"Redde" Quotes from Famous Books
... quene of Fraunce, and dame Katerine his sustre, the duke of Burgoyne metten togiders in seint Petres chirche of Troys, in the body of the same chirch; and after went thei up to the high auter, and there tharticles of the peas redde, and the othes made on either partie: and than was the kyng and dame Katerine sured togiders. And upon the morue after Trinity Sonday, that was than the iij^{d} day of Juyn, the yere of our lord m iiij^{c} and xx, in the chirch ... — A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous
... a nobis accipiendo, sed quod ei placuit promittendo. Aliter enim dicimus homini: Debes mihi, quia dedi tibi; et aliter dicimus: Debes mihi, quia promisisti mihi. Deo autem nunquam dicimus: Redde mihi, quia dedi tibi. Quid dedimus Deo, quando totum quod sumus et quod habemus boni, ab illo habemus? Nihil ergo ei dedimus.... Illo ergo modo possumus exigere Dominum nostrum ut dicamus: Redde, quod promisisti, quia fecimus quod iussisti, et hoc ... — Grace, Actual and Habitual • Joseph Pohle
... man which reasoned the Englishe tongue to be enriched and encreased thereby, sayinge, Who will not prayse that feast, where a man shall drincke at a dinner both wyne, ale, and beere? Truly (quoth I) they be al good every one taken by itself alone; but if you put malmesye and sack, redde wyne and white, ale and beere, and al in one pot, you shall make a drinke neither easye to be knowen, nor ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 17, No. 483., Saturday, April 2, 1831 • Various
... made by a riuer called Duina. They make it in other places, but not so much as there. They haue also a great trade in seething of salte water. To the North parte of that countrey are the places where they haue their Furres, as Sables, marterns, greese Beuers, Foxes white, blacke, and redde, Minkes, Ermines, Miniuer, and Harts. There are also a fishes teeth, which fish is called a Morsse. The takers thereof dwell in a place called Postesora, [Footnote: Query, Petschora?] which bring them vpon Hartes ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, • Richard Hakluyt |