"Matin" Quotes from Famous Books
... ii. 450. Catharine's own account to her minister at Vienna, it is true, is very different. "J'en demeuray pres de 24 heures en une extreme ennuy et fascherie, et jusques a ce que le S. de Losses arriva par-devers moy, qui fut hier sur les neuf heures du matin." Letter to the Bishop of Rennes, Dec. 23, 1562, apud Le Laboureur, Add. aux ... — History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird
... But the matin church-bells ceased—it was nine o'clock. She must rise, and appear below for the first time as mistress in her own house. Also, she remembered faintly something which Mrs. Dugdale had said about the custom at ... — Agatha's Husband - A Novel • Dinah Maria Craik (AKA: Dinah Maria Mulock)
... know and love the Roman de la Rose, and the poems of the singers of La Pleiade. Often he would quote Malherbes, saying with a smile and a sigh as he looked at her radiant youth: 'Et rose, elle a vecu ce que vivent les roses, l'espace d'un matin; for,' he said, 'the flowers of the world fade quickly, and thou art surely a flower, my little one.' He read her the works of Racine, Corneille, Moliere, all of which learning she assimilated rapidly, and with an accuracy which delighted the old scholar. Sometimes, of an evening, ... — A German Pompadour - Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Graevenitz, - Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg • Marie Hay
... Blithesome and cumberless, Sweet be thy matin o'er moorland and lea! Emblem of happiness, Blest is thy dwelling-place,— Oh to abide in the desert with thee! Wild is the day and loud Far in the downy cloud, Love gives it energy, love gave it birth. Where, on thy dewy wing, Where art thou journeying? ... — Voices for the Speechless • Abraham Firth
... found himself pacing the deck at Ethel Dent's side. As a rule, he and his mates rose betimes and, clad in slippers and pajamas, raced up and down the decks to keep their muscles in hard order, before descending for the tubbing which is the matin duty of every self-respecting British subject. This morning, instead of the deserted decks and the pajama-clad athletes, the passengers were out early to catch the first glimpse of Madeira, and Weldon, ... — On the Firing Line • Anna Chapin Ray and Hamilton Brock Fuller
... carrying a purple banner, through an admiring crowd in Fifth Avenue. To-day, after a variable period, when she had dabbled in kindergarten, wood engraving, the tango, and settlement work, she was studying for the stage, and had fallen in love with a matine idol. Gabriella, who had welcomed the wood engraving and the kindergartening and had been sympathetically, though impersonally, aware of the suffrage movement, just as she had been aware many years before of the Spanish War, was deeply disturbed ... — Life and Gabriella - The Story of a Woman's Courage • Ellen Glasgow
... after Colonel Mapleson opened his seventh season at the Academy of Music. It lasted until February 21st, but the last subscription performance was that on the evening of the day after Dr. Damrosch had fallen ill. The subscription was for thirty-eight nights and twelve Saturday matines. There was no Christmas interregnum. The list of operas produced, the date of first representation, and the number of times each opera was given can be read in the ... — Chapters of Opera • Henry Edward Krehbiel
... Perkins was happy—Perkins was positively joyous, and Perkins was self-satisfied. The violinist had made a great hit. But Perkins, confiding in the white-coated dispenser who concocted his matin Martini, very dry, an hour before, said he regarded the success due as much to the management as to the artist. And Perkins believed it. Perkins usually took all the credit for a success, and with charming consistency placed ... — The Fifth String, The Conspirators • John Philip Sousa
... j'ai connu Fleeming Jenkin! C'etait en Mai 1878. Nous etions tous deux membres du jury de l'Exposition Universelle. On n'avait rien fait qui vaille a la premiere seance de notre classe, qui avait eu lieu le matin. Tout le monde avait parle et reparle pour ne rien dire. Cela durait depuis huit heures; il etait midi. Je demandai la parole pour une motion d'ordre, et je proposai que la seance fut levee a la condition ... — Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson
... besoin de haches on de fleches, ils font un modele avec des feuilles d'arbre, et vont la nuit porter ce modele, et la moitie d'un cerf on d'un sanglier, a la porte d'un armurier, qui voyant le matin cette viande pendue a sa porte, scait ce que cela veut dire: il travaille aussi-tot et 3 jours apres il pend les fleches ou les haches au meme endroit ou etoit la viande, et la nuit suivante le Beda les vient prendre."—RIBEYRO, ... — Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent
... in the thought that some of them may have printed your portrait. When once you've seen your features hurriedly reproduced in the Matin, for instance, you feel you would like to be a veiled Turkish woman for the ... — The Unbearable Bassington • Saki
... mood, Godfrey pursued his way though the lonely park. The birds had not yet sung their matin hymn to awaken the earth. Deep silence rested upon the august face of nature. Not a breath of air stirred the branches, heavy with dew-drops. The hour was full of beauty and mystery. An awe fell insensibly upon the heart, as if it saw the eye of God visibly ... — Mark Hurdlestone - Or, The Two Brothers • Susanna Moodie
... track ye're on, Donald!" cried Tom Caldwell heartily, as he seated himself and gazed happily about him; "the Glen's gettin' to be like Sodom, that's what it is, an' it's mesilf that couldn't be lettin' the matin' pass widout comin' up an' givin' ye a helpin' hand. We'll bring down a blessin', glory be; so let's jist fire ahead an' ... — The Silver Maple • Marian Keith
... avec bien du regret) le 14 au matin; et revenant d'abord a Grund, je le laissai sur ma droite, ainsi que l'Iberg; et plus loin, du meme cote, une autre montagne nommee Winterberg dont la base est schiste, et le sommet plus haut que Clausthal, entierement compose de couches calcaires. ... — Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton
... the matin hour which fled before it, so that from afar I discerned the trembling of the sea. We set forth over the solitary plain like a man who turns unto the road which he has lost, and, till he come to it, seems to himself to go in vain. When we were where the dew contends with the sun, ... — The Divine Comedy, Volume 2, Purgatory [Purgatorio] • Dante Alighieri
... holy-talk of Vesper and of Matin, He heard me my Greek and he heard me my Latin, He blessed me and crossed me to keep my soul from evil, And we watched him out of sight, and we conjured up ... — A Few Figs from Thistles • Edna St. Vincent Millay
... of monasteries, castles and soaring church spires of Coventry looked luminous in the morning sunshine, while the brazen tongues of century bells rolled their mellifluous matin tones in voluminous welcome to the great multitude of revelers within her embattled ... — Shakspere, Personal Recollections • John A. Joyce
... saying, humbly: "Don't be angry, darlin', 'tis foolish of me, an ould crippled wolf, to be thinking of matin' with a fawn like y'rself. I don't blame ye. ... — Money Magic - A Novel • Hamlin Garland
... faveurs, a votre Majeste), comme par l'obeissance du navire a ses experts conducteurs, nous mimes pied a terre a Tremon, le port de Lubec, Mercredi le 7 Juin. Samedi nous arrivames a Hambourg, ou je suis a present, dans la maison des Anglais. Ce matin j'ai pense ne voir point le soir, ayant ete travaille d'un mal soudain, et tempete horrible qui m'a cuide renverser dans ce port. Mais il a plu a Dieu me remettre en bonne mesure, ainsi j'espere que ... — A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke
... cried she, "it is all one to Mariquita. You may wait till the matin bell rings. Fine times, indeed, when every thieving guerilla thinks he may find free quarters where he pleases! No, no, senor, stay where you are; the fresh air will cool your impatience. It will be daybreak ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 364, February 1846 • Various
... of vessels captured in the action of the 23rd of August, by his Majesty's brig Weasel:—Notre Dame de Misericorde, de Rochelle; La Vengeur, de Bourdeaux; L'Etoile du Matin, de Charent. ... — The Poacher - Joseph Rushbrook • Frederick Marryat
... would meet her ere a month had passed away. This prophecy, as it happened, was fulfilled. Then they redoubled their attacks; the necromancer kept crying out that the peril was most imminent, until the matin bells of Rome swung through the darkness, freeing them at last from fear. As they walked home, the boy, holding the Sicilian by his robe and Benvenuto by his mantle, told them that he still saw giants leaping with fantastic gestures on their path, now running along the house roofs, and now dancing ... — Renaissance in Italy Vol. 3 - The Fine Arts • John Addington Symonds
... night, ere glimpse of morn, His shadowy flail hath thresh'd the corn That ten day-labourers could not end; Then lies him down the lubber fiend, And, stretch'd out all the chimney's length, Basks at the fire his hairy strength; And crop-full out of doors he flings, Ere the first cock his matin rings. Thus done the tales, to bed they creep, By whispering winds soon lull'd asleep. Tower'd cities please us then, And the busy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold, In weeds of peace ... — The Golden Treasury - Of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language • Various
... trickle of civilian life made scarcely an impression in the broad current of military activity. A solitary postman, with a mere handful of letters, made his morning rounds of echoing streets, and a bent old man with newspapers hobbled slowly along the Rue Sadi-Carnot shouting, "Le Matin! Le Journal!" to boarded windows and bolted doors. Meanwhile, we marched back and forth between billets in the town and trenches just outside. And the last thing which we saw upon leaving the town, and the first upon returning, was the lengthening row of new-made graves ... — Kitchener's Mob - Adventures of an American in the British Army • James Norman Hall
... this inquiry was not easy. Meanwhile the sun had mounted high up in the heavens and was shining brightly, the birds were singing their matin songs, and in the roadside pastures the cattle were quietly grazing. It was a peaceful, pastoral scene, but its peace did not enter the heart of the wanderer. Somehow the world did not appear half so attractive in his eyes as it had looked ... — Sword and Pen - Ventures and Adventures of Willard Glazier • John Algernon Owens
... lived on Morskaia Street, AU REZ-DE- CHAUSSEE, and had marvellous apartments, furniture, you know, and I was able to arrange it all beautifully, not so very expensively though; my father, to be sure, gave me porcelains, flowers, and silver—a wonderful lot. Le matin je sortais, visits, 5 heures regulierement. I used to go and dine with her; often she was alone. Il faut avouer que c'etait une femme ravissante! You didn't know her ... — Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian • Various
... the street of Mary of Burgundy, and went on his way out of the chiming city as its matin bells were rung, and took with him a certain regret, and the only innocent affection that had ever awakened in him; and thought of his self-negation with half admiration and half derision; and so drifted away into the whirlpool of his amorous, cynical, changeful, passionate, ... — Bebee • Ouida
... [9] "Ce matin j'ai appris par une estafette que les ennemis avaient joint l'Electeur de Baviere avec 26,000 hommes, et que M. de Villeroi a passe la Meuse avec la meilleure partie de l'armee des Pays Bas, et qu'il poussait sa marche en toute diligence vers la Moselle, ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845 • Various
... Each matin bell, the Baron saith, Knells us back to a world of death. These words Sir Leoline first said, When he rose and found his lady dead: These words Sir Leoline will say Many a ... — Poems of Coleridge • Coleridge, ed Arthur Symons
... heaven I dream, But that is a pullet and clouted cream; Myself by denial I mortify— With a dainty bit of a warden-pie; I'm clothed in sackcloth for my sin— With old sack wine I'm lined within; A chirping cup is my matin song, And the vesper's bell is my bowl, ding-dong. What baron or squire, Or knight of the shire, Lives half so ... — The Book of Humorous Verse • Various
... cackle of the apprentice as he looked after Guida roused a mockery of indignation in the Master. "Sacre matin, a back-hander on the jaw'd do you good, slubberdegullion—you! Ah, get go scrub the coffin blacking from your jowl!" he rasped out ... — The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker
... "Some love the matin-chimes, which toll The hour of prayer to sinner: But better far's the mid-day bell, Which speaks the hour of dinner; For when I see a smoking fish, Or capon drown'd in gravy, Or noble haunch on silver dish, Full glad I ... — The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray
... of creation last, arose With evening harps and matin, when God said, 'Let the earth bring forth soul living in her kind, Cattle and creeping things, and beast of the earth, Each in their kind!' The earth obeyed, and, straight Opening her fertile womb, teemed at a birth Innumerous ... — Lectures and Essays • Thomas Henry Huxley
... makes me a ballroom bow at the foot of the stairs in the evening. He comes down the stairs as stiff as a ramrod, lifts his gloved hand to his kepi, as he says, "Bon jour, madame, vous allez bien ce matin?" ... — On the Edge of the War Zone - From the Battle of the Marne to the Entrance of the Stars and Stripes • Mildred Aldrich
... splendor, whose sameness never fails, but now a flock of ring-doves break for a moment with dots of purple its monotonous beauty, and the carol of a tiny bird (the first of the season), though I cannot see the darling, fills the joyful air with its matin song. ... — The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52 • Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe
... on her lemon streets. Moist pith of farls of bread, the froggreen wormwood, her matin incense, court the air. Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hand. In Rodot's Yvonne and Madeleine newmake their tumbled beauties, shattering with gold teeth chaussons of ... — Ulysses • James Joyce
... truth is the most essential thing in journalism," says the editor of Le Matin. Or, as the ads read, "love of truth essential but ... — The So-called Human Race • Bert Leston Taylor
... again! Young again! Passion dies as we grow older; Love that in repose has lain, Takes a higher flight, and bolder: Fresh from rest and dewy sleep, Like the skylark's matin sweep, Singing the divine refrain— "Young again! ... — Hesperus - and Other Poems and Lyrics • Charles Sangster
... the Academy of Medicine contributes an article to the Matin showing that "war children" are stronger and healthier than their predecessors, and that France is rapidly repairing her ... — New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 - April-September, 1915 • Various
... wisdom lifted high, Lord of us aright— God and man taken was, At matin-time by night. The disciples that were his, Anon they him forsook; Sold to Jews and betrayed, To ... — England's Antiphon • George MacDonald
... leave its centre at dinner-time. It is a marvellous spectacle at all times; but, he exclaims, 'O Paris! qui n'a pas admire tes sombres paysages, tes echappees de lumiere, tes culs-de-sac profonds et silencieux; qui n'a pas entendu tes murmures entre minuit et deux heures du matin, ne connait encore rien de ta vraie poesie, ni de ... — Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.) • Leslie Stephen
... d'Aulney. It was long before the tumult of gratulation subsided; but father Gilbert, who alone remained cold and unconcerned, retired from it as soon as possible, and resumed the guidance of his little bark, which had safely borne him on many a solitary voyage. The chant of his matin hymn rose, at intervals, on the fitful breeze; and Stanhope watched him till he disappeared behind the point of land round which he had followed him ... — The Rivals of Acadia - An Old Story of the New World • Harriet Vaughan Cheney
