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Soldering   Listen
Soldering  n.  A. & n. from Solder, v. t.
Soldering iron, Soldering tool, an instrument for soldering, consisting of a bit or bolt of copper having a pointed or wedge-shaped end, and furnished with a handle.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Soldering" Quotes from Famous Books

... no use your attempting anything till you're well grounded in the theory of the art, which you will gain by using your eyes. All you have to do at first is to look on; watch me when I grind a knife or a pair of scissors; be attentive when you see me soldering a pot, or putting a patch upon a kettle; see how I turn my hand when I'm grinding, how I beat out the iron when I mend; and learn how to heat the tools when I solder. In a month you will know how things are to be done in theory, and after ...
— The Poacher - Joseph Rushbrook • Frederick Marryat

... enter the hall-door, when his attention was directed towards that of the kitchen by a rather loud hammering, and on turning his eyes to the spot he found two or three tinkers very busily engaged in soldering, clasping, and otherwise repairing certain vessels belonging to that warm and spacious establishment. The leader of these vagrants was a man named Philip Hogan, a fellow of surprising strength and desperate character, whose feats of hardihood and daring had given him a fearful notoriety ...
— The Emigrants Of Ahadarra - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two • William Carleton

... in "terne plate." T his plate is rarely used except for roofing. The "bright plate," used for tin cans and other purposes, scarcely ever contains any lead except the small portion in solder. In soldering, ZnCl2 is employed for a flux. Sn, Pb, and Zn are somewhat soluble in vegetable acids. If citric acid be present, as it usually is, citrates of these metals are formed, and all of them are poisonous. The action is far more rapid after opening the can, since oxidation is hastened. Hence ...
— An Introduction to Chemical Science • R.P. Williams

... finds a piece of soldering to do which is impossible to reach with even the smallest of the ordinary soldering irons or coppers. If a length of copper wire as large as the job will permit and sufficiently long to admit being bent at one end to form a rough handle, ...
— The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things For Boys To Do • Popular Mechanics

... I got religion and steadied down They gave me a job in the canning works, And every morning I had to fill The tank in the yard with gasoline, That fed the blow-fires in the sheds To heat the soldering irons. And I mounted a rickety ladder to do it, Carrying buckets full of the stuff. One morning, as I stood there pouring, The air grew still and seemed to heave, And I shot up as the tank exploded, And down I came with both legs broken, And my eyes burned crisp as a couple of eggs. For someone ...
— Spoon River Anthology • Edgar Lee Masters

... Thinking it was tied, I released it, and alas! the flow at once started again; once more I seized the vein, and once again Voigtman tried to tie it. Useless—we could not stop the blood. He would undoubtedly have bled to death before our eyes, had not Voigtman cauterized the place with an electric soldering-iron ...
— The Diary of a U-boat Commander • Anon

... find the geometrical lid of the Leaf-cutters, the pile of disks tight-set in the mouