"Ost" Quotes from Famous Books
... homme arme, et de toutes pieces, et son cheval tousjours barde. Il portoit un habillement que ces conducteurs portent en Italie, et sembloit bien prince et chef de guerre; et y avoit d'obeissance autant que monseigneur de Charolois, et luy obeissoit tout l'ost de meilleur coeur, car a la verite il estoit digne d'estre honore." Philippe de Comines, Memoires, apud Petitot; (Paris, 1826,) liv. 1, ... — History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella V1 • William H. Prescott
... at ourselves an' find out whether we're sane or silly, for the two old leddies what is stayin' on give no trouble at all, an' that Mr. Gigg don't care what he gets, so long as he can bang away on the pianner an' make Miss Cicely sing, an' I will own she do sing lovely like the angels in a 'evenly 'ost, but there!—I don't want no more company, for what with French maids an' valets, all talkin' the wickedest stuff I ever heard about the ways an' doins o' their masters an' missises in London, I'm downright glad to be rid o' the whole lot! ... — God's Good Man • Marie Corelli
... pertyd his ost in thre, Lyk a cheffe cheften off pryde, With suar speares off myghttA" tre, The ... — Ballad Book • Katherine Lee Bates (ed.) |