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Os  n.  (pl. osar)  (Geol.) One of the ridges of sand or gravel found in Sweden, etc., supposed by some to be of marine origin, but probably formed by subglacial waters. The osar are similar to the kames of Scotland and the eschars of Ireland. See Eschar.

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"Os" Quotes from Famous Books

... blood, and then take a powerful drastic." "What are you quarrelling about?" asks a fourth, arresting the downfall of his professional brother's cane. "You are all wrong! I say it is an inflammation in the os sacrum, and therefore fourteen blisters must be immediately applied to the part affected and the adjacents." The table is down, and the prescriptions of the learned doctors covered with the ink which flows from the ruined inkstand. The amused patient (whom nature has meanwhile relieved ...
— English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. - How they Illustrated and Interpreted their Times. • Graham Everitt

... it is proved that, notwithstanding their names' ending in OS and IS, the heroes of the story which we are about to have the honor to relate to our readers have ...
— The Three Musketeers • Alexandre Dumas, Pere

... know the Cause. And so I think among the Greeks the Master is said [Greek: manthanein] whilst he hears his Scholars, as also the Scholars who learn of him. But how gracefully hath he turn'd that [Greek: ta gar apostomatizomena manthanousin oi grammatikoi], nam secundum os grammatici discunt: For the Grammarians are tongue-learn'd; since it ought to be translated, Nam grammatici, quae dictitant, docent: Grammarians teach what they dictate. Here the Interpreters ought to have given another Expression, ...
— Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. • Erasmus

... comme je vous aurais saut au cou de bon c[oe]ur, si j'avais os! Mais je n'osai pas.... Songez donc!... Religion! Religion! pome en douze chants!... Pourtant la vrit m'oblige dire que ce pome en douze chants tait loin d'tre termin. Je crois mme qu'il n'y ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... that the singers were associated with him in all that he did. The King soothed his apprehensions, and conferred upon him a dress of honour, consisting of a doshala and roomul, and then made him over to the custody of Ashfak-os Sultan. At night the King sent for the minister, and, summoning Sadik Allee, bid him dress himself exactly as he was dressed on the night he visited him, and prepare a room in the palace exactly in the same manner as he ...
— A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II • William Sleeman

... un os d'une grosseur enorme qu'on a trouve dans une couche de glaise au milieu de Paris; et en general sur les ossemens fossiles qui ont appartenu a de grands animaux" (Journal de Physique, tome xvii., ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... to explain. For although we have not the participle ribaudred, which may be peculiar to the poet, in Baret's Alvearie we find "Ribaudrie, vilanie in actes or wordes, filthiness, uncleanness"—"A ribaudrous and filthie tongue, os obscoenum et impudicum:" in Minsheu, ribaudrie and ribauldrie, which is the prevailing orthography of the word, and indicates its sound and derivation from the French, rather than ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 • Various

... "Tutor emoi men poundon elendeto; os mala simplos] [Greek: Ton men ego spendon kata domata redlionoio,] [Greek: Drinkomenos ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 35, June 29, 1850 • Various

... division is the intermediate ear; it consists of the tympanum, mastoid cells, and Eustachian tube. The tympanum contains four small delicate bones, viz. the malleus, the incus, the stapes, and the os orbiculare, joined to the incus. The intermediate ear displays an irregular cavity, having a membrane, called the membrana tympani, stretched across its extremity; and this cavity has a communication with the external air, through the Eustachian tube, which leads into the fauces, or throat. ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. - Volume XIII, No. 376, Saturday, June 20, 1829. • Various

... I thought I was a lost man. I suffered a martyrdom of pain. The last of my vertebral bones, called by doctors the os sacrum, felt as if it had been crushed to atoms, although I had used almost the whole of a pot of ointment which Esther had given me for that purpose. In spite of my torments I did not forget my promise, and I had myself taken to a bookseller's where ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... ever yield. He elsewhere, still more humorously describes the same trait. He compares then, to young dogs who are perpetually snapping at every thing about them:—Hoimai gar se ou lelethenai, hoti hoi meirakiskoi, hotan to proton logon geuontai, os paidia autois katachrontai, aei eis antilogian chromenoi kai mimoumenoi tous exelenchontas autoi allous elenchousi, chairontes osper skulakia te kai sparattein tous plesion aei. But we hope we shall not see our metaphysical ...
— Reason and Faith; Their Claims and Conflicts • Henry Rogers

... Dean Funes, vol. ii., cap. xii., p. 372, says of Zavala: 'Por caracter era manso, pero uso/ algunas veces de severidad, porque sabia que para servir bien a los hombres es preciso de cuando en cuando tener valor de desagradarlos. . . . La pobreza en que murio despues de tantos anos de mando, es una prueba clasica de que no estaba contagiado con esa commun flaqueza de los que gobieran en ...
— A Vanished Arcadia, • R. B. Cunninghame Graham

... grasped by the wrist with the left hand of the elder, who repeats "Ang ama, ang ina, ang kaka, ang ali, ang nono, toloy, os-os sa kili-kili mo." That is, "The father (thumb), the mother (forefinger), the elder brother (middle finger), the elder sister (ring finger), the grandparent (little finger) straight up to your armpit." The armpit is then tickled. Os-os ...
— Philippine Folk-Tales • Clara Kern Bayliss, Berton L. Maxfield, W. H. Millington,

... ordam imperatoris istius offerunt munera multa. Equos etiam offerunt ei, quos nullus audet ascendere vsque ad mortem. Alia etiam animalia eidem offerunt. Qua vero occidunt ad manducandum, nullum os ex eis confringunt, sed igni comburunt. Et etiam ad meridiem tanquam Deo inclinant, et inclinare faciunt alios nobiles, qui se reddunt eisdem. Vnde nuper contigit quod Michael, qui fuit vnus de magnis ducibus Russia, cum iuisset ad se reddendum ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... length of the back, where it terminates with a very sudden slope. The height of this ridge makes the neck appear much depressed, and also adds greatly to the clumsiness of the chest, which, although narrow, is very deep. The sternum is covered by a continuation of the dewlap. The rump, or os sacrum, has a more considerable declivity than that of the European Ox, but less ...
— Delineations of the Ox Tribe • George Vasey

... viscount Barrington had been notoriously guilty of promoting, abetting, and carrying on their fraudulent undertaking; for which offence he should be expelled the house. The court of Vienna having erected an East-India company at Os-tend, upon a scheme formed by one Colebrooke an English merchant, sir Nathaniel Gould represented to the house of commons the great detriment which the English East-India company had already received, and were likely further to sustain, by this Ostend ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.II. - From William and Mary to George II. • Tobias Smollett

... next fallacy suffers from the want of a convenient name. It is called by Aristotle [Greek: t plos tde p lgestai ka m kupos] or, more briefly, [Greek: t pls m], or [Greek: t p ka pls], and by the Latin writers 'Fallacia a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter.' It consists in taking what is said in a particular respect as though it held true without any restriction, ...
— Deductive Logic • St. George Stock

... another drought, a new bad year. Os-Anders the Lapp, coming by with his dog, brought news that folk in the village had cut their corn ...
— Growth of the Soil • Knut Hamsun

... of the skeleton, names, forms, measures, proportions, peculiarities, such as flattened tibia, perforated humerus, form of pelvis, os calcis, etc. Craniology; measurements of skull and face, sutures, angles, nasal and orbital indices, dentition, ...
— Anthropology - As a Science and as a Branch of University Education in the United States • Daniel Garrison Brinton

... inevitable. I remember how an eager young doctor was once witness of an assault with intent to kill. He had seen how in an inn the criminal had for some time threatened his victim with a heavy porcelain match-tray. "The os parietale may here be broken,'' the doctor thought, and while he was thinking of the surgical consequences of such a blow, the thing was done and the doctor had not seen how the blow was delivered, whether a knife had been drawn by the victim, etc. Similarly, ...
— Robin Hood • J. Walker McSpadden

