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Monde   Listen
Monde  n.  The world; a globe as an ensign of royalty. (R.)
Le beau monde, fashionable society. See Beau monde.
Demi monde. See Demimonde.

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"Monde" Quotes from Famous Books

... art of calisthenics. No connection with Madam Legget Byrne's or Levenston's. Fancy dress balls arranged. Deportment. The Katty Lanner step. So. Watch me! My terpsichorean abilities. (He minuets forward three paces on tripping bee's feet) Tout le monde en avant! Reverence! Tout le monde ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... On a leaf of one of his note-books, dated 1808, I find the following passage from Marmontel, which no doubt struck him as applicable to the enthusiasm of his own youthful friendships:—"L'amitie, qui dans le monde est a peine un sentiment, est une passion ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. I. (of VI.) - With his Letters and Journals. • Thomas Moore

... no danger from any person who was not of regular practice; "for, however simple mankind are," said she, "or however afraid they are of death, they prefer dying in a regular manner to being cured by a nostrum." She then expressed great pleasure at the account I gave her of the beau monde. She said she had herself removed the hundreds of Drury to the hundreds of Charing-cross, and was very much delighted to find they had spread into St. James's; that she imputed this chiefly to several of her dear and worthy friends, who had lately published their excellent works, endeavoring ...
— From This World to the Next • Henry Fielding

... du monde Qui passait frivole entre nous, Dans quelque retraite profonde T'adorer seul ...
— Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn • Lafcadio Hearn

... almost disappeared. This is indeed a paradise for botanists, but their travels should be made earlier in the year. The walks and drives in the neighbourhood of Besancon are countless, but that to the little valley of the. World's End, "Le Bout du Monde," must ...
— Holidays in Eastern France • Matilda Betham-Edwards

... Steerforth. Perhaps it would be carrying the resemblance too far to see in Rosa Dartle, with her scorn For "that sort of creature," the germ of Esther de Seleny. Mix this with a situation from Le Monde ou l'on s'ennuie, spoilt in the mixing, ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 99, October 4, 1890 • Various

... eut fait le tour du monde pendant l'espace de six mois."—Supplement to Dictionary. He gives no authority for ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... Tristan and Iseut. Gaston Paris, however, in one of his last utterances ("Journal des Savants", 1902, p. 297), says: "Je n'hesite pas a dire que l'existence d'un poeme sur Tristan par Chretien de Troies, a laquelle j'ai cru comme presque tout le monde, me parait aujourd'hui fort peu probable; ...
— Four Arthurian Romances - "Erec et Enide", "Cliges", "Yvain", and "Lancelot" • Chretien de Troyes

... Do let me repeat it to my friend Ladislas. Vous savez, he is writing a society novel, read me some of it. Charming! Nous aurons enfin le grand monde russe peint ...
— Virgin Soil • Ivan S. Turgenev

... Sydney display their charms and moving-picture shows present blood-curdling dramas. Then there is the Governor's residence, the town hall, etc., and the only event in this quiet city of officials is the arrival of the mail-steamer, when all the "beau-monde" gathers on the pier to welcome the few ...
— Two Years with the Natives in the Western Pacific • Felix Speiser

... said that on January 7 the Quai d'Orsay had explained, but that nothing further had passed. That in the same article of which Lord Lee had reversed the meaning, Captain Castex had made pointed allusion "au role de salubrite politique, sauvant la liberte du monde, joue par la Grande Bretagne ...
— My Impresssions of America • Margot Asquith

... entretenir la justice. Il est vrai que la penderie me parait maintenant un refraichissement. J'ai une tout autre idee de la justice, depuis que je suis en ce pays. Vos galeriens me paraissent une societe d'honnetes gens qui se sont retires du monde pour ...
— Democracy In America, Volume 2 (of 2) • Alexis de Tocqueville

... odd in the description of one harbour fitting another, for harbours have no one nationality but all. Whitman was not otherwise very strong upon Holland. He writes in "Salut au Monde" of "the sail and steamships of the world" which in his mind's ...
— A Wanderer in Holland • E. V. Lucas

... astonishing, writes Couat (173), how many of these are erotic; and "almost all," he adds, "are addressed to courtesans or young boys." "Dans toutes l'auteur ne chante que la beaute plastique et les plaisirs faciles; leur Cypris est la Cypris [Greek: pandaemos], celle qui se vend a tout le monde." In these verses of Callimachus, Asclepiades, Poseidippus and others, he finds sentimentality but no sentiment; and on page 62 he sums up Alexandria with French patness as a place "ou l'on faisait assidument des vers sur l'amour sans ...
— Primitive Love and Love-Stories • Henry Theophilus Finck

... are, generally speaking, of too technical a character to make it possible to set forth any account of them in such a work as the present. He did publish, however, one treatise, called the "Systeme du Monde," in which, without introducing mathematical symbols, he was able to give a general account of the theories of the celestial movements, and of the discoveries to which he and others had been led. In this work the great French astronomer sketched for ...
— Great Astronomers • R. S. Ball

... nothing left to put in their windows—everything had been bought for "la Zuleika." For a whole month, baccarat was not played at the Jockey Club—every member had succumbed to a nobler passion. For a whole month, the whole demi-monde was forgotten for one English virgin. Never, even in Paris, had a woman triumphed so. When the day came for her departure, the city wore such an air of sullen mourning as it had not worn since the Prussians marched to its Elysee. Zuleika, quite untouched, ...
— Zuleika Dobson - or, An Oxford Love Story • Max Beerbohm

... ejaculated Pierre, "M'syae Nasha homme treh subtil, treh ruse, conneh tout le monde, fait pear ...
— Two Knapsacks - A Novel of Canadian Summer Life • John Campbell

... malheur, il portoit un accoustrement decouppe, qui est arreste par le fer d'un treillis. Ses adversaires le voyant ainsi empestre comme un autre Absalon, luy donnent tant de coups de halebardes, qu'a la fin, ils privent le monde du plus grand courage, et de la plus grande valeur du siecle. O valeureux Lysis! que je plains ...
— Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois • George Chapman

... mummy. This ritual procedure was inspired by the Egyptian idea of libations, for, according to Brasseur de Bourbourg, the pouring out of the water was accompanied by the remark "C'est cette eau que tu as recue en venant an monde". ...
— The Evolution of the Dragon • G. Elliot Smith

... one of his best—till the not fully explained, but in any case unsatisfactory, end[498]. Its heroine is the daughter of a sham Marquise and real courtesan, who has attained wealth, who can afford herself lovers "for love"[499] and not for money, when she chooses, and who keeps up a sort of demi-monde society, in which most of the men are adventurers and all the women adventuresses, but which maintains outward decencies. In consequence of this Yvette herself—in a fashion a little impossible, but artistically made not improbable—though she allows herself the extreme "tricks and ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... the Monde says:—"The invention of postage-stamps is far from being so modern as is generally supposed. A postal regulation in France of the year 1653, which has recently come to light, gives notice of the creation ...
— Industrial Biography - Iron Workers and Tool Makers • Samuel Smiles

