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Mump   Listen
Mump  v. i.  
To move the lips with the mouth closed; to mumble, as in sulkiness. "He mumps, and lovers, and hangs the lip."
To talk imperfectly, brokenly, or feebly; to chatter unintelligibly.
To cheat; to deceive; to play the beggar. "And then when mumping with a sore leg,... canting and whining."
To be sullen or sulky. (Prov. Eng.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mump" Quotes from Famous Books

... indignation that can be offered to a man; and, but a man's more godlier given, you were able to make him swear out his heart-blood. What, though that honest Hodge have cut his finger here, or, as some say, cut a feather: what, though he be mump, misled, blind, or as it were—'tis no consequent to me: you know I have drunk all the ale-houses in Abington dry, and laid the taps on the tables, when I had done: 'sblood, I'll challenge all the true rob-pots in Europe to leap up to the chin in a barrel of beer, and if I cannot drink ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VII (4th edition) • Various

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