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Plein   Listen
Plein  adj.  Plan. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Plein" Quotes from Famous Books

... tendres expressions de votre lettre. Nous sommes aneantis par le coup dont Dieu nous a frappes, que sa Sainte Volonte soit faite! J'ai perdu l'objet de ma plus vive tendresse, celui qui depuis 32 ans avait ete mon amour, mon bonheur, et ma gloire, plein de vie, d'avenir, ma tete n'y est plus, mon c[oe]ur est fletri, je tache de me resigner, je pleure et je prie pour cette Ame qui m'etait si chere et pour que Dieu nous conserve l'infortune et precieux Roi dont la douleur est incommensurable; ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) • Queen Victoria

... Larenaudiere, wishes to see the public library. But I will call again in about an hour." "By no means: by no means: the Abbe will see you immediately." And forthwith appeared a very comely, tall, and respectable-looking gentleman, with his hair en plein costume, both as to form and powder. Indeed I had rarely before witnessed so prepossessing a figure. His salutation and address were most gracious and winning; and he told me that I had nothing to do but to accompany him ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... celle de Lord Russell, plein d'anecdotes, spirituel, souvent froid en apparence, a l'occasion eloquent. A une dame qui demandait la permission de lui dedier un livre, il repliquait qu'a son grand regret il se voyait oblige de refuser: "parce ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... tombe le clerge francais. Cela depasse tout ce que l'on aurait jamais pu l'imaginer aux jours de ma jeunesse, au temps de Frayssinous et de La Mennais. Le pauvre Mgr. Maret, pour avoir expose des idees tres moderees dans un langage plein d'urbanite et de charite, est traite publiquement dans les journaux soi-disant religieux d'heresiarque et d'apostat, par les derniers de nos cures. De tous les mysteres que presente en si grand nombre l'histoire de l'Eglise ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... Gulhane et par les lois du Tanzimat, sans distinction de culte, pour la securite de leur personne et de leurs biens, et pour la conservation de leur honneur, sont rappelees et consacrees de nouveau; il sera pris des mesures efficaces pour que ces garanties recoivent leur plein et ...
— Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf

... noble; no King or Kaiser could be more. Sincere, severe, though most soft-shining; high, earnest, steady, like the stars. Artful Choiseul, again, flashes out in a cheerily exuberant way; and Stanley's Despatches about Choiseul ("CE FOU PLEIN D'ESPRIT," as Friedrich once christens him), about Choiseul and the France then round him, and the effects of Vellinghausen in society and the like,—are the liveliest reading one almost anywhere meets with in that kind. [In THACKERAY, i. 505-579, and especially ii. 520-626, is the Stanley-and-Pitt ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... Gascon, s'il en fut jamais, Parfume de poesie Riait, chantait, plein de vie, "Bons amis, J'ai ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

... crumble. This, might have been a flower. But now it glistens with crystals of mica and quartz. These, are jewels. But their fires are quenched. These candied petals are the passage from "Music for Four Stringed Instruments" glossed in the score "un jardin plein des fleurs naives," while this vial of gemmy green liquid is that entitled "une pre toute emeraude." The petrified saurian there, whose ...
— Musical Portraits - Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers • Paul Rosenfeld

... journee Que Dieu a faite a plein desir; Par nous soit joie demenee, Et prenons en ...
— A Gentleman of France • Stanley Weyman

... mourir a quelques pas de lui: et quand la foule, honteuse de sa rebellion, venait lecher les pieds du maitre, le hautain patricien meprisait l'hommage d'aujourd'hui comme la haine d'hier, et dans les rues de Londres, et devant son palais ducal d'Apsley, il repoussait d'un genre plein de froid dedain l'incommode empressement du peuple enthousiaste. Cette fierte neanmoins n'excluait pas en lui une rare modestie; partout il se soustrait a l'eloge; se derobe au panegyrique; jamais il ne parle de ses exploits, et jamais il ne souffre qu'un autre lui en parle ...
— The Life of Charlotte Bronte - Volume 1 • Elizabeth Gaskell

... and it required something strong to bring her to. In fact, we all had a "refresher," I recollect, for sitting is generally found to be exhausting to the circle as well as to the medium. On the present occasion, however, everything was, if not en plein jour, en plein gaz. There was a good deal of preliminary difficulty as to the choice of a chair for the medium. Our artist-friend had a lot of antique affairs in his studio, no two being alike, and I was glad ...
— Mystic London: - or, Phases of occult life in the metropolis • Charles Maurice Davies