... Congreve, le meilleur auteur comique d'Angleterre: ses pieces les plus estimees sont Le Fourbe, Le Vieux Garcon, Amour pour Amour, L Epouse du Matin, Le Chemin du Monde.— Manuel Bibliographique. Par G. Peignot. ... — Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock
... bids him hail the matin strain, As morn's first blush illumes the vale; And wake at midnight hour again, ... — The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 6, June 1810 • Various
... Mademoiselle, bonjour, bonjour,' she bowed and smiled, washing her hands in the air; 'et comment allez-vous ce matin?' as the little band of hungry governesses rose with one accord and moved to take their places. Some smiled in answer; others merely bowed. She made enemies as well as friends, the Widow Jequier. With only ... — A Prisoner in Fairyland • Algernon Blackwood
... wrought he that his name should shine Thus like the stars in heaven?"' As Sebert stood, The sweetness of the morning more and more Made way into his heart. The pale blue smoke, Rising from hearths by woodland branches fed, Dimmed not the crystal matin air; not yet From clammy couch had risen the mist sun-warmed: All things distinctly showed; the rushing tide, The barge, the trees, the long bridge many-arched, And countless huddled gables, far away, Lessening, yet still descried. A voice ... — Legends of the Saxon Saints • Aubrey de Vere
... Within the desert of my life I roamed, And no sweet springs of love gushed for to greet My wearied heart, behold two spirits came Floating in light, seraphic ministers, The semblance of whose splendour on me fell As on some dusky stream the matin ray, Touching the gloomy waters with its life. And both were fond, and one was merciful! And to my home long forfeited they bore My vagrant spirit, and the gentle hearth. I reckless fled, received me with ... — Venetia • Benjamin Disraeli
... cabarets; on y officie, on y celebre les mysteres, on y chante les louanges d'une pretendue republique sacro-sainte, une, indivisible, democratique, sociale, athenienne, intransigeante, despotique, invisible quoique etant partout. On y communie sous differentes especes; le matin (matines) on 'tue le ver' avec le vin blanc,—il y a plus tard les vepres de l'absinthe, auxquelles on se ferait un crime de ... — Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin
... so God me save, No mind unto my beads I have: I think it be a luckless day, For I can neither sing nor say; Nor have I any power to look On portace or on matin book. ... — A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII (4th edition) • Various
... are all the Muses' lays, And sweet the charm of matin bird; 'Twas long since these estranged ears The sweeter voice ... — The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb IV - Poems and Plays • Charles and Mary Lamb
... "good-night," two words of which Madame was inordinately proud. She never attained "good-morning," but she more than supplied the deficiency of English speech by the grace of her French manners, always entering my room at 8 A.M. as I lay in bed, with the greeting, "Bon matin, M'sieu', avez-vous bien dormi?" Perhaps I looked, as I felt, embarrassed on the first occasion, for she quickly added in French, "I am old enough to be your mother"—as indeed she was. She had ... — Leaves from a Field Note-Book • J. H. Morgan
... if thou’rt sent, Rest thee from thy journey long; Me to-morrow in the Kirk Meet ’twixt mass and matin song.” ... — Niels Ebbesen and Germand Gladenswayne - two ballads - - - Translator: George Borrow • Thomas J. Wise
... bright before, No matin of the lark so sweet, No grass so green beneath my feet, Nor with such ... — Robert F. Murray - his poems with a memoir by Andrew Lang • Robert F. Murray
... CHERE COUSINE,—La main de Dieu vient de s'appesantir sur nous. Le Roi notre Pere n'est plus.[34] Apres avoir recu hier avec calme et resignation les secours de la religion, il s'est eteint ce matin a huit heures au milieu de nous tous. Vous le connaissiez ma chere Cousine, vous savez tout ce que nous perdons, vous comprendrez donc l'inexprimable douleur dans laquelle nous sommes plonges; vous la ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria
... all her evil days, in the Temple and the Conciergerie. The book is 'Office de la Divine Providence' (Paris, 1757, green morocco). On the fly-leaf the Queen wrote, some hours before her death, these touching lines: "Ce 16 Octobre, a 4 h. 0.5 du matin. Mon Dieu! ayez pitie de moi! Mes yeux n'ont plus de larmes pour prier pour vous, mes pauvres ... — Books and Bookmen • Andrew Lang
... un front sditieux, Et ne daignerait pas au moins baisser les yeux. Du palais cepeudant il assige la porte: A quelque heure que j'entre, Hydaspe, ou que je sorte, Son visage odieux m'afflige et me poursuit; 435 Et mon esprit troubl le voit encor la nuit. Ce matin j'ai voulu devancer la lumire: Je l'ai trouv couvert d'une affreuse poussire, Revtu de lambeaux, tout ple; mais son oeil Conservait sous la cendre encor le mme orgueil. 440 D'o lui vient, cher ami, cette impudente audace? Toi, qui dans ce palais vois ... — Esther • Jean Racine
... lips of the workman in the night. "I hope so, madame," I replied, and would have added, "We come also to save ourselves." She looked at me with sad, questioning eyes, and I knew that for her—and alas for many like her—we were too late. When she had mounted her wheel and ridden away I bought a 'Matin' and sat down on a doorstep to read about Kerensky and the Russian Revolution. The thing seemed incredible here—war seemed incredible, and yet its tentacles had reached out to this peaceful Old World spot and taken a heavy toll. Once more I sought the ramparts, ... — The Crossing • Winston Churchill
... within, at dawn's first rays, As in the wood around them, are heard glad hymns of praise, And early in the morning the birds and goodwife sing Their matin song of gratitude to God, ... — Welsh Lyrics of the Nineteenth Century • Edmund O. Jones
... of a bell, whose melodious music seemed to roll out like billows into space, and as the reverberations were carried away to a more distant region, a chime of bells rang out merrily; these were the matin bells calling the Christians to prayers. The streets and arches again re-echoed hurrying footsteps, which were those of the Catholic monks hastening to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. As they passed the window I could hear the clicking of their rosaries, ... — Harper's Young People, July 6, 1880 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various
... brought from the house, also three or four fresh pictures taken from the illustrated papers to cover those which already existed, and which looked rather the worse for smoke and damp. We were actually obliged to cover General Boulanger and his famous black charger with a "Bois de Boulogne le Matin," with carriages, riders, bicycles, pretty women and ... — Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington
... cupboard, seizing from the table one of the many egg-cups with which his princely board was served for the matin meal, drew out a bottle of right Nantz or Cognac, filled and emptied the cup several times, and laid it down with a hoarse "Ha, ha, ha! now Valoroso is ... — The Christmas Books • William Makepeace Thackeray
... to observe in such profusion; nor was this threshold ever crossed by Saturday or Friday or vigil or Ember-days or Lent, that is so long; rather here we are at work day and night, threshing the wool, and well I know how featly it went when the matin bell last sounded. Wherefore with him I mean to stay, and to work while I am young, and postpone the observance of feasts and times of indulgence and fasts until I am old: so get you hence, and good luck go with you, ... — The Decameron, Volume I • Giovanni Boccaccio
