"Meine" Quotes from Famous Books
... "Meine Herren! You know our good friend Nageli is going to leave us; perhaps we shall not see him again for many years. I challenge you to drink this toast: 'Nageli, and his quick return!' I say to him what ... — Sunrise • William Black
... shall be. You do not know what she has been to me, this Dawn. She is brave for two. Always laughing she is, and merry, nicht wahr? Meine kleine Soldatin, I ... — Dawn O'Hara, The Girl Who Laughed • Edna Ferber
... dankbaren Antheils geschieht nur fragmentarisch was ich im bessern Zusammenhang zu ueberliefern gewuenscht haette. Ich will aber auch das wie es mir vorliegt nicht zurueckweisen, indem ich meinen Hauptzweck dadurch zu erreichen hoffe, dass ich naemlich meine Freunde mit einem Manne in Beruehrung bringe, welchen ich unter diejenigen zaehle, die in spaeteren Jahren sich an mich thaetig angeschlossen, mich durch eine mitschreitende Theilnahme zum Handeln und Wirken aufgemuntert, und durch ein edles, reines wohlgerichtetes ... — The Life of Friedrich Schiller - Comprehending an Examination of His Works • Thomas Carlyle
... de bronze is an expression constantly employed by devoted royalists and imperialists in Germany. It was first used by Frederick William IV, who, in the jargon which in his time passed for the German language, exclaimed: "Ich werde meine Souvereinetat stabilizieren wie ein rocher ... — William of Germany • Stanley Shaw
... meine Gnadigste—tausendmal pardon—" he protested the next minute in a voice of tremendous solicitude, having been pushed rather hard and suddenly against me by a little boy who had scrambled down off whatever it was he was hanging on to; and he turned ... — Christine • Alice Cholmondeley
... and 'attention' very different things.—I never expected the German (viz. selbst-muehige Erzeugung dessen, wovon meine Rede war) from the readers of the 'Friend'.—I did expect ... — The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 • James Gillman |