... result that her real name was Jean Becu, born, 19th August, 1743, at Vaucouleurs, the natural daughter of Anne Becu, otherwise known as "Quantiny." Her mother afterwards married Nicolas Rancon. Comte Jean du Barry met her among the demi-monde, and succeeded, about 1767, and by the help of his friend Label, the valet de chambre of Louis XV., in introducing her to the King under the name of Mademoiselle l'Ange. To be formally mistress, ...
— Marguerite de Navarre - Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois Queen of Navarre • Marguerite de Navarre

... de Montross, Ecossais et chef de la maison de Graham, le seul homme du monde qui m'ait jamais rappele l'idee de certains heros que l'on ne voit plus que dans les vies de Plutarque, avail soutenu le parti du roi d'Angleterre dans son pays, avec une grandeur d'ame qui rien avait point de pareille en ce siecle."—Memoires ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron

... partageat sa conviction et professat la croyance de la Croix. La Piete [fervente] elevee par la Genie, nourrie par la Solitude, fit naitre une espece d'inspiration [exalta son ame jusqu'a l'inspiration] dans son ame, et lorsqu'il quitta sa cellule et reparut dans le monde, il portait comme Moise l'empreinte de la Divinite sur son front, et tout [tous] reconnurent en lui la veritable ...
— The Life of Charlotte Bronte - Volume 1 • Elizabeth Gaskell

... difficult to analyze his feelings. He had found in Constance a woman who had seen the world in all its phases, yet had come through unstained by what would have drowned some in the depths of the under-world, or thrust others into the degradation of the demi-monde, at least. He admired and respected her. He, the dreamer, saw in her the practical. She, an adventurer in amateur lawlessness saw in him ...
— Constance Dunlap • Arthur B. Reeve

... I know, ... I know ... I know all! I have just read the following in the Revue de Monde Scientifique: "A curious piece of news comes to us from Rio de Janeiro. Madness, an epidemic of madness, which may be compared to that contagious madness which attacked the people of Europe in the Middle ...
— Masterpieces of Mystery, Vol. 1 (of 4) - Ghost Stories • Various

... toutes ses puissances, et libre comme s'il entrait dans une foret; si sa voix, ses gestes, et son attitude ne sont pas voilees par un grand nombre de conventions synthetiques; si l'on apercoit un seul instant l'etre vivant qu'il est et l'ame qu'il possede,—il n'y a pas de poeme au monde qui ne recule devant lui. A ce moment precis, le spectacle du poeme s'interrompt et nous assistons a une scene de la vie exterieure, qui, de meme qu'une scene de la rue, de la riviere, ou du champ de bataille, a ses beautes eternelles et secretes, mais ...
— Pelleas and Melisande • Maurice Maeterlinck

... name—she was cheated of her dues. Wear-and-tear plus luxury is said to break down the human system more rapidly than wear-and-tear plus want; but perhaps wear-and-tear plus pensive self-consideration is the most destructive agent of all. "Apres tout, c'est un monde passable"; and the Duchess of Gordon was too busy acquainting herself with this fact to count the costs, ...
— Americans and Others • Agnes Repplier

... Coppet, wrote: "Nous possedons dans ce chateau M. Gibbon, l'ancien amoreux de ma mere, celui qui voulait l'epouser. Quand je le vois, je me demande si je serais nee de son union avec ma mere: je me reponds que non et qu'il suffisait de mon pere seul pour que je vinsse au monde."—Hill's ed., 107, ...
— Historical Essays • James Ford Rhodes

... last six months he had a mistress, not a mistress like the others, a woman with whom one engages in a passing intrigue, of the theatrical world or the "demi-monde, but a woman whom he loved and won. He was no longer a young man, although he was still comparatively young for a man, and he looked on life seriously in ...
— The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume VIII. • Guy de Maupassant

... absolu de la terre et des cieux, N'est point tel que l'erreur le figure a vos yeux: L'Eternel est son nom, le monde est son ouvrage; Il entend les soupirs de l'humble qu'on outrage, Juge tous les mortels avec d'egales lois, Et du haut de son trone interroge ...
— Chosen Peoples • Israel Zangwill

... commenced, "Vous rappelez vous?" and then came the reminiscence. After fourteen years I meet him here, a grandpapa, traveling with his daughter. He is now the Marquis di Candia (having resumed his title), et l'homme du monde parfait; he is seventy years old and has a gray and rather scanty beard instead of the smooth, carefully trimmed brown one of autrefois. Why do captivating and fascinating creatures, such as he was, ever grow old? ...
— The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912 • Lillie DeHegermann-Lindencrone

... je m'assieds plein de joie Sous le dome etoile qui sur nos fronts flamboie; J'ecoute si d'en haut il tombe quelque bruit; Et l'heure vainement me frappe de son aile Quand je contemple emu cette fete eternelle Que le ciel rayonnant donne au monde la nuit! Souvent alors j'ai cru que ces soleils de flamme Dans ce monde endormi n'echauffaient que mon ame; Qu'a les comprendre seul j'etais predestine; Que j'etais, moi, vaine ombre obscure et taciturne, Le roi mysterieuse ...
— The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and - Modern Times • Alfred Biese

... with what we have been able to learn of the experiences of the blind. Nowhere have we found this aspect of the question discussed with the same clearness and ability as by M. Pierre Villey in his recently published essay, Le Monde des Aveugles—Part III. ...
— Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge • Alexander Philip

... commande, vaincu quarante annees; Du monde, entre mes mains, j'ai vu les destinees; Et j'ai toujours connu qu'en chaque evenement Le destin des etats dependait ...
— The History of Napoleon Buonaparte • John Gibson Lockhart

... un chapitre d'un ouvrage Anglais,(1*) justement celebre, (I.) qu'est probablement due l'existence de l'ouvrage dont le gouvernement Britannique veut faire jouir le monde savant: ...
— On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures • Charles Babbage

... j'ai port sur les identifications faites par Edkins du mongol avec le chinois. J'ai d'abord pris dans votre savant article les mots mongols qu'il cite et je vous ai montr qu'ils ne ressemblent pas le moins du monde au chinois. ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... long, followed the hand. Monsieur emerged from his eclipse; and producing himself on the front of his estrade, and gazing straight and fixedly before him at a vast "mappe-monde" covering the wall opposite, he demanded a third time, and now in really ...
— Villette • Charlotte Bronte

... French philosophy which we can trace back through Boutroux, Guyau, Lachelier and Ravaisson to Maine de Biran, who died in 1824. Qui sait, wrote this last thinker, [Footnote: In his Pensees, p. 213.] tout ce que peut la reflection concentree et s'il n'y a pas un nouveau monde interieur qui pourra etre decouvert un jour par ...
— Bergson and His Philosophy • J. Alexander Gunn

... ces fous nommes sages de Grece, En ce monde il n'est point de parfaite sagesse; Tous les hommes sont fous, et malgre tous leurs soins Ne different entre eux que du ...
— Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds • Charles Mackay

... vous plait. Madame est occupee pour le moment; il y a du monde dans le salon." Then, seeing the perplexed look in Candace's eyes, he explained in broken English: "Mees is to get out. Madame is beesy with coompany for little while. Mees will please ...
— A Little Country Girl • Susan Coolidge

