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Mains   Listen
mains  n.  The farm attached to a mansion house; a manse. (Scot. or Brit. dial.)

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"Mains" Quotes from Famous Books

... brulants de gloire, Dotes de quatre sous par jour, Qui des rois, des heros font fleurir la memoire, Esclaves couronnes des mains de la victoire, Troupeaux malheureux que la cour Dirige au seul bruit ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... milieu des champs que tous ses inconvenients et toutes ses laideurs revoltent.... Au milieu de ce cadre austere et grandiose, qui transporte l'imagination au temps de la poesie primitive, apparaisse cette mouche parasite, le monsieur aux habits noirs, au menton rase, aux mains gantees, aux jambes maladroites, et ce roi de la societe n'est plus qu'un accident ridicule, une tache importune dans le tableau. Votre costume genant et disparate inspire alors la pitie plus que les haillons du pauvre, on sent que ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... firemen and coal-passers are heaping up the furnaces, a couple of men hurry away to attend to the fire mains, and, standing by in readiness for duty, are the engineers and crew of the off watch. The carpenters are ready below with shot-hole plugs, and everywhere throughout the ship can be found officers and sailors and marines and men ...
— A Gunner Aboard the "Yankee" • Russell Doubleday

... the discoveries made during the examination of this building, was the existence in its interior of a species of chamber or gallery, the true object of which still re-mains wholly unexplained. This gallery was 100 feet long, 12 feet high, and no more than 6 feet broad. It was arched or vaulted at top, both the side walls and the vaulting being of sun-dried brick. [PLATE LIV., Fig. 2.] Its position was ...
— The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria • George Rawlinson

... been general on the Continent; they considered the declaration to Prussia in this way: "La Reine et ses Ministres sont donc entierement indifferents sur le compte du Roi L.; cela change entierement la position, et nous allons faire mains basses sur lui." From that moment their language became extremely imperious; they spoke of nothing but acts of coercion, bombardment, etc., etc. I firmly believe, because I have been these many years on terms of great and sincere friendship with Palmerston, that he did not himself quite ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) • Queen Victoria

... and State University are equipped with magnificent buildings and grounds. Its streets and homes are brilliantly lighted with electricity from its own power plants, while the purest water, sufficient for a million people, flows through its water mains, all owned and controlled ...
— A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 • Ithamar Howell

... economical and readily governed, and as water pressure was generally available, but the decline of the old-time bellows, with the fact that many cities to-day refuse to permit motors to be operated from the water mains, have given the field practically to the electric motor, now generally used in connection with some form of rotary fans. The principle of fans in series, first introduced by Cousans, of Lincoln, England, under the name of the Kinetic Blower, is now accepted as standard. ...
— The Recent Revolution in Organ Building - Being an Account of Modern Developments • George Laing Miller

... early appreciated that a water supply when once introduced became an absolute necessity, it was not recognized when illuminating gas was first brought into use how important it was to become. Franchises, or more properly permits, for erecting works and laying mains for supplying consumers were given away to hastily formed companies; and even at the present time there are but a few cities (only five in the United States) which own their works and mains for supplying ...
— Monopolies and the People • Charles Whiting Baker

... electric light and telephones. The English manager of the Canton Electric Co. told me that the natives were wonderfully adroit at stealing current. One would not imagine John Chinaman an expert electrician, yet these people managed somehow to tap the electric mains, and the manager estimated the weekly loss on stolen ...
— Here, There And Everywhere • Lord Frederic Hamilton

... present ils se trament de terribles choses contre moi, touchant certaines Lettres que j'ai ecrites l'hiver passe, dont je crois que vous serez informe. Enfin pour vous parler franchement, la vraie raison que le Roi a de ne vouloir point donner les mains a ce Mariage est, qu'il me veut toujours tenir sur un bas pied, et me faire enrager toute sa vie, quand l'envie lui en prend; ainsi il ne l'accordera jamais. Si l'on consent de votre cote que cette ...
— History of Friedrich II of Prussia V 7 • Thomas Carlyle

... on the borders. The lands of Mowe are situated upon the river Bowmont, in Roxburghshire. The family is now represented by William Molle, Esq. of Mains, who has restored the ancient spelling of the name. The laird of Mowe, here mentioned, was the only gentleman of note killed in the skirmish on ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish border (3rd ed) (1 of 3) • Walter Scott

... a new manufacture, while numbers of them are also due to the hasty and careless methods of erection adopted in America. Both these causes may be expected to decrease rapidly in the future, particularly if the municipalities insist on the mains being placed underground, instead of being strung on poles in the streets. Mr. Brown is well-known from his persistent opposition to the alternate current system; he never misses an opportunity of insisting upon its dangers, and of comparing it, to its detriment, with the direct-current system. ...
— The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 27, Jan-Mar, 1890 • Various

... a distance, was heard the report of fire-arms—again! Eugenie started, and called to her servant, who, with one of the waiters hired for the night, was engaged in removing, and nibbling as he removed, the re mains of the feast. "What is that, at this hour?—open the ...
— Night and Morning, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... respect to the ordinary processes of our daily lives. I have not the remotest idea of how to make a cup of coffee or disconnect the gas or water mains in my own house. If my sliding door sticks I send for the carpenter, and if water trickles in the tank I telephone for the plumber. I am a helpless infant in the stable and my motor is the creation of a Frankenstein that has me at ...
— The "Goldfish" • Arthur Train

... existence through the foolish self-confidence of the organizer and directors of the South Side company, who had fancied that neither the West Side nor the North Side was going to develop very rapidly for a number of years to come, and had counted on the city council's allowing them to extend their mains at any time to these other portions of the city. A third company, the North Chicago Gas Illuminating Company, had been organized almost simultaneously with the West Side company by the same process through which the other companies had been brought into life—their ...
— The Titan • Theodore Dreiser

... back." He ran to the elevator and dropped quickly to the heavy machinery lab on the lower floor. In a short time he returned with a tractor-like machine equipped with a small derrick, designed to get its power from the electric mains. He ran the machine over to the ship. The others looked up as they heard the rumble and hum of its powerful motor. From the crane dangled ...
— The Black Star Passes • John W Campbell