... he's purvided with any kind o' Injun cur'os'tees, the missis she'll fly right on to 'em. Sh' 'ain't been merried out yere only haff'n year, 'n' when she spies feathers 'n' bead truck 'n' buckskin fer sale sh' hollers like a son of a gun. Enthoosiastic, ...
— Red Men and White • Owen Wister

... and soon taught the ambitious son of Esculapius that the science of defence was as important as the art of healing; and that if he was skilful in this latter, I would give him an opportunity of employing it on his own person: whereupon I implanted on his cinciput, occiput, os frontis, os nasi, and all other vulnerable parts of his body, certain concussions calculated to stupify and benumb the censorium, and to produce under each eye a quantity of black extravasated blood; while, at the same time, a copious stream ...
— Frank Mildmay • Captain Frederick Marryat

... Thankyng[AK] euer god almyghte; And alle the pepulle in that Citie 'Wilcome our[AL] lorde,' thay seide, 'so fre! Wilcome into[AM] thyne owne righte, As it is the[AN] wille of[AO] god almyght.' With that thay kryde alle 'nowelle!' Os[AP] heighe as thay myght yelle. He rode vpon a browne stede, Of blak damaske was his wede. A peytrelle[AQ] of golde fulle bryght Aboute his necke hynge[AR] doun right, And a pendaunte behynd him dide[AS] honge Vnto the erthe, it was so longe, And thay that neuer before hym dide[AT] see, ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... Phr. the bird has flown, non est inventus[Lat]. "absence makes the heart grow fonder" [Bayley]; "absent in body but present in spirit" [1 Corinthians v, 3]; absento nemo ne nocuisse velit [Lat][Propertius]; "Achilles absent was Achilles still" [Homer]; aux absents les os; briller par son absence[Fr]; "conspicuous by his absence" [Russell]; "in the hope to meet shortly again and make our ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... see his Vindiciae Sanctae Hebraicae Scripturae, Rostock, 1664. For Reuchlin, see the dedicatory preface to his Rudimenta Hebraica, Pforzheim, 1506, folio, in which he speaks of the "in divina scriptura dicendi genus, quale os Dei locatum est." The statement in the Margarita Philosophica as to Hebrew is doubtless based on Reuchlin's Rudimenta Hebraica, which it quotes, and which first appeared in 1506. It is significant that this section disappeared from the Margarita in the following ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... horns; that which resembles the true Bos Caffer of South Africa has very massive convex horns that unite in front, and completely cover the forehead as with a shield; the other variety has massive, but perfectly flat horns of great breadth, that do not quite unite over the os frontis, although nearly so; the flatness of the horns continues in a rough surface, somewhat resembling the bark of a tree, for about twelve inches; the horns then become round, and curve gracefully inwards, like those of the convex species. ...
— The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia • Samuel W. Baker

... soterias hemon; en to gar phronein hemas mikra peri autou mikra kai elpizomen labein]. This argumentation (see also the following verses up to II. 7) is very instructive, for it shews the grounds on which the [Greek: phronein peri autou os peri theou] was based H. Schultz (L. v. d. Gottheit Christi, p. 25 f.) very correctly remarks. In the second Epistle of Clement and in the Shepherd the Christological interest of the writer ends in obtaining the assurance, through faith in Christ as the world ruling King and Judge that ...
— History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7) • Adolph Harnack

... the Gladiator[511] lie: He leans upon his hand—his manly brow[os] Consents to death, but conquers agony, And his drooped head sinks gradually low— And through his side the last drops, ebbing slow From the red gash, fall heavy, one by one,[ot] Like the first of a thunder-shower; and now[ou] The ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... down till it rested on the ground, and in doing so noticed that it bore the name of "John Baxter Copmanhurst," with "May, 1839," as the date of his death. Deceased sat wearily down by me, and wiped his os frontis with his major maxillary—chiefly from former habit I judged, for I could not see that he brought away ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... in 1690, there is a description of the Turkish performance of the rite which leads one to infer that they circumcised the children quite young: "Et cum puer prae dolore exclamat, imus ex duobus parentibus digitis in melle ad hoc comparato os ei obstruit; caeteris spectatoribus acclamantibus. O Deus, O Deus, O Deus. Interim quoque Musica perstrepit, tympana et alia crepitacula concutiuntur, ne pueri planctus et ploratus audiatur." Bobovii says that the age at which circumcision is performed is ...
— History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present - Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance • Peter Charles Remondino

... le hallais, por ventura, No os enamore su amoroso acento; No os prende su hermosura; Volvedmele al momento; O dejadle, si no, ...
— Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant - Household Edition • William Cullen Bryant

... named Chosroiduchta, and had not the os patulum like other women. (Hist. Armen. l. ii. c. 79.) I do not understand the expression. * Note: Os patulum signifies merely a large and widely opening mouth. Ovid (Metam. xv. 513) says, speaking of the monster who attacked Hippolytus, patulo partem ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 1 • Edward Gibbon

... tois de Barbarois despotikos krasthar kai ton men os philon kai oikeion epimeleisthai, tois de os zoois he phytois prospheresthai. Plutarch. de Fortun. ...
— An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African • Thomas Clarkson

... ground for the solid adjudication of so large a comparison. Meantime, in the absence of such an investigation, pursued upon a scale of suitable proportions, what if we should sketch a rapid outline [Greek Text: os en tupo pexilabeln] of its elements, (to speak by a metaphor borrowed from practical astronomy)—i. e. of the principal and most conspicuous points which its path would traverse? How much these two men, each central to a mighty system in his own days, how largely and essentially they differed—whether ...
— Theological Essays and Other Papers v2 • Thomas de Quincey

... death of Crampley; but this fear vanished when my fellow-mate having, by bleeding him in the jugular, brought him to himself, and inquired into the state of his body, called up to me to be under no concern, for the midshipman had received no other damage than as pretty a luxation of the os humeri as one would desire to see on a summer's day. Upon this information I crawled down to the cock-pit, and acquainted Thompson with the affair, who, providing himself with bandages, etc, necessary for the occasion, went up ...
— The Adventures of Roderick Random • Tobias Smollett

... for the hotels are adamant in their fare and restaurants are almost unknown, except the dozens of little outdoor ones about the market-places where a white man would attract undue attention—if nothing less curable—among the "pela'os" that make up 80 ...
— Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras - Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond • Harry A. Franck

... were ready to rush to Serbia's aid and so was the Greek prime minister. The queen of Greece, however, is a sister of the German emperor, and through her influence with her husband she was able to defeat the plans of Venizelos (ven i zel'os), the prime minister, who was notified by the king that Greece would not enter the war. Venizelos accordingly resigned, but not until he had given permission to the French and English to land troops at Salonika, for the purpose of rushing to the help of ...
— The World War and What was Behind It - The Story of the Map of Europe • Louis P. Benezet

... for after twisting the poor horse's neck almost to strangulation, and to the great danger of his eyes, he gave up the useless task, pronouncing that the horse's head must have grown, (gout or dropsy!) since the collar was put on! 'for,' he said 'It was a downright impossibility for such a huge Os Frontis to pass through so narrow a collar!' Just at this instant the servant girl came near, and understanding the cause of our consternation, 'La, Master,' said she, 'you do not go about the work in the right way. You should do like as this,' when turning the collar completely upside down, she ...
— Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1. • Coleridge, ed. Turnbull

... originated with, or been sustained by, her great ally. Among the first of these has been the wine trade. In the year 1756—the year following that tremendous calamity which had sunk Lisbon into ruins—the wine-growers in the three provinces of Beira, Minho, and Tras-os-Montes, represented that they were on the verge of ruin. The adulteration of the Portuguese wines by the low traders had destroyed their character in Europe, and the object of the representation was to reinstate that character. Pombal immediately ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXLV. July, 1844. Vol. LVI. • Various