... bridal night, and all "the petty sorceries," the romping of the "great ladies, who were made shorter by the skirts," we discover their coarse tastes; but when we find the king going to the bed of the bride in his nightgown, to give a reveille-matin, and remaining a good time in or upon the bed, "Choose which you will believe;" this bride was not more decent than the ladies who publicly, on their balconies, were soliciting the personal ... — Literary Character of Men of Genius - Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions • Isaac D'Israeli
... manner of mental relaxation, reading, music, and the like, were necessarily many miles to the rear. No sound but gun fire was ever to be heard. No matin bugle call of Reveille to rouse, nor plaintive note of Taps to "mend the ravelled sleeve of care." No regimental band to "soothe the savage breast," nor lead to the charge in the way it is described in ... — The Greater Love • George T. McCarthy
... | wilderness, Blithesome and | cumberless, Light be thy | matin o'er | moorland and | lea; Emblem of | happiness, Blest is thy | dwelling-place; O! to a |-bide in the | ... — The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown
... aimable, mon cher Papa, de me demander une description de ma solitude. Votre imagination est genee de ne pouvoir se la peindre. Vous voulez faire de Courcelles une seconde etoile du matin, et y lier avec moi un de ces commerces d'ames reserves aux favoris de Brama. Votre idee ne me perdra plus de vue, j'en ferai mon genie tutelaire. Je croirai a chaque instant sentir sa presence, ah! elle ne peut trop tot arriver, montrons lui donc ... — A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse
... meme esprit fit manquer l'effet de trois brulots; on calcula mal la distance; on se pressa d'allumer la meche, ils brulerent au milieu du fleuve, et quoiqu'il fut six heures du matin, les Turcs, encore couches, n'en prirent aucun ombrage."—Hist. de la Nouvelle Russie, ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron
... the annuals, and black proofs in broad shop windows, are of a nobly monumental character,—"chalybe perennius"? I am afraid your patience has been too much like yonder poor Italian child's; and over that genius of yours, low laid by the Matin shore, if it expired so, the lament for Archytas would have to be sung again;—"pulveris exigui—munera." Suppose you were to shake off the dust again! cleanse your wings, like the morning bees on that Matin promontory; rise, in noble impatience, for there is such a thing: the Impatience ... — On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin
... into pearl. The country birds had been up half an hour, I am sure. However, the old cemetery was wide enough awake now. There was chirping everywhere. It grew louder and more general every moment, till shortly the six thousand voices, and more, were raised in the cheerful din—the matin, if you please, for as yet only a few of the birds ... — Roof and Meadow • Dallas Lore Sharp
... The Paris Matin relates that on the arrival of a train bringing wounded Senegalese riflemen nearly all were found smoking furiously from long porcelain pipes taken from the enemy and seemingly indifferent to their wounds. One gayly told of the daring capture of a machine ... — America's War for Humanity • Thomas Herbert Russell
... an advertisement in the papers. The paragraph inserted in the agony column of the Journal, the Echo de Paris and the Matin runs, 'Am prepared to buy back ... — The Hollow Needle • Maurice Leblanc
... her ancient limit-mark, Which calls her still to matin prayers and noon, Was chaste and sober, and abode in peace, She had no armlets and no head-tires then; No purfled dames; no zone, that caught the eye More than the person did. Time was not yet, When at his daughter's birth the ... — Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867 • Various
... you," was the young officer's response. "Matin has a bad reputation and I would advise you to keep your ... — The Boy Allies At Verdun • Clair W. Hayes
... earth with orient pearl, When Adam waked, so customed; for his sleep Was airy light from pure digestion bred, And temperate vapours bland; which the only sound Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora's fan, Lightly dispersed, and the shrill matin song Of birds on every bough; so much the more His wonder was to find unwakened Eve, With tresses discomposed, and glowing cheek, As through unquiet rest. He on his side Leaning half-raised, with looks of cordial love, Hung over her enamoured, ... — Isaac Bickerstaff • Richard Steele
... blushing dawn. Soon the dark shadows that lurked under the trees fled before the golden beams of the sun. Suddenly the note of a lark rang out silvery and joyous. Bird after bird took up the note until from every tree and shrub there swelled a grand chorus as larks and throstles poured forth their matin song of praise. ... — In Doublet and Hose - A Story for Girls • Lucy Foster Madison
... qu'il ne m'enuit Quant vos l'aves si adosse Que mis l'aves en un fosse? Metes Ten fors je le comant! Di le clergie que je li mant! Ne me puet mi repaier Se le matin sans delayer A grant heneur n'est mis amis Ou plus ... — Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams
... "'Ce matin les oiseaux m'ont eveille,'" he read. "'Il faisait encore un crepuscule. Mais la petite fenetre de ma chambre etait bleme, et puis, jaune, et tous les oiseaux du bois eclaterent dans un chanson vif et resonnant. Toute l'aube tressaillit. J'avais reve de vous. Est-ce que vous voyez aussi l'aube? ... — Sons and Lovers • David Herbert Lawrence
... posies are a-bloomin' and the mockin'-birds are matin', And somewhere in Arizona there's a Chola girl a-waitin' For to cook them enchiladas while I do the irrigatin' On me little desert ... — Sundown Slim • Henry Hubert Knibbs
... The severance, therefore, was at ver. 8. (3) In certain of the Syrian Churches the liturgical section for Easter Day was S. Mark xvi 2-8:(444) in the Churches of the Jacobite, or Monophysite Christians, the Eucharistic lesson for Easter-Day was ver. 1-8.(445) (4) The second matin lesson of the Resurrection (xvi. 1-8) also ends,—and (5) the third (xvi. 9-20) begins, at the same place: and these two Gospels (both in the Greek and in the Syrian Churches) were in constant use not ... — The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark • John Burgon
... [The French matin we have seen of every variety of colour, being mostly patched with brown, yellow, grey, black, or white. He is employed both in France and Germany in hunting the boar and wolf; which savage animals he fearlessly attacks with courage equal to any ... — The Dog - A nineteenth-century dog-lovers' manual, - a combination of the essential and the esoteric. • William Youatt
... (he remembered) like seeing a burden carried to the Altar in his church one day, while he "got yawningly through Matin-Song." The burden ... — Browning's Heroines • Ethel Colburn Mayne
... its waftage who are yet to have their appetites appeased. These sights, these sounds, these smells, none of them reach the palace in the garden under the promontory opposite the town. There the birds are singing their matin songs, the flowers loading the air with perfume, and vine and tree drinking the moisture borne down to them from the unresting sea so near in the north. ... — The Prince of India - Or - Why Constantinople Fell - Volume 1 • Lew. Wallace
... with the day. The farmer who is in the field at work while he can yet see stars catches their first matin hymns. In the longest June days the robin strikes up about half- past three o'clock, and is quickly followed by the song sparrow, the oriole, the catbird, the wren, the wood thrush, and all the rest of the tuneful choir. Along the Potomac I have heard the Virginia cardinal ... — The Writings of John Burroughs • John Burroughs
... foliage. The fire-fly[A] sunk, feebly twinkling, amidst the herbage of the fields. The dusky shadows of night fled to the deep glens, and rocky caverns of the wilderness. The American lark soared high in the air, consecrating its matin lay to morn's approaching splendours. The woodlands began to ring with native melody—the forest tops, on high mountains, caught the sun's first ray, which, widening and extending, soon gem'd the landscape with brilliants ... — Alonzo and Melissa - The Unfeeling Father • Daniel Jackson, Jr.