... headless lamp-standards at intervals, and ramparts of grey road-metal ready for use; and save for the strip of kerb, it was a broth of mud and stiff clay. A red light or two showed where the road-barriers were—they were laying the mains; a green railway light showed on an embankment; and the Lewisham lamps made a rusty glare through the rain. Rooum went first, walking along ...
— Widdershins • Oliver Onions

... interrupted course, gathering new zest and brilliancy from the foreign element within the gates. All the Americans began to study Spanish, and all the Puerto Ricans to study English, without particularly gratifying results on either side. Cocking-mains, local games of chance, and more hectic immoralities were set forth for the delectation of the private soldiers; while I have personal knowledge of at least one quasi-clandestine bullfight, that may be best described as a ...
— From Yauco to Las Marias • Karl Stephen Herrman

... churches. The artist, when solicited by M. Didron to sell "cette bible de son art," naively refused, on the simple ground that "s'il se depouillait de ce livre, il ne pourrait plus rien faire; en perdaut son Guide, il perdait son art, il perdait ses yeux et ses mains" (ib. p. xxiii.). It was not till the fifteenth century that the painters of Italy shook themselves free of the authority of the Latin church in matters of art. The second council of Nice arrogates to the Roman church the authority in such matters still ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... a variety of patterns, but the most common in use to-day is one which is octagonal outside and circular inside. They are about one foot in length and may be had from two to six inches inside diameter. The ordinary size for laterals is four-inch diameter, while the mains into which these laterals discharge are generally of six-inch diameter. These tiles are laid in trenches about fifteen feet apart, although in porous soil, such as coarse sand or gravel, this distance may be increased ...
— Rural Hygiene • Henry N. Ogden

... Shaw portioner Thomas Russel smith John Craig farmer William Arbuckle Wm. Wallace mains of Eglesham Christopher Strang there William C{illegible}r in Glassford Robert ...
— Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) • John Howie

... the damage sustained by the electrical and gas systems, severe damage to the water supply system was reported by the Japanese government; the chief damage was a number of breaks in the large water mains and in almost all of the distributing pipes in the areas which were affected by the blast. Nagasaki was still suffering from a water shortage inside the city six weeks after the ...
— The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki • United States

... Christ came to bless the peacemakers. Nine miles from its mountain source the graceful arches bring the water on their shoulders; and though there is now an English company that pipes other streams to the city through its underground mains, the Roman aqueduct, eternally sublime in its usefulness, is constant to the purpose of the forgotten men who imagined it. The outer surfaces of the channel which it lifted to the light and air were tagged with weeds and immemorial mosses, and dripped ...
— Familiar Spanish Travels • W. D. Howells

... a stand," Edith corrected her. "Yes, I like it well enough. I took in twelve dollars yesterday. You have to be good at arithmetic to make change; that's why Mr. Mains likes me to be out here. Mrs. Mains can't tell how much money to give back when she gets a bill from ...
— Rainbow Hill • Josephine Lawrence

... captives tous les suffrages, Tes talens sont cheris des dieux; Puisse ton nom, dans tous les ages, S'immortaliser avec eux! D'Apollon recois cette lyre, Pour chanter au sacre vallon; Dans tes mains meme on pourra dire, C'est ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 356, June, 1845 • Various

... has been done systematically, the plans, grades, location of sewers, water and gas mains being determined upon before the work was commenced, thus securing permanency when completed. I question whether so much has ever been accomplished before in any American city for the same expenditures. The Government having large reservations in the city, and the nation at large having ...
— State of the Union Addresses of Ulysses S. Grant • Ulysses S. Grant

... par le Parlement. La maniere etoit concertee; et Milord Churchill devoit proposer dans le Parlement de chasser tous les etrangers tant des conseils et de l'armee que du royaume. Si le Prince d'Orange avoit consenti a cette proposition ils l'auroient eu entre leurs mains. S'il l'avoit refusee, il auroit fait declarer le Parlement contre lui; et en meme temps Milord Churchill devoir se declarer avec l'armee pour le Parlement; et la flotte devoit faire de meme; et l'on devoit me rappeler. L'on ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 4 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... she ran off to Father's dressing-room, and came back with the tube of creme d'amande pour la barbe et les mains, and we squeezed it on Pincher and rubbed it in, and then the slate-pencil stuff stuck all right, and he rolled in the dust-bin of his own accord, which made him just the right colour. He is a very clever dog, but soon after he went off and we did not find him till quite late in ...
— The Wouldbegoods • E. Nesbit

... to twenty-eight," he said. "I never seed it as low since I've been at sea. Take in the mains'l, Mr. McPherson, and have the topsails ...
— The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... and ink drawing of a man hanged—Pl. LXII, No. 1. This drawing was exhibited in 1879 at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the compilers of the catalogue amused themselves by giving the victim's name as follows: "Un pendu, vetu d'une longue robe, les mains lies sur le dos ... Bernardo di Bendino Barontigni, marchand de pantalons" (see Catalogue descriptif des Dessins de Mailres anciens exposes a l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris 1879; No. 83, pp. 9-10). Now, the ...
— The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci

... "that's the trouble. But the mains'l will be up afore very long if there's a rope's end handy," he added. "We'll ...
— Billy Topsail & Company - A Story for Boys • Norman Duncan

... electric light mains in this street are all led along a special conduit reached by manholes every eighty yards," said Champion. "There's ...
— The Right Stuff - Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton • Ian Hay

... means, of his sad condition she sent to him a message by Dame Bragwaine's cousin, bidding him to go to Brittany, for King Howell's daughter, Iseult la Blanche Mains,—or Iseult of the White Hands,—could cure him, and no one else. So he took a ship and went, and this other Iseult healed his wounds, and restored him to perfect health. But she grew to love him, too, for he was a man to ...
— Cornwall's Wonderland • Mabel Quiller-Couch

