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Para  n.  
The southern arm of the Amazon in Brazil; also, a seaport on this arm.
Short for Para rubber.

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"Para" Quotes from Famous Books

... destroyed. If they succeed in their program of socialization, the Society would be finished. A socialist state is, in its final development, an absolute, total, state; no total state can tolerate extra-legal and para-governmental organizations. So we have adopted the policy of giving a little inconspicuous aid, here and there, to people who are dangerous to the Statisticalists. The Lady Dallona of Hadron, and Dr. Harnosh of Hosh, are ...
— Last Enemy • Henry Beam Piper

... coerceantur, ne mali porro impudentia ac impietate grassentur. Nostrum est ista o fratres, summa cum diligentia curare. Videmus enim et Paulum cessantes hoc loco incitare. Aretius, ubi supra: Magistratus jugum non admittunt, timent honoribus, licentiam amant, &c. Vulgus quoque et pleba dissolutior: major para corruptissima est, &c. Interea non desperandum esse libenter fateor dabit posterior aetas tractabiliores forte animas, mitiora pectora, quam nostra habent secula. Lavater in Nebem, homil. 52: Quia pontifices Romani excommunicatione ad stabiliendam suamt ...
— The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Gillespie

... with them": [Greek: maenon tettaron ekei diatripsanti]: and "on his return to Babylon he found Bardanes as he had left him," that is, on the throne and in the enjoyment of health: [Greek: es Babylona ... anapleusai para ton Ouardanon, kai tuchontes auton ...
— Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century • John Wilson Ross

... pound of it is dependent on my personal exertions." Here spoke a sea-valve that communicated directly with the water outside, and was seated not very far from the garboard-strake. "I rejoice to think that I am a Prince-Hyde Valve, with best Para rubber facings. Five patents cover me—I mention this without pride—five separate and several patents, each one finer than the other. At present I am screwed fast. Should I open, you would immediately ...
— Kipling Stories and Poems Every Child Should Know, Book II • Rudyard Kipling

... God! the blessing of God!' the voice was heard again. 'Akulina! Hey, Akulina! Akulinushka—friend! where is our paradise? Our fair paradise of bliss? In the wilderness is our paradise, ... para-dise.... And to this house, from beginning of time, great happiness, ... o ... o ... o ...' The voice muttered something inarticulate, and again, after a protracted yawn, there came the hoarse laugh. This laugh broke out every time, as it were, involuntarily, ...
— A Desperate Character and Other Stories • Ivan Turgenev

... three men bent silently over the table, while MacWilliams stood gazing at the ceiling and turning his hat in his hands. The message MacWilliams read from the instrument was this: "They are reported to have left the city by the south, so they are going to Para, or San Pedro, or to Los Bocos. She must be stopped—take an armed force and guard the roads. If necessary, kill her. She has in the carriage or hidden on her person, drafts for five million sols. You will be held responsible ...
— Soldiers of Fortune • Richard Harding Davis

... goods weighed, one half para per oke. (In the case of wood and charcoal, hay, chopped straw, lime, and onions, the tax begins at a weight of 50 okes, and at a rate of 5 paras for 50 okes.) 11. Tax on grain measured, 2 paras per kilo paid by the buyer, and 2 paras per kilo paid by the seller. If ...
— Cyprus, as I Saw it in 1879 • Sir Samuel W. Baker

... of the 28th we again anchored; and when the sun arose in a cloudless sky, the city of Para, surrounded by a dense forest, and overtopped by palms and plantains, greeted our sight, appearing doubly beautiful from the presence of those luxuriant tropical productions in a state of nature, which we had so often admired in the ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Volume 19 - Travel and Adventure • Various

... Tontu is represented as a kind-hearted house-spirit, a sort of diminutive Cyclops, and offerings of bread and broth are made to him every morning. Putting a mare's collar on one's neck and walking nine times around a church is thought to be a certain means of attracting one to the place desired. Para is a mystical, three-legged being, constructed in many ways, and which, according to Castren, attains life and action when its possessor, cutting the little finger of his left hand, lets three drops of blood fall upon it, and at the same time pronouncing the proper magic word. ...
— The Kalevala (complete) • John Martin Crawford, trans.

... sent out orders to the governor of Brazil to attack the intruders. Various accidents prolonged the warfare, and it was not until 1618 that they were dislodged, and a permanent Portuguese colony formed. Its distance from the seat of government determined the court of Madrid to erect Maranham and Para into a separate state, of which the capital was fixed at San Luiz, a town and fort built by the ...
— Journal of a Voyage to Brazil - And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823 • Maria Graham

... scientist, "know of a substance called Sulphonylic Diazotised Sesqui Oxide of Aldehyde?" and he looked round triumphantly. "Certainly," came the reply. "It is analogous in diatomic composition of Para Sulpho Benzine Azode Methyl Aniline in conjunction with Phehekatoline." Counsel said he would pursue ...
— Law and Laughter • George Alexander Morton