... eireka soi Tout'; eit' ap' ouchi; kurian tes oikias Kai ton agron kai panton ant' ekeines Echoumen, Apollon, os chalepon chalepotaton Apasi d' argalea 'stin, ouk emoi mono, Tio polu mallon thugatri.—pragm' amachon ...
— The History of Rome (Volumes 1-5) • Theodor Mommsen

... arithmos, os phesin o Pythagoreios eis auton umnos, Monados ek keuthmonos akeralou esti'an iketai Tetrada epi zatheen, he de teke metera panton, Pandechea, presbeiran, oron peri pasi titheiran, Atropon, akamatou, dekada kleiousi min agnen, Athanatoi ...
— Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato • Thomas Taylor

... genee, toiede kai andron. Phulla ta men t' anemos chamadis cheei, alla de th' ule Telethoosa phuei, earos d' epigignetai ore. Os andron genee, e ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... nerve. I go off as blank and empty as the fish lakes on the moon. I supposed writers would say something in reference to the irritating influence of this disease on the nerves and muscles that would contract or convulsively shorten the muscles that attach at the one end to the os hyoid, and at the other end at various points along the neck, and force the hyoid back against the pneumogastric nerve, hypoglossal, cervical, or some other nerve that would be irritated by such pressure on nerves ...
— Philosophy of Osteopathy • Andrew T. Still

... mythus for the Greek mythos. I afterwards thought it would be better to Anglicise it, and, strange to say, I actually found that there was a rule in the English language without an exception. It was this: Words formed from Greek disyllables in os, whether the penultimate vowel be long or short, are monosyllables made long by e final. Thus, not only does bolos make bole, but polos pole, poros pore, skopos scope, tonos tone, &c.; so also gyros, gyre; thymos, ...
— Notes and Queries, No. 179. Saturday, April 2, 1853. • Various

... they came before daybreak upon the Douro. Here they again lay up during the day and, that evening, obtained two boats at a village near the mouth of the Tormes, and crossed into the Portuguese province of Tras os Nontes. ...
— Under Wellington's Command - A Tale of the Peninsular War • G. A. Henty

... mon lit a paru se baisser Et moi, je lui tendais les mains pour l'embrasser; Mais je n'ai plus trouve q'un horrible melange D'os et de chair meurtris et traines dans la fange, Des lambeaux pleins de sang, et des membres affreux Que les chiens d'evorants se disputaient ...
— The Pit • Frank Norris

... world of the Tusayan desert had seemed to him as he stood on the mesa of Walpi and looked to the south where old Awatabi (the high place of the Bow) stood in its pride, and rugged Mishongnavi with her younger sister Shupaulevi against the sky, so beautiful, that the sacred mountain Dok-os-lid of the far away, looks sometimes like a cloud back of those villages, and sometimes like the shell of the big water from which its name ...
— The Flute of the Gods • Marah Ellis Ryan

... Esperanto has three main Tenses—the Present, Past, and Future. These are denoted by means of the verbal endings *-as*, *-is*, and *-os*. Thus, from the root vid, see, ...
— Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation • William W. Mann

... boh leet hump stridd'n up o' summot ot felt meety heury, on it startit weh meh on its back, deawn th' lower part o' th' mough it jumpt, crost th' leath, eaw't o' th' dur whimmey it took, on into th' weturing poo, os if th' dule o' hell had driv'n it, on there it threw meh en, or I fell off, I connaw tell whether, for th' life o' meh, ...
— Tales and Novels, Vol. IV • Maria Edgeworth

... organs open into the rectum, as in the bird. The vagina is 11/2 inches long: its internal membrane is rugous, the rugae being in a longitudinal direction. At the end of the vagina, instead of an os tincae, as in other quadrupeds, is the meatus urinarius; on each side of which is an opening leading into a cavity, resembling the horn of the uterus in the quadruped, only thinner in its coats. Each of these cavities terminates in a fallopian tube, which opens into ...
— An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 2 • David Collins

... que este bien cosido y despues so frie una poca de cobolla en manteca junto con el arroz y se le hecha pimienta entera y se le anade el caldo, colado, en que se cosio el pollo. Despues se anade el pollo cortado en pedazos pequeos y se le ...
— Favorite Dishes • Carrie V. Shuman

... inexsuperabilis heros, 80 Colemanus impavidus nondum, atque in purpure natus Tylerus Iohanides celerisque in flito Nathaniel, Quisque optans digitos in tantum stickere pium, Adstant accincti imprimere aut perrumpere leges: Quales os miserum rabidi tres aegre molossi, Quales aut dubium textum atra in veste ministri, Tales circumstabant nunc nostri ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... matrimonio tan mal avenido. Soy injusta con l. Siempre me querr.... Siempre? No haberse acordado de que hoy es el segundo aniversario de nuestro enlace.... Bah! Los hombres tienen tantas cosas en que pensar! Bien poda yo haberle dicho: Eh, amiguito, que hoy hace aos que nos casamos. Pero ca! Ms de cien veces habr intentado decrselo, y nunca me lo consintieron la lengua ni los ojos:[2] muda la una, demasiado habladores los otros con lgrimas intempestivas. Le ...
— Ms vale maa que fuerza • Manuel Tamayo y Baus

... of the church will remain accountable for it before contemporaries, before history, before Europe, and before God. She will not be allowed to wipe her mouth like the adultress in Scripture, quae tergens os suum dicit, non ...
— Pius IX. And His Time • The Rev. AEneas MacDonell

... four years totally confined,—part of it to his bed, and all of it to his room: and in the course of his cure, which was all that time in hand, suffer'd unspeakable miseries,—owing to a succession of exfoliations from the os pubis, and the outward edge of that part of the coxendix called the os illium,—both which bones were dismally crush'd, as much by the irregularity of the stone, which I told you was broke off the parapet,—as by its size,—(tho' it was pretty ...
— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne

... sabem que os Senhores Abaixo Nomeados y bem mal afortunados, nesta Cidade de Rio Janeiro se comporlarao com toda Dereysao nao dando escandalo Apesoa Alguma e Sao Dignos deque Joda pessoa posa os favoreser emoque for de Ajudo para Sigimento de ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 • Robert Kerr

... tendencies and practices of spoken English helps us to identify similar usages when we come upon them in our reading of Latin. When, for instance, the slave in a play of Plautus says: "Do you catch on" (tenes?), "I'll touch the old man for a loan" (tangam senem, etc.), or "I put it over him" (ei os sublevi) we recognize specimens of Latin slang, because all of the metaphors involved are in current use to-day. When one of the freedmen in Petronius remarks: "You ought not to do a good turn to nobody" ...
— The Common People of Ancient Rome - Studies of Roman Life and Literature • Frank Frost Abbott

... foregoing results and inferences, proceeds by relating instances of severe injury sustained by the human body, without being followed by death. These are confirmatory of his inferences from the experiments on rabbits. The instances given are—an os uteri torn off; extensive laceration of the uterus and rectum in labour; four uteri extirpated on account of chronic inversion, (p. 13.) One of these last under his own care. It was removed by a wire, and came off in 11 days, without one bad symptom, (p. 14.) Rupture ...
— North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826 • Various

... d'une catastrophe, dont j'avoue n'avoir pu concevoir la vraisemblance avant d'avoir parcouru ces places, et vu, par moi-meme, tout ce qui peut y servir de preuve a cet evenement memorable[24]. Une infinite de ces ossemens couches dans des lits meles de petites tellines calcinees, d'os de poissons, de glossopetres, de bois charges d'ocre, etc. prouve deja qu'ils ont ete transportes par des inondations. Mais la carcasse d'un rhinoceros, trouve avec sa peau entiere, des restes de tendons, de ligamens, et de cartilages, dans les terres glacees des bords ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... N.C.Os., and men, 2nd Bn., numerically arranged, who have been killed in action, died of wounds, disease, etc., during service in Mesopotamia, from 1st January ...
— With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia - 1916—1917 • Anonymous

