"Revocatory" Quotes from Famous Books
... attacking his opponents, when he outnumbered them four to one. Would not his testimony tell better for him, if he had said that at the time he supposed he had more than eighteen thousand men before him? It is a thankless task to pursue criticism upon such capricious and revocatory evidence. ... — The Campaign of Chancellorsville • Theodore A. Dodge
... the end of the bull, I have found it necessary to simplify the phraseology considerably, while carefully preserving the sense. The passage in question, while not hard to understand in Latin, would be, if translated literally, almost unintelligible in English—a long, wordy repetition of revocatory and annulling clauses, for many of which there is no precise and brief equivalent in English. Nor is the Latin itself elegant; and a few words and phrases can only be guessed at—these, however, not affecting the real ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume XXIV, 1630-34 • Various |