyf in at rewe, for is case may not happe, but yf {ere} come figures significatyf aft{er} the cifers. Whan {o}u hast borowede {a}t 1 of the next figure ... — The Earliest Arithmetics in English • Anonymous
... none of them were hit. Hereupon his three comrades jumped over the paling and escaped; but him they caught, and had already taken aim at him with their firelocks, when his wife Lizzie Kolken came out of the church with another troop and beckoned to them to leave him in peace. But they stabbed Lene Hebers as she lay in childbed, speared the child, and flung it over Claus Peer's hedge among the nettles, where it was yet lying when they came away. There was not a living soul left in the village, and still less a morsel of bread, so that unless ... — The Amber Witch • Wilhelm Meinhold |