(Geol.) Formed by water or aqueous solution; as, Neptunian rocks.
Neptunian races (Ethnol.), the Malay and Polynesian races.
Neptunian theory (Geol.), the theory of Werner, which referred the formation of all rocks and strata to the agency of water; opposed to the Plutonic theory.
... present know, Jupiter possesses seven,[2] Saturn ten, Uranus four, and Neptune one. It is indeed possible, nay more, it is extremely probable, that the two last-named planets have a greater number of these secondary bodies revolving around them; but, unfortunately, the Uranian and Neptunian systems are at such immense distances from us, that even the magnificent telescopes of to-day can extract very little ... — Astronomy of To-day - A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language • Cecil G. Dolmage