... said Gourlay, with the air of a connoisseur. "But 'Anderson's Sting o' Delight' 's very good, and so's 'Balsillie's Brig o' the Mains.'" ...
— The House with the Green Shutters • George Douglas Brown

... said, "I know something of the cost of digging trenches and laying mains, and it seems to me that in order to equip itself for business this company will need a good deal more money than you plan to put into ...
— A Captain in the Ranks - A Romance of Affairs • George Cary Eggleston

... least every two years round his own estates. I have heard John Beggrie, who then served Earl Colin, give an account of his voyages after the bere seed was sown at Allan (where his father and grandfather had a great mains, which was called Mackenzie's girnel or granary), took a Journey to the Highlands, taking with him not only his domestic servants but several young gentlemen of his kin, and stayed several days at Killin, whither he called all his people of Strathconan, Strathbran, ...
— History Of The Mackenzies • Alexander Mackenzie

... suite who accompanied the British Embassador into Tartary, in speaking of the palaces of Gehol, the following remark: "Dans l'un de ces palais, parmi d'autres chefs-d'oeuvres de l'art, on voyait deux statues de garons, en marbre, d'un excellent travail; ils avaient les pieds et les mains lis, et leur position ne laissait point de doute que le vice des Grecs n'et perdu son horreur pour les Chinois. Un vieil eunuque nous les fit ...
— Travels in China, Containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Made and Collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey thr • John Barrow

... the aqueducts were not connected with private houses, but, later, private persons were allowed to buy the water which escaped from leaks in the aqueducts. Next, private connections were made with the public mains, and, finally, reservoirs were built at the expense of adjoining households, but these reservoirs, although built with private money, were considered part of the public property. Water rights were renewed with each change of occupant. The water-supply to a house was measured by the size of ...
— Outlines of Greek and Roman Medicine • James Sands Elliott

... appear to belong to this class are of local origin. So also Tongue is derived from one of several places named Tong or Tonge, though the ultimate origin is perhaps in some cases the same, a "tongue" of land. Quartermain is for Quatre-mains, perhaps bestowed on a very acquisitive person; Joscius Quatre-buches, four mouths, and Roger Tunekes, two necks, were alive in the twelfth century; and there is record of a Saracen champion named Quinze-paumes, though this is perhaps rather ...
— The Romance of Names • Ernest Weekley

... of six floors is supplied from the gas-mains at a pressure of six-tenths, and that the difference of altitude between the highest and lowest light is equal to fifty feet: the gas in the highest or sixth floor will issue from the burners at a pressure of eleven-tenths; the ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XXVI., December, 1880. • Various

... closed upon the generator itself. In those frequent cases where it is necessary to cause the line to return over a path that it has already traversed, it is more advantageous to effect the return through the earth or to utilize the street water mains or gas pipes as conductors. This return arrangement may likewise be applied to the lines of secondary, tertiary, etc., order, as may easily ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884 • Various

... obtained from the Cotswolds above Broadway, about six miles away, of much softer and really pure spring water. It comes in pipes by gravitation, so there is no expense of pumping; but it was difficult to get recalcitrant ratepayers to lay the water on from the mains to their houses, as that part of the cost had to be borne by them individually; and, before compulsion could be resorted to, the Council had to prove contamination of the wells and close them. To get the evidence samples were submitted to a London analyst, and they were invariably ...
— Grain and Chaff from an English Manor • Arthur H. Savory

... children, there was always magnificent fun on hand. Among the sailors he had the heartiest friends; he heard miraculous stories about pirates and shipwrecks and desert islands; he learned to splice ropes and rig toy ships, and gained an amount of information concerning "tops'ls" and "mains'ls," quite surprising. His conversation had, indeed, quite a nautical flavor at times, and on one occasion he raised a shout of laughter in a group of ladies and gentlemen who were sitting on deck, wrapped in shawls ...
— Little Lord Fauntleroy • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... Chaline; but his "Avis a Nosseigneurs du Parlement, &c." 1652, 4to.—upon the sale of the Cardinal's library—and his "Remise de la Bihliotheque [Transcriber's Note: Bibliotheque] [Du Cardinal] entre le mains de M. Tubeuf, 1651," are much scarcer productions. A few of these particulars are gathered from Peignot's Dict. de la Bibliolologie [Transcriber's Note: Bibliologie], vol. ii., p. 1—consult also his Dict. Portatif de Bibliographie, p. ...
— Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... become over-taxed, simply because drainage water is not held in check by close soils, or distributed by lateral drains, but is brought in large quantities over the surface to the drain line, and must be taken away in a short time or injury is done to the land. In making mains or sub-mains it is better to err in making them too large than ...
— Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 3, January 19, 1884. - A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside • Various

... Mais pour continuer. Il y a le "wicket," une chose fait de trois morceaux de bois, a qui le "bowler" jette la balle, dur comme une pierre, et si ca vous attrappe sur le jambe, je vous promis, ca vous fera sauter. Et bien, avant le wicket se place l'homme qui est dedans et qui tient dans ces mains le "bat" avec lequel il frappe la balle et fait des courses. L'autre jour dans un "allumette" entre deux "counties," un professional qui s'appelle Fusil a fait plus ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., August 23, 1890. • Various

... the Faries rowls so bad, though what the Faries mains is more nor I can tell.' (I spelled the word quite krect, lads, but my poor mistress hain't got the best of eyesight.) 'Let me know in yer nixt, an' be sure to tell me if Long Forsyth has got the bitter o' ...
— The Lighthouse • Robert Ballantyne

... the heavens to keep the sunlight out of your house—just close the blinds and draw the curtains; nor do you pour barrels of water on the flames to quench the fire—just shut off the draught; nor do you dynamite the city reservoir and destroy all the mains and pipes to cut off your supply of sparkling water, but just refrain from turning ...
— When the Holy Ghost is Come • Col. S. L. Brengle