... brodor o Nefyn yn dyfod adref o ffair Pwllheli, ac wrth yr Efail Newydd gwelai Inn fawreddog, a chan ei fod yn gwybod nad oedd yr un gwesty i fod yno, gofynodd i un o'r gweision os oedd ganddynt ystabl iddo roddi ei farch. Atebwyd yn gadarnhaol. Rhoddwyd y march yn yr ystabl, ac aeth yntau i mewn i'r ty, gofynodd am beint o gwrw, ac ni chafodd erioed well cwrw na'r cwrw hwnw. Yn mhen ychydig, gofynodd ...
— Welsh Folk-Lore - a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales • Elias Owen

... carcerem, et cruces, et equleos, et uncum; et adactum per medium hominem, qui per os emergat, stipitem; et distracta in diversum actis curribus ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 66, February 1, 1851 • Various

... of Portugal is the work of Luis de Camoens, who, inspired by patriotic fervor, sang in Os Lusiades of the discovery of the eagerly sought maritime road to India. Of course, Vasco da Gama is the hero of this epic, which is described in extenso ...
— The Book of the Epic • Helene A. Guerber

... upon me)—Ver. 661. "Os sublevere offuciis." Literally "painted my face with varnish." This expression is probably derived from the practice of persons concealing their defects, by painting over spots or freckles in the face for ...
— The Captiva and The Mostellaria • Plautus

... the misogynist, who had fled a wife and eleven children back in Monterey; and Januzki, who used to be mixed up with one of those odd religious cults out on the Coast. He bragged he'd been one of the Big Daddy-Os in the Beat Generationists, and he argued with Bassett about ...
— This Crowded Earth • Robert Bloch

... yo zo G ap bp cp dp ep fp gp hp ip jp kp lp mp np op pp qp rp sp tp up vp wp xp yp zp H aq bq cq dq eq fq gq hq iq jq kq lq mq nq oq pq qq rq sq tq uq vq wq xq yq zq I ar br cr dr er fr gr hr ir jr kr lr mr nr or pr qr rr sr tr ur vr wr xr yr zr J as bs cs ds es fs gs hs is js ks ls ms ns os ps qs rs ss ts us vs ws xs ys zs K at bt ct dt et ft gt ht it jt kt lt mt nt ot pt qt rt st tt ut vt wt xt yt zt L au bu cu du eu fu gu hu iu ju ku lu mu nu ou pu qu ru su tu uu vu wu xu yu zu M av bv cv dv ev fv gv hv iv jv kv lv mv nv ov pv qv ...
— The Treasure-Train • Arthur B. Reeve

... os m' en trisin morphaisin exetei patros, phoiton enarges auros allot' aiolos, drakon heliktos, allot' andreio kytei bouproros, ek de daskiou geneiados ...
— The Stones of Venice, Volume I (of 3) • John Ruskin

... She has a good appetite, sleeps well, and in no particular shows any sign of ill health. The uterine examination reveals a short vagina, and a small, round cervix uteri, rather less in size than the average, and projecting very slightly into the vaginal canal. Depth of uterus from os to fundus, two and a quarter inches, is very nearly normal. No external sign of abnormal ovaries. She is a well-developed, healthy young woman, performing all her physiological functions naturally and ...
— Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 (of 6) • Havelock Ellis

... that the action or state will take place at some time to come, in the future, "-os" is used, as, "Mi vidos", I shall see; "Sxi estos", She will be; "Ili suferos", They will suffer, ...
— The Esperanto Teacher - A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians • Helen Fryer

... Cuthbeorht.]; Cyne-, whence Cynebeald now Kimball and Kemble, both of which are also local, Folc-, whence Folcheard and Folchere, now Folkard and Fulcher; Gund-, whence Gundred, now Gundry and Grundy (Metathesis, Chapter III); Os-, whence Osbert, Osborn, ...
— The Romance of Names • Ernest Weekley

... aletheiaisin, eis estin Theos, Os ouranon t' eteuxe kai gaian makran, Poniou te karapon oidma, kanemon bian, ...
— Christianity and Greek Philosophy • Benjamin Franklin Cocker

... pedem Caroli osculari nisi ad os suum levaret, cumque sui comites illum admonerent ut pedem Regis in acceptione tanti muneris, Neustriae provinciae, oscularetur, Anglica lingua respondit 'ne se bi got', quod interpretatur 'ne per deum'. Rex vero ...
— Popular Tales from the Norse • Sir George Webbe Dasent

... And he afterwards quotes from Weitbrecht,[187] who had "observe dans un cas l'absence simultanee aux deux mains et aux deux pieds, de quelques doigts, de {180} quelques metacarpiens et metatarsiens, enfin de quelques os du carpe et ...
— On the Genesis of Species • St. George Mivart

... ways 'an things is now. We allus got plen'y ter eat, which we doan now. We can't make but fo' bits a day workin' out now, an' 'at doan buy nothin' at de sto'. Co'se Boss only give us work clo'es. When I was a kid I got two os'berg[FN: Osnaberg: the cheapest grade of cotton cloth] shirts a year. I never wo' no shoes. I didn' know whut a shoe was made fer, 'til I'se twelve or thirteen. We'd go rabbit huntin' barefoot in ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves - Mississippi Narratives • Works Projects Administration

... co-present. But not now dare I longer discourse of this, waiting for a loftier mood, and a nobler subject, warned from within and from without, that it is profanation to speak of these mysteries tois maede phantasteisin, os kalon to taes dikaiosynaes kai sophrosynaes prosopon, kai oute hesperos oute eoos outo kala. To gar horon pros to horomenon syngenes kai homoion poiaesamenon dei epiballein tae thea, ou gar an popote eiden ophthalmos haelion, ...
— Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... moritur justus, et nemo percipit corde; et viri justi tolluntur, et nemo considerat. A facie iniquitatis sublatus est justus: Et erit in pace memoria ejus Tanquam agnus coram tondente se obmutuit, et non aperuit os suum; de angustia, et de judicio sublatus est. Et erit in ...
— The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book • Various

... larva In circulum tripudio, Et observemur nos per arva Acutiori oculo; Et si spectator eloquatur Nec os obhaeret digito, Nocte terremus et torquemus Ungue spectris, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 82, May 24, 1851 • Various

... Barbalos sos techescaban desqueros mansis on or Gazofilacio; y dico tramisto yesque pispiricha chorrorita, sos techescaba duis chinorris saraballis, y penelo: en chachipe os penelo, sos caba chorrorri pispiricha a techescao bus sos sares los aveles: persos saros ondobas han techescao per los mansis de Ostebe, de lo sos les costuna; bus caba e desquero chorrorri a techescao saro or susalo sos terelaba. Y pendo a cormunis, sos pendaban del cangaripe, soscabelaba ...
— The Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies of Spain • George Borrow

... brulent et les decembres Gelent votre chair jusqu'aux os, Et la fievre envahit vos membres Qui ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... Bai-Jove-Judson, who was a linguist: "You stay o where you are o, or I'll leave a hole-o in your bottom o that will make you much os perforatados." ...
— This is "Part II" of Soldiers Three, we don't have "Part I" • Rudyard Kipling

... morte periret, ac de eius casu iuuenis ille multum doleret, apparuit ei in sompnis uir uultus uenerabili ac rutilentis, qui eum prohibuit tristari pro morte equi, dicens ei, "Voca" inquit "sanctum puerum Keranum, qui aquam in os equi tui infundat, frontemque aspergat, et reuiuiscet. Illum quoque pro resuscitatione eius munere debito dotabis." Cumque regis filius de sompno euigilasset, misit pro puero Kerano ut ad se ueneret; ...
— The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints • Anonymous

... (1511-1513), the island of Gilolo is called Papoia. Many of the islands situated on the west and north-west coast of New Guinea became known to the Portuguese at an early date, and were named collectively OS PAPUAS. The name was subsequently given to the western parts of New Guinea. Menezes, a Portuguese navigator, is said to have been driven by a storm to some of these islands, where he remained ...
— The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea • George Collingridge

... Tapiola, the abode of the god of the forest, Mie-lik'ki. The hostess of the forest. Mi-merk'ki. A synonym of Mielikki. Mosk'va. A province of Suomi. Mu-rik'ki (Muurik'ki). The name of the cow. Ne'wa. A river of Finland. Ny-rik'ki. A son of Tapio. 0s'mo. The same as Osmoinen. Os-noi'nen. A synonym of Wainola's hero. Os'mo-tar. The daughter of Osmo; she directs the brewing of the beer for Ilmarinen's wedding-feast. O-ta'va. The Great Bear of the heavens. Ot'so. The bear of Finland. Poe'ivoe. The Sun, and the Sun god. Pai'va-tar. The goddess of the summer. Pak'ka-nen. ...
— The Kalevala (complete) • John Martin Crawford, trans.