... por esta causa Ubieramos de tratar y comencar a escrivir della pero por aver sido la de cubu la primera qe se poblo y que de Alli se a salido a conquistar todo lo demas y tambien por auerme Va Sa dado tam breue tiempo para hacer esta Relacion y tenerla yo mas de la ysla de cubu y de las demas sus comarcanas que llaman de los pintados, comencare della pa que se Prosiga despues mas largamte en lo que toca A esta ysla De lucon y sus comarcanas que por ser moros difieren algo en las condiciones y viuienda ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Volume V., 1582-1583 • Various

... Calderon's Cada uno para si, the seven lines beginning 'Bien dijo uno, que su planta' (Comedias, ...
— Letters of Edward FitzGerald in Two Volumes - Vol. II • Edward FitzGerald

... bought one of the largest and finest blocks in town—the old Para place—and was developing it in a manner hitherto unseen. The big, shabby, neglected estate began to turn into such a fairyland as only southern lands can know. The old live-oaks were untouched; the towering eucalyptus ...
— The Forerunner, Volume 1 (1909-1910) • Charlotte Perkins Gilman

... antagonist *Cata down catalepsy, cataclysm *Dia through, across diameter, dialogue *Epi upon epidemic, epithet, epode, ephemeral *Hyper over, extremely hypercritical, hyperbola *Hypo under, in smaller hypodermic, hypophosphate measure *Meta after, over metaphysics, metaphor *Para beside paraphrase, paraphernalia *Peri around, about periscope, peristyle *Pro before proboscis, prophet *Syn ...
— The Century Vocabulary Builder • Creever & Bachelor

... and gloomy aisles between monstrous bluish tree trunks—that was the jungle. Only the barest weak glimmering of sunlight penetrated to the mud. The disguised sled—its para-grav units turned off—lurched and skidded around buttress roots. Its headlights swung in wild arcs across the trunks and down to the mud. Aerial creepers—great looping vines of them—swung down from the towering forest ...
— Missing Link • Frank Patrick Herbert

... similar must have happened a few hundred thousand years ago, when Cro-Magnon man, our own ancestors, first developed true intelligence instead of the pseudo-intelligence, the highly developed instincts, of the Neanderthals and other para-men. ...
— The Penal Cluster • Ivar Jorgensen (AKA Randall Garrett)

... new magnetic metal, "perminvar," and a new insulating material, "para gutta," which make possible construction of a telephone cable across the Atlantic to supplement the radio systems, were also described. Actual construction of the cable is expected to be started ...
— Astounding Stories of Super-Science September 1930 • Various

... owning that I had no pass from the military governor, I was denied admittance. Happening to meet the commandant, I represented what I wanted, and he very civilly granted me leave to visit the prisoners "para un momento." As the gates were thrown open Stuart advanced and met me, grasping my hand cordially, and slipping a letter up the sleeve of my coat. He had caught sight of me labouring up the hill, and had immediately hastened to scribble a few lines which ...
— Romantic Spain - A Record of Personal Experiences (Vol. II) • John Augustus O'Shea

... It appears to be unknown to the Chinese Tripitaka. For some further remarks on the Sinhalese Canon see Book III. chap. XIII. Para. 3.] ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Charles Eliot

... quarter; that all the various rites are produced, together with the attainment of salvation through working for that end, by means of sacrifice and generosity; that every one does his duty and performs asceticism. The next age, Dv[a]para, is introduced by a dawn of two hundred years, being itself two thousand years in duration, and it closes with a twilight of two hundred years. Half of Virtue fails to appear in this age, that is, the general virtue of the world ...
— The Religions of India - Handbooks On The History Of Religions, Volume 1, Edited By Morris Jastrow • Edward Washburn Hopkins

... less than 900 fathoms wide, and often rises in violent storms. The traveller was agreeably surprised to find the Indian women possessed of pet birds, locks, iron keys, needles, looking-glasses, and other European utensils, procured at Para in exchange for cocoa. The native canoes are much more convenient than those used by the Indians of the Spanish possessions. They are in fact regular little brigantines, sixty feet long by seven wide, ...
— Celebrated Travels and Travellers - Part 2. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century • Jules Verne

... sought to establish at Geneva the liability of Great Britain for the depredations of the "Alabama" and other Confederate cruisers fitted out in British ports in violation of neutrality, one of the strongest authorities on which they relied was his opinion in the case of the "Gran Para." ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume XI • John Lord

... it. The Talapoins (who seem to have been a sort of Siamese monks) had Umbrellas made of a palm-leaf cut and folded, so that the stem formed a handle. The same writer describes the audience-chamber of the King of Siam. In his quaint old French, he says:—"Pour tout meuble il n'y a que trois para-sol, un devant la fentre, a neuf ronds, & deux sept ronds aux deux ctz de la fentre. Le para-sol est en ce Pais-la, ce que le Dais est ...
— Umbrellas and their History • William Sangster

... For example, in the dense equatorial forests flowers are exceedingly scarce, and there is no comparison with the amount of floral colour to be met with in our temperate meadows, woods, and hillsides. The forests about Para in the lower Amazon are typical in this respect, yet they abound with the most gorgeously coloured butterflies, almost all of which frequent the forest depths, keeping near the ground, where there is the greatest ...
— Darwinism (1889) • Alfred Russel Wallace