... year 1686, in the months of June and July," says the honest chronicler, "many yet alive can witness that about the Crossford Boat, two miles beneath Lanark, especially at the Mains, on the water of Clyde, many people gathered together for several afternoons, where there were showers of bonnets, hats, guns, and swords, which covered the trees and the ground; companies of men in arms marching in order ...
— Letters On Demonology And Witchcraft • Sir Walter Scott

... length. There are over 420 miles of streets in the patrol districts, and eleven miles of piers along the water. The sewerage is generally good, but defective in some places. Nearly 400 miles of water-mains have been laid. The streets are lighted by about 19,000 gas lamps, besides lamps set out by private parties. They are paved with the Belgian and wooden pavements, cobble stones being almost a thing of the past. For so large a city, New York is remarkably clean, except ...
— Lights and Shadows of New York Life - or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City • James D. McCabe

... reservoir, with a channel from this reservoir to distribute the water so raised among several motors arranged for utilizing the pressure. The author is not aware that works have been carried out for this purpose. However, in many towns a part of the water from the public mains serves to supply small motors—consequently, if the water, instead of being brought by a natural fall, has been previously lifted artificially, it might be said that a transmission of power is here grafted on to the ordinary distribution ...
— Scientific American Supplement No. 275 • Various

... their respective houses, and keep the best company. All those French young fellows are excessively 'etourdis'; be upon your guard against scrapes and quarrels; have no corporal pleasantries with them, no 'jeux de mains', no 'coups de chambriere', which frequently bring on quarrels. Be as lively as they, if you please, but at the same time be a little wiser than they. As to letters, you will find most of them ignorant; do not ...
— The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son • The Earl of Chesterfield

... this territory as of no value to them." For a quarter of a century peace was preserved, for there ruled at Ava a prince "who was too clear-sighted to attempt again to measure arms with the British troops." Anon he was succeeded by a new king—the Pagan Prince—"who cared for nothing but mains of cocks, games, and other infantile amusements," and who, after the manner of Oriental despots, inaugurated his reign by putting to death his two brothers and all their households. "There were several hundreds of them." It is not surprising that under a ruler addicted to such practices the ...
— Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913 • Evelyn Baring

... demander de m'accorder quelque chose. C'est mon sentiment que nos relations ne peuvent pas se bien continuer si vous ne me donnez pas la permission de vous tutoyer. Voulez-vous que nous nous tutoyions?" Je lui pris les mains et je lui dis qu'une pareille proposition venant d'un Anglais, et d'un Anglais de sa haute distinction, c'etait une victoire, dont je serais fier toute ma vie. Et nous commencions a user de cette nouvelle forme dans nos rapports. Vous ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume 9 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... Electricity—Gas is manufactured by the Reno Power, Light & Water Company and distributed to nearly every home in the city through thirty-one miles of mains. The minimum rate is $1.10 a month and averages $2 per 1,000 cubic feet. Electricity is sold by the same company for light and power purposes from three hydro-electric plants on the Truckee river. For domestic uses the electricity is sold at seven to two cents a kilowatt hour, ...
— Reno - A Book of Short Stories and Information • Lilyan Stratton

... mains ourdiraient les entrailles du pretre, Au defaut d'un cordon pour etrangler ...
— Diderot and the Encyclopaedists - Volume II. • John Morley

... pas de celui de Dom. Mege, qui avoit parut trois ans avant le sien; parceque ses sentiments relaches ses confreres, de sorte qu'en plusiers monasteres reformes de cet ordre on ne le met pas entre les mains des jeunes religieux Voyez le Cerf, Bibl. des Ecr. de la Congr. de St. Maur, p. 348. Hist. Literaria Ord. St. Bened. t. 3, p. 21. Dom. Calmet printed in 1734, in two volumes, in 4to., Commentaire Literal Historique et Moral sur la Regle de St. Benoit, a work which, both for edification ...
— The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints - January, February, March • Alban Butler

... /n./ Electrical mains voltage that is unfriendly to the delicate innards of computers. Spikes, {drop-outs}, average voltage significantly higher or lower than nominal, or just plain noise can all cause problems of varying subtlety and severity (these are collectively ...
— The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0

... replied the Idiot. "But I do agree with the Bibliomaniac that our streets are far from perfection," he added. "In my opinion they should be laid in strata. On the ground-floor should be the sewers and telegraph pipes; above this should be the water-mains, then a layer for trucks, then a broad stratum for carriages, above which should be a promenade for pedestrians. The promenade for pedestrians should be divided into four sections—one for persons of leisure, one for those in a hurry, one for peddlers, ...
— Coffee and Repartee • John Kendrick Bangs

... consumers in terms of indicated horse power and in different modes, more or less economical, of applying the air power in the consumers' engines; (3) a tracing showing the method of laying the mains; (4) a tracing showing the method of collecting the meter records at the central station, by means of electric apparatus, and ascertaining the exact amount of leakage. A short description of the two latter would be ...
— Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XXI., No. 531, March 6, 1886 • Various

... 'Cy commence le livre de la Pucelle, natifve de Lorraine, qui reduict France entre les mains du roy, enseble le iugemet et comme elle fust bruslee au Vieil-Marche de Rouen.' ...
— Joan of Arc • Ronald Sutherland Gower

... said the old man pettishly; "count as many years as I do, if your plots will let you, and see what, and how much, you remember.—Why, I scarce remember the pear-mains which I graffed here with my own hands ...
— The Abbot • Sir Walter Scott

... of men and horses to be concentrated in this area as the preparations for our offensive proceeded. To meet this difficulty many wells and borings were sunk, and over one hundred pumping plants were installed. More than one hundred and twenty miles of water mains were laid, and everything was got ready to insure an adequate water supply ...
— World's War Events, Vol. II • Various

... your letters raound! All our salt is wetted, an' the anchor's off the graound! Bend, oh, bend your mains'l, we're back to Yankeeland— With fifteen hunder' quintal, An' fifteen hunder' quintal, 'Teen hunder' toppin' quintal, 'Twix' ...
— "Captains Courageous" • Rudyard Kipling

... was to be reckoned a devil of a fellow. He'd have given a year's earnings, I knew, to have people point him out on the street and say, "There's Sam Hollis—there's the boy to carry sail—nobody ever made him take his mains'l in," the same as they used to say of a half dozen or so that really would carry sail—that would drive a vessel under before they would be the first to reef. But the people didn't do that, although, let him tell it, he did wonderful things out to sea, ...
— The Seiners • James B. (James Brendan) Connolly

... [Footnote: Denonville au Ministre, 9 Nov., 1686; Ibid., 8 Juin, 1687. Denonville at last seems to have been seized with some compunction, and writes: "Tout cela me fait craindre que le pauvre pere n'ayt de la peine a se retirer d'entre les mains de ces barbares ce qui m'inquiete fort." Dongan, though regarding the Jesuit as an insidious enemy, had treated him much better, and protected him on several occasions, for which he received the emphatic thanks of Dablon, superior of the missions. Dablon ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... he said. "Look at me, did I not leave my heart at Branxholme Mains with Mally Grieve, and so in every town where I have been in garrison, and do you see me cast down? Off with this green sickness, or never will you have strength to march with the Maid, where there is wealth to be won, and golden coronets, and gaudy stones, such ...
— A Monk of Fife • Andrew Lang

... mouvants of the barony of Blet. Some are situated in Bourbonnais, nineteen being in this condition. In Bourbonnais, the fiefs, even when owned by plebeians, simply owe la bouche et les mains to the seignior at each mutation. Formerly the seignior of Blet enforced, in this case, the right of redemption which has been allowed to fall into desuetude. Others are situated in Berry where the right of redemption is exercised. One fief in Berry, that of Cormesse held by the archbishop of Bourges, ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine

... Master Prosper," shouted Billy. "If the ship won't steer we must get that mains'l in, or we're lost men. Run you and cast off the peak halliards while I lower! The Lord be praised, here's Mike, too," he cried, as Mike Halliday appeared at the hatchway, nursing a badly burnt arm. "Glad to see ye, ...
— Sir John Constantine • Prosper Paleologus Constantine

... block further south. It ran down what is now Sacramento Street, and you ought to know enough about the fire to realize that we couldn't use our fire hose, because the earthquake broke the water mains." ...
— The Lure of San Francisco - A Romance Amid Old Landmarks • Elizabeth Gray Potter and Mabel Thayer Gray

... of Ellieslaw, to show my parental affection and disinterested zeal for promoting your settlement in life. The annual interest of debts charged on the estate somewhat exceeds the income, even after a reasonable rent has been put upon the mansion and mains. But as all the debts are in the person of Mr. Ratcliffe, as your kinsman's trustee, he will not be a troublesome creditor. And here I must make you aware, that though I have to complain of Mr. Ratcliffe's conduct to me personally, I, nevertheless, believe him ...
— The Black Dwarf • Sir Walter Scott

... silencieux dans la vallee: C'en est fait des sentiments de famille. Sur un peu de fumee le vieil aieul Etend ses mains pales; et le foyer vide Est aussi desole ...
— The Philosophy of Misery • Joseph-Pierre Proudhon

... respectively. The installation, when completed, will include very extensive arrangements for transporting and storing coal, and the interior of the boiler houses will be furnished with an overhead system of rails and carriers for handling the coal automatically, as far as possible. All the principal mains and steam pipes are made in duplicate, not only for greater security, but in order that each set of engines and boilers may be connected interchangeably without delay. The Seine supplies an ample quantity of water, but not in a condition ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891 • Various

... voulu que cette education le rendit egalement digne, par ses lumieres et ses vertus, de recevoir avec resignation le fardeau dangereux d'une couronne, ou de la deposer avec joie entre les mains de ses freres; qu'il sentit que le devoir et la gloire du roi d'un peuple libre sont de hater le moment de n'etre ...
— The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. IV. (of 12) • Edmund Burke

... efficiency of accumulators is not generally higher than 75%, and machines must be used to charge them, it is not directly economical to use cells alone for public supply. Yet they play an important and an increasing part in public work, because they help to maintain a constant voltage on the mains, and can be used to distribute the load on the running machinery over a much greater fraction of the day. Used in parallel with the dynamo, they quickly yield current when the load increases, and immediately begin to charge when the load diminishes, thus largely reducing the fluctuating stress ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... Things were considerably disturbed, but the engines were apparently uninjured. The watchman was not injured, although surrounded by falling bricks and mortar. I was told that the water supply was stopped, and later learned that it was because the earthquake had broken the water-mains. ...
— San Francisco During the Eventful Days of April, 1906 • James B. Stetson

... the town mains. Lavatories are installed in the corridors near the dormitories. The inmates may have hot and cold baths every day. As to laundry work, those of the first class can have it done by their own servants or pay the third-class women to ...
— Turkish Prisoners in Egypt - A Report By The Delegates Of The International Committee - Of The Red Cross • Various

... approaches nearest to the continent, and is the Charybdis through which the story makes Ulysses sail; and the narrowness of the passage and the strength of the current that pours in from the vast Tyrrhenian and Sicilian mains, have rightly given ...
— The History of the Peloponnesian War • Thucydides

... the life of his house, ministering to all its necessities and pleasures. Under the conservatories, with their long stretches of glass, catching the moon's rays like levels of water, was the steam furnace that imparted their summer climate, through heavy mains carried below the basement, to every chamber of the mansion; a ragged plume of vapor escaped from the tall chimney above them, and dishevelled itself in diaphanous silver on the night-breeze. Beyond the ...
— The Quality of Mercy • W. D. Howells

... eliminating wood to the greatest extent possible and fireproofing what remains, was shown by the destruction of the Spanish men-of-war. Fire mains should be kept below the protective deck. The battle proved that ships moving rapidly can attack other vessels also under way and inflict ...
— Porto Rico - Its History, Products and Possibilities... • Arthur D. Hall

