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Megaric   Listen
Megaric, Megarian  adj.  Belonging, or pertaining, to Megara, a city of ancient Greece.
Megarian school, or Megaric school, a school of philosophy established at Megara, after the death of Socrates, by his disciples, and remarkable for its logical subtlety.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Megaric" Quotes from Famous Books

... inroads made into it by old age. For the mind alone flourishes in age; and while time takes away everything else, it adds wisdom to old age. Even war, that sweeps away everything else like a winter torrent, cannot take away education. And Stilpo, the Megarian, seems to me to have made a memorable answer when Demetrius enslaved Megara and rased it to the ground. On his asking whether Stilpo had lost anything, he replied, "Certainly not, for war can make no havoc of virtue." Corresponding and consonant to this is the answer of Socrates, who ...
— Plutarch's Morals • Plutarch

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