"Lig" Quotes from Famous Books
... gather by cutting, as a harvest. re call'ing, thinking of; bringing back to mind. re con sid'er, think of again; change one's mind. rec'ords, stories; descriptions of events. re gard'ed, considered; looked at earnestly. re late', tell. re lig'ious, relating to religion. re main'der, the rest; what is left. re mind', call attention to for a second time. re moved', moved away; took off. rent'ed, gave possession of for pay. re paired', mended. re placed', put in place of another. rep re sent', picture; tell about in an effective ... — New National Fourth Reader • Charles J. Barnes and J. Marshall Hawkes
... going to take a chance and try to talk to Lig-magte, perhaps I can make him see sense. I doubt if it will work and there is a chance he will try violence with me. The nobility here are very prone to violence. If I get back all right you won't see this note. Otherwise—good-by, Ihjel. ... — Planet of the Damned • Harry Harrison
... theise eyes of mine take themselves to slomber, I'll de gud service, or I'll lig i' the grund for it; ay, or go to death; and I'll pay't as valorously as I may, that sall I suerly do, that is the breff and the long. Marry, I wad full fain heard some question ... — The Life of King Henry V • William Shakespeare [Tudor edition] |