... afin d'achever de classer les faits et les raisonnemens de Monsieur Clarkson, et, cette deduction entierement finie, de commencer a manoeuvrer en tactique le succes douteux de cette perilleuse proposition. J'aurai l'honneur de le recevoir Dimanche depuis onze heures, et meme dix du matin jusqu'a midi, non seulement avec un vif plaisir, mais avec une sensible reconnaissance. ... — The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the - Abolition of the African Slave-Trade, by the British Parliament (1839) • Thomas Clarkson
... of day and May the prime, How fitly do we scale the steep dark stair, Into the brightness of the matin air, To praise with chanted hymn and echoing chime, Dear Lord of Light, thy sublime, That stooped erewhile our life's frail weeds to wear! Sun, cloud and hill, all things thou fam'st so fair, With us are glad and gay, greeting the time. The College ... — The Charm of Oxford • J. Wells
... Renard had been prepared, by a singular notice, to expect their coming, and to suspect their good faith. Ce matin, he wrote, relating the counter-revolution to the Emperor; ce matin, a bonne heure, il y a venu une vieille femme de soixante ans en nostre logis pour nous advertir que l'on deust faire scavoir a madicte dame Marie qu'elle se donna garde de ... — The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude
... morning's prime, and on his way Aloft the sun ascended with those stars, That with him rose, when Love divine first mov'd Those its fair works: so that with joyous hope All things conspir'd to fill me, the gay skin Of that swift animal, the matin dawn And the sweet season. Soon that joy was chas'd, And by new dread succeeded, when in view A lion came, 'gainst me, as ... — The Vision of Hell, Part 1, Illustrated by Gustave Dore - The Inferno • Dante Alighieri, Translated By The Rev. H. F. Cary
... morn the black-cock trims his jetty wing, 'T is morning prompts the linnet's blithest lay, All Nature's children feel the matin spring Of life reviving, with reviving day; And while yon little bark glides down the bay, Wafting the stranger on his way again, Morn's genial influence roused a minstrel gray, And sweetly o'er the lake was heard thy strain, Mixed with the sounding ... — The Lady of the Lake • Sir Walter Scott
... Avenieva...and Sam Nikandrov, and Vassiliev and Madame Mamonova, and Liza Neptunova... Did no one say anything about them? And it has ended by their being received by everyone. And then, c'est un interieur si joli, si comme il faut. Tout-a-fait a l'anglaise. On se reunit le matin au breakfast, et puis on se separe. Everyone does as he pleases till dinnertime. Dinner at seven o'clock. Stiva did very rightly to send you. He needs their support. You know that through his mother and brother he can do anything. And then they do so much good. He ... — Anna Karenina • Leo Tolstoy
... summer day of liberty and ease! In anticipation it was a thing boundless and endless, a foretaste of Elysium. It extended from the prima luce, from the earliest dawn of radiance that streaked the "severing clouds in yonder east," through the sun's matin, meridian, postmeridian, and vesper circuit; from the disappearance of Lucifer in the re-illumined skies, to his evening entree in the character of Hesperus. Complain not of the brevity of life; 'tis men that ... — The Life of Mansie Wauch - Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself • David Macbeth Moir
... be a collection of Irish folk-lore in an Irish newspaper some years ago. I wrote to the compiler, asking about its source, but got no answer, but have since heard that it was translated from Les Matin'ees de Timoth'e Trimm a good many years ago, and has been drifting about the Irish press ever since. L'eo Lesp'es gives it as an Irish story, and though the editor of Folklore has kindly advertised for information, the only Christian variant I know of is a Donegal tale, ... — The Countess Cathleen • William Butler Yeats
... for the knacker, which was dragging a very heavy cart. On arriving in front of Bombarda's, the worn-out, exhausted beast had refused to proceed any further. This incident attracted a crowd. Hardly had the cursing and indignant carter had time to utter with proper energy the sacramental word, Matin (the jade), backed up with a pitiless cut of the whip, when the jade fell, never to rise again. On hearing the hubbub made by the passersby, Tholomyes' merry auditors turned their heads, and Tholomyes took advantage of the opportunity to bring his allocution to a ... — Les Miserables - Complete in Five Volumes • Victor Hugo
... une lettre a un de ses correspondans, mourut subitement. Son commis ajouta en P.S. "Depuis ma lettre ecrite je suis mort ce matin. ... — Tales and Novels, Vol. IV • Maria Edgeworth
... but the capricious little songster only twittered promises of a coming happiness greater than any pleasure his best efforts could afford, and darted away to the recesses of the forest, where was in progress an Art-Union matine of such music as all the wealth of all our cities ... — Outpost • J.G. Austin
... storied vision, and these swords Are the finest which my shop affords. Go home and use them; do not spare Yourself; let that be all your care. Whatever you have means to buy Be very sure I can supply." He slowly walked to the window, flung It open, and in the grey air rung The sound of distant matin bells. I took my parcels. Then, as tells An ancient mumbling monk his beads, I tried to thank for his courteous deeds My strange old friend. "Nay, do not talk," He urged me, "you have a long walk ... — Sword Blades and Poppy Seed • Amy Lowell
... wanted was a quiet old farmhouse with as few people in it as possible, and located in the blue-grass region of the State. Then life would be one endless delight,—days afield, and peaceful, noiseless nights. To be awakened in the morning by the matin song of the thrush; to breathe the intoxicating odor of honeysuckle and jessamine; to step out into the dew-washed grass, instead of upon the hard pavement, and to receive the countless benedictions of the outstretched arms of the trees as I walked beneath them. ... — The Love Story of Abner Stone • Edwin Carlile Litsey
... No matin call of tardy bird, Long stayed by sunshine in the north, Above the fluttering clouds is heard. A moment's ... — The Poets and Poetry of Cecil County, Maryland • Various
... 20th of July, 1366, our poet rose, as was his custom, to his matin devotions, and reflected that he was precisely then entering on his sixty-third year. He wrote to Boccaccio on the subject. He repeats the belief, at that time generally entertained, that the sixty-third year of a man's life is its most dangerous crisis. It was a belief connected with astrology, ... — The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch
... morning the matin bell summoned me to the Convent, and Frere Charle attended me to the burial ground; here have been deposited the remains of two of the brothers, deceased since the restoration of their order in 1814. Another grave was ready prepared; as soon as an interment takes place, one being always ... — A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe in 1817 • W.D. Fellowes
... seulement a la cour, mais aussi a Possy, et jusques aux pays loingtains, que de Beze avoit este vaincu et reduict par le cardinal de Lorraine au premier colloque faict entr'eux." La Place, 157. So Beza himself heard the very morning he wrote: "Or est-il que tout ce matin il n'a cesse de se venter qu'il m'a convaincu et reduict a son opinion;" but he adds: "J'ay bons tesmoins et bons garants, Dieu mercy, de tout le contraire." Ubi supra. So also in his letter of Aug. 30th (Ib., 59): "Cardinalis fortiter jactat ... — The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird
... a une chose: le Marquis n'a ici qu'un valet de chambre, dont il a peut-etre besoin, et je voulois lui demander s'il n'a pas quelque paquet a mettre a la poste: on le porteroit avec le mien. Ou est-il, le Marquis? L'as-tu vu ce matin? ... — A Selection from the Comedies of Marivaux • Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux
... the dawn was bright; the dew Upon the yellow heath was seen; The clouds were of a rosy hue, The sunny lustre shone between: The lady to the chapel ran, While the slow matin pray'r began. ... — Apparitions; or, The Mystery of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, and Haunted Houses Developed • Joseph Taylor
... sunbeams cluster'd thick Vines her casement shaded. Deep with leaves and blossoms white Of the morning glory, Shaking all their banners bright From the mill, eaves hoary. Swallows turn'd glossy throats, Timorous, uncertain, When to hear their matin notes, Peep'd she thro' her curtain, Shook the mill-stream sweet and clear, With its silver laughter— Shook the mill from flooring sere Up to oaken ratter. "Bouche-Mignonne" it cried "come down! "Other flowers are stirring; "Pierre with fingers strong ... — Old Spookses' Pass • Isabella Valancy Crawford
... adorez la relique. Que tous ceux d'Elliant et des memes chemins Boivent a sa fontaine et s'y lavent les mains; Non pas les Leonards, eux de qui les ancetres, Voici quelque mille ans, hommes jaloux et traitres, Volerent le poisson dont notre Corentin Coupait pour se nourrir un pen chaque matin, Et qui chaque matin, o pieuse merveille! Nageait dans sa fontaine aussi frais que la veille: Eh bien! les Leonards volerent ce poisson, Mais Kemper n'oublie jamais leur trahison; Sans jouir de leur crime, ... — Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser
... Shakespeare would have paraded as pets many a time, are multifarious. Among a hundred others never used but once, we have magical, mirthful, mightful, mirth-moving, moonbeams, moss-grown, mundane, motto, matin, mural, multipotent, mourningly, majestically, marbled, martyred, mellifluous, mountainous, meander, magnificence, magnanimity, mockable, merriness, masterdom, masterpiece, ... — Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XXVI., December, 1880. • Various
... was kneeling, as she had knelt the whole night through, before the dismantled altar in the battered little chapel of the Convent, with the big white stars looking down upon her through the gaps in the shell-torn roof. When it was the matin-hour she rose and rang the bell. Matins over, she still knelt on. When it was broad day she broke her fast with the Sisters, and went about the business of the day calmly, collectedly, capably as ever. Only her face was white and drawn, and ... — The Dop Doctor • Clotilde Inez Mary Graves
... often enough," said the doctor. "A Frenchman writing in the Matin the other day called it the 'National Anthem ... — When William Came • Saki
... lay around, behind, before. What booted it to traverse o'er Plain, forest, river? Man nor brute, Nor dint of hoof, nor print of foot, Lay in the wild luxuriant soil; No sign of travel, none of toil; The very air was mute; And not an insect's shrill small horn. Nor matin bird's new voice was borne From herb nor thicket. Many a werst, Panting as if his heart would burst. The weary brute still stagger'd on: And still we were—or seem'd—alone. At length, while reeling on our way. Methought I heard a courser neigh, From out yon tuft of blackening firs. Is it the wind ... — MacMillan's Reading Books - Book V • Anonymous
... sunrise, when, even more than at other hours, mountains fulfil the ministry of hope. Below them all was in darkness; it was still night, but the peaks saw the morning, and the signal of its coming fell swiftly down their flanks. In this case the Psalm is a matin-song, a character which the rest of the verses carry out. Or at any other hour of the day, it may simply have been the high, clear outline of the hills which inspired the Psalm—that firm step between heaven ... — Four Psalms • George Adam Smith
... country that ominous hour, Ere the loud matin bell was rung, That a trumpet of death on an English tower Had the dirge of her champion sung! When his dungeon light look'd dim and red On the high-born blood of a martyr slain, No anthem was sung at his holy death-bed; No weeping was there when his bosom bled— And ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 14, No. 407, December 24, 1829. • Various
... The early matin prime, she was wont to say, was always her brightest hour, but it found her, on the present occasion, white and worn, not with her long vigil, but because it was "borne in upon her," as poor Joanna used to say, that her son ... — Bred in the Bone • James Payn
... record, Not subtly reasoning, all things whereto Thou shalt in life be witness; war and peace, The sway of kings, the holy miracles Of saints, all prophecies and heavenly signs;— For me 'tis time to rest and quench my lamp.— But hark! The matin bell. Bless, Lord, Thy servants! ... — Boris Godunov - A Drama in Verse • Alexander Pushkin
... matins, on se purgera somme auparavant pour en venir an lait d'anesse que l'on prendra le matin a jeun, a la dose de 12 a 16 onces y ajoutant un cuilleree de sucre rape, on prendra ce lait le matin a jeun observant de prendre pendant son usage de deux jours l'un un moment avant le lait un bolus fait avec 15 grains de craye ... — Travels Through France and Italy • Tobias Smollett
... me to understand how the birds knew when it was time to wake up and begin their matin songs, for it was so like night there. Roberta, who was an early riser and withal a child of poetic imagination, used to say "that the fairies woke them up." She declared she saw a little glittering thing, with wings and wand of silver, alight on the tops of the trees and peep ... — That Old-Time Child, Roberta • Sophie Fox Sea
... tumultuous beat! I little thought that beat could be The harbinger of misery; And daily, when the morning beam Dawned earliest on wood and stream, When, from each brake and bush were heard, The hum of bee, and chirp of bird, From these, earth's matin songs, my ear Would turn, a sweeter voice to hear— A voice, whose tones the very air Seemed trembling with delight to bear; From leafy wood, and misty stream, From bush, and brake, and morning beam, Would turn away my wandering ... — Mazelli, and Other Poems • George W. Sands
... hour, say eight or nine o'clock in the morning. I would have leave to do what my heart night prompt in the great hours of adoration. Reading the Scriptures with a word of comment, sometimes, or t word uttered as the spirit moved, without reading; or instead, a matin hymn or old Gregorian chant, solemn seasons, free breathings of veneration and joy; sometimes he reading of a prayer of the Episcopal Church, or of he venerable olden time, always a bringing down A the great sentiment of devotion ... — Autobiography and Letters of Orville Dewey, D.D. - Edited by his Daughter • Orville Dewey