... before he shot him, a dozen paces distant. It was in Stout's alley. It was a murder, a wanton murder, without provocation, excuse, extenuation or palliation whatever. Rod. Backus was a frequent visitor at a house of the demi-monde in the alley, and one Jennie French was his favorite. As he came to visit her one evening, at dusk, she was standing in the doorway, at the head of the iron stairway which led to the entrance on the second floor. On the opposite side of the alley, walking slowly toward Jackson street, was ...
— The Vigilance Committee of '56 • James O'Meara

... madame, echappe belle; Un monde pres de nous a passe tout du long, Est chu tout au travers de notre tourbillon; Et, s'il eut en chemin rencontre notre terre, Elle eut ete brisee ...
— Myths and Marvels of Astronomy • Richard A. Proctor

... becoming, Madame, in a creature old and poor, To sit and spin than to engage in an affaire d'amour. The lutes, the roses, and the wine drained deep are not for you; Remember what the poet says: Ce monde est plein de fous! ...
— Echoes from the Sabine Farm • Roswell Martin Field and Eugene Field

... have said then, what was said long after by Voltaire: "Il faut etre dans ce monde enclume ou marteau; j'etais ne enclume." Voltaire, however, speedily became a hammer, and after 1789 the Tiers Etat also became a hammer, ...
— Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe • Sabine Baring-Gould

... on that following day, in the River Road apartment of De Luxe Dora, that Paul and she were having a demi-monde lovers' quarrel. Paul was intoxicated, and Dora may have been angry about that. Or it may have been that she was jealous of some other woman. However, they were quarreling fiercely when there came ...
— The Master Mystery • Arthur B. Reeve and John W. Grey

... fluttering in an ugly interested way all the time. That Bathhouse John's interest was largely cynical is evidenced by the remarks which he threw out between spittings—"Une section mesdames!" "A la gare!" "Aux armes tout le monde!" etc. With the exception of these enthusiastic watchers, the other captives evidenced vague amusement—excepting Count Bragard who said with lofty disgust that it was "no better than a bloody knocking 'ouse, Mr. Cummings" and Monsieur Pet-airs whose annoyance amounted ...
— The Enormous Room • Edward Estlin Cummings

... is giving too much power to the demon, and by that they fall into the error of the Manichaeans, who admit two principles, the one of good, which is God, and the other of evil, which is the devil. The Minister Becker, in his work entitled "The Enchanted World," (Le Monde Enchante,) laughs at apparitions of spirits and evil angels, and ridicules all that is said of the effects of magic: he maintains that to believe in magic is ...
— The Phantom World - or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c, &c. • Augustin Calmet

... de prisong venez icy. Je ne puy vous recevoir chay-moy a cause des mechansetes du monde, may pre ...
— Henry Esmond; The English Humourists; The Four Georges • William Makepeace Thackeray

... all, very nearly, that first night—put before me. It's an art like another, and infinite like all the arts." He went on as if for the joke of it—almost as if his friend's face amused him. "In the hands, naturally, of a master. The right man must take hold. With the right man to work it c'est un monde." ...
— The Ambassadors • Henry James

... during the Middle Ages, a fact which is proved by the large number of manuscripts still extant. Their influence on literature was likewise very great. To say nothing of the encyclopaedic works,—such as 'Li Tresors' of Brunetto Latini, the 'Image du Monde,' the 'Roman de la Rose,'—which contain extracts from the Bestiaries,—there are many references to them in the great writers, even down to the present day. There are certain passages in Dante, Chaucer, and Shakespeare, that would be unintelligible ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 4 • Charles Dudley Warner

... d'embarras d'une commission que Mme. de Kruedener vient de me donner. Elle vous supplie de venir la moins belle que vous pourrez. Elle dit que vous eblouissez tout le monde, et que par la toutes les ames sont troublees, et toutes les attentions impossibles. Vous ne pouvez pas deposer votre charme, mais ne le ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... that Boswell should take that place in art which is his by right of conquest, and that Macaulay's paradox—which is only the opinion brilliantly put of an ignorant and unthinking world—('Il avait mieux que personne l'esprit de tout le monde')—should go the way of ...
— Views and Reviews - Essays in appreciation • William Ernest Henley

... bad French we are told in a note that, having to propose the health of the ladies at a great dinner, he did it in the words—"Le bel sexe partoutte dans le monde." ...
— Lectures and Essays • Goldwin Smith

... Maree Rouge, La chose est positive. On n'sait pas quand el' bouge, Mais on sait qu'el' arrive. La Maree Rouge arrivera Et tout le monde en crevera! ...
— The Crimson Tide • Robert W. Chambers

... more akin to us, such as "La Femme de Quarante Ans," and the owner of the hound Justinian, and that drunken artist in "Gerfaut." But an Englishman is rather friendless, rather an alien and an outcast, in the society of French fiction. Monsieur de Camors is not of our monde, nor is the Enfant du Siecle; indeed, perhaps good Monsieur Sylvestre Bonnard is as sympathetic as anyone in that populous country of modern French romance. Or do you ...
— Old Friends - Essays in Epistolary Parody • Andrew Lang

... to the ball to ascertain the sentiments of his majesty. You know how I abhor society, and how awkward I am in the presence of the beau monde; but not to attend this ball would be an act of cowardice. I must overcome my disinclination to such assemblies, and learn my ...
— Prince Eugene and His Times • L. Muhlbach

... in that year, too, that one Martino da Canale, a clerk in the customs house, began to busy himself (like Chaucer after him) less with his accounts than with writing in the delectable French language ('por ce que lengue franceise cort parmi le monde, et est la plus delitable a lire et a oir que nule autre') a chronicle of Venice. It is of the water, watery, Canale's chronicle, like Ariel's dirge; he has indeed, 'that intenseness of feeling which seems to resolve itself into the elements which it contemplates.' ...
— Medieval People • Eileen Edna Power

... to a clothes depot and rigged themselves out in fashionably cut garments; after which they took rooms at a presentable hotel in Kearney Street, next door to Knobble's boot store. Then, dressed for the first time in their lives like Nob Hill dukes, they paraded the pet resorts of the beau-monde—of the bonanza and railroad set—and making eyes at all the pretty wives and daughters they met, cogitated fresh devices for making money. As they sauntered across Pacific Avenue, in the direction of Californian Street, Kelson suddenly ...
— The Sorcery Club • Elliott O'Donnell

... which seemed individual to her. She was like a study in undernotes, and yet"—Lovell paused a moment—"and yet no Spanish dancing woman, whose dark eyes and voluptuous figure have won her the crown of the demi-monde, ever possessed that innate and mystic gift of kindling passion like that woman. I told you I couldn't describe her! I can't! I can only speak of effects. If my story interests you, you must build up your own idea ...
— The Malefactor • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... is very amusing. One sees a little of everything here. Le monde qui passe—it makes life more diverting; it helps to kill the time. I look out from my perch, like a bird—a very old one, and caged"—and he shook forth a great laugh from beneath ...
— In and Out of Three Normady Inns • Anna Bowman Dodd