... she was so likely to encumber. The new French poet, the American novelist of the year, and a work by Mr. John Morley lay upon Alicia's table many days together for this reason. She sometimes remembered what she expected of these volumes, what plein air sensations or what profound plunges, and did not quite like her indifference as to whether her expectations were fulfilled. She discovered herself intellectually jaded—there had been tiring excursions—and took to daily rides which ...
— The Path of a Star • Mrs. Everard Cotes (AKA Sara Jeannette Duncan)

... of his exile he did not behave himself with that firmness which might reasonably be expected from one who had borne so glorious a part in the Republic." Morabin, the French biographer, speaks of the wailings of his grief, of its injustice and its follies. "Ciceron etait trop plein de son malheur pour donner entree a de nouvelles esperances," he says. "Il avait supporte ce malheur avec peu de courage," says another Frenchman, M. Du Rozoir, in introducing us to the speeches which Cicero made on his return. ...
— Life of Cicero - Volume One • Anthony Trollope

... besicles, et qui ne connaissent rien des insectes, si ce n'est les morsures du CULEX, se precipitent sur l'instrument, et voient—une grande bulle d'air, dont ils s'emerveillent avec effusion. Ce qui est un spectacle plein d'instruction—pour ceux qui ne sont pas de ladite Societe. Tous les membres regardent les chimistes en particulier avec un air d'intelligence parfaite pendant qu'ils prouvent dans un discours d'une demiheure que O6 N3 H5 C6 etc. font quelque chose ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... with iron hands. If he behaves ill in this case, he may find it so. What a pity it is, that a man of his talents and learning should be so vile a rake! Alas! alas! Une poignee de bonne vie vaut mieux que plein muy de clergee; a handful of good life is better than a whole bushel ...
— Clarissa, Volume 4 (of 9) - History Of A Young Lady • Samuel Richardson

... ligne hardie. Je me relevai du mieux que je pus, et me rajustai sur mes jambes— Adieu, dis-je a la fleur et a l'abeille. Adieu. Puisse-je vivre encore le temps de deviner le secret de vos harmonies. . . . Combien le vieux mythe d'Antee est plein de sens! J'ai touche la terre et je suis un nouvel homme, et voici qu'a soixante-dix ans de nouvelles curiosites naissent dans mon ame comme on voit des rejetons s'elancer du tronc creux d'un ...
— Nature Mysticism • J. Edward Mercer

... union elevates. Hortense, pleased with her brother, and grateful to him, looked, as she touched her guitar, almost graceful, almost handsome; her everyday fretful look was gone for a moment, and was replaced by a "sourire plein de bonte." She sang the songs he asked for, with feeling; they reminded her of a parent to whom she had been truly attached; they reminded her of her young days. She observed, too, that Caroline listened with naive interest; this augmented her ...
— Shirley • Charlotte Bronte

... ne dit pas qu'on peut tuer un homme Qui sans raison nous tient en altercas Pour un fetu ou bien pour une pomme; Mais qu'on le peut pour quatre ou cinq ducats. Meme il soutient qu'on peut en certains cas Faire un serment plein de supercherie, S'abandonner aux douceurs de la vie, S'il est besoin conserver ses amours. Ne faut-il pas apres cela qu'on crie: ESCOBAR sait ...
— The Fables of La Fontaine - A New Edition, With Notes • Jean de La Fontaine

... trentaine d'esclaves: c'taient des enfants, des vieillards, des femmes infirmes. Le navire tait plein. ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... quaint gardens, choked with lavender and roses and hollyhocks—and all this fair land running to the white sand of the beach, with the blue sea beyond. He will write to old Pere Jaqueline that they are all coming—it is just the place in which to pose a model "en plein air,"—and Suzanne, his model, being a Normande herself, grows enthusiastic at the thought of going down again to the sea. Long before she became a Parisienne, and when her beautiful hair was a tangled shock of curls, she used to go out in the big boats, ...
— The Real Latin Quarter • F. Berkeley Smith

... family tree offer a particular interest in that the armorial blazonings are in accord with a decree of the French Tribunal, handed down a few years since, which establishes the right to the head of the house to bear the ecu plein de France—d'azur a trois fleurs de lys d'or, thus establishing ...
— Royal Palaces and Parks of France • Milburg Francisco Mansfield

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