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Premiere   Listen
premiere  v. i.  
To be performed for the first time; of a play, ballet, composition, movie, or other literary work.
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"Premiere" Quotes from Famous Books

... 'ZOLLVEREIN,'" observes the Debats, "a prodigieusement rehausse la Prusse; l'union douaniere avec la Belgique aurait, a un degre moindre cependant, le meme resultat pour nous.... Nous sommes, donc, les partisans de cette union, ses partisans prononces, a deux conditions: la premiere, c'est qu'il ne faille pas payer ces beaux resultats par le bouleversement de l'industrie rationale; la seconde, c'est que la Belgique en accepte sincerement es charges en meme temps qu'elle en recuiellera les profits, et qu'en consequence ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 331, May, 1843 • Various

... good-naturedly, that on a first acquaintance he might even be taken for 'a jolly good fellow.' On important occasions, however, he knew, as the saying is, how to make his authority felt. 'Energy is essential,' he used to say then, 'l'energie est la premiere qualite d'un homme d'etat;' and for all that, he was usually taken in, and any moderately experienced official could turn him round his finger. Matvy Ilyitch used to speak with great respect of Guizot, ...
— Fathers and Children • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

... disparaitra et peu a peu l'organe sera remis dans sa condition normale. Notre remede aura de plus un succes indiscutable pour guerir toutes les tumeurs de la matrice pourvu qu'on commence a s'en servir des leurs premiere phases. ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... d'Ecosse, Jacques V, et ce fut pour se fortifier contre les Anglais qu'il forma la resolution de leur opposer cette barriere. Pour conduire l'entreprise il jetta les yeux sur un Gentilhomme nomme Guion le Roi, Seigneur de Chillon, Vice-Amiral, et Capitaine de Honfleur, et la premiere pierre fut posee en 1516."—Description de la Haute Normandie, I. ...
— Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. I. (of 2) • Dawson Turner

... morning, and read Thiers' letter to him. I asked him if it had made any impression on Palmerston. He said, 'Not the slightest;' that he had said, 'Oh! Mehemet Ali cedera; il ne faut pas s'attendre qu'il cede a la premiere sommation; mais donnez-lui quinze jours, et il finira par ceder.' Guizot said that the failure of so many of his predictions and expectations had not in the slightest degree diminished Palmerston's confidence, and that there was in fact no use whatever ...
— The Greville Memoirs (Second Part) - A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852 - (Volume 1 of 3) • Charles C. F. Greville

... que s'ils sont jeunes, ils sont obligez de respecter ceux qui sont d'aussi noble maison qu'eux, on qui les deuancent de beaucoup en age, & sont honorez du degre de Doctorat; quoy qu'ils n'exercent aucune charge publique; Et bien plus, ils leur doiuent d'abord remettre la premiere place qu'il leur auoient defere, & en suitte auec modestie, receuoir cest honneur ...
— George Washington's Rules of Civility - Traced to their Sources and Restored by Moncure D. Conway • Moncure D. Conway

... minutes away was a hospital—what the French call an ambulance de premiere ligne, contrived out of a factory. This was the hospital nearest to the trenches in that region, and the wounded come to it direct from the dressing-stations which lie immediately behind the trenches. When a man falls, or men fall, the automobile is telephoned for, and it arrives ...
— Over There • Arnold Bennett

... week what to think if the civilians. I have heard Mr. Morsfield tell that he is 'de premiere force.' Be on your guard. You are to know that I never forget a service, and you did me one once.' 'You have reason . . . ?' ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... les pretres sur toutes les affaires de l'eglise: et pour l'execution il se servait des diacres et des ministres inferieurs. Le reste du clerge etait distribue dans les titres de la ville et de la campagne, et ne se rassemblait qu'en certaines occasions, d'ou sont venus les synodes. De cette premiere partie de clerge sont venus les chanoines des cathedrales. Il est vrai que du commencement on nommait clercs canoniques, tous ceux qui vivaient selon les canons, sous la conduite de leur eveque; et qui etaient sur le canon ou la ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 74, March 29, 1851 • Various

... midwife, I took her apartment and her business, and I added the title of "Midwife to the Opera," for all their business comes to me. They like me very much there. When I was dancing, they used to call me Mademoiselle Flacchi the premiere. ...
— A Comedy of Marriage & Other Tales • Guy De Maupassant

