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Sinaitic   Listen
Sinaitic, Sinaic  adj.  Of or pertaining to Mount Sinai; given or made at Mount Sinai; as, the Sinaitic law.
Sinaitic manuscript, a fourth century Greek manuscript of the part Bible, discovered at Mount Sinai (the greater part of it in 1859) by Tisschendorf, a German Biblical critic; called also Codex Sinaiticus.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sinaitic" Quotes from Famous Books

... grand and barren mountains, amid affections and simplicities,—years which must have familiarized him with every road and cattle-drive and sheep-track, every hill and peak, every wady and watercourse, every timber-belt and oasis in the Sinaitic wilderness, through which his providentially trained military instincts were to safely conduct a vast multitude,—Moses, still strong and laborious, is fitted for his exalted mission as a deliverer. And now he is directly called by the voice of God himself, amid the ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume II • John Lord

... 385), not only travels through Syria, she visits Lower Egypt and Stony or Sinaitic Arabia, and even Edessa in Northern Mesopotamia, on the very borders of hostile and heathen Persia. "To see the monks" she wanders through Osrhoeene, comes to Haran, near which was "the home of Abraham and the farm of Laban and the well of Rachel," to the environs of Nisibis and Ur ...
— Prince Henry the Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460 A.D. • C. Raymond Beazley

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