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Nipple   Listen
Nipple  n.  
(Anat.) The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the breast or mamma; the mammilla; a teat; a pap.
The orifice at which any animal liquid, as the oil from an oil bag, is discharged. (R.)
Any small projection or article in which there is an orifice for discharging a fluid, or for other purposes; as, the nipple of a nursing bottle; the nipple of a percussion lock, or that part on which the cap is put and through which the fire passes to the charge.
(Mech.) A pipe fitting, consisting of a short piece of pipe, usually provided with a screw thread at each end, for connecting two other fittings.
Solder nipple, a short pipe, usually of brass, one end of which is tapered and adapted for attachment to the end of a lead pipe by soldering.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Nipple" Quotes from Famous Books

... the Brahmin, like the Thug of seven victims, has tasted the sugar of blood, sweeter upon his tongue than to the lips of an eager babe the pearl-tipped nipple of its mother. Henceforth he must slay, slay, slay, mutilate and ravish, burn and slay, in the name of ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. II, No. 8, June 1858 • Various

... oil through the sight-feed valves; it then passes up by the sight-feed glasses to the oil pipe and steam chest. The use of the glasses is to make the drop of oil visible as it leaves the sight-feed nipple so the amount of oil fed can be regulated. Steam from the boiler fed to the lubricator at boiler pressure through the equalizing tubes balances the pressure which comes from the steam chest when the engine is ...
— The Traveling Engineers' Association - To Improve The Locomotive Engine Service of American Railroads • Anonymous

... mango-fruits his margins teem; And thou, like wetted braids, art blackness quite; When resting on the mountain, thou wilt seem Like the dark nipple on Earth's bosom white, For mating gods ...
— Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works • Kaalidaasa

... dreaded scent of man in the wind, and was giving voice to her warning. It was a long wailing howl, and not until its last echoes had died away did Sandy McTrigger move. Then he returned to the canoe, took out his old gun, put a fresh cap on the nipple and disappeared quickly over the ...
— Kazan • James Oliver Curwood

... the East; and now its nature became obvious. That central part which, seen from underneath, seemed simply a dense, confused part, apparently no nearer than the rest, now, seen sideways, was obviously much lower than the rest and rudely funnel-shaped—nipple-shaped one might say; while the wide thin portion of cloud above it was disk-shaped: the converging streaks of cloud being now, in perspective, merged together. It thus became manifest that the cloud was produced by a feeble whirlwind, ...
— Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative, Vol. I • Herbert Spencer

... ship-building. Another name for knuckle (which see). Also, the nipple of a gun or musket lock; the perforated projection which ...
— The Sailor's Word-Book • William Henry Smyth

... afforded him the means of perfecting. I may preface his remarks by stating, that all the information I could gain from the colonists on the subject was, that the young of the kangaroo were born on the nipple, which my ...
— Discoveries in Australia, Volume 2 • John Lort Stokes

... perfectly justified, but prefer, to the use of any bottle at all, the feeding the infant with a spoon; and here I think they are mistaken. The old-fashioned flat bottle, with an opening in the middle, and a short end to which the nipple is attached without any tube, the only one known in the time of our grandmothers, continues still the best, and very good. My friend, Mr. Edmund Owen, in a lecture at which I presided at the Health Exhibition in August last year, pointed out very humorously ...
— The Mother's Manual of Children's Diseases • Charles West, M.D.

... stronger busk, cannot be too severely condemned. By this false delicacy the mother is subjected to great suffering, and the child placed in jeopardy. The shape of the stays should be moulded to that of the changing figure, and great care should be taken that they do not depress the nipple ...
— The Physical Life of Woman: - Advice to the Maiden, Wife and Mother • Dr. George H Napheys

... of rustic architecture has naught to fear from the inclemency of the weather; it does not yield to the pressure of the fingers; it resists the knife that attempts to remove it without breaking it. Its nipple shape and the bits of gravel wherewith it bristles all over the outside remind one of certain cromlechs of olden time, of certain tumuli whose domes ...
— The Wonders of Instinct • J. H. Fabre

... S or goose neck. In case the street should settle, this piece of lead will allow for it. These "lead connections" or "goose necks" are made as follows: 3 ft. of 5/8 lead pipe; 1-inch brass solder nipple (wiped on); one brass corporation cock ...
— Elements of Plumbing • Samuel Dibble

... more frequently was it fed, to the constant aggravation of its sufferings. Who in those days might not have seen mothers carrying in their arms babies flushed with fever, perpetually thrusting the nipple into the little howling mouth in the hope of quieting it? And yet those mothers were full of self-sacrifice and ...
— Spontaneous Activity in Education • Maria Montessori

... a typical form of throttling calorimeter. Steam is drawn from a vertical main through the sampling nipple, passes around the first thermometer cup, then through a one-eighth inch orifice in a disk between two flanges, and lastly around the second thermometer cup and to the atmosphere. Thermometers are inserted in the wells, which should be filled with ...
— Steam, Its Generation and Use • Babcock & Wilcox Co.