... soon as Noailles learnt that his enclosure formed part of the case against Elizabeth, he came forward to acquit her of having furnished him with it; "jurant et blasphemant tous les sermens du monde pour la justification de la dicte Dame Elizabeth."—Renard to Charles V., April 3: ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... was adorned on one side with a likeness of Haydn, and on the other side with an ancient lyre, over which a flame flickered in the midst of a circle of stars. The inscription ran: "Homage a Haydn par les Musiciens qui ont execute l'oratorio de la Creation du Monde au Theatre des Arts l'au ix de la Republique Francais ou MDCCC." The medal was accompanied by a eulogistic address, to which the recipient duly replied in a rather flowery epistle. "I have often," he wrote, "doubted whether my name would ...
— Haydn • J. Cuthbert Hadden

... downfall. Some recreation from his work even the most strenuous artist must have; and Mr. Brummell naturally sought his in that exalted sphere whose modish elegance accorded best with his temperament, the sphere of le plus beau monde. General Bucknall used to growl, from the window of the Guards' Club, that such a fellow was only fit to associate with tailors. But that was an old soldier's fallacy. The proper associates of an artist are they who practise his own art rather ...
— The Works of Max Beerbohm • Max Beerbohm

... in part of the thirteenth, but mainly of the fourteenth century. It is a fine building with charming carved details and at least four brasses, one of the end of the fifteenth century (1488) to William Monde, two of the sixteenth century (1510 and 1581) and one of the year 1600. There is nothing, however, in the place to delay anyone for long, and the modern pilgrim will soon find himself once more ...
— England of My Heart—Spring • Edward Hutton

... the doing of all good, and for its sake the suffering of all evil, souffrir de tout le monde, et ne faire souffrir personne, that divine secret has existed in England from the days of Alfred to those of Romilly, of Clarkson, and of Florence Nightingale, and in thousands who have ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... dans l'ete 1915 c'etait alors terminer la guerre, eviter la tourmente russe et tous les obstacles dresses par ce cataclysme devant le retablissement de la paix du monde. C'etait epargner a nos Patries des milliards de depenses et des ...
— Gallipoli Diary, Volume I • Ian Hamilton

... que veut dire une belle a New-York?" demanded Mademoiselle Viefville. "Apparemment, tout le monde ...
— Home as Found • James Fenimore Cooper

... I have been favoured with an opportunity of assisting at some of the rehearsals, and am in a position to state that the representation cannot fail to satisfy even the most ardent of the many admirers of the book. The guests will include all the leaders of every phase of the beau monde, and a repetition of the play will probably be found necessary. By the way, it is a somewhat romantic circumstance, that the talent displayed by the young authoress has already been the means of procuring her a brilliant parti, ...
— The Giant's Robe • F. Anstey

... I know ... I know all! I have just read the following in the Revue du Monde Scientifique: "A curious piece of news comes to us from Rio de Janeiro. Madness, an epidemic of madness, which may be compared to that contagious madness which attacked the people of Europe in the Middle Ages, is at this moment raging in the Province of San-Paulo. The frightened inhabitants ...
— The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) - Boule de Suif and Other Stories • Guy de Maupassant

... unattended, madam. You used to have the BEAU MONDE throng after you, and a flock of gay fine perukes hovering ...
— The Way of the World • William Congreve

... covered with mats, in the middle of which are four high black pillars; within which there are neat fire-places for preparing tea, coffee and punch; and all around, also, there are placed tables, set out with all kinds of refreshments. Within these four pillars, in a kind of magic rotundo, all the beau-monde of London move perpetually ...
— Travels in England in 1782 • Charles P. Moritz

... jours que festins, que jeux, que plaisirs; Christierne affectoit des manieres pleines de bonte et de familiarite; il sembloit qu'on eut enseveli dans la bonne chere la haine et l'aversion que les deux parties avoient fait paroitre si long-tems l'une contre l'autre; tout le monde s'abandonnoit tranquillement a la joie, lors que, le troisieme jour, les Suedois furent tires de cet exces de securite, d'une maniere ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... d'Ethiopie, et des Abyssins, et se vante d'estre issu de la race de Dauid, comme estant descendu de la Royne de Saba, Royne d'Ethiopie, laquelle estant venue en Hierusalem pour voir la sagesse de Salomon, enuiron l'an du monde 2952, s'en retourna grosse d'vn fils qu'ils nomment Moylech, duquel ils disent estre descendus en ligne directe. Et ainsi il se glorifie d'estre le plus ancien Monarque de la terre, disant que son Empire a dure plus de trois mil ans, ce que nul autre Empire ne peut dire. Aussi met-il en ses tiltres ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II) • Augustus De Morgan

... confessed that, in the beginning, they had fought shy even of each other, lest one of them should develop a hideous susceptibility and impart the taint. There were points at which they both might have touched the aristocracy of journalism; but they had had no dealings with its proletariat or its demi-monde. Below these infernal circles they had discerned the fringe of the bottomless pit, popularity, which he, the Master, told her was "the unclean thing." So that in nineteen hundred and two George Tanqueray, as ...
— The Creators - A Comedy • May Sinclair

... confusion; and in a voice that attempted to sound lively, though its tremulous accents betrayed uneasiness and distress, he exclaimed, with a forced smile, "Is it possible Miss Beverley can deign to notice a poor miserable day- labourer such as I am? how will she be justified in the beau monde, when even the sight of such a wretch ought to fill her with horror? Henceforth let hysterics be blown to the winds, and let nerves be discarded from the female vocabulary, since a lady so young and fair can stand this shock ...
— Cecilia vol. 3 - Memoirs of an Heiress • Frances (Fanny) Burney (Madame d'Arblay)

... monde! Conversation! voyaged! and good graces! I find my mistress is one of those that run ...
— The Works Of John Dryden, Volume 4 (of 18) - Almanzor And Almahide, Marriage-a-la-Mode, The Assignation • John Dryden

... solidarity, clavier, composite, association, harmony, pivotal force, are in the vocabulary of the table. The author therefore inclines towards the following explanation, as given in his Choses de l'Outre Monde (Things of the Other World), Volume I. ...
— The Arena - Volume 4, No. 19, June, 1891 • Various

... pres de tout maintenant. Il est de meme de la poesie. Extrayons-la de n'importe quoi, car elle git en tout et partout. Pas un atome de matiere qui ne contienne pas la poesie. Et habituons-nous a considerer le monde comme un oeuvre d'art, dont il faut reproduire les procedees dans nos ...
— The Far Horizon • Lucas Malet

... half-brother, Audley Egerton, may be said to have begun his initiation into the beau monde before he had well cast aside his coral and bells; he had been fondled in the lap of duchesses, and had galloped across the room astride on the canes of ambassadors and princes. For Colonel Egerton was not only very highly connected, not ...
— My Novel, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... speculation on the future in 1863, in a letter to M. Marcellin-Berthelot (published in Dialogues et fragments philosophiques, 1876): "Que sera Ie monde quand un million de fois se sera reproduit ce qui s'est passe depuis 1763 quand la chimie, au lieu de quatre-vingt ans de progres, en aura cent millions?" (p. 183). And again in the Dialogues written ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... however, the theatre is a useful institution. For French has got to be learned somehow or other. A dancing master of my acquaintance used always to commence his course by a short address to his class in which he remarked: "Mesdemoiselles! La chose la plus importante du monde c'est la danse!" (the most important thing in the world is dancing.) Perhaps he was right. In that case I must add that the next most important thing in the world is the French language; at least to a foreigner on the continent of Europe. Without that you do not know anything. You are a ...
— The Galaxy - Vol. 23, No. 1 • Various