... oiliness(sneha), elasticity (sa@mskara), merit (dharma) and demerit (adharma); in one part of the sutra the enumeration begins with "para" (universality) and ends in "prayatna," but buddhi (cognition) comes within the enumeration beginning from para and ending in prayatna, whereas in Caraka buddhi does not form part of the list and is separately enumerated. This leads me to suppose that Caraka's sutra was written at a time ...
— A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1 • Surendranath Dasgupta

... en Zeus, epaphomenos erema cheiri theeie portios Inachies. ten heptaporo para Neilo ek ...
— Prometheus Bound and Seven Against Thebes • Aeschylus

... not intrusion. My feet stand upon the highway. The road, Madame, is common to all. I can quote you Rex—What does Rex, cap. 27, para. 198, say? Via, says Rex, meaning the road; communis is common; omnibus to all, meaning ...
— First Plays • A. A. Milne

... in trouble, Besso will aid you as he has done; if you wish to buy camels, Besso will assist you as before; but if you expect ransom for his charge, whom you ought to have placed on your best mare of Nedgid, then I have not brought a para.' ...
— Tancred - Or, The New Crusade • Benjamin Disraeli

... a teacher dhamma is the doctrine which he preaches. With reference to a disciple, it may often be equivalent to duty. Cf. the Sanskrit expressions: sva-dharma, one's own duty; para-dharma, the duty of another person ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol I. (of 3) - An Historical Sketch • Charles Eliot

... hour of my embarkation, he continued his lamentations, and all our efforts to console him only produced this answer, "[Greek: M'apheinei]", "He leaves me." Signer Logotheti, who never wept before for anything less than the loss of a para (about the fourth of a farthing), melted; the padre of the convent, my attendants, my visitors—and I verily believe that even Sterne's "foolish fat scullion" would have left her "fish-kettle" to sympathize with the unaffected and unexpected ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... my long-cherished wish to go abroad. He talked to me a good deal to ascertain whether I was in earnest. 'I did not wish to send you from me,' he said at last; 'but I will now tell you that a few months ago I received a letter from a cousin of mine who has lately established a house of business at Para in Brazil, requesting me to send out two steady lads as clerks, adding that he should be very glad to receive a son of mine if I could spare him.' I jumped at the idea; for though I should have liked to have gone out with you, Harry, yet, as ...
— On the Banks of the Amazon • W.H.G. Kingston

... sangre sea la ultima que se derrame en sacrificio a la patria; y si fuese necessario algunos de sus hijos, sea para el bien de la nacion, y nunca en traicion de ella." Other versions of his last words have been given, but that given above seems the most authentic, not only from intrinsic probability, but from the fact that it was given, shortly ...
— Maximilian in Mexico - A Woman's Reminiscences of the French Intervention 1862-1867 • Sara Yorke Stevenson

... to regard outward show: for it is written (Acts 25:27) that "Agrippa and Berenice . . . with great pomp (ambitione) . . . had entered into the hall of audience" [*'Praetorium.' The Vulgate has 'auditorium,' but the meaning is the same], and (2 Para. 16:14) that when Asa died they "burned spices and . . . ointments over his body" with very great pomp (ambitione). But magnanimity is not about outward show. Therefore ambition is not opposed ...
— Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas

... Greenwich and her daughter Daniel, their business among other things was a request her daughter was to make, so I took her into my chamber, and there it was to help her husband to the command of a little new pleasure boat building, which I promised to assist in. And here I had opportunity 'para baiser elle, and toucher ses mamailles'.... Then to the office, and there did a little business, and then to the 'Change and did the like. So home to dinner, and spent all the afternoon in putting some things, pictures especially, ...
— Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete • Samuel Pepys

... livre n'est qu'un quivalent se la vritable intuition; si, ensuite, le contenu du tout parat fort dfectueux, au point de vue de la science de nos jours; si, enfin, un effort exagr pour l'intgrit de la conception de l'enfant a cr, pour les choses modernes, trop de dnominations latines qui paraissent douteuses, l'Orbis pictus tait pourtant, pour son temps, une oeuvre ...
— The Orbis Pictus • John Amos Comenius

... on the land owned by the company a dozen times or more, but I did not go into the interior. Even had I done so, I am not an expert on rubber, and would have understood nothing of Para trees, Lagos silk, and liane. I am speaking not of my own knowledge, only of what was told me by people who live on the spot. I found that this particular concession was well known, because, unlike the land given to the Forestry and ...
— The Congo and Coasts of Africa • Richard Harding Davis

... The steamer Para picked up a raft aboard which were three German survivors from the torpedo boat V-48. They had clung to the raft for forty-eight hours and were semi-conscious when rescued. They reported that ninety-nine of the V-48 crew perished ...
— America's War for Humanity • Thomas Herbert Russell