... was the language and so certain his voice that I had the sensation of listening to a series of events that had actually taken place. He might have been reading the communique. "Le premier homme was called Adam, and la premiere femme, Eve. Certain angels began a revolt against God; they are called the bad angels or the demons." (Certains anges se sont mis en revolte contre Dieu; il sont appelles les mauvais anges ou les demons.) "And from this original sin arrives all the troubles, Death to ...
— A Volunteer Poilu • Henry Sheahan

... talent for pouring oil on troubled waters, were in charge of the financial part of the enterprise, and theirs was the task of seeing that none of the chapter funds were used, so that no possible criticism could arise. A pretty young actress offered to give a premiere of a comedy which she was about to take on the road, for the benefit of the street, and every one was delighted until they saw a rehearsal. It was one of those estranged-husband-one-cocktail-too-many farces, full of innuendo and profanity. J—— and his partner ...
— The Smiling Hill-Top - And Other California Sketches • Julia M. Sloane

... sens different: il signifiait bruit, cries de joie, &c. Joinville dit dans son Histoire de Louis IX.,—'La noise que ils (les Sarrazins) menoient de leurs cors sarrazinnoiz estoit espouvantable a escouter.' Les Anglais nous ont emprunte cette expression et l'emploient dans sa premiere acception." ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 39. Saturday, July 27, 1850 • Various

... Jose de Acosta y su importancia en La literatura cientifica espanola (Madrid, 1899); C. Sommervogel, Bibliotheque de La Compagnie de Jesus, Premiere Partie (Brussels and Paris, 1890), vol. i., col. 31-42; and Edward Grimston's translation of the Historia reprinted (1880) for the Hakluyt Society with introduction and notes by Sir Clements R. ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... l'accostent, lui prennent la main, lui predisent toutes sortes de bonheurs et comme vous le pensez bien, de la fortune (il y avait une certaine ligne qui le disait et ne mentait jamais); une vie longue et heureuse, comme l'indiquait une autre ligne, aussi veridique que la premiere. Ma mere ecoutait ces belles choses avec un plaisir infini, et les croyait peut-etre, lorsque la pythonisse lui dit: "Mademoiselle, approchez vos yeux; voyez-vous bien ce petit trait-la, celui qui coupe cet autre?—Je le vois.—Eh bien! ce trait annonce...—Quoi?—Que si vous ne prenez ...
— French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann

... a garrison, troupe flasque, Se rendit si piteusement Apres la premiere bourasque Du canon ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... eye, had caught his attention like the red lantern at a railroad crossing—because it contained the name of Stuart Farquaharson. The lines were these: "'The Longest Way Round,' a comedy in three acts, by Stuart Farquaharson, will have its premiere at the Garrick Theater on Monday evening. After a road engagement the piece will be presented to Broadway early in the fall. The cast includes—" But Eben had not troubled about the cast. He was speculating just now upon whether ...
— The Tyranny of Weakness • Charles Neville Buck

... Court of Appeal or Cour d'Appel; Court of the First Instance or Tribunal de Premiere Instance; Court of Administrative Law or ...
— The 2001 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... Baie du Lion Marin, & prit possession de cette terre au nom de Roi; il n'y vit aucune trace d'habitants. Monsieur de Rochegude, en 1774, a descendu dans un autre baie, que nous avons nomme Baie de l'Oiseau, & cette seconde rade est a quarantes lieues de la premiere. Il en a egalement pris possession, & il n'y trouva egalement aucune trace ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 15 (of 18) • Robert Kerr

... approximation to correctness is required. "L'astronomie moderne, en detruisant sans retour les hypotheses primitives, envisagees comme lois reelles du monde, a soigneusement maintenu leur valeur positive et permanente, la propriete de representer commodement les phenomenes quand il s'agit d'une premiere ebauche. Nos ressources a cet egard sont meme bien plus etendues, precisement a cause que nous ne nous faisons aucune illusion sur la realite des hypotheses; ce qui nous permet d'employer sans scrupule, en chaque cas, celle que nous jugeons ...
— A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive • John Stuart Mill

... Agar overdid things. The airiness of her indifference might have deceived a child of eight, provided that its intellect was not de premiere force. ...
— From One Generation to Another • Henry Seton Merriman