... cause of his illness, he said he did not know what had caused it. He had no pain, he thought, anywhere. I asked, "Do you not sometimes feel pain on the right side?"—"Yes, I think I do; but I don't know."—" Nor over the left nipple sometimes—a quick throbbing, with a shortness of breath?"—" Yes, I think I have. I know I breathe quick sometimes." He said his only trouble was in the legs, which were swollen to an immense size. Though he had a sound appetite, he yet ...
— How I Found Livingstone • Sir Henry M. Stanley

... breast, all three frozen and dead. The mother had most certainly expired in the act of suckling her child, as with one breast exposed, she lay upon the drifted snow, the milk to all appearance in a stream drawn from the nipple by the babe, and instantly congealed. The infant seemed as if its lips had but just then been disengaged, and it reposed its little head upon the mother's bosom, with, an overflow of milk, frozen as it trickled from the mouth; their countenances were perfectly composed ...
— Poems • Robert Southey

... 'little Teat'. It occurred on various parts of the body; was said to secrete milk and to give suck to the familiars, both human and animal; and was sometimes cut off by the witch before being searched. The descriptions of the 'teat' point to its being that natural phenomenon, the supernumerary nipple. Cases of polymastia or supernumerary breasts, and of polythelia or supernumerary nipples, are constantly recorded by modern medical observers. 'These accessory structures are usually situated on the chest wall, the upper part of the ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... careful of her young, shifting it from side to side to suckle it, and folding it in the membranes of the tail and wings." Unfortunately, these interesting observations were cut short by the death of the mother, and the young animal, which was with some difficulty removed from the nipple, survived only eight days, during which it was fed with milk from a sponge, and made but little progress, its eyes being still unopened, ...
— A Book of Natural History - Young Folks' Library Volume XIV. • Various

... from the beginning of gestation. Their glandular structure becomes larger, fuller, and firmer; a sensation of weight or pricking is felt by the patient; the veins become more prominent. The nipples also become enlarged, more elongated, and somewhat erect. Surrounding the nipple is the areola; this becomes ...
— The Four Epochs of Woman's Life • Anna M. Galbraith

... whether it would go through a cow, but they were afraid the owner of the cow would find it out. There was a good deal of pleasure in cleaning your gun when it got so foul that your ramrod stuck in it and you could hardly get it out. You poured hot water into the muzzle and blew it through the nipple, till it began to show clear; then you wiped it dry with soft rags wound on your gun-screw, and then oiled it with greasy tow. Sometimes the tow would get loose from the screw, and stay in the barrel, ...
— A Boy's Town • W. D. Howells

... of happiness from the wish to attain it, still the utmost he could say of what he remembered would fall as short of right speech as the sounds of an infant's tongue while it is murmuring over the nipple; for the more he had looked at that light, the more he found in it to amaze him, so that his brain toiled with the succession of the astonishments. He saw, in the deep but clear self-subsistence, three circles of three different colours of the ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Volume 1 • Leigh Hunt

... nothing to my friend, but dropped the rein upon my horse's nock, and removed one of the caps of the nipple. I saw nothing to alarm me until I had wiped away the corrosive substance that clung to the iron, when, to my surprise, I discovered that a small plug had been driven into the priming tube, thus rendering the charge in the barrel useless. The discovery was valuable, ...
— The Gold Hunter's Adventures - Or, Life in Australia • William H. Thomes

... days, the chemises pulled over the top of them like flaps. One or two let me kiss their necks, a girl one day said to my entreaties, "Well, only for a minute," and easing up one breast, she showed me the nipple, I threw my arms around her, buried my face in her neck and kissed it. "I like the smell of your breast and flesh," said I. She was a biggish woman, and I dare say I smelt breasts and armpits together; ...
— My Secret Life, Volumes I. to III. - 1888 Edition • Anonymous

... the battle I had drawn my revolver, and fired it in the face of the closing foemen. I had fired shot after shot, some at random, others directed upon a victim. I had not counted the reports, until the cock "checking" on the steel nipple told me I had gone the round of the ...
— The Scalp Hunters • Mayne Reid

... the right arm-pit; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left arm-pit. Thou shalt sprinkle the left armpit; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the chest. Thou shalt sprinkle the chest; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the back. Thou shalt sprinkle the back; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right nipple. Thou shalt sprinkle the right nipple; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left nipple. Thou shalt sprinkle the left nippie; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right rib. Thou shalt sprinkle the right rib; then the ...
— Sacred Books of the East • Various

... is the nipple of the soul. And fortunate they who are not artificially suckled, who know this hour no matter how brief, who get their nipple at the right time. If they do not, no pabulum ever after, will their indurated ...
— The Book of Khalid • Ameen Rihani

... a smooth, cool, round thing that hung to your hands and slipped from them when they tried to hold it. You could feel the little ridges of the stiff nipple as your finger pushed it back ...
— Mary Olivier: A Life • May Sinclair

... your middle finger down and rub it on my clitoris, and then suck the nipple of my bubby next you, and work away with your ...
— The Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novel • Anonymous

... the nipple of his right breast appeared a gaping hole. They insisted that under no consideration should he speak, ...
— The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt • Oliver Remey

Words linked to "Nipple" :   bottle, tit, mammilla, teat, reproductive organ, mamma, sex organ, nipple shield, cap

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