... of his books suggest their quality. Among them are: "Un Amour Vendeen," "Lettres d'un Yankee," "Un Amour dans le Monde," "Memoires d'un Gommeux," "Merveilleuses Aventures de ...
— Real Soldiers of Fortune • Richard Harding Davis

... On this point see Salvioli, Le Capitalisme dans le monde antique, ch. vi. is a book with many shortcomings, but written by an Italian ...
— Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero • W. Warde Fowler

... monde; a home illustrious in Paris for the richness of its collections—bric-a-brac, fans, porcelain, furniture, modern pictures; the walls frescoed by Pierre Bonnard and his compeers; a black marble balcony ...
— Over There • Arnold Bennett

... bourg d'Estreham etoit sur un grand chemin, ou au bout d'un chemin public: et qu'il ne fut pas sur une extremite de terre qui ne mene a rien, ayant la mer d'un cote, et l'embouchure de la riviere d'Orne de l'autre: ou comme si tous les villages du monde ne pouvoient pas etre censez terminer des grand chemins. Mais ces opinions sont detruites par l'ancienne orthographe du nom d'Estreham, qui est constamment ecrit dans les vieux Titres, et par Mr. de Bras, Oistreham, pour Westerham, c'est-a-dire, Village Occidental: ...
— Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman

... he doth as the prince of this worlde, that most desyre Certes, madame, il se porte come le prince de ce monde qui plus desire ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... of Christ is not of this World; and that the last-named is the very Thing a true Christian ought to renounce: I mean, that when we speak of the World in a figurative Sense, as the Knowledge of the World, the Glory of the World; or in French, Le beau Monde, le grand Monde; and when in a Man's Praise we say, that he understands the World very well; that, I say, when we use the Word in this Manner, it signifies, and we understand by it that same World which the Gospel ...
— A Letter to Dion • Bernard Mandeville

... Le navire Passe et luit, Puis chavire A grand bruit; Et sur l'onde La plus blonde Tete au monde Flotte et fuit. ...
— Chastelard, a Tragedy • Algernon Charles Swinburne

... longtemps que je cachais au fonds de mon coeur le desir de posseder votre portrait, qui, interressant pour le monde, est devenu precieux pour moi, puisque j'ai le plaisir de vous connaitre telle que vous etes, bonne, simple, bienveillante, et loin de tout ce qui effroie et eloigne des reputations literaires. Je remercie M. Hervieu de Tavoir fait aussi ressemblant. ...
— What I Remember, Volume 2 • Thomas Adolphus Trollope

... death of the little Ozanne Helene entered the service of M. Roussell, proprietor of the Bout-du-Monde hotel in Rennes. Some six weeks later Roussell's mother suddenly became ill. She had had occasion to reproach Helene for sullen ill-manners or something of that sort. She ate some potage which Helene had cooked. The illness that ensued lasted a long time. Eighteen months ...
— She Stands Accused • Victor MacClure

... much that he was concerned to deliver a message as to render it a vehicle by which to plead his own cause. Lord Julian, well versed in the lore of womankind and usually at his ease with ladies of the beau-monde, found himself oddly constrained before this frank and unsophisticated ...
— Captain Blood • Rafael Sabatini

... recevoir une part de l' offrande les Dieux, accompagnes des Gaudharvas, et les Siddhas avec les Mounis divins, Brahma, le monarque des Souras, l' immuable Siva, et l' auguste Narayana, et les quatre gardiens vigilants du monde, et les meres des Immortels, et tous les Dieux, escortes des Yakshas, et le maitre eminent du ciel, Indra, qui se manifestait aux yeux, environne par l' essaim des Maroutes. Alors ce jeune anachorete avait supplie tous les Dieux, que le desir d'une part dans l' offrande avait conduits ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... gentleman, I, who speak, a Froissart, a Count of l'ancien regime, a Royalist almost? I offer you a task which combines business and pleasure in the most delicious of proportions. And you call my offer mean and grubby, meprisable et crotte! I do not ask you to consort with those of the demi-monde. The women who are of most danger to our countries are not courtisanes; they are of the monde, fashionable. They meet officers in society; they humour and flatter them; they display a melting softness of sympathy and interest. I do not ask you, my friend, ...
— The Lost Naval Papers • Bennet Copplestone

... endeavour, she told him, to bring about a reconciliation with his wife, and must submit to contend no longer with the opinion of the world. In vain did he quote her own motto to Delphine, "Un homme peut braver, une femme doit se succomber aux opinions du monde;"—her reply was, that all this might be very well to say, but that, in real life, the duty and necessity of yielding belonged also to the man. Her eloquence, in short, so far succeeded, that he was prevailed ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. III - With His Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... et que le malade est toujours fatigue, bien amaigri et sans appetit, rien au monde ne lui fera autant de bien que le remede purificateur Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier. Une cuilleree trois fois par jour guerira les rhumatismes, la scrofule et toutes sortes d'eruptions ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... same, Nov. 26.-History of Lord Granville's resignation. Voila le monde! Decline of his father's health. Outcry against pantomimes. Drury Lane uproar. Bear-garden bruisers. Walpole turned ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 1 • Horace Walpole

... "Society has made no provision for a case like his. It 's absurd—but there it is. You see a woman somewhere; you long to make her acquaintance; and there's no natural bar to your doing so—you 're a presentable man she's what they call a lady—you're both, more or less, of the same monde. Yet there 's positively no way known by which you can contrive it—unless chance, mere fortuitous chance, just happens to drop a common acquaintance between you, at the right time and place. Chance, in Wildmay's case, ...
— The Cardinal's Snuff-Box • Henry Harland

... danced it. She stepped forward and took me for a partner, and amidst the bravoes of the crowd, in which stood Ney, Murat, Lannes, the Prince of Wagram, and the Austrian ambassador, we showed to the beau monde of the French capital, I flatter myself, a not unfavorable specimen of ...
— Burlesques • William Makepeace Thackeray

... l'opposition presque generale de tous les Villages sauvages, j'aye forme en moins de 3 ans une des plus florissantes missions du Canada.... Je me trouve donc, Messieurs, dans l'occasion de pouvoir etendre l'empire de Jesus Christ et du Roy mes bons maitres jusqu'aux extremites de ce nouveau monde, et de plus faire avec quelques secours que vous me procurerez que la France et l'angleterre ne pourraient faire avec plusieurs millions et toutes leur troupes." Copie de la Lettre ecrite par M. l'Abbe Picquet, dattee a la Presentation du 8 Fev. ...
— Montcalm and Wolfe • Francis Parkman

... In those days of corvees and forced labor, when it was merely necessary to command de par le roi, it was easy to bring together large bodies of men. "M. de Montcalm arrive a Quebec (from Montreal), commanda tout le monde pour travailler a des retrenchements qui furent traces vers une paroisse nominee Beauport. Comme il pensait que ces ouvrages ne seraient pas en etat avant l'arrivee des vaisseaux anglais, ce qui pourrait etre d'un jour a l'autre, il envoya un ordre a M. de Levis, qui etait ...
— Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine

... viser au lieu dont elle vint, Et desprisant la gloire que l'on a En ce bas monde, icelle Anne ordonna, Que son corps fust entre les pauures mys En cette fosse. Or prions, chers amys, Que l'ame soit entre les pauures mise, Qui bien heureux ...
— Letters of Edward FitzGerald to Fanny Kemble (1871-1883) • Edward FitzGerald

... curtain rose we had time to glance about us on that scene, to both entirely new—the inside of a theatre. Shabby and small as the place was, it was filled with all the beau monde of Coltham, which then, patronized by royalty, rivalled even Bath in its fashion and folly. Such a dazzle of diamonds and spangled turbans and Prince-of-Wales' plumes. Such an odd mingling of costume, which was then in a transition state, the old ladies clinging tenaciously ...
— John Halifax, Gentleman • Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

... nos deux grandes langues du Nouveau Monde [the Iroquois and the Algonkin] etaient tres claires, tres precises, exprimant avec facilite non seulement les relations exterieures des idees, mais encore leur relations metaphysiques. C'est ce qu' out commence de demontrer mes premiers chapitres de grammaire, et ce qu'achevera de faire voir ...
— Aboriginal American Authors • Daniel G. Brinton

... decorations, Actual Privy Councillors and their wives, and dozens of underlings in their gaudy tinsel, prelates with crosses at their necks, and women of all classes, from the highest aristocracy to the painted sister of the higher demi-monde. ...
— The Minister of Evil - The Secret History of Rasputin's Betrayal of Russia • William Le Queux

... Paris, ou il fait les reparations de tous les toits. Elle, blanchisseuse de fin, a developpe un secret dans la facon d'empeser les plastrons de chemises. Elle fait des plastrons monumentaux, luisants, dur comme l'albatre. Elle a des clients dans le beau monde et a l'etranger, jusqu'au Prince de BALEINES, qui lui confie ses chemises de grande toilette, celles qu'il porte au diner du Lor ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, VOL. 100. Feb. 28, 1891 • Various

... lor folie Cuident estre par nuit estries, Errans aveques Dame Habonde: Et dient, que par tout le monde Li tiers enfant de nacion Sunt de ...
— Popular Tales from the Norse • Sir George Webbe Dasent

... other picture. With my brother's fortune I made aggrandisements and eventually moved to the Rue de la Paix. My scientific genius was at last appreciated, and my watches and clocks became the pride of the haute monde. My son grew into a fine man, much resembling myself, and after learning the profession opened a branch office at Buenos Ayres. I won the ribbon. In short, nothing lacked to make life ...
— Read-Aloud Plays • Horace Holley

... in every class of life. There are long discussions with all the members of the two families. The cure, the notary, the patron (if the young man is a workman), are all consulted, and there are as many negotiations and agreements in the most humble families as in the grand monde of the Faubourg St. Germain. Almost all French parents give a dot of some kind to their children, and whatever the sum is, either five hundred francs or two thousand, it is always scrupulously paid over to the ...
— Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington

... singular and somewhat ingenious little book, whose title-page runs thus: "L'Homme dans la lvne ou le Voyage Chimerique fait au Monde de la Lvne, nouellement decouvert par Dominique Gonzales, Aduanturier Espagnol, autremt dit le Courier volant. Mis en notre langve par J. B. D. A. Paris, chez Francois Piot, pres la Fontaine de Saint Benoist. Et chez J. Goignard, au premier pilier de la grand'salle ...
— The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe

... ici le jeu, les livres, la musique, Les cigarres, l'amour, les orangers, Le monde tantot gai, tantot melancholique, Les glaces, la danse, et les cochers; De la biere, de bons diners, A cote d'arbre une boutique, Et la vue de hauts rochers. ...
— The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims - Volume I (of II) • Andrew Steinmetz

... sorts of good company; one, which is called the beau monde, and consists of the people who have the lead in courts, and in the gay parts of life; the other consists of those who are distinguished by some peculiar merit, or who excel in some particular and valuable art or science. For my own part, I used to think myself in company as, much above me, when ...
— The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son • The Earl of Chesterfield

... not merely crowded but representative. We counted among the audience the heads of all the great professions in Dublin, a considerable number of literary critics, and an extremely large representation of 'le monde ou l'on s'amuse.' The Gaelic League, which flooded the gallery, was very friendly to Mr. Moore and Mr. Yeats, and became enthusiastic over Dr. Douglas Hyde ['The Twisting of the Rope,' by Dr. Hyde, was ...
— Irish Plays and Playwrights • Cornelius Weygandt

... Corso. The Corso is a wide promenade that runs along the Buda bank of the Danube. Across the river, on the hill, the royal palace looks down upon the little common people. In that day the monde and the demi-monde of Budapest walked on the Corso between twelve and one. Up and down. Up and down. The women, tall, dark, flashing-eyed, daringly dressed. The men sallow, meagre, and wearing those trousers which, cut very wide and flappy ...
— Half Portions • Edna Ferber

... representant agreable, naif, et expressif de cet age que nous aimons a nous representer de loin comme l'age d'or du bon vieux temps ... Nicolas croyait a son Roy et a sa Dame, il croyait surtout a son Dieu. Nicolas sentait que le monde etait seme a chaque pas d'obscurites et d'embuches, et que l'inconnu etait partout; partout aussi etait le protecteur invisible et le soutien; a chaque souffle qui fremissait, Nicolas croyait le sentir comme derriere le rideau. Le ...
— Domnei • James Branch Cabell et al

... obeyed his orders only too well—"Surveillez tout le monde, excepte moi!" To a great degree it was necessary, for French society, high and low, was honeycombed with Royalist plots, some of them hardly worthy of a cause which called itself religious as well as royal. ...
— Angelot - A Story of the First Empire • Eleanor Price

... S. D. Fernando Colombo; Nelle quali s' ha particolare, & vera relatione della vita, & de' fatti dell' Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre: Et dello scoprimento, ch' egli fece dell' Indie Occidentali, dette Monde-Nuovo, hora possedute dal Sereniss. Re Catolico: Nuouamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell' Italiana dal S. Alfonso Vlloa. Con. privilegio. IN VENETIA, M D LXXI. Appresso Francesco de' Franceschi ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... drowned. The victory of one group as in previous wars, he continued, where the conqueror gleaned a rich harvest of gains and the vanquished had to bear all the losses, was out of the question in this present war. Tout le monde perdra, et a la fin il ...
— In the World War • Count Ottokar Czernin

... Pamphlet at Geneva. She regards you with a certain love, yet a shuddering love. She says, "Cela sent l'Americain qui apres avoir abattu les forets a coup de hache, croit qu'on doit de meme conquerir le monde intellectuel"! What R.M. Milnes will say of you we hope also to see.—I know both Heraud and Landor; but alas, what room is here! Another sheet with less of "Arithmetic" in it will soon be ...
— The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, - 1834-1872, Vol. I • Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson

... La Rochelle, p. 60. "The white armour of fifteenth century soldiers, simple as it was, was expensive; it cost about ten thousand francs of our present money. But the complete horse's armour was included in this" (Maurice Maindron, Pour l'histoire de l'armure, in Le monde moderne, 1896). According to the calculation of P. Clement (Jacques Coeur et Charles VII, 1873, p. lxvi), 100 livres would be equal to 4000 francs ...
— The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 (of 2) • Anatole France

... pas plus revenue que ne reviennent les grains de poussiere qu'emporte le vent.... Voici plus d'un siecle que des legions ont tente la conquete de l'Egypte et ces legions etaient les plus magnifiques du monde. Elles avaient des chefs qui s'appelaient Desaix, Kleber et Bonaparte; mais elles n'avaient pas la maitrise de la mer et rien ne revint des sables brulants du desert. Voici un siecle aussi qu'une armee la plus formidable d'Europe, conduite par le plus fameux conquerant qu'ait ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... of receiving the illustrious Captain Cook to dine with me in Queen's Square [Bloomsbury] previously to his second voyage round the world. Observing upon a table, Bougainville's Voyage Autour du Monde, he turned it over, and made some curious remarks on the illiberal conduct of that circumnavigator towards himself when they met and crossed each other; which made me desirous to know, in examining the chart of M. de Bougainville, the several ...
— The Life of Captain James Cook • Arthur Kitson

... book had been written in this serious and bitter style. At the most, a tale by Charles Cros, La science de l'amour, printed long ago in the Revue du Monde-Nouveau, could astonish by reason of its chemical whims, by its affected humor and by its coldly facetious observations. But the pleasure to be extracted from the story was merely relative, since its execution was a dismal failure. The firm, colored and often original style of Villiers ...
— Against The Grain • Joris-Karl Huysmans

... grandioses par des spectacles flattant l'orgueil et les instincts du pays, que Napoleon III allait, pendant de longues annees, non seulement occuper, rejouir la France, mais encore fixer l'attention, l'etonnement et bien souvent l'admiration du monde.'] who is stopped by no scruples, might find it an excellent opportunity for bringing on a personal war—if I may say so; for driving the Germans across the Alps and naming himself the Dictator of ...
— Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. - In Two Volumes. VOL. II. • John Knox Laughton

... was Al-Thakifi or descendant of Thakif. According to Al-Mas'udi, he was son of Farighah (the tall Beauty) by Yusuf bin Ukayl the Thakafite and vint au monde tout difforme avec l'anus obstrue. As he refused the breast, Satan, in human form, advised suckling him with the blood of two black kids, a black buck-goat and a black snake; ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 7 • Richard F. Burton

... refreshing for a blasee old woman, who had long since ceased to feel much interest in contemporary men, women, things and events, to encounter one so recently from the boundless prairies of the new world as to cherish a piquant inquisitiveness about the affairs of the grand monde. Ah! yes, she would very willingly communicate the history of the Baron Savitch of Moscow, if that would amuse ...
— Stories by American Authors, Volume 10 • Various

... au bout de ses travaux, Il a passe le Sieur Etienne; En ce monde il eut tant des maux, Qu'on ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 30. Saturday, May 25, 1850 • Various

... monde est plein de fous—et qui n'en veut pas voir Doit se renfermer seul, et casser ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 19. No. 538 - 17 Mar 1832 • Various

... was an illegitimate brother or a twin-brother of Louis XIV. The first was maintained by M. Quentin-Crawfurd; the second by Abbe Soulavie in his 'Memoires du Marechal Duc de Richelieu' (London, 1790). In 1783 the Marquis de Luchet, in the 'Journal des Gens du Monde' (vol. iv. No. 23, p. 282, et seq.), awarded to Buckingham the honour of the paternity in dispute. In support of this, he quoted the testimony of a lady of the house of Saint-Quentin who had been a mistress of the minister Barbezieux, and who died ...
— Celebrated Crimes, Complete • Alexandre Dumas, Pere

... mystere aux actions innocentes; et quiconque aime a se cacher, a tot ou tard raison de se cacher. Un seul precepte de morale peut tenir lieu de tous les autres, c'est celui-ci: Ne fais, ni ne dis jamais rien que tu ne veuilles que tout le monde voie et entende. J'ai toujours regarde comme le plus estimable des hommes ce Romain qui voulait que sa maison fut construite de maniere qu'on vit tout ce qui s'y faisait.' Whether the Englishman would be the first or the last to submit ...
— The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844 - Volume 23, Number 4 • Various

... it to sparcle the beames through all the worlde. lucence pour en espandre les rais par tout le monde. ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... teach de morale; de rock of de passion et les grands mouvements de l'ame! Oui, Sair; it teach all, un Monsieur vish to know. Tout le monde read him in la France; en province, comme en ville. If sa Majeste, le Grand Louis, be not so mal avise, as to chasser Messieurs les Huguenots from his royaume, I shall go to Paris, ...
— The Water-Witch or, The Skimmer of the Seas • James Fenimore Cooper

... l'empereur, qui est a Rome, Souhz qui doyvent etre tout homme, Me daignoit prendre pour sa femme, Et me faire du monde dame! Si vouldroye-je mieux, dist-elle Et Dieu en tesmoing en appelle, Etre sa Putaine appellee ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... of life, leading again that easy-going, bohemian existence of his bachelor days. He plunged into gaieties and dissipations of every kind. He gambled freely, drank heavily and gave midnight champagne suppers enlivened by "appetizing" vaudeville, to prominent ladies of the demi-monde. Yet even these excesses could not drown the prickings of conscience. Sometimes, amid one of these nocturnal debauches, and while the drunken revelry was at its height, he would suddenly see Virginia's pale, thoughtful face. Her eyes, dimmed with tears, and full of reproach, ...
— Bought and Paid For - From the Play of George Broadhurst • Arthur Hornblow

... that she was made to 'renoncer & renier son Createur, la saincte Vierge, les Saincts, le Baptesme, pere, mere, parens, le ciel, la terre & tout ce qui est au monde'.[243] The irrevocability of this renunciation was impressed upon the Swedish witches in a very dramatic manner: 'The Devil gave them a Purse, wherein there were shavings of Clocks with a Stone tied to it, which they threw into the water, and then were forced ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... o mon ame, au plus hault ciel guidee, Tu y pourras recognoistre l'Idee De la beaute qu'en ce monde j'adore. ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... certaines phrases qui se distinguent par une cadence et un parallelisme particuliers. Il essaye ce moyen afin de soustraire son ame aux influences des sens et de lui donner assez de force pour se mettre dans un contact imparfait avec le monde spirituel.[a] Cette agitation d'esprit, jointe a l'emploi des moyens intrinseques dont nous avons parle, excite dans son coeur des idees que cet organe exprime par le ministere de la langne. Les paroles qu'il ...
— The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang

... ma fille, une de mes grandes envies, ce serait d'etre devote; je ne suis ni an Dieu, ni an Diable; cet etat m'ennuie, quoiqu' entre nous je le trouve le plus naturel du monde. On n'est point an Diable parce qu'on craint Dieu, et qu' an fond on a un principe de religion; on n'est point a Dieu aussi, parce que sa loi paroit dure, et qu' on n'aime ...
— Sir George Tressady, Vol. II • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... ce qui a peu dure, ce qui est encore illusion, reve, ambition, ce qui est encore une beaute, o jeunesse, voila ce que vous aimez! Vous n'etes pas liee, vous n'etes pas fanee, vous pouvez courir le monde.—RENE BAZIN, Recits ...
— Leaves from a Field Note-Book • J. H. Morgan

... Mississippi Railway, with whom, by the bye, I had dined that day at the hotel, there being ten gentlemen and myself, the only lady, at table. The party at the Andersons was also an assemblage of some of the beau monde of Cincinnati. The ladies were all dressed in high silk dresses remarkably well made, and looking as if they all had come straight from Paris. I never saw a large party of prettier or better chosen toilettes. The dresses were generally of rich brocaded silk, but there was nothing to criticise, ...
— First Impressions of the New World - On Two Travellers from the Old in the Autumn of 1858 • Isabella Strange Trotter

... the Due d'Enghien by a quotation from The Prince. 'Mais apres tout,' he said, 'un homme d'Etat est-il fait pour etre sensible? N'est-ce pas un personnage—completement excentrique, toujours seul d'un cote, avec le monde de l'autre?' and again 'Jugez done s'il doit s'amuser a menager certaines convenances de sentiments si importantes pour le commun des hommes? Peut-il considerer les liens du sang, les affections, les puerils menagements de la societe? Et dans ...
— Machiavelli, Volume I - The Art of War; and The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli

... arrangements at Magnolia Lawn a sign that he had accomplished his generous purpose? She was asking herself that question for the hundredth time, as she sat looking out on the twilight landscape, when she heard a well-known voice approaching, singing, "C'est l'amour, l'amour, l'amour, qui fait le monde a la ronde"; and a moment after she was folded in Gerald's arms, and he was calling her endearing names in a polyglot of languages, which he had learned from ...
— A Romance of the Republic • Lydia Maria Francis Child

... Homunculus, Ueber die Steckenpferde, Ueber das Momusglas, Ueber die Ausschweifungen, Ueber die Dunkelkeit im Schreiben, Ueber den Unsinn, Ueber die Verbindung der Ideen, Ueber die Hahnreiter, Ueber den Mann in dem Monde, Ueber Leibnitzens Monaden, Ueber das was man Vertu nennt, Ueber das Gewissen, Ueber die Trunkenheit, Ueber den Nachtstuhl, Betrachtungen ber Betrachtungen.—neque—cum lectulus, aut me Porticus excepit, desum mihi, Horat." Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1769,8vo. The book purported ...
— Laurence Sterne in Germany • Harvey Waterman Thayer

... 'avoit, comme de raison, forme le projet d'allier Dieu avec le diable.' This is made to read: 'Qui, comme de raison, avait saintement forme le projet d'allier les interets du ciel aux oeuvres de ce monde.' Casanova tells us that Therese would not commit a mortal sin 'pour devenir reine du monde;' pour une couronne,' corrects the indefatigable Laforgue. 'Il ne savoit que lui dire' becomes 'Dans cet ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... See the vigorous treatise it called forth from the pen of the great Reformer of Geneva in 1549, under the title of "Advertissement contre l'Astrologie qu'on appelle judiciaire, et autres curiositez qui regnent aujourd'huy dans le monde." Paul L. Jacob, Oeuvres francoises de Calvin, ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... but with pleasure observe, madam, the polite taste miss shows in her choice of entertainments; I dare swear she will be much admired in the beau monde, and I don't question but will be soon taken into keeping ...
— Miscellanies, Volume 2 (from Works, Volume 12) • Henry Fielding

... Capitaine de Rouen et de Caen, Comte de Mauleurier, Baron de Mauny et du Bec-Crespin, Seigneur Chastellain de Nugent-le-Roy, Ennet, Breval et Monchauvet. Apres avoir vescu par le cours de nature en ce monde en vertu, jusques a l'age de LXXII ans, la mort l'a faiet mettre en ce tombeau pour retourner viure perpeluellement. Lequel deceda le dymence XXIIIe jour de juillet de mil vre ...
— Rouen, It's History and Monuments - A Guide to Strangers • Theodore Licquet

... not explain things very clearly. He was in Aix-les-Bains, a place which they had never heard of, making his fortune. He was staying at the Hotel de l'Europe, where Queen Victoria (they had heard of Queen Victoria) had been contented to reside, he was a glittering figure in a splendid beau-monde, and if ses vieux would buy a few cakes and a bottle of vin cachete with the enclosed trifle, to celebrate his prosperity, he would deem it the privilege of a devoted son. But Pujol senior, though wondering where the devil he had fished all that money from, did not waste it in profligate revelry. ...
— The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol • William J. Locke

... against Napoleon, after his return from Elba, the Emperor was deliberately delivered over to assassins in the following terms: "Les Puissances declarent en consequence, que Napoleon Bonaparte s'est place hors des relations civiles et sociales, et que, comme ennemi et perturbateur du repos du monde, il s'est livre a la vindicte publique." To the paper containing this rascally sentence stands affixed the name of Wellington, who, however, indignantly denied that he ever meant to authorize or ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 93, July, 1865 • Various

... je me desiste Le monde n'est qu'abusion. Il n'est qui contre mort resiste Le que treuve provision. Encor fais une question: Lancelot, le roy de Behaigne, Ou est il? Ou est son tayon?.... Mais ou ...
— Avril - Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance • H. Belloc

... most editions we find "et que tout le monde ou serait cette monarchie florissante," which has no meaning. The correct reading is "et que tu me donnerais ...
— The Jealousy of le Barbouille - (La Jalousie du Barbouille) • Jean Baptiste Poquelin de Moliere

... me perdre trop tost, avant qu'ils n'ayent fait avec moy ce qu'ils veulent: car, pour leur amitie, vous savez ce qu'il y a a compter ladessus en ce pays icy." Jan. 14/24 "Me voila le plus embarasse du monde, ne sachant quel parti prendre, estant toujours persuade que, sans que j'aille en Irlande, l'on n'y faira rien qui vaille. Pour avoir du conseil en cette affaire, je n'en ay point a attendre, personne n'ausant dire ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... the original there is a play on the word 'alam which signifies "beauty," "the world," also "a multitude of people," or what the French call "tout le monde." ...
— Bagh O Bahar, Or Tales of the Four Darweshes • Mir Amman of Dihli

... tout petit peu de la plus legere gratitude que n'importe quoi. Conservez, ma chere Margot, un bon souvenir de ce petit travail qui a du vous amuser beaucoup et qui nous a reunis dans les meilleurs sentiments du monde; continuons nous cette sympathie que je trouve moi tout a fait exquise—et croyez qu'en la continuant de votre cote, vous serez mille fois plus que quitte ...
— Margot Asquith, An Autobiography: Volumes I & II • Margot Asquith

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