... they all sang—a song of the Pyrenees mountaineers, then a waltz from the cafes chantants: "Bien gentiment l'on se balade. C'est la premiere promenade—" ...
— Antwerp to Gallipoli - A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them • Arthur Ruhl

... our course is shaped across the Bight of Benin straight for the Congo. There is plenty of time therefore, to study the system of justice in the Congo. This, like everything else in the country, is essentially simple and practical. There is a Court of Premiere Instance at Boma and others called Territorial Courts at Matadi, Stanley Pool, East Kwango, The Equator, Bangalas, Aruwimi, Stanley Falls and Kassai[1]. In each Court is a Judge, an Officer of the Public Ministry and a Registrar, but in the Territorial Courts, the judge may assume ...
— A Journal of a Tour in the Congo Free State • Marcus Dorman

... les divins esprits Qui ont sous toy Hebrieu langage apris, Nous sont jettes les Pseaumes en lumiere Clairs, et au sens de la forme premiere. ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... corner of the greyish wall on which the addresses of several models were written in chalk, haphazard. The women particularly left their cards in that way, in awkward, childish handwriting. Zoe Piedefer, 7 Rue Campagne-Premiere, a big brunette, who was getting rather too stout, had scrawled her sign manual right across the names of little Flore Beauchamp, 32 Rue de Laval, and Judith Vaquez, 69 Rue du Rocher, a Jewess, both of whom were ...
— His Masterpiece • Emile Zola

... dimmed, then brightened. The picture cleared, and amazingly, another figure emerged, a woman. I recognized her; it was Whimsy White, erstwhile star of television and premiere of the "Vision Varieties of '09." She was changed on that picture, but I ...
— The Worlds of If • Stanley Grauman Weinbaum

... that at a premiere in London the least enjoyable part of the performance is the play. I have seen many audiences more interesting than the actors, and have often heard better dialogue in the foyer than I have on the stage. At the Lyceum, however, ...
— Reviews • Oscar Wilde

... dans un livre imprime a Madrid en 1729, (sic.) L'auteur des lectures amusantes, qui ne s'est pas souvenu que M. Le Sage, en avoit insere une partie dans son Diable Boiteux, l'a traduite de nouveau avec assez de liberte, mais pourtant en s'ecartant moins de l'original, et l'a inseree dans sa premiere partie a peu pres telle qu'elle se lit dans l'original Espagnol. Mais M. Le Sage l'a traitee avec de grands changements, c'est sa maniere d'embellir extremement tout ce qu'il emprunte des Espagnols. C'est ainsi qu'il en a use ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... telling you to be of good heart and await my letter. To make my action thoroughly understood I must give you a record of what happened to me from the first day I arrived in America. I found a great interest manifested in my premiere, and socially everything was done to ...
— The Fifth String, The Conspirators • John Philip Sousa

... amateur likes to see the book in its form as the author knew it. He takes a pious pleasure in the first edition of "Les Precieuses Ridicules," (M.DC.LX.) just as Moliere saw it, when he was fresh in the business of authorship, and wrote "Mon Dieu, qu'un Autheur est neuf, la premiere fois qu'on l'imprime." All editions published during a great man's life have this attraction, and seem to bring us closer to his spirit. Other volumes are relics, as we shall see later, of some famed collector, and there is a certain piety in the care we give to books once ...
— The Library • Andrew Lang

... esperonne, auec vne espee au coste, & vn cheual noir a la porte'.[94] Francoise Secretain of Saint Claud in 1598 stated 'qu'elle s'estoit donnee au Diable, lequel auoit lors la semblance d'vn grand homme noir'; Thievenne Paget, from the same district, 'racontoit que le Diable s'apparut a elle la premiere fois en plein midy, en forme d'vn grand homme noir'; and Antide Colas 'disoit, que Satan s'apparut a elle en forme d'vn homme, de grande stature, ayant sa barbe & ses habillemens noirs'.[95] Jeanne ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... Guernsey sold (I am afraid contrary to military law) to the hero, and on which that hero performed the "melancholy air" of "Bonny Dundee."[106] There is the equally celebrated "First of the Fourth" (Premiere de la Quatrieme), which is believed to be Hugonic for the Firth of Forth. There are some others. There is an elaborate presentation of a quite impossibly named clergyman, who is, it seems, an anticipator of "le Puseysme" and an actual high-churchman, ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... condemned to pay ten thousand livres in coin, and to "build for the souls of the three children two chapels wherein mass should be said every day." [Footnote: Guillame De Nangis, as quoted in the notes to Joinville, Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, etc., par Michaud et Poujoulat, premiere serie, i., p. 335. Persons acquainted with the character and influence of the mediaeval clergy will hardly need to be informed that the ten thousand livres never found their way to the royal exchequer. It was easy to prove to the simple-minded king that, as the profits ...
— The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh

... malfaisants que favorables, et plutot moqueurs que malfaisants.... L'origine de la tradition de la Mesnie Hellequin se perd dans l'obscurite des temps. On l'entendoit surtout bruire dans les environs de la ville d'Arles.... J'ignore la premiere origine de cette locution; mais ce qui me semble incontestable, c'est qu'on confondit facilement la Mesnie Hellequin avec celle 'de la Mort,' famille bariolee de rouge et de noir, et dont le manteau de ceremonie devoit etre un grand pan de toile ou linceul. Deja le ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 • Various

... seated M. Cyprien or M. Alexandre, the bookkeeper. In this room the customers are received by a tall and very elegant young lady, invariably dressed in black satin in winter and black silk in summer. Through this soft-spoken person, who bears the title of premiere vendeuse, or first saleswoman, the customers are put into communication either with the great artist himself or simply with one of the premieres, or heads of departments, if their orders are not of sufficient importance to justify an interruption of ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885 • Various

... great scholar also; he is anxious about orthography, about the letter e Grecque, the true spelling of Latin names in French writing, and the restoration of the letter i to its primitive liberty—del' i voyelle en sa premiere liberte. His poetry is full of quaint, remote learning. He is just a little pedantic, true always to his own express judgment, that to be natural is not enough for one who in poetry desires to produce work worthy of immortality. And therewithal a certain number of Greek words, which ...
— The Renaissance - Studies in Art and Poetry • Walter Pater

... nouvelles considerations sur la cause generale des dissolutions, sur la matiere du feu; sur la couleur des corps; sur la formation des composes; sur l'origine des mineraux; et sur l'organisation des corps vivants. Lus a la premiere classe de l'Institut national, dans ses seances ordinaires. Paris, an V (1797). 1 vol. 8vo. ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... what is good nor what is bad; who eat rognons at dinner instead of at breakfast, and fall into raptures over sauce Robert and pieds de cochon; who cannot tell, at the first taste, whether the beaune is premiere qualite, or the fricassee made of yesterday's chicken; who suffer in the stomach after champignon, and die with indigestion of a truffle? O! English people, English people! why can you not stay and perish of apoplexy and ...
— Pelham, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... surely a prey to terrors lest his Vincennes vision of the non-existence of progress should have been mere madness. The success reassured him. 'Cette faveur du public, nullement brigue, et pour un auteur inconnu, me donna la premiere assurance veritable de mon talent.' He was, in fact, not 'queer,' but right; and he had seemed to be queer precisely because he was right. Now he had the courage. 'Je suis grossier,' he wrote in the preface ...
— Aspects of Literature • J. Middleton Murry

... vieillard, qui revient vers la source premiere, Entre aux jours eternels et sort des jours changeants; Et l'on voit de la flamme aux yeux des jeunes gens, Mais dans l'oeil du vieillard on ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... awaited him. No ticket reached him for the premiere; the boxes he had promised the cafe did not materialize, and the necessity of avoiding that haunt of the invited cost him several meals. But that he himself should be refused when he tried to pass ...
— Ghetto Comedies • Israel Zangwill

... Fleeming Jenkin! C'etait en Mai 1878. Nous etions tous deux membres du jury de l'Exposition Universelle. On n'avait rien fait qui vaille a la premiere seance de notre classe, qui avait eu lieu le matin. Tout le monde avait parle et reparle pour ne rien dire. Cela durait depuis huit heures; il etait midi. Je demandai la parole pour une motion d'ordre, et je proposai ...
— Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson

... d'Angleterre m'avoit ecoute assez paisiblement la premiere fois que je luy avois propose ce qu'il y avoit a faire ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

Words linked to "Premiere" :   performing arts, public presentation, world premiere, performance, premier, perform, do, first

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