"Sacre" Quotes from Famous Books
... as far as the house. You ought not, you have no right to compromise yourself further by being my confederate. Oh, croyez-moi, je serai calme. I feel that I am at this moment d la hauteur de tout ce que il y a de plus sacre...." ... — The Possessed - or, The Devils • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
... wedding festivities, and occasionally a word or two about that secondary consideration the bridegroom. The young lady was therefore somewhat inclined to take it ill of her father that he had not secured for her the eclat of an early marriage. Her departure from the convent of the Sacre Coeur, at Vevinord, was flat and tame to an extreme degree. The future lay before her, a dreary desert of home life, to be spent with a father who gorged himself daily at a greasy and savoury banquet, and who slept away the greater part of his existence; and with a mother who divided her ... — Charlotte's Inheritance • M. E. Braddon
... say a proud thing when you go home, M'sieu'—that you have beaten the old Castonnier. There are not many fishermen who can say that. But," he added, with confidential emphasis, "c'etait votre sacre p'tit poisson qui ... — Little Rivers - A Book Of Essays In Profitable Idleness • Henry van Dyke
... you've seen the new version of the 'Sacre du Prin-temps,' Miss Fancy," said Mrs. Oswald Morfey, that exceedingly modern and self-possessed ... — Mr. Prohack • E. Arnold Bennett
... yelled, "Sacre bleu!" He took two quick steps, and springing up into the air he kicked the stovepipe that ran along some seven feet above ... — The Man From Glengarry - A Tale Of The Ottawa • Ralph Connor
... un droit inviolable et sacre, nul ne peut en etre prive, si ce n'est lors que la necessite publique, legalement constatee, l'exige evidemment, et sous la condition d'une juste et ... — The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens • Georg Jellinek
... who were already corrupted, but were deceitful in the kindness they professed to him, and were likely, upon trial, to go over to his enemies, he made his escape to the upper provinces, where he afterwards raised a great army out of the Dahae and Sacre, and fought with his ... — The Antiquities of the Jews • Flavius Josephus
... Sacre! It would not take her long to wake up after that! The world was very bright indeed this afternoon, and he burst again into song in company with the voices of ... — The Barrier • Rex Beach
... Capitain; but I see someting glance behind dat rampart, parapet you call, dat look dem like de shako of de infanterie legere of dat willain de Emperor Napoleon. Ah! I see de red worsted epaulet of de grenadier also; sacre! vat is dat pof ... — Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott
... surprise and consternation, he saw the color drop out of her fresh cheeks, her round eyes fix in their sockets, and with a despairing shriek she turned and fled towards the house. The man turned at his companion's cry, gave the same horrified glance at Dick's face, uttered a hoarse "Sacre!" crossed himself ... — Tales of Trail and Town • Bret Harte
... take the mare! I've never seen so vicious a beast. She kicked Jules the last time she was here, He's been lame ever since, poor chap." Rap! Tap! Tap-a-tap-a-tap! Tap! Tap! "I'd rather be lame than dead at Waterloo, M'sieu Charles." "Sacre Bleu! Don't mention Waterloo, and the damned grinning British. We didn't run in the old days. There wasn't any running at Jena. Those were decent days, And decent men, who stood up and fought. We never got beaten, because we wouldn't be. See!" ... — Men, Women and Ghosts • Amy Lowell
... gendarmes, my little one! I should have run, but they caught me, the villains! and replaced me in the house. Oh, sacre!"—and rolling this word between his teeth, he came down and laid a little box on the counter. I opened it. There was within a large, glittering, curiously-cut piece of glass. ... — Atlantic Monthly Vol. 3, No. 16, February, 1859 • Various |