... priestly lips, long silenced, raise A strain so lofty and so strong, Making our matin hymn of praise As jubilant ... — A Christmas Faggot • Alfred Gurney
... the wooded hills. By no means! Don't suppose for the sixtieth part of a minute that I intend to hurry you away without breakfast; but you must step down into the kitchen, where the girl has prepared us a strong cup of coffee; as good, no doubt, as Mother Bee used to provide for our matin meal on College Hill. Here, Dancer, you ... — The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, May 1844 - Volume 23, Number 5 • Various
... bade us sit down, for our horsemen were between us and the foe, and thereon he raised his voice, and with one accord his lay brethren and his own housecarles joined in singing a psalm of victory. And it was just at the matin time—yet that psalm ended not as it was wont, for ere the last verses were sung, it was drowned in a great and thundering war song of Wessex, old as the days of Ceawlin or beyond him. And if I mistake not, in that song bishop and lay ... — A Thane of Wessex • Charles W. Whistler
... only to exchange bad for worse; for on such occasions sleep is worse than wakefulness, it is so full of dreams, big with coming pain. Shortly after dawn he got up again, and went into the garden and listened to the birds singing their matin hymn. But he was in no mood for the songs of birds, however sweet, and it was a positive relief to him when old Jakes emerged, his cross face set in the gladness of the morning, like a sullen cloud in the blue sky, and began to do ... — Dawn • H. Rider Haggard
... Lemnos is busied thus in the borders of Aeolia, Evander is roused from his low dwelling by the gracious daylight and the matin songs of birds from the eaves. The old man arises, and draws on his body raiment, and ties the Tyrrhene shoe latchets about his feet; then buckles to his side and shoulder his Tegeaean sword, and swathes himself in a panther skin that droops ... — The Aeneid of Virgil • Virgil
... descent, I must acknowledge that I find myself still more bound to give your lordship what assistance is in my limited power, from sincere sympathy with your sorrows, and detestation at the frauds which have so long been practised upon you.But, my lord, the matin meal is, I see, now preparedPermit me to show your lordship the way through the intricacies of my cenobitium, which is rather a combination of cells, jostled oddly together, and piled one upon the top of the other, than a regular house. ... — The Antiquary, Complete • Sir Walter Scott
... ladite Jeanne a comparaitre en personne devant nous demain, heure de huit heures du matin, au lieu dit Le Vieux Marche, pour se voir par nous declaree relapse, excommuniee, heretique, avec l'intimation a lui faire en pareil cas—Donne en la Chapelle du Manoir archiepiscopal de Rouen, le mardi 29 mai, ... — The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook
... Le lendemain matin il s'en alla cheval sans dire mot Yvon. Quand il fut hors de vue le jeune homme alla ... — Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber
... Las Cases a rendu compte a l'Empereur de la conversation qu'il a eue ce matin a votre bord. S. M. se rendra a la maree de demain, vers quatre ou cinq heures du matin, a bord de votre vaisseau. Je vous envoye Monsieur le Comte de Las Cases, Conseiller d'Etat, faisant fonction de Marechal de ... — The Surrender of Napoleon • Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland
... Time Dismantled, but by violence abrupt— In spite of those heart-bracing colloquies, 470 In spite of real fervour, and of that Less genuine and wrought up within myself— I could not but bewail a wrong so harsh, And for the Matin-bell to sound no more Grieved, and the twilight taper, and the cross 475 High on the topmost pinnacle, a sign (How welcome to the weary traveller's eyes!) Of hospitality and peaceful rest. And when the partner of those varied walks ... — The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. III • William Wordsworth
... to traverse o'er Plain—forest—river? Man nor brute, Nor dint of hoof, nor print of foot, Lay in the wild luxuriant soil— No sign of travel, none of toil— 660 The very air was mute: And not an insect's shrill small horn,[269] Nor matin bird's new voice was borne From herb nor thicket. Many a werst, Panting as if his heart would burst, The weary brute still staggered on; And still we were—or seemed—alone: At length, while reeling on our way, Methought I heard a courser neigh, From out yon tuft of blackening ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron
... le monde sut qu'il (Grimm) mettait du blanc; et moi, qui n'en croyait rien, je commencai de le croire, non seulement par l'embellissement de son teint, et pour avoir trouve des tasses de blanc sur la toilette, mais sur ce qu'entrant un matin dans sa chambre, je le trouvais brossant ses ongles avec une petite vergette faite expres, ouvrage qu'il continua fierement devant moi. Je jugeai qu'un homme qui passe deux heures tous les matins a brosser ses ongles peut bien passer quelques ... — Eugene Oneguine [Onegin] - A Romance of Russian Life in Verse • Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
... chamber. She was disturbed by many thoughts, and became alarmed at the step she had taken. At earliest dawn she threw open her window. The first sun-rays, reflected on a thousand dewdrops on the trees; the chirping of the birds, which already began their matin song; the joyous voice of the cock, which crowed in a most satisfactory and majestic manner in the paddock of her hostess; all these sights and sounds, to which she was so little accustomed, restored her serenity of mind once more. She dwelt more on the attractions of her love—so adventurous, ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - April 1843 • Various
... they be forgot also—and Slawkenbergius only left—there would be enough in him in all conscience, he would say, to set the world a-going again. A treasure therefore was he indeed! an institute of all that was necessary to be known of noses, and every thing else—at matin, noon, and vespers was Hafen Slawkenbergius his recreation and delight: 'twas for ever in his hands—you would have sworn, Sir, it had been a canon's prayer-book—so worn, so glazed, so contrited and attrited ... — The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne
... "I know where I got it." He took three newspapers out of the pocket of his big tweed coat. "There it is," he said, "in the personal column of three newspapers—today's Times printed in London; the Matin printed in Paris; and a Dutch ... — The Sleuth of St. James's Square • Melville Davisson Post
... anne' toute entiere Le regiment n'a pas r'paru. Au Ministere de la Guerre On le r'porta comme perdu. On se r'noncait—retrouver sa trace, Quand un matin subitement, On le vit reparaetre sur la place, ... — Under the Deodars • Rudyard Kipling
... fields again; 'Tis a pleasant day in June, All the songsters are in tune, Pouring out their matin hymn. All at once a conscious thrill Led me, half against my will, To look up. Abashed I see His dark eyes full fixed on me. What he said I do not know, But his voice was soft and low, As he spoke in careless chat, Now of this and now of that, While the murmurous waves of sound Wafted me a ... — Ballads • Horatio Alger, Jr.