... adhikatva/m/ /k/a na pratitish/th/ati. Ki/m/ tavat praptam. Atyanta/m/ bhinna iti. Kuta/h/. J/n/aj/n/nau dvav ityadibhedanirde/s/at. J/n/aj/n/ayor abheda/s/rutayas tv agnina si/nk/ed itivad viruddharthapratipadanad aupa/k/arikya/h/, Brahma/n/os/ms/o jiva ity api na sadhiya/h/, ekavastvekade/s/ava/k/i hy a/ms/a/s/sabda/h/, jivasya brahmaikade/s/atve tadgata dosha brahma/n/i bhaveyu/h/. Na /k/a brahmakha/nd/o jiva ity a/ms/atvopapatti/h/ kha/nd/ananarhatvad brahma/n/a/h/ praguktadoshaprasa@nga/k/ /k/a, tasmad atyantabhinnasya ...
— The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1 • George Thibaut

... in two machines, out for a week's trip to the Russian River, rested over for a day at the Big House, and were the cause of Paula's taking out the tally-ho for a picnic into the Los Baos Hills. Starting in the morning, it was impossible for Dick to accompany them, although he left Blake in the thick of dictation to go out and see them off. He assured himself that no detail was amiss in the harnessing and hitching, and reseated the party, insisting on Graham coming forward ...
— The Little Lady of the Big House • Jack London

... in so far as it is open to receive those superior gifts, for the which it has a potential aptitude, without the fulness of perfection and act which waits for the dew of heaven. Thus was it well said: Anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi; and again: Os meum operui; and again: Spiritum, quia mandata tua desiderabam. Then "pride which knows no curb" is said in metaphor and similitude, as God is sometimes said to be jealous, angry, or that He sleeps, and that signifies the difficulty with which ...
— The Heroic Enthusiast, Part II (Gli Eroici Furori) - An Ethical Poem • Giordano Bruno

... My father were os'ler here, sir, afore I were born, and I growed up to the stable, Master 'Arry, just as your ole father growed up to the 'All. It were in ole Sir Markham's time, this were—ole Sir Markham, whose picture hangs above the mantel in the dinin'-'all, ...
— Fifty-Two Stories For Girls • Various

... mistress Delie, "object of the highest virtue," with Petrarchan ingenuities; and his pupil LOUISE LABE, "la belle Cordiere," sang in her sonnets of a true passion felt, as she declares, "en ses os, en son sang, en son ame." The Lyonese poets, though imbued with Platonic ideas, rather carry on the tradition of Marot than announce the Pleiade. PIERRE DE RONSARD, born at a chateau a few leagues from Vendome, in the year 1524, was in the service of the sons ...
— A History of French Literature - Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II. • Edward Dowden

... same reason we do not enter upon the outer form of Buddhism as expressed in demonology, snake-worship (JRAS. xii. 286) and symbolism (ib. OS. ...
— The Religions of India - Handbooks On The History Of Religions, Volume 1, Edited By Morris Jastrow • Edward Washburn Hopkins

... form, Plagiolophus resembles a very small and slender horse[1], and is totally unlike the reluctant, pig-like creature depicted in Cuvier's restoration of his Palaeotherium minus in the "Os semens Fossils." ...
— Critiques and Addresses • Thomas Henry Huxley

... that the flat roof of to-day is named te k'os kwin ne, from te, space, region, extension, k'os kwi e, to cut off in the sense of closing or shutting in from one side, and kwin ne, place of. Nor is it remarkable that no type of ruin in ...
— A Study of Pueblo Pottery as Illustrative of Zuni Culture Growth. • Frank Hamilton Cushing

... The Os Lusiades, an epic poem, that has been called "one of the noblest monuments ever raised to the national glory of any people," was written by Luis de Camoens, a Portuguese of the sixteenth century. It is intensely patriotic, although it is touched by both Greek mythology, and the ...
— The Interdependence of Literature • Georgina Pell Curtis

... thought and feeling should be painted out clear red and ochre with a house-painter's brush, and lose nothing of its effect.[22] A play that runs nowadays has generally four legs to run with—something of the beast to keep it going. The human biped with the 'os divinior' is slower than a racehorse even. What I hope is, that the poetical appreciation of 'Colombe' will give an impulse to the sale of the poems, which will be more acceptable to us than the ...
— The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume II • Elizabeth Barrett Browning

... people of Ambaca; and ever since the expulsion of the teachers by the Marquis of Pombal, the natives have continued to teach each other. These devoted men are still held in high estimation throughout the country to this day. All speak well of them (os padres Jesuitas); and, now that they are gone from this lower sphere, I could not help wishing that these our Roman Catholic fellow-Christians had felt it to be their duty to give the people the ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... rhymes could be declared contraband of written or printed language. Nothing should be allowed to be hurled at the world or whirled with it, or furled upon it or curled over it; all eyes should be kept away from the skies, in spite of os homini sublime dedit; youth should be coupled with all the virtues except truth; earth should never be reminded of her birth; death should never be allowed to stop a mortal's breath, nor the bell to sound his knell, nor flowers from blossoming bowers to wave over his grave or show ...
— A Mortal Antipathy • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

... que tacitamente se mandon armar hum navio a cujo capitao se confiou o plano que Colombo havia proposto, e cuja execucao se lhe encarregou; mas sim por seguir a politica naquelle tempo usada, que toda consistia em olhar com desconfianca para tudo o que era estrangeiro, e en promover por todos os modos a gloria nacional. O capitao nomeado para a empreza, como nao tivesse nem o espirito, nem a conviccao de Colombo, depois de huma curta viagem nos mares do Oeste, fez-se na volta da terra: e arribou a Lisboa descontente ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... artery ascends the cervical region almost perpendicularly from opposite the sterno-clavicular articulation to the greater cornu of the os hyoides. For the greater part of this extent it is covered by the sterno-mastoid muscle; but as this latter takes an oblique course backwards to its insertion into the mastoid process, while the main blood-vessel ...
— Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise

... 'Os, oculi, mentum, dens, guttur, lingua, palatum Sunt tibi; sed nasus, Trimbale, dic ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 30. Saturday, May 25, 1850 • Various

... Caffre cock, Gold-spangled Polish cock, Cochin hen, Sultan hen, Game hen, and Malay hen) had 16; {259} and two (an old Cochin cock and Malay hen) had 17 feathers. The rumpless fowl has no tail, and in a bird which I kept alive the oil-gland had aborted; but this bird, though the os coccygis was extremely imperfect, had a vestige of a tail with two rather long feathers in the position of the outer caudals. This bird came from a family where, as I was told, the breed had kept true for twenty years; but rumpless fowls often ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I. • Charles Darwin

... eagerness, but much too wee for this place. 'Begun Latin?' 'Oh, yes;' and he rattled off a declension and a tense with as much ease as if he had been born speaking Latin. I gave him Phaedrus to see whether that would stump him, and I don't think it would have done so if he had not made os a mouth instead of a bone, in dealing with the 'Wolf and the Lamb.' He was almost crying, so I put the Roman history into his hand, and his reading was something refreshing to hear. I asked if he knew what the sentence meant, and he answered, 'Isn't it when the geese ...
— Magnum Bonum • Charlotte M. Yonge

