"Parietal" Quotes from Famous Books
... variety of other medicines; mercurials were used, both externally and internally, with design to inflame the membranes of the teeth, and by that means to prevent the torpor of the action of the membranes about the temple, and parietal bone; which are catenated with the membranes of the teeth by irritative association, but not by sensitive association. The event was, that as soon as the gums became sore with a slight ptyalism, the pains about the ... — Zoonomia, Vol. II - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin
... arrangement of leaves, and the arrangement of the cells in the tissues. Would you not consider as a morphological difference the trimerous, tetramerous, etc., divisions of flowers, the ovules being erect or suspended, their attachment being parietal or placental, and even the shape of the seed when of no service to ... — More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume II - Volume II (of II) • Charles Darwin
... pelvic bones, and none of the small bones of the hands and feet. Two or three skulls, nearly perfect, were found, but they were so fragile that it was impossible to preserve them. In the majority of instances, only fragments of the frontal and parietal bones were found, buried in pots or in fragments of pots too small to have ever contained a complete skull. The conclusion was irresistible that this was not a burial-place for the bodies of deceased Indians, but that the bones had been gathered from some other locality for burial in this ... — A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians • H.C. Yarrow
... railway cars. After a double amputation of the legs she miscarried and made a good recovery. Neugebauer reported the history of a case of a woman who, while near her term of pregnancy, committed suicide by jumping from a window. She ruptured her uterus, and a dead child with a fracture of the parietal bone was found in the abdominal cavity. Staples speaks of a Swede of twenty-eight, of Minnesota, who was accidentally shot by a young man riding by her side in a wagon. The ball entered the abdomen two inches above the crest of the right ilium, a little to the rear of the anterior superior ... — Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould
... extent than that in the eye of the same side. Analogy would indicate that other sensations follow the same law, hence the probability is that all the sensations from one side of the body do not pass to the parietal cortex of the opposite side, but that, while the majority so pass, a portion go up to the cortex of the same side from which ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885 • Various
... half oval, with pubescent borders; at its base a flat scale. Stamens free, numerous, thick filaments, anthers bilocular. In the female flower the perianth is the same as in the former, the stamens sterile. Ovary unilocular, with 2-4 parietal placent with many ovules. Fruit as large as a man's head, with thin woody pericarp and many seeds ... — The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines • T. H. Pardo de Tavera
... careful account of the coffee headache. If the quantity of coffee taken be immoderately great and the body be very excitable and quite unused to coffee, there occurs a semilateral headache from the upper part of the parietal bone to the base of the brain. The cerebral membranes of this side also seem to be painfully sensitive, the hands and feet becoming cold, and sweat appears on the brows and palms. The disposition becomes irritable and intolerant, anxiety, trembling and ... — All About Coffee • William H. Ukers
... id," Gusterson said absently, still staring at the interweaving crowd beyond them, trying to figure out what made them different from last trip. "Creativity fuel. Cranky. Explodes through the parietal fissure if you look ... — The Creature from Cleveland Depths • Fritz Reuter Leiber |