... employed by Mr. George F. Angus to select his special surveys. His occasional choice of rocks and barren soil excited ridicule and astonishment; but he was accustomed to say, "the wealth is below, not upon the ground." He lived in the cleft of a rock at the junction of the Gawler and Para, near a plot of forty acres, almost surrounded with water, where he cultivated melons of every variety. He spoke many languages, and had travelled through Germany, Switzerland, and Iceland. A mineral collection he made, is in the University Museum, Edinburgh. ...
— The History of Tasmania, Volume I (of 2) • John West

... to in several passages. Thus, in 1 Pet. i. 2, where the Apostle speaks of the [Greek: rhantismos haimatos Iesou Christou]. Farther, in Heb. x. 22: [Greek: erhrantismenoi tas kardias apo suneideseos poneras]; xii. 24: [Greek: kai haimati rhantismou kreitton lalounti para ton Abel], and also in chap. ix. 13, 14. Among Christian interpreters, this view was always the prevailing one, was indeed the view held by the Church. Schroeder observ. ad origin. Hebr. c. viii. Sec. 10, ...
— Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions. Vol. 2 • Ernst Hengstenberg

... fishes, that St. Luke's statement (v. 7) that the ships were so full that 'they were sinking' ([Greek: hoste bythizesthai auta]) requires some qualification. Accordingly C inserts [Greek: ede] (were 'just' sinking); and D, [Greek: para ti] ('within a little'): while the Peshitto the Lewis and the Vulgate, as well as many copies of the Old Latin, exhibit 'ita ut pene.' These attempts to improve upon Scripture, and these paraphrases, indicate laudable ...
— The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels • John Burgon

... may yet be sounded at a distance, if you will. Your uncle is an old man. Old men imagine themselves under obligation to their para- >>> mours, if younger than themselves, and seldom keep any thing from their knowledge. But if we suppose him to make secret of this designed treaty, it is impossible, before that treaty was thought of, but she must have seen him, at least have ...
— Clarissa, Volume 5 (of 9) • Samuel Richardson

... season. I never miss a Rugby match if I can help it, for it is the manliest game we have left. Well, I didn't ask you in here just to talk sport. We've got to fix our business. Here are the sailin's, on the first page of the Times. There's a Booth boat for Para next Wednesday week, and if the Professor and you can work it, I think we should take it—what? Very good, I'll fix it with him. What ...
— The Lost World • Arthur Conan Doyle

... all ages. The demiurgic deity is not the All-Deity, for there is an infinite succession of universes, each having its particular deity, its Brahma, to use the Hindu term, but this Brahma is not THAT which is Para-Brahman, that which is ...
— Simon Magus • George Robert Stow Mead

... but always well-contrived transitions from heroical magniloquence to plebeian farce and from scurrility to poetic elevation, finally in a frequent employment of the figure which the Greeks called [Greek: para prosdokian]. His poem is a parody of the Aristophanic type. 'Like a fantastically ironical magic tree, the world-subversive idea which lies at the root of it springs up with blooming ornament of thoughts, with singing nightingales and ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 - The Catholic Reaction • John Addington Symonds

... states (estados, singular - estado) and 1 federal district* (distrito federal); Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceara, Distrito Federal*, Espirito Santo, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondonia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, ...
— The 2007 CIA World Factbook • United States

... a V.S. le va' ya muy bien en este Reyno, y espero que me avifara el tiempo que se propusiere detener en Barcelona, y tambien quando se verificara su yda a Valencia: cuyo Pais se ha creydo el mas propio para su residencia estable, por la suavidad del clima y demas circunstantias.—V.S. me hallara pronto a complacerle y sevirle en lo que se le ofrezca: que es quendo en el dia puedo decirle, referiendome ademas a mis cartas precedentes communicadas por medio ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... Portuguese, from the identical MS. presented by the author to Pedro II. in 1685. It was published in 1836 by the Academia Real das Sciencias of Lisbon, under the title of "Fatalidade Historica da Ilka de Ceilao;" and forms the Vth volume of the a "Collecao de Noticias para a Historia e Geograjia das Nacoes Ultramarinas" A fac-simile from a curious map of the island as it was then known to the Portuguese, has been ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... ordeals without ill consequences. Drizzly, or damp, or cold, cloudy days were the rule rather than the exception, while we were in London. We had some few hot days, especially at Stratford, in the early part of July. In London an umbrella is as often carried as a cane; in Paris "un homme a para-pluie" is, or used to be, supposed to carry that useful article because he does not keep and cannot hire a carriage of some sort. He may therefore be safely considered a person, and not ...
— Our Hundred Days in Europe • Oliver Wendell Holmes

... of Castren that "the Finns manufacture a kind of dolls, or paras, out of a child's cap filled with tow and stuck at the end of a rod. The fetich thus made is carried nine times round the church, with the cry 'synny para' (Para be born) repeated every time to induce a hal'tia—that is to say, a spirit—to enter into ...
— The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought • Alexander F. Chamberlain