... on which the reputation of Camoens depends, is entitled "Os Lusiadas;" that is, the Lusitanians (or Portuguese), and its design is to present a poetic and epic grouping of all the great and interesting events in the annals of Portugal. The discovery of the ...
— Handbook of Universal Literature - From The Best and Latest Authorities • Anne C. Lynch Botta

... soil; quicksand, syrtis; arena (Med.). Associated words: dune, downs, arenicolous, burst, sabulosity (sandiness), psammophilous, ammophilous, medano, eschar, os, ...
— Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming

... they buy of the English, of both which they tuck in the Corners, to fasten the Garment, and sometimes make it fast with a Belt. All of them, when ripe, have a small String round the Waste, to which another is tied and comes between their Legs, where always is a Wad of Moss against the Os pubis; but never any Hair is there to be found: Sometimes, they wear Indian Shooes, or Moggizons, which are made after the same manner, ...
— A New Voyage to Carolina • John Lawson

... estin epainesthai ostis an tois hetairois os teleion ti on protithae to eu neoterizein taen ...
— Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman • Giberne Sieveking

... frequentes inondations des infectees lagunes de Geneve." The mention of the heretical capital requires an apology on the part of our pious orator, and he adds in Latin, after the fashion of other parts of his mongrel address: "Desplicet aures vestras et os meum foedasse vocabulo tam probroso, sed ex ecclesiarum praescripto cogor." La ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... belly. On the neck, within a zigzag "geometrical" pattern, is a doe, feeding, and a tall water-fowl. On the shoulder is scratched with a point, in very antique Attic characters running from right to left, [Greek: os nun orchaeston panton hatalotata pais ei, tou tode]. "This is the jug of him who is the most delicately sportive of all dancers of our time." The jug is attributed to the eighth century. [Footnote: Walters, History of Ancient Pottery, vol. ii. ...
— Homer and His Age • Andrew Lang

... Zeleia. In Lycia was the city Phaselis, situated upon the mountain [625]Chimaera; which mountain had the same name, and was sacred to the God of fire. Phaselis is a compound of Phi, which, in the Amonian language, is a mouth or opening; and of Azel above mentioned. Ph'Aselis signifies Os Vulcani, sive apertura ignis; in other words a chasm of fire. The reason why this name was imposed may be seen in the history of the place[626]. Flagrat in Phaselitide Mons Chimaera, et quidem immortali diebus, et noctibus flamma. ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant

... yn mhlith y Cymry i ymgydnabod yn fwy a'r iaith Saesoneg yn un o arwyddion gobeithiol yr amserau. Am bob un o'n cydgenedl ag oedd yn deall Saesoneg yn nechreuad y ganrif hon, mae yn debyg na fethem wrth ddyweud fod ugeiniau os nad canoedd yn ei deall yn awr. O'r ochor arall, y mae rhifedi mwy nag a feddylid o'r Saeson sy'n ymweled a'n gwlad yn ystod misoedd yr haf yn gwneuthur ymdrech nid bychan i ...
— A Pocket Dictionary - Welsh-English • William Richards

... Amor, lo que ordena; Que os viene a hazer creer Cosas dichas por muger, Y escriptas en ...
— Byron's Poetical Works, Vol. 1 • Byron

... gar moi keimos, omos aidao pulusin, Os ch eteron men keuthei eni phresin, allo de bazei.] HOMER, ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, In Nine Volumes - Volume the Third: The Rambler, Vol. II • Samuel Johnson

... that the sacrifice of the wolf seems to have been the act of the Persians, referring to Plutarch de Is. et Os., where it is said that it was a custom with them to sacrifice that animal. "They thought the wolf," he adds, "the son and image of Ahrimanes, as appears from Kleuker in Append. ad Zendavestam, T. II. P. iii. pp. 78, 84; ...
— The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis • Xenophon

... Os. A common termination of Gypsy nouns. It is frequently appended by the Gypsies to English nouns in order ...
— Romano Lavo-Lil - Title: Romany Dictionary - Title: Gypsy Dictionary • George Borrow

... sangue meu por tinta; se o meu escravo der com isto quando venha ao levar para Lourenzo Marquez, que o meu amigo ————- leve a cousa ao conhecimento d' El Rei, para que possa mandar um exercito que, se desfiler pelo deserto e pelas montonhas e mesmo sobrepujar os bravos Kukuanes e suas artes diabolicas, pelo que se deviam trazer muitos padres Far o Rei mais rico depois de Salomao Com meus proprios olhos ve os di amantes sem conto guardados nas camaras do thesouro de Salomao a traz da morte branca, ...
— King Solomon's Mines • H. Rider Haggard

... portos principaes do Reyno da Sunda sao Banta, Ache, Xacatara, por outro nome Caravao, aos quaes vam todos os annos mui perto de vinte sommas, que sao embarcacoes do Chincheo, huma das Provincias maritimas da China, a carregar de pimenta, porque da este Reyno todos es annos oito mil bares della, que sao trinta mil quintaes." (Decada IV. Liv. ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... propriety, expressed in the Supplement, is amusing to some of us, who, I fear, may be a little improper at times. Very spirit of the Salvation Army, when some third-rate scientist comes out with an explanation of the vermiform appendix or the os coccygis that would have been acceptable to Moses. To give completeness to "the proper explanation," it is said that Mr. Brandeis had identified the substance as ...
— The Book of the Damned • Charles Fort

... not chanted but declaimed, now rapid and now slow. The side of the choir which Durtal saw made all the vowels sharp and short letters; the other, on the contrary, altered them all into long letters and seemed to cap all the Os with a circumflex accent. It might be said that one side had the pronunciation of the South, the other that of the North; thus chanted, the office became strange, and ended by rocking like an incantation, and soothing the soul which fell asleep in the ...
— En Route • J.-K. (Joris-Karl) Huysmans

... acrostics on their respective titles. One of the most remarkable acrostics was contained in the verses cited by Lactantius and Eusebius in the 4th century, and attributed to the Erythraean sibyl, the initial letters of which form the words 'Insous Arist.os Theou uios sozer: "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour.'' The initials of the shorter form of this again make up the word ichthbs (fish), to which a mystical meaning has been attached (Augustine, ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... Yes, that is comfortable; and though your raft cannot sink (being too worthless for that), it may go to pieces, I suppose, when the four winds (your only pilots) steer competitively from its four corners, and carry it, [Greek: os oporinos Borees phoreesin akanthas], and then more than your feet will be ...
— The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin

... up be strike o' dey, on seet eawt; on went ogreath tilly welly coom within two mile oth' teawn; when, os tha dule woud height, o tit wur stonning ot an ale heawse dur; on me kawve (the dule bore eawt it een for me) took th' tit for it mother, on woud seawk ...
— Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various

... no conseguian las aguas porque os rogaban, al mar, Oh Nino, os llevaban, y en las aguas os metian; y asi el agua que pedian, otorgaba vuestro amor" ...
— The Legacy of Ignorantism • T.H. Pardo de Tavera

... person of man,' necessarily flow out of the loftiness of his situation. He is not acting a part upon a great occasion, but he is what he has been all his life long, 'a king of men.' He would rather not appear insolent, if he could avoid it (ouch os authadizomenos touto lego). Neither is he desirous of hastening his own end, for life and death are simply indifferent to him. But such a defence as would be acceptable to his judges and might procure an acquittal, it is not in his nature ...
— Apology - Also known as "The Death of Socrates" • Plato

... he left me, But no oth-o's bride I'll be; For in flow-os he bedecked me, In tho cottage ...
— The Rustler of Wind River • G. W. Ogden

... ya saben hasta los perros de la calle que la casa de Alto-Rey es casa concluida. Hace ms 35 de veinte aos que viene cayendo, cayendo, y por fin... (Con afectada pena.) Las volteretas que de este mundo loco!... En la villa se dice que los seores Marqueses han llegado a carecer hasta de lo ms ...
— Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha • Benito Perez Galdos

