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Meningitis   Listen
Meningitis  n.  (Med.) Inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis. See under Cerebro-spinal.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Meningitis" Quotes from Famous Books

... got back from the pyramids, and dad is being treated for spinal meningitis, on account of riding a camel. I never tried harder to get dad to go anywhere on the cars than I did to get him to go to the pyramids by rail, as a millionaire should, but he said he was going to break a camel to the saddle, and then buy him and take him home ...
— Peck's Bad Boy Abroad • George W. Peck

... theory that by diminishing the heat we impede the watery humours, they suspended in her armchair to the beams of the ceiling a woman suffering from meningitis, and they were swinging her with all their force when the husband, coming on the scene, kicked them out. Finally, they scandalised the cure thoroughly by introducing the new fashion of thermometers in ...
— Bouvard and Pecuchet - A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life • Gustave Flaubert

... infection is almost inevitable, and the patient gradually passes into the condition of hectic fever or chronic toxaemia; he loses ground from day to day, may become the subject of waxy disease in the viscera, or may die of exhaustion, tuberculous meningitis, or ...
— Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition. • Alexander Miles

... he could not find in himself any of the causes which resolve into insomnia; he had neither meningitis nor brain fever, nor anything that indicated a cerebral tumor; he was not anaemic; he ate well; he did not suffer with neuralgia, nor with any acute or chronic affection that generally accompanied the absence of ...
— Serge Panine • Georges Ohnet

... Angel summoned John O. Beck, Jr., and bade him leave his playthings and many friends and come away. It must have been with a sigh of relief that his spirit took flight from the frail body which had been tortured for twenty-two long days with the torture of spinal meningitis. ...
— News Writing - The Gathering , Handling and Writing of News Stories • M. Lyle Spencer

... then tried, and she so far recovered that she was allowed to take the communion before she died: the autopsy, held in the presence of fifteen physicians and a public notary, showed it to be simply a case of chronic meningitis. The work of German men of science in this field is noble indeed; a great succession, from Wier to Virchow, have erected a barrier against which all the efforts ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... still six days' march before arriving at Oran. I wanted to give her into the care of the nuns. She died before I could do so, very suddenly, with a severe attack of meningitis. She never wanted to see me again. She was buried under a clump of African shrubs near Geryville, in her little campaign cradle. And do you know what was found in her cradle? The charred skeleton of the poor ...
— International Short Stories: French • Various

... weeks Billie's life hung in the balance, for after the pneumonia crisis was passed, unconsciousness continued, and the terrible word "meningitis" was whispered from lip to lip. There were heart-breaking days to be lived through, when the terror was no longer that he might die, but that he might live—deprived of speech, of hearing, possibly of reason itself. Never while I live shall I forget those days; but looking back, I can realise ...
— The Lady of the Basement Flat • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... And that fearful scourge, the great plague of Constantinople, the plague of hallucination and convulsion which raged in the Fifth Century of our era, has in our time, under the new names of tetanoid fever and cerebro-spinal meningitis, been met with here and in France, and in Massachusetts has, in the year 1873, laid ...
— Hygeia, a City of Health • Benjamin Ward Richardson

... and committed suicide. The birth was difficult. The child weighed 12 lbs. Instruments were used; it was a breech presentation. At 2 years of age Hazel was very ill with gastritis and what was said to be spinal meningitis. She had some convulsions then. Had both walked and talked when she was about 16 months of age. During childhood she had a severe strabismus and at 8 years of age was operated upon for it. Vision has always been practically nil in one eye. Several diseases of childhood she had in mild form. ...
— Pathology of Lying, Etc. • William and Mary Healy

Words linked to "Meningitis" :   listeria meningitis, meningoencephalitis, cerebromeningitis, encephalomeningitis, epidemic meningitis, choriomeningitis

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