... la volaille perfide, Qui brave les efforts d'une dent intrepide; Souvent par un ami, dans ses champs entraine. J'ai reconnu le soir le coq infortune Qui m'avait le matin a l'aurore naissante Reveille brusquement de sa voix glapissante; Je l'avais admire dans le sein de la cour, Avec des yeux jaloux, j'avais vu son amour. Helas! la malheureux, abjurant sa tendresse, Exercait a souper sa ... — Pelham, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... discontent of her father was only theoretical, and their political conclaves were limited to a discussion between him and Morley on the rights of the people or the principles of society. The bright waters of the Mowe and its wooded hills; her matin walks to the convent to visit Ursula Trafford—a pilgrimage of piety and charity and love; the faithful Harold, so devoted and so intelligent; even the crowded haunts of labour and suffering among which she glided like an angel, blessing and blessed; ... — Sybil - or the Two Nations • Benjamin Disraeli
... to be best man, and he consented. The morning of my wedding there was a garcon brushing the waxed oak floor on the landing near my door. I had a flowered white silk waistcoat, and the man said: "Monsieur est bien beau ce matin; on dirait qu'il va a une noce." I answered: "Vous avez bien devine; en effet, je vais a une noce." It was unnecessary to ... — Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al
... "pain de matin," morning bread, or "pain de Maine," because it was made best in that province; a kind ... — The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer
... At "le revue matin," as the girls called the first inspection of the morning, eight of their patients were found sufficiently recovered to be discharged. Some of these returned to their regiments and others were sent to their homes to await complete recovery. The hospital ship could accommodate ... — Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross • Edith Van Dyne
... near the ringing of matin-bell, The night was well-nigh done, When a heavy sleep on that Baron fell, On the ... — The Haunted Hour - An Anthology • Various
... To vini dimin bon matin; ma di toi qui pou fe." Toi venir demain bon matin; moi va ... — Nights With Uncle Remus - Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation • Joel Chandler Harris
... anxious of them, but long ere light the next morning Henry stood at his bedside, saying, 'I must go round the posts before mass, Jamie. Will you face the matin frost?' ... — The Caged Lion • Charlotte M. Yonge
... a fair sight to view, By the fresh matin breezes heavenward borne, The faded poppy falls, the fields anew To fertilize, which grateful ... — Uarda • Georg Ebers
... de venir demain mardi matin a potsdam pour affaire pressante, et d'aporter (SIC) avec luy les diamants qui doivent servir pour la representation de la tragedie qui se jouera a cinq heures de soir chez S.A.R. Monseigneur le Prince henri Ce lundy ... — History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVI. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Ten Years of Peace.—1746-1756. • Thomas Carlyle
... glad and grateful tongue to join The lark at his matin hymn, And thence on faith's own wing to spring And sing with cherubim! To pray from a deep and tender heart With all things praying anew, The birds and the bees and the whispering trees, And heather bedropt with dew.— To be one with those early worshippers, And ... — My Life as an Author • Martin Farquhar Tupper
... is thrusting forth a thin film of mist to spread a white floor above the waters. The gathering darkness deepens the quiet of the lake, and bids us, at least for this time, to forsake it. "De soir fontaines, de matin montaignes," says the old French proverb,—Morning for labor, evening ... — Atlantic Monthly, Volume 8, No. 47, September, 1861 • Various
... now speakin' of such a possibeelity?" demanded the housekeeper, and in her surprise, dropping for the moment into broad Scotch. "And they are baith of them old enough tae be thinkin' of matin'. Yes!" ... — The Corner House Girls Growing Up - What Happened First, What Came Next. And How It Ended • Grace Brooks Hill
... just returned to town, from which you may infer that I have been out of it; and I have been boxing, for exercise, with Jackson for this last month daily. I have also been drinking, and, on one occasion, with three other friends at the Cocoa Tree, from six till four, yea, unto five in the matin. We clareted and champagned till two—then supped, and finished with a kind of regency punch composed of madeira, brandy, and green tea, no real water being admitted therein. There was a night for you! without once quitting the table, ... — Life of Lord Byron, Vol. III - With His Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore
... cher,"—here he turns off the French stop of his polyglot organ, and, as it were, turns on the English stop,—continuing his address to me in very distinctly-pronounced English, "I wrote to you to say I would be here," then pressing the French stop, he concludes with, "ce matin, ... — Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, August 22, 1891 • Various
... With deliberate didactic purpose the tragedians—with pure and native passion the lyrists —fitted their perfect words to their dearest faiths. "Operosa parvus carmina fingo." "I, little thing that I am, weave my laborious songs" as earnestly as the bee among the bells of thyme on the Matin mountains. Yes, and he dedicates his favorite pine to Diana, and he chants his autumnal hymn to the Faun that guards his fields, and he guides the noble youth and maids of Rome in their choir to Apollo, and he tells the farmer's little girl that the gods will love her, though ... — The Queen of the Air • John Ruskin
... repose still hung like a veil over the face of Nature. The mists of night still rested upon the majestic woods, and not a sound but the flowing of the waters went up in the vast stillness. The earth had not yet raised her matin hymn to the throne of the Creator. Sad at heart, and weary and worn in spirit, I went down to the spring and washed my face and head, and drank a deep draught of its icy waters. On returning to the house I met, near the door, old Brian the hunter, with a large fox dangling across ... — Roughing it in the Bush • Susanna Moodie
... cotton gin. De lowest class was de common field niggers. A house nigger man might swoop down and mate wid a field hand's good lookin' daughter, now and then, for pure love of her, but you never see a house gal lower herself by marryin' and matin' wid a common field-hand nigger. Dat offend de white folks, 'specially de young misses, who liked de business of match makin' and matin' of de ... — Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves • Works Projects Administration
... a-buil'in' o' my cabin, an' I 's vines erbove de do' Fu' to kin' o' gin it sheltah f'om de sun; Gwine to have a little kitchen wid a reg'lar wooden flo', An' dey 'll be a back verandy w'en hit 's done. I 's a-waitin' fu' you, Lucy, tek de 'zample o' de birds, Dat 's a-lovin' an' a-matin' evahwhaih. I cain' tell you dat I loves you in de robin's music wo'ds, But my cabin 's talkin' fu' me ... — The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar • Paul Laurence Dunbar |