... been in Portugal, need not be reminded that the kingdom consists of six provinces—Minho, Tras-os-Montes, Beira, Estremadura, Alemtejo and Algarve. In the early part of this summer a drought affected the whole kingdom. Toward the end of July abundant rain fell in Minho, where two products only are raised—wine ("port wine") and maize. The rain, which, had it fallen in Alemtejo, the principal ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 17, - No. 97, January, 1876 • Various

... Barros (1496-1570), for many years treasurer and factor at the India House at Lisbon, published Asia: dos Feitos que os Portuguezes fizeram no Descobrimento e Conquista dos Mares e Terras do Oriente. This work is a primary authority, as the writer had access to all documents, and was the recognised historian of the events ...
— Rulers of India: Albuquerque • Henry Morse Stephens

... "wide-mouthed." Lemonnier thinks that must be the meaning, as he has analyzed the other features of her countenance. There is, however, no reason why he should not speak of her complexion; and it seems, not improbably, to have the same meaning as the phrase "os lentiginosum," "a freckled face."] ...
— The Comedies of Terence - Literally Translated into English Prose, with Notes • Publius Terentius Afer, (AKA) Terence

... Austria hath had leave to reside at a house within two leagues of Aranjuez, and from thence stepping over to get a sight of his Majesty, which he did. The ceremony between them was very short, and yet all that passed was ceremony; Como venis? Como estays? Dios os guarde, &c., with which his Highness departed to the Queen and Empress, and from thence to whence he came, after the same brief ceremony; only the Queen and Empress sent him each of them a jewel for a present.—Harleian ...
— Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe • Lady Fanshawe

... ne est, (ben vus l'os dire) Pais, reaume, ne empire U tant unt este bons rois E seinz, cum en isle d'Englois, Ki apres regne terestre Or regnent reis en celestre, Seinz, martirs, e cunfessurs, Ki pur Deu mururent plursurs; Li autre, forz e hardiz mutz, Cum fu Arthurs, ...
— A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand

... Ma Aba guinoo Maria ma toua cana, napopono ca nang gracia. ang panginoon di os, ce, nasayyo. Bucor cang pinag pala sa babaying lahat. Pinag pala naman ang yyong anac si Jesus. Santa Maria yna nang, dios, ypanalangin mo camima casalanan ngaion at cun mama tai ...
— Doctrina Christiana • Anonymous

... herbulam quampiam ter ob os corporis, et aliam pectori ejus imponit."—Apul. Metamorph., lib. ii. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 188, June 4, 1853 • Various

... ello muy singular conplazencia porq yo amo tanto a la dicha Sma Reyna mj hermana, q es muy mas lo q la qero q el debdo q con ella tengo. afectuosamente vos Ruego sienpre me hagays saber de vra salud y de la suya q asi sienpre os hare saber de la mja y lo q de present ay de mas desto q dezires q por cartas q de alla me han escrito he sabido q vos teneys alguna sospecha q del armada q mandamos hazer para yr a las Jndias de q van ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 • Emma Helen Blair

... which is round in virgins and is called the external os uteri. The walls of the womb consist of a thick layer of unstriped muscle. When childbirth takes place it causes tearing which makes the external os uteri irregular and fissured. During copulation the aperture of the penis or male organ is placed nearly opposite the os uteri, which facilitates the entrance of spermatozoa into the uterus. (For the illustration of these ...
— The Sexual Question - A Scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study • August Forel

... of Hel[)i]os and Clym[e]n[^e]. He obtained leave to drive his father's sun-car for one day, but was overthrown, and nearly set the world on fire. Jove or Zeus (1 syl.) struck him with a thunderbolt for his presumption, and cast him ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 • E. Cobham Brewer

... a timmersome teyke, os ey towd te efore," replied Ashbead. "But whot dust theaw say, Hal o' Nabs?" he added, to the sturdy hind who had ...
— The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest • William Harrison Ainsworth

... of your calling him a cockroach on a mast, he will grind your ribs to a paste with a cudgel (os moliesen las costillas a puros palos)!" observed a pale, sharp-faced lad in a shabby doublet. The sailor who had made the comparison glanced ...
— Days of the Discoverers • L. Lamprey

... the spirit of God; this spirit must animate our words and our hearts: Ex abundantia cordis os loquitur. ...
— The Makers of Canada: Bishop Laval • A. Leblond de Brumath

... left to the tribal levies. The Ranizai tribe receive an annual subsidy from the Indian Government of 30,000 rupees, out of which they maintain 200 irregulars armed with Sniders, and irreverently called by the British officers, "Catch-'em-alive-Os." These drive away marauders and discourage outrage and murder. The Khan of Dir, through whose territory the road runs for seventy-three miles, also receives a subsidy from Government of 60,000 rupees, in consideration of which he provides 400 irregulars ...
— The Story of the Malakand Field Force • Sir Winston S. Churchill

... modo non trepidat, territa de grege candidulo? inpavidas lupus inter oves tristis obambulat et rabidum sanguinis inmemor os cohibet. 160 ...
— The Hymns of Prudentius • Aurelius Clemens Prudentius

... senhores da costa Choromandel, parte do Malabar e desta Ilha Ceilao. Na qual Ilha leixaram huma lingua, a que elles chamam Chingalla, e aos proprios povos Chingallas, principalmente os que vivem da ponta de Galle por diante na face da terra contra o Sul, e Oriente: e por ser pegada neste Cabo Galle, chamou a outra gente, que vivia do meio da ilha pera cima, aos que aqui habitavam Chingilla e a lingua ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... connects the horns with the cervix or neck. The latter is represented by a narrow portion that projects backward into the vagina. In the cow the cervix is less prominent than in the mare and the tissue that forms it, quite firm. In the cow the opening in the cervix, the os, ...
— Common Diseases of Farm Animals • R. A. Craig, D. V. M.

... fall from top to bottom of a steep flight of stone steps; and when Madame, hearing the noise (she always heard every noise), issued from the salle-a- manger and picked it up, she said quietly,—"Cet enfant a un os casse." ...
— Villette • Charlotte Bronte

... le sol des patriotes, Par des rois encore infectes. La terre de la liberte Rejette les os des despotes. De ces monstres divinises Que tous lea cercueils soient brises! Que leur memoirs soit fletrie! Et qu'avec leurs manes errants Sortent du sein de la patrie Les cadavres ...
— The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X • Imbert De Saint-Amand

... des os fossiles decouverts aupres de la ville d'Aix en Provence" (Mem. Acad. Sc., Paris, ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... out by the broom of Babette. There was no doubt of it, and Mr Vanslyperken's choler was extreme. "Now, may all the curses of ophthalmia seize the faggot," cried the lieutenant; "I wish I had her here. My poor, poor dog!" and Vanslyperken kissed the os frontis of the cur, and what perhaps had never occurred since childhood, and, what nothing else could have brought about, Mr Vanslyperken wept— actually wept over an animal, which was not, from any qualification he possessed, worth the charges of the cord which ...
— Snarley-yow - or The Dog Fiend • Frederick Marryat

... XI, p. 195: '...y hecho esto pasareis adelante con el negocio como os esta ordenado, con toda brevedad, pues veis lo que importa'. This occurs in a letter dated 'Madrid, 8 de otubre de 1575'. There seems to be a mistake in the heading of this letter: according to this heading, the letter from the Supreme Inquisition reached Valladolid on October ...
— Fray Luis de Leon - A Biographical Fragment • James Fitzmaurice-Kelly

... central fact, that with each generation the entire race passes through the body of its womanhood as through a mould, reappearing with the indelible marks of that mould upon it, that as the os cervix of woman, through which the head of the human infant passes at birth, forms a ring, determining for ever the size at birth of the human head, a size which could only increase if in the course of ages the os cervix of woman ...
— Woman and Labour • Olive Schreiner

... element of the new groups, i.e., one column less than in Osmium. This would make 183 atoms in a bar; the new group then would follow in a bar, 183, 185, 187. Here I found to my surprise that the third postulated group would have a remarkable relation to Os, Ir, Pt. ...
— Occult Chemistry - Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements • Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater

... has gone to France His own fair fortune to advance; If he comes back again 'tis but a chance; Os go de ...
— Three Wonder Plays • Lady I. A. Gregory

... consentiebant, sed singulis membris suum cuique consilium, sum sermo fuerat, indignatas reliquas partes, sua cura, suo labore, ac ministerio, ventri omnia quaeri; ventrem in medio quietum, nihil aliud, quam datis voluptatibus frui; conspirasse inde, ne manus ad os cibum ferrent, nec os acciperit datum, nec dentes conficerent. Hac ira dum ventrem fame domare vellent, ipsa una membra, totumque corpus ad extremam tabem venisse. Inde apparuisse, ventris quoque haud segne ministerium esse; nec magis ali quam alere eum; reddentem in omnes ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... ad, to, and os, mouth; i.e. "carrying to one's mouth''), primarily an act of homage or worship, which, among the Romans, was performed by raising the hand to the mouth, kissing it and then waving it in the direction of the adored object. The devotee had his head ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... inflammation of a small bursa may even result in the destruction of such synovial apparatus without serious inconvenience to the subject, either at the time of destruction or thereafter. Obliteration of the superficial bursa over the summit of the os calcis is not likely to cause serious inconvenience or distress to the subject unless it be due to an infected wound. Even then, with reasonably good care given the animal, recovery is almost certain. Complete return of function of the ...
— Lameness of the Horse - Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1 • John Victor Lacroix

... point of view, the most complete account of the Canary Islands, that was written in ancient times, down to the Middle Ages, was collected in a work of Joachim Jose da Costa de Macedo, with the title "Memoria cem que se pretende provar que os Arabes nao connecerao as Canarias autes dos Portuguesques, 1844." (See, also, Viera y Clavigo, Notic. de la ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... were common from the fact that when the men lay out in the prone position, the foot was often the part least protected by the cover chosen, and particularly the heel. In these circumstances the os calcis was the bone most frequently implicated, and that by tracks taking an oblique course downwards from the leg to the sole. Again the foot was often struck by ricochet bullets, as a result of its position when the erect attitude was assumed. The latter fact was of much importance ...
— Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 • George Henry Makins

... he said solemnly and emphatically, "are flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone. Os ex osibus meis et caro de carne mea. Mountaineers are made from the same timber we're made of! Of the same sound ...
— The Underdogs • Mariano Azuela

... M. M(arco) Junio Messanio, utricul(ario) corp(orato) Arelat(ensi), ejusd(em) corp(oris) mag(istro) quater, fi(lio), qui vixit ann(os) octo et viginti menses quinque, dies decem, ...
— In Troubadour-Land - A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc • S. Baring-Gould

... The respectful salutation of carrying the hand to the mouth, ad os, is the root of the Latin word adoro, adorare. See our learned Selden, (vol. iii. p. 143-145, 942,) in his Titles of Honor. It seems, from the 1st book of Herodotus, to be of ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 5 • Edward Gibbon

... designation of his family estate. His philosophy, as is well known, was of a fanciful and somewhat fantastic character; but his learning was deep, and he was possessed of a singular power of eloquence, which reminded the hearer of the os rotundum of the Grove ,or Academe. Enthusiastically partial to classical habits, his entertainments were always given in the evening, when there was a circulation of excellent Bordeaux, in flasks garlanded with roses, which were also strewed on the table after the manner ...
— Guy Mannering • Sir Walter Scott

... Ancient Irish History" (Dublin, 1861), pp. 209, 300; John Rhys's "Hibbert Lectures" (London, 1888), p. 551. The latter thinks the hero identical with Taliessin, as well as with Ossian, and says that the word Ossin means "a little fawn," from "os," "cervus." (See also O'Curry, p. 304.) O'Looney represents that it was a stone which Usheen threw to show his strength, and Joyce follows this view; but another writer in the same volume of the Ossianic Society transactions (p. 233) makes it a bag of sand, and Yeats follows this version. It ...
— Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic • Thomas Wentworth Higginson

... os, ny chair, nerfe, muscles ni artere, Bien que i'en sois produit et n'en tien rien du toute Propre a bien et a mal je fais effect contraire. Sans voix parlant apres qu'on ne ...
— Publications of the Scottish History Society, Vol. 36 • Sir John Lauder

... difficulty apparently being that any final disposal before the day of judgment would be anticipatory of that great event, if, indeed, it would not render it needless. As to the resurrection, some believe it to be merely spiritual, others corporeal; the latter asserting that the os coccygis, or last bone of the spinal column, will serve, as it were, as a germ, and that, vivified by a rain of forty days, the body will sprout from it. Among the signs of the approaching resurrection will be the rising of the sun in the West. It will be ushered ...
— History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume I (of 2) - Revised Edition • John William Draper

... universal joy at the birth of an heir to the throne he calls in some thirty companions to offer their humble gifts of eggs, milk, curds, cheese and honey. Queen Lianor was so pleased with this 'new thing'—for hitherto there had been no literary entertainments to vary either the profane ser[a]os de dansas e bailos or the religious solemnities of the court—that she wished Vicente to repeat the performance at Christmas. He preferred, however, to compose a new auto more suitable to the occasion ...
— Four Plays of Gil Vicente • Gil Vicente

... Excusat ille nescio quid. At ego rem suspicans 'Quid?' inquam, 230 'Num iudicat esse pestem?' 'Hoc ipsum' inquit 'constanter affirmat; tres esse carbunculos.' Risi satis, nec ullam pestis imaginationem demitto in animum. Post dies aliquot venit chirurgi pater, inspicit, idem iudicat, et in os asseverat germanam 235 esse pestem? Nec sic quidem mihi persuaderi potuit. Accerso clam alterum chirurgum magni nominis. Inspicit; is vero, ut erat homo rusticior, 'Non vererer' inquit, 'tecum cubare'; idem ...
— Selections from Erasmus - Principally from his Epistles • Erasmus Roterodamus

Words linked to "Os" :   wrist bone, os sesamoideum, computing, innominate bone, bone marrow, astragal, collarbone, occiput, astragalus, braincase, os tarsi fibulare, sternum, vertebra, eye, fetter bone, calcaneus, fishbone, matrix, arcus zygomaticus, talus, cranium, bare bone, porta, lamella, pubic bone, condyle, gladiolus, metallic element, software package, optic, bone cell, package, turbinate bone, ilium, os capitatum, software system, marrowbone, UNIX operating system, skullcap, Wormian bone, sesamoid bone, jugal bone, heelbone, sinciput, os hamatum, tarsal, computer software, intercellular substance, metal, os palatinum, orifice, os sphenoidale, turbinate, os hyoideum, bonelet, os scaphoideum, coccyx, os pisiforme, carpal, ethmoid bone, oculus, software program, clavicle, oculus sinister, bone, shoulder bone, os temporale, membrane bone, nasal bone, jaw, dentin, pastern, tail bone, skull, metacarpal, zygomatic arch, phalanx, malar, sutural bone, short bone, disk operating system, cuboid bone, rib, os zygomaticum, os trapezoideum, connective tissue, os nasale, ischial bone, executive program, os breve, carpal bone, osmium, modiolus, breastbone, os pubis, marrow, os lunatum, nasal, collagen, dentine, horn, cannon bone, metacarpal bone, cheekbone, turbinal, processus coronoideus, splint bone, corpus sternum, xiphoid process, hyoid bone, os ischii, long bone, ischium, os longum, pubis, os frontale, shoulder blade, platform, metatarsal, ground substance, vomer, supervisory program, malar bone, tooth, palatine, hipbone, zygoma, opening, software, operating system, ramus, zygomatic, os trapezium, scapula, computer science, sesamoid, Windows, sacrum, cartilage bone, tympanic bone, palatine bone, UNIX, manubrium, ethmoid, furcula, tarsal bone, sphenoid, zygomatic bone

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