... Tripoli for him, that he might not be taxed by the Bashaw so much. He now pays two hundred dollars per annum, assessed taxes. He assured me that all the money is leaving the country, and Ghadames will soon be without a para, like the rest of Tripoli. He told me frankly that he had the idea of making me a partner in his firm, to get my protection, but on hearing I was opposed to slave-dealing, it could not be done, as he and all the merchants were obliged ...
— Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846 • James Richardson

... Brazil. In common with most coffee topers, I had heard much of the super-excellence ascribed to "West India coffee" and "Brazilian coffee." I concluded to investigate, I had rooms at the Hotel d'Europe, Para, North Brazil. There were six of us, English and American boarders. Every morning, before we were out of our hammocks, a barefooted, half naked Mina negress came around and served each of us with a small cup of strong, black coffee and sugar ad libitum. There was ...
— Woodcraft • George W. Sears

... les btons commenaient marcher plus droit, la plume crachait moins, et il y avait moins d'encre sur les cahiers.... Je crois que je serais venu bout de lui apprendre quelque chose; malheureusement la destine nous spara. Le matre des moyens quittait le collge. Comme la fin de l'anne tait proche, le principal ne voulut pas prendre un nouveau matre. On installa un rhtoricien barbe dans la chaire des petits, et c'est moi qui fus charg de l'tude ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... black-bearded young Frenchman on the day when they sailed out of the harbor of Rio de Janeiro. He passed on to their first interchange of casual remarks, leaning together over the deck-rail, and watching the lights of Para recede into the darkness. It was in the hot, still evenings in the Caribbean Sea that, smoking in neighboring deck-chairs, they had first drifted into intimate talk, and the young man had begun to unburden himself. They had been distinctly interesting to Derek, ...
— The Inner Shrine • Basil King

... antepaenultima, apertissime a sono dicta uidebitur; idcirco autem a sono, quia concauitate ipsa maior necesse est uoluatur sonus. Graeci quoque has personas [Greek: prosopa] uocant ab eo quod ponantur in facie atque ante oculos obtegant uultum: [Greek: para tou pros tous opas tithesthai.] Sed quoniam personis inductis histriones indiuiduos homines quorum intererat in tragoedia uel in comoedia ut dictum est repraesentabant, id est Hecubam uel Medeam uel Simonem uel Chremetem, idcirco ceteros quoque homines, ...
— The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

... devil of a prisoner, with his feet confined in stocks, to prevent his digging a hole through the mud walls or kicking down his prison-bars, who exhibits his ribs to prove that he is "muy flaco," (very thin,) and solicits, in the name of the Virgin and all the Santos, "algo para comer" (something to eat). ...
— Atlantic Monthly Vol. 6, No. 33, July, 1860 • Various

... el sol, si ha de salir, Y si no, que nunca salga; Que para alumbrarme a mi La luz de tus ...
— The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia • William Somerset Maugham

... mirase mucho por su salud, pues que della dependia todo el bien de la christiandad, y creya que le tenia Dios guardado para venir por su mano un gran servicio, que era el castigo de las offensas que en este su reyno se le hazian." Cartas que el Duque de Alba scrivio a su Magestad ... que contienen las vistas en Bayona, etc. Papiers d'etat du card. de Granvelle, ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... different water-basin, be it river, lake, igarape, or forest pool. Though the scientific results of the expedition have no place in this little sketch of a single excursion, let me make a general statement as to Mr. Agassiz's collections, to give you some idea of his success. Since arriving in Para, although his exploration of the Amazonian waters is but half completed, he has collected more species than were known to exist in the whole world fifty years ago. Up to this time, something more than a hundred species of fish were known ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866 • Various

... is often compounded with other terms; as in Bel-Adon, Belorus, Bal-hamon, Belochus, Bel-on; (from which last came Bellona of the Romans) and also Baal-shamaim, the great Lord of the Heavens. This was a title given by the Syrians to the Sun: [175][Greek: Ton Helion Beelsamen kalousin, ho esti para Phoinixi Kurios Ouranou, Zeus de par' Hellesi.] We may, from hence, decypher the name of the Sun, as mentioned before by Damascius, who styles that Deity Bolathes: [176][Greek: Phoinikes kai Suroi ton Kronon El, kai Bel, kai Bolathen ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant

... accounts of the natives as far as possible by personal observation. The result of these labors was his work entitled, "Relacion de la sucesion y govierno de las Yngas Senores naturales que fueron de las Provincias del Peru y otras cosas tocantes a aquel Reyno, para el Iltmo. Senor Dn Juan Sarmiento, Presidente del Consejo Rl ...
— History Of The Conquest Of Peru • William Hickling Prescott

... obras de Lutero mutiladas en sus principales capitulos, y transformadas en cierto modo sus maximas y preceptos; que diligencias no practicarian sus secuaces y discipulos? Se levantarian a una en tropas numerosas para sostener el honor de su preceptor, y con el fin de dejar en su justo lugar a su amado maestre, recurririan a sus escritos originales, manifestarian en su apoyo los manuscritos, apelarian a todo linage de argumentos para acreditar la ilegitimidad de aquella edicion, ...
— Letters of George Borrow - to the British and Foreign Bible Society • George Borrow