... En decriant ta medicine, Et de ses propres mains mina Les fondemens de sa machine: Tres rarement il opina Sans humeur bizarre ou chagrine, Et, l'esprit qui le domina Etait ...
— Memoirs And Historical Chronicles Of The Courts Of Europe - Marguerite de Valois, Madame de Pompadour, and Catherine de Medici • Various

... "No—mon cher, pas le mains du monde. It took me three hours to come here from ze Pennsylvania station—such a crazy in and out route I gave ze chauffeur. If they succeed in following such a labyrinth as that, ...
— The Mask - A Story of Love and Adventure • Arthur Hornblow

... together; for, every attempt that happens to fail, can be made to appear as a conscious effort of abstinence, in the sense of the exercises of the lower grades; [Footnote: For a curious example of such exercises, see Ferdinand Hiller's "Oper ohne Text;" a set of pianoforte pieces, a quatre mains.] and "the opera," which beckons in the distance like a forlorn bride, can be made to figure as a symbol of the temptation, which is to be finally resisted—so that the authors of operatic failures may be glorified ...
— On Conducting (Ueber das Dirigiren): - A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music • Richard Wagner (translated by Edward Dannreuther)

... our prisoners are treated is a great tribute to British chivalry. An old French soldier, watching them one day in their camp, said to me: "Vous les traitez trop bien ces salots." I replied: "Oui, mais c'est comme ca que l'Angleterre fait la guerre—avec les mains ...
— War Letters of a Public-School Boy • Henry Paul Mainwaring Jones

... ses mains, ourdissant les entrailles du pretre, En feraient un cordon pour le dernier ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine

... died. Then their black spectres haunted the waterside, Charred ruins, broken-limbed, no more erect, Or heaped black dust, with cold white ashes flecked. But I had seen the angel-quelling men, With blackened and bruised face, the horses thin, The glittering harness, the leaky, bubbling mains, The broad smoke, and the steam from the leaping rains:— O I had seen what I should not forget, Men that defeated ruinous angels and shall ...
— Poems New and Old • John Freeman

... 1687. "Le Roi son maitre," says Barillon, "a temoigne une grande satisfaction des mesures qu'il a prises, et a autorise ce qu'il a fait en faveur des Catholiques. Il les etablit dans les emplois et les charges, en sorte que l'autorite se trouvera bientot entre leurs mains. Il reste encore beaucoup de choses a faire en ce pays la pour retirer les biens injustement otes aux Catholiques. Mais cela ne peut s'executer qu'avec le tems et dans l'assemblee d'un ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 2 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... sand and 12 in. of filter gravel. The gravel is graded from coarse to fine; the lower and coarser part acts as part of the under-drain system, and the upper and finest layer supports the filter sand. The raw water from the pumps is carried to the filters through riveted steel rising mains which have 20-in. cast-iron branches for supplying the individual filters. The filtered water is collected in the under-drainage system of the several filter beds, and is carried through 20-in., cast-iron pipes to the regulator-houses. These ...
— Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXXII, June, 1911 • E. D. Hardy

... happen to come to Hot Springs? They got me to come to work on the water mains. Worked for the water works a long time. Then I worked for a Mr. Smith in the bath house. I fired the furnace for him. Then for about 15 years I kept the yard at the Kingsway——the Eastman it was then. I kept the lawn clean at the Eastman Hotel. That was about the last steady ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4 • Works Projects Administration

... are injured by many causes: as, starving because of poor soil and lack of water under pavements; smoke and dust; leakage from gas mains and from electric installation; gnawing by horses; butchering by persons stringing wires; carelessness of contractors and builders; wind and ice storms; overcrowding; and the blundering work of persons who think that they know how to prune. Well-enforced municipal regulations should be able ...
— Manual of Gardening (Second Edition) • L. H. Bailey

... a vous, mes chers vivants, aux mains des barbares en ce moment sans doute, mais en le coeur de qui j'ai foi, tant je connais votre devouement aux ...
— Three French Moralists and The Gallantry of France • Edmund Gosse

... both the white rose and the red, and the eglantine is abundant; that time the nests are brimful of well-fledged nestlings, and the little hearts of the small parent fowls are so exalted with gladness that they sing with all their mights and mains, so that the early daytime is filled full of the sweet jargon and the jubilant medley of their voices. Yea; that is a goodly season of the year, for though, haply, the spirit may not be so hilarious as in the young and golden springtime, yet doth the soul take to itself ...
— The Story of the Champions of the Round Table • Howard Pyle

... an up-to-date American fire department, but even there, with water mains and a signal-box system for alarms, a fire once started in a nipa district in the dry season can seldom be checked until the neighborhood is clean swept. In the provinces, where there is not so much as a bucket brigade, ...
— A Woman's Impression of the Philippines • Mary Helen Fee

... skulking along towards Maybury, in the hope of getting out of danger Londonward. People were hiding in trenches and cellars, and many of the survivors had made off towards Woking village and Send. He had been consumed with thirst until he found one of the water mains near the railway arch smashed, and the water bubbling out like a ...
— The War of the Worlds • H. G. Wells

... laquelle on gravit le couvercle, est excessivement rapide; on suit une espece de sillon creuse dans le roc par la nature; quelques pointes de roc aux quelles on se cramponne, en montant avec les mains, autant et plus qu'avec les pieds, ont fait donner a ce passage le nom d'egralets ou de petits degres. Ce passage n'est cependant point dangereux, parce que le roc, qui est un granit tres-coherent, permet d'assurer toujours solidement les mains et les pieds; mais ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... jour, nous rompit de ses mains Un mouchoir qu'il trouva dans une Fleur des Saints, Disant que nous melions, par un crime effroyable, Avec la saintete les parures ...
— Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 • Various

... Department property is required at every station, and for large stations such as Aldershot, it may be necessary to undertake special water supply schemes, works for disposal of sewage, and for the supply of electricity or gas for lighting the barracks. The system of roads, pipes and mains within the barracks are in all cases maintained by the Royal Engineers, as well as the buildings themselves. District and brigade offices are necessary for the administration of large units, and quarters for the general officer commanding and the headquarters ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 - "Banks" to "Bassoon" • Various

... to All Atlantic said: (A-hay O! To me O!) 'Now where did Frankie learn his trade? For he ran me down with a three-reef mains'le.' (All round ...
— Rewards and Fairies • Rudyard Kipling

... into the heart of any other man to imagine (vol. ii. p. 180): "Il souffrait tant que par instants il s'arrachait des poignees de cheveux, pour voir s'ils ne blanchissaient pas." And, p. 181: "Ses pensees etaient si insupportables qu'il prenait sa tete a deux mains et tatchait de l'arracher de ses epaules pour la briser sur ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 3 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... tombes l'un et l'autre dans le ruisseau. Avant que le bon licencie fut recteur, cela lui arrivoit assez souvent. Les honneurs, comme vous voyez, ne changent pas toujours les moeurs.' Nous laissames ces ivrognes entre les mains de la patrouille, qui eut soin de les porter chez eux. Nous regagnames notre hotel, et chacun ne ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... for the celebration of the earliest Christian, or the latest heathen, rites among the first discoverers of New England, or whether it was a cockpit where the English officers who were billeted in the old tavern near by fought their mains at the time of our Revolution, it had the charm of a ruin, and appealed to the fancy with whatever potency belongs to the mouldering monuments of the past. The hands that shaped it were all dust, and there was no record of the minds that willed it to prove that it was a hundred, ...
— A Pair of Patient Lovers • William Dean Howells

... was born on the 5th April 1792, at Bargeny Mains, in the parish of Dailly, and county of Ayr. Receiving the rudiments of education from a private teacher in his father's house, he entered the parish school of Ballantrae in his tenth year, and afterwards became a pupil in the academy of Ayr. A period ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... silence conduit leui assemblee impure. A la pale lueur d'un magique flambeau S'eleve un vil autel dresse sur un tombeau. C'est la que des deux rois on placa les images, Objets de leur terreur, objets de leurs outrages. Leurs sacrileges mains out mele sur l'autel A des noms infernaux le nom de l'Eternel. Sur ces murs tenebreux des lances sont rangees, Dans des vases de sang leurs pointes sont plongees; Appareil menacant de leur mystere affreux. Le pretre de ce temple est un ...
— Secret Societies And Subversive Movements • Nesta H. Webster

... innocence, he should convince the Spectators of the injustice of his fate." Madame du Deffand, in giving to Walpole, on the 10th of January 1766, an account of this horrible scene, having stated, that the populace "battait des mains pendant l'ex'ecution," he returned her an answer, in a high degree honourable to his moral feeling:—"Ah! Madame, Madame, quelles horreurs me racontez-vous la! Qu'on ne dise jamais que les Anglais sent durs et f'eroces. ...
— Letters of Horace Walpole, V4 • Horace Walpole

... and imprisonments, but would not give up the privilege of writing as he pleased. The present discourse was the cause of a quarrel with his friend Whiston. He died Jan. 27, 1733, "avec beaucoup de fermete... il se ferma les yeux et la bouche de ses propres mains, et rendit l'esprit." This work exists in a manuscript book of 187 pages, written very fine, in the Bibliotheque Nationale (Mss. francais 15224) and was current in France long before 1780. In fact it is mentioned by Grimm before 1770, ...
— Baron d'Holbach • Max Pearson Cushing

... vows vengeance—"death to them all!" As for the means for realising his sacred mission, he recommends bombs, dynamite, individual and wholesale terrorism, popular insurrection, and paralysing the life of the cities by destroying the water-mains, the gas-pipes, the telegraph and telephone wires, the railways and tram-ways, the Government buildings and the prisons. At some moments he seems to imagine himself invested with papal powers, for he anathematises the soldiers ...
— Russia • Donald Mackenzie Wallace

... perfection du mal. Il croyait apercevoir quelques signes de bonte dans les actions obscures de Satan, et, sans trop l'oser dire, il en augurait la redemption finale de l'archange meditatif, apres la consommation des siecles. . . . Assis sur la margelle, les mains dans les manches de sa robe, il contemplait avec un paisible etonnement les ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... Wilkinson, whose conversational reservations were certainly few, ignored the prize ring. Smith went unconsciously on, but for his hearer, for the time at least, the spell was snapped. Still, she listened. He told her more of what the maps showed—how they indicated the location and size of the water mains in the streets, of the hydrants, the fire department houses, even the fire alarm boxes—everything, in short, which the fire underwriter desired to contemplate when passing on a risk submitted for the company's approval. By this time they had reached the other end of the big room and ...
— White Ashes • Sidney R. Kennedy and Alden C. Noble

... that of size (it is also called a 'tub'), and inexhaustible content, it is a cauldron of plenty.[7] Now, neither of these qualities can be postulated of the Grail; whatever its form, Cup or Dish, it can easily be borne (in uplifted hands, entre ses mains hautement porte) by a maiden, which certainly could not be postulated of a cauldron! Nor is there any proof that the Vessel itself contained the food with which the folk of the Grail castle were regaled; the ...
— From Ritual to Romance • Jessie L. Weston

... miles south of San Francisco, were demolished. Ninety per cent of the loss in San Francisco was due to the conflagration which raged for two days. Fires broke out owing to the crossing of electric wires. The water-mains were old and poorly laid and the force of the earthquake had burst them. Firemen and soldiers fought the advance of the flames by destroying buildings with dynamite. Not until an area three miles in length and two miles in breadth, including all the business and the thickly settled residential ...
— History of the United States, Volume 6 (of 6) • E. Benjamin Andrews

... from the mains of the City of Pittsburg is used to represent that found in the mines by actual analysis. A typical analysis of this ...
— Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXX, Dec. 1910 • Herbert M. Wilson

... electrolytic or disruptive, otherwise light vibrations would be damped. The dielectric loss in a cable may be serious. Calculating from the waste in a condenser made of paper soaked in hot ozokerite, the loss in one of the Deptford mains came out 7,000 watts. Another effect observed at Deptford is a rise of pressure in the mains. There is as yet no authoritative statement as to exactly what happens, and it is generally assumed that the effect depends ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 • Various

... safeguard. In an old French fabliau, for instance, we read how a certain highway-robber was always careful to address his prayers to the Blessed Virgin, before going out to murder and steal; and found the practice pay him well. For when he was taken and hanged, our Lady put her 'mains blanches' under his feet, and supported him invisibly for a whole day, till the executioner, finding it impossible to kill him, was forced to let him retire peaceably into a monastery, where he lived ...
— The Roman and the Teuton - A Series of Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge • Charles Kingsley

... enough for a couple of coolies to pass, and in this province, as it is often necessary (especially in the Yuen-nan-fu district) for one cart to pass another, the farmer, to prevent trespass on his crops, digs around them deep ditches, resembling those which are dug for the reception of gas mains. In the rainy season the fields are drained into the roads, which at times are constantly under water, and beyond Yuen-nan-fu, on my way to Tali-fu, I often found it easier and more speedy to tramp bang ...
— Across China on Foot • Edwin Dingle

... honor; he's not dasarted me thin. He's a good man and a kind, av' he had the mains. But we've a cabin up here, on her ladyship's ground that is; and he has sent me up among my own people, hoping that times would come round; but faix, yer honor, I'm thinking that they'll never ...
— Castle Richmond • Anthony Trollope

... propres affaires, ne souille point se mains. Argent receu les bras rompus. Vn amoreux fait touiours quelque chose folastre. Le povre qui donne au riche demande Six heures dort l'escholier, sept y'e voyager, huict y'e vigneron, et neuf en demand le poltron. ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... Geoffroy St. Hilaire remarks,[186] "L'anomalie se repete d'un membre thoracique au membre abdominal du meme cote." And he afterwards quotes from Weitbrecht,[187] who had "observe dans un cas l'absence simultanee aux deux mains et aux deux pieds, de quelques doigts, de {180} quelques metacarpiens et metatarsiens, enfin de quelques os ...
— On the Genesis of Species • St. George Mivart

... tranquillement s'enfuir chaque saison— L'epoux tenant son sceptre, environne de gloire, Et l'epouse filant sa quenouille d'ivoire! Mais le jeune heros que, la glaive a son franc! Court dans le noir combat, les mains teintes de sang, Laisse sa femme en ...
— Essays in Little • Andrew Lang

... the drains; where to place the outlet; where to locate the main collecting lines; how to arrange the laterals which are to take the water from the soil and deliver it at the mains; how deep to go; at what intervals; what fall to give; and what sizes of tile to use,—these are all questions of great importance to one who is about ...
— Draining for Profit, and Draining for Health • George E. Waring

... carried his victorious arms from the Nile to the Elbe, from Moscow to the Pillars of Hercules; who bore his eagles triumphantly through Vienna, Rome, Berlin, Madrid! Beneath our feet lay he, who "du monde entre ses mains ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 19, Issue 551, June 9, 1832 • Various

... we shall soon be full up; they've bent on a new mains'l and fores'l; we've been a-painting of her streak to-day, and she do look lovely, and no mistake. But here's a letter I was to give ...
— Mother Carey's Chicken - Her Voyage to the Unknown Isle • George Manville Fenn

... were various gas mains, water mains, electric conduits, manholes, hydrants, etc., in the avenue, and most of these were cut out temporarily, at the contractor's ...
— Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 • B.F. Cresson, Jr

... CHERE S[OE]UR,—J'ai recu des mains de Lord Cowley la lettre que votre Majeste a bien voulu lui confier et dont le contenu m'a offert un nouvel et precieux temoignage de l'amitie et de la confiance qu'elle m'a vouees, ainsi que des vues elevees qui dirigent sa politique. Lord Cowley a ete aupres de moi le digne interprete ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... freezin' on us the nixt, a'most every man Jack of us was coughin' an' sneezin', and watherin' so bad at our eyes an' noses, that I do belave if we'd held 'em over the suction-pipes we might ha' filled the ingins without throublin' the mains at all. So the doctor he said, says he, 'Lads, I'll send ye a bottle o' stuff as'll put ye right.' An' sure enough down comes the bottle that night when we was smokin' our pipes just afther roll-call. It turned out ...
— Fighting the Flames • R.M. Ballantyne

... jusqu'a vouloir persuader au peuple que le feu sacre ne brule pas ceux qui sont en etat de grace. Ils se frottent les mains d'une certaine eau, qui les garantit de la brulure a la premiere approche, et par ce moyen ne se font aucun mal en touchant leurs cierges. Leur proselytes sont jaloux de les imiter; mais comme ils n'ont pas ...
— Palestine or the Holy Land - From the Earliest Period to the Present Time • Michael Russell

... leur nature, et leur forme; etait la {146} marque du Sacerdoce; se portait ordinairement a la tete, et quelquefois aux mains. Forme des mitres dans leur origine, et ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 • Various

... n'avaient point ralenti son zele pour Geneve, il etait toujours un ennemi redoutable pour ceux qui la menacaient, et par consequent il devait etre expose a leurs coups. Il fut rencontre en 1530 sur le Jura par des voleurs, qui le depouillerent, et qui le mirent encore entre les mains du Duc de Savoye: ce Prince le fit enfermer dans le Chateau de Chillon, ou il resta sans etre interroge jusques en 1536; il fut alors delivre par les Bernois, qui ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron

... from the reservoir to the city, smaller mains convey the water to the various sections of the city, and service pipes lead to the individual house taps. During this long journey, considerable force is expended against friction, and hence the flow at a distance from the reservoir falls to but a ...
— General Science • Bertha M. Clark

... que votre amour, pour qu'il puisse passer ainsi de main en main jusqu'a la mort? Non, ce n'est pas meme une monnaie; car la plus mince piece d'or vaut mieux que vous, et dans quelques mains qu'elle passe elle garde son ...
— Prisoners - Fast Bound In Misery And Iron • Mary Cholmondeley

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