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Maltese cross   Listen
maltese cross  n.  (Bot.)
A Eurasian garden perennial (Lychins chalcedonica) having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads.
Synonyms: scarlet lychnis, Lychins chalcedonica.
A cross with triangular or arrow-shaped arms and the points toward the center. See illustration under cross.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Maltese cross" Quotes from Famous Books

... and he still wore the insignia of his order. He was not, however, one of those reliques of that once chivalrous body, who had been described was "a few worn-out old men, creeping about certain parts of Europe, with the Maltese cross on their breasts;" on the contrary, though advanced in life, his form was still light and vigorous; he had a pale, thin, intellectual visage, with a high forehead, and a bright, visionary eye. He seemed to take ...
— Wolfert's Roost and Miscellanies • Washington Irving

... Friederich, from the address on the letter. But what was a letter addressed to such a person doing in the possession of the artist? A letter from a woman, it undoubtedly was. Something heavy was in the envelope beside the letter; it fell out into Sahwah's lap as she handled the letter. It was a little Maltese cross made of gray metal, with letters stamped in the ends of the crosspieces. Sahwah held it in her hand and spelled out the letters, and then all at once she knew what it was. She had seen a picture of such a thing in ...
— The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit - Or, Over the Top with the Winnebagos • Hildegard G. Frey

... Merrifield, and, on their old stamping-ground along the Little Missouri, unfolded, bit by bit, the story of the four years of Roosevelt's active ranching life. In the deserted bar-room of the old "Metropolitan Hotel" at Medora (rechristened the "Rough Riders"); on the ruins of the Maltese Cross cabin and under the murmuring cottonwoods at Elkhorn, they spun their joyous yarns. Apart from what they had to tell, it was worth traveling two thirds across the Continent to come to know these figures of an heroic age; and to sit at ...
— Roosevelt in the Bad Lands • Hermann Hagedorn

Words linked to "Maltese cross" :   Lychins chalcedonica, cross, scarlet lychnis

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