... the essay of Salva's in Ochoa, Apuntes para una Biblioteca, vol. ii, pp. 723-740. I know one great Spanish scholar who has never forgiven Cervantes for destroying the books of chivalries. But his anger is rather that of the bibliographer ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1-20 • Various

... Henry Walter (1825-92): was born at Leicester, and after an apprenticeship in a hosiery business he became a clerk in Allsopp's brewery. He did not remain long in this uncongenial position, for in 1848 he embarked for Para with Mr. Wallace, whose acquaintance he had made at Leicester some years previously. Mr. Wallace left Brazil after four years' sojourn, and Bates remained for seven more years. He suffered much ill- health and privation, ...
— More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume II - Volume II (of II) • Charles Darwin

... wanted: had he kept them out, it might have done, but his introducing them was sadly against the lake. Thus you must either suppose that the old savage and his companion had a confused idea of the thing, and that probably the Lake Parima they talked of was the Amazons, not far from the city of Para, or that it was their intention to deceive you. You ought to be cautious in giving credit to their stories, otherwise you will be apt ...
— Wanderings In South America • Charles Waterton

... de Lydia E. Pinkham es un remedio seguro para todas las enfermedades de las mujeres, incluyendo la caida del utero, leucorrea, menstruaciones irregulares y dolorosas, inflamaciones y ulceraciones de la matriz y del ovario, para toda clase de afecciones ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... potamon] do not refer to Dirce, but to Thebes, Thebes being called [Greek: polis dipotamos]. The construction is [Greek: pyrgos didymon potamon]. Thus in Pindar [Greek: oikema potamou] means [Greek: oikema para ...
— The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I. • Euripides

... de las Lenguas y Carta Etnogrfica de Mxico Precedidas de un ensayo de clasificacion de las mismas lenguas y de apuntes para las inmigraciones de las ...
— Seventh Annual Report • Various

... it is not the more respectable because it has been said in Latin. We owe the war, directly, no doubt, to the Kaiser, but indirectly to the Roman idiot who said, "Si vis pacem, para bellum." Having mislaid my Dictionary of Quotations I cannot give you his name, but I have my money on him as the greatest murderer ...
— Not that it Matters • A. A. Milne

... "Be dakeon para Thina poluphloisboio Thalassaes," murmured the angel, for they walked by the sea, "and ...
— Fifty-One Tales • Lord Dunsany [Edward J. M. D. Plunkett]

... for a long time now, ports were ports, only places whither one went to get or deliver cargo. Baltimore, like some sweet old lady; Para, heavy, sinister with rain; Rio, like some sparkling jewel; Belfast, dour, efficient, sincere; Hamburg, dignified, gemuetlich; Lisbon, quiet as a cathedral—they were not entities, they were just collections of houses covering men and women. And men were either fools or crooks, ...
— The Wind Bloweth • Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne

... Divine Heart" (p. 7). "His Novena will be made before an image of Jesus or to His Sacred Heart" (p. 10). The devout one, carrying his adoration almost to a point of the revival of atavic cannibalism, says to Jesus: "O, thou owner of mine! Give me thine body and with it thine heart that I may eat it!" (para que le coma) ...
— The Legacy of Ignorantism • T.H. Pardo de Tavera

... disputed barter; whether in the streets or in-doors, whether in a coffeehouse, a serai, or a bazaar, whatever the rank, nation, language of the persons around you, traffic, barter, gain are the prevailing impulses; grusch, para, florin, lira, asper, amid the Babel of tongues, are the ...
— The trade, domestic and foreign • Henry Charles Carey

... incarnations, from lower to higher, in which occurs an evolution or "unfoldment" of the nature of the soul, in which it rises to higher and higher planes of being, until finally, after aeons of time, it enters in Union with the Divine Nirvana and Para-Nirvana—the state of ...
— Reincarnation and the Law of Karma - A Study of the Old-New World-Doctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect • William Walker Atkinson

... mermerizon ephestaotes para taphroi. Ornis gar sphin epelthe peresemenai memaosin, Aietos upsipetes ep' aristera laon eergon, Phoineenta drakonta pheron onuchessi peloron, Zoon et' aspaironta; kai oupo letheto charmes. Kopse ...
— Life of Cicero - Volume One • Anthony Trollope

... wise counsel." In consequence of this assistance, to this day, "when any one has a wise idea (Einfall), he says 'that his little finger told him that'" (p. 327). In Finnish mythology we again find the little finger. "The Para, also originated in the Swedish Bjaeren or Bare, a magical three-legged being, manufactured in various ways, and which, says Castren, attained life and motion when its possessor, cutting the little finger of his left hand, let three drops of blood fall on it, at the same time pronouncing ...
— Indian Fairy Tales • Anonymous

... That red crayon circle over there marks the habitat of the Uta fly. It's worse than the Tsetse. If anybody is hunting death—esta aqui!... Here is the Putumayo district. Hell lies up here, just above it.... Here's Iquitos, and here lies Para, three thousand miles away.... Were you going ...
— Athalie • Robert W. Chambers

... was at the Palace Hotel in the Plaza de Canovas I had gone to the Paix in the Puerta del Sol. I had been in Madrid only once before in my life, and as I walked through the gay thoroughfares I recalled that proud saying of the Madrilenos: "De Madrid al cielo y en el cielo un ventanillo para ver a Madrid" (From Madrid to Heaven, and in Heaven a loophole to look at Madrid). The Spanish capital to-day is indeed a very fine city, full of life, of movement, and ...
— The Stretton Street Affair • William Le Queux

... intention to sail from Panama to Guayaquil, cross the Andes, and take canoe and steamer down the Amazon to Para. But the reports of yellow fever at Guayaquil, the unfinished state of the Quito railroad, and the disturbed state of the Trans-Andean Indians, through whose country there would be a week's mule ride, decided me to alter my plans once more. So, bidding good-bye to my ...
— Ranching, Sport and Travel • Thomas Carson

... resplendent with every worthy quality. These were Puru, Kuru, Yadu, Sura and Viswasrawa of great glory; Anuha, Yuvanaswu, Kakutstha, Vikrami, and Raghu; Vijava, Virihorta, Anga, Bhava, Sweta, and Vripadguru; Usinara, Sata-ratha, Kanka, Duliduha, and Druma; Dambhodbhava, Para, Vena, Sagara, Sankriti, and Nimi; Ajeya, Parasu, Pundra, Sambhu, and holy Deva-Vridha; Devahuya, Supratika, and Vrihad-ratha; Mahatsaha, Vinitatma, Sukratu, and Nala, the king of the Nishadas; Satyavrata, Santabhaya, ...
— The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 • Kisari Mohan Ganguli

... second line of verse 18 is a crux. The commentator explains that prakshipya means dattwa; Kun is the Earth. Van is diptim ukrvan, ubhaya-loke iti seshah. Para- [This footnote appears to have been truncated, as the last line begins with a ...
— The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 • Kisari Mohan Ganguli

... Haeres., I. x. 1, 2. "He men gar Ekklesia, kaiper kath' holes tes oikoumenes heos peraton tes ges diesparmene, para de ton Apostolon kai ton ekeivon matheton paralabousa ten eis hena theon Patera pantokratora . . . pistin; kai eis hena Christon Jesoun, ton huion tou theou, ton sarkothenta huper tes hemteras soterias; kai eis Pneuma Hagion, ...
— The Virgin-Birth of Our Lord - A paper read (in substance) before the confraternity of the Holy - Trinity at Cambridge • B. W. Randolph

... adage, 'Si vis pacem para bellum'. Had Bonaparte been a Latin scholar he would probably have reversed it and said, 'Si vis bellum para pacem'. While seeking to establish pacific relations with the powers of Europe the First Consul was preparing to strike a great blow in Italy. As ...
— Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

... Page 132, para 3, moved a comma - my general policy is not to add/remove/move commas, even though I often find commas which seem to me out of place, but this one was just too ...
— The Scouts of Stonewall • Joseph A. Altsheler

... cay sa baong ualang lamat. (Tag.) Ang sabi sa evangelio ni Cristo ay ganito. Hindi rao sia naparito o nanoag dito sa lupa para sacupin ang mga banal cung di ...
— A Little Book of Filipino Riddles • Various

... the article SOUL in the "Encyclopedia" (the Abbe Yvon) followed Jaquelot scrupulously; but Jaquelot teaches us nothing. He sets himself also against Locke, because the modest Locke said (liv. iv, ch. iii, para. vi.)—"We possibly shall never be able to know whether any mere material being thinks or no; it being impossible for us, by the contemplation of our own ideas without revelation, to discover whether Omnipotency has not ...
— Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary • Voltaire

... powder and lead, and added that he would have to furnish them additional supplies from time to time, as the war progressed, and that he would exercise every precaution so that the Americans might have no "just cause of complaint." [Footnote: Do., "sera necessaria la mayor precaucion, y mana para contenerle cinendose a la suministracion de polvora, balas y efectos de treta con la cantata posible para no dar a los Americanos justos motivos de gueya."] There is an unconscious and somewhat gruesome humor in this official belief that the Americans could have "no just cause" for anger so long ...
— The Winning of the West, Volume Three - The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790 • Theodore Roosevelt

... hijo de Jose Dominguez Vequer (sic) y Dona Juaquina (sic) Bastida su legitima mujer. Fue su madrina Dona Manuela Monchay vecina de la collacion de Sn. Miguel a la que se advirtio el parentesco espiritual y obligaciones y para verdad lo firme.—Antonio Lucena Cura." See La Illustracion Artistica, Barcelona, December 27, 1886, pp. 363-366. Citations from this periodical will hereafter refer to the issue of ...
— Legends, Tales and Poems • Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

... of it dependent on my personal exertions." Here spoke a sea-valve that communicated directly with the water outside and was seated not very far from the garboard strake. "I rejoice to think that I am a Prince-Hyde valve, with best Para rubber facings. Five patents cover me—I mention this without pride—five separate and several patents, each one finer than the other. At present I am screwed fast. Should I open, you would immediately be ...
— McClure's Magazine, March, 1896, Vol. VI., No. 4. • Various

... the scales of tartar, and teaching patients the value of cleanness of the mouth. In his experience he had found that all instruments will occasionally fail to dislodge the deposit. In such cases he used as an assistant a little ring of para gum about an eighth of an inch wide. This was sprung on the tooth at the edge of the gum. If this is done and the ring allowed to remain a few hours, you will see an entirely new revelation, and you will readily be able to get at the tooth to clean it. He had found it ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882 • Various

... native boatmen in Brazil, who had grown up together, had each some little peculiarity of pronunciation. Such a difference would produce a dialect in case of isolation. On the other hand, the ecclesiastics adopted the Tupi language and made it a general language for the province of Gram Para, so that it was used in the pulpit until 1757 and is now necessary for intercourse in the interior.[263] The Gauchos of central Uruguay speak Spanish with harsh rough accents. They change y and ll into the French j.[264] ...
— Folkways - A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals • William Graham Sumner

... que tendria el rey de saber que se declaba la sucesion en favor de ella (Isabel), cosa que S. M. habia descado sempre.' In Gonzalez, Apuntamientos para la historia del rey Don Felipe II. Memorias de la real academia de ...
— A History of England Principally in the Seventeenth Century, Volume I (of 6) • Leopold von Ranke

... as he passed, but stopping his hat on a level with Gringoire's chin, like a shaving dish, while he shouted in the latter's ears: "Senor cabellero, para comprar un ...
— Notre-Dame de Paris - The Hunchback of Notre Dame • Victor Hugo

... de amores Y traer['e] una ensalada Por Gil Vicente guisada Y diz que otra de mas flores Para Pascoa tien sembrada ...
— Four Plays of Gil Vicente • Gil Vicente

... ama namin. Ama namin nasa langit ca y pasamba mo ang ngala mo, mouisa amin ang pagcahari mo. Y pasonor mo ang loob mo. dito sa lupa para sa langit, bigya mo cami ngaion nang amin caca nin. para nang sa araoarao. at pa caualin mo ang amin casalana, yaing uinaualan bahala nami sa loob ang casalanan nang nagcasasala sa amin. Houag mo caming ceuan nang di cami matalo nang tocso. Datapo uat ya dia mo cami ...
— Doctrina Christiana • Anonymous

... is prae januis, stands before their door, &c. Old men have (pedem in cymba Charonis) one foot in the grave already; and the Greek word [Greek: geron] (an old man) is derived from [Greek: para to eis gen oran], which signifies a looking towards the ground; decrepit age goes stooping and grovelling, as groaning to the grave. It doth not only expect death, but oft solicits it."—Christ. Ness's Compleat ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 207, October 15, 1853 • Various

... work mentioned in para. 63, entitled "Philosophy and Mirth united by Pen and Pencil," has this novelty, that many of the Enigmas are accompanied by enigmatical pictures, so that the eye is puzzled ...
— Enquire Within Upon Everything - The Great Victorian Domestic Standby • Anonymous

... Lordship was probably not mistaken; but his own account of his feeling in the business does not tend to exalt the magnanimity of his attachment to the cause: "I will take care," says he, "that it is for the public cause, otherwise I will not advance a para. The opposition say they want to cajole me, and the party in power say the others wish to seduce me; so, between the two, I have a difficult part to play; however, I will have nothing to do with the factions, unless to reconcile them, ...
— The Life of Lord Byron • John Galt

... and described to me her dwelling-place. When I saw her make the ablution, I said in myself, "This woman doth on this wise, and shall I not do the like of her?" Then said I to her, "Belike thou wilt seek us another pitcher of water?" So she went out to the housekeeper and said to her, "Take this para and fetch us water therewith, so we may wash the flags withal." Accordingly, the housekeeper brought two pitchers of water and I took one of them and giving her my clothes, entered the lavatory ...
— Tales from the Arabic Volumes 1-3 • John Payne

... two this company did nothing. Then, in March, of the third year, the property was released by Mr. Warren to persons in Para, who were to develop and operate. The terms of his new lease were very advantageous. Royalties were to be paid on a sliding scale, and, from the very first, they were large. The Akrae Company ...
— Cap'n Warren's Wards • Joseph C. Lincoln

... the way through the Processing Building, called back over his shoulder. "How many of them end up in prison? I mean, from the General Staff? The para-coms do, of course, they just can't adjust to civilian life and I think the Army should do something about that before they discharge them. But they never come here without an accompanying court order allowing us to use the ...
— Take the Reason Prisoner • John Joseph McGuire

Words linked to "Para" :   estuary, paratroops, Santa Maria de Belem, soldier, ob, pregnancy, parity, dinar, obstetrics, para I, para aminobenzoic acid, tocology, parous, Yugoslavian dinar, Brasil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Para rubber tree, Belem, Yugoslavian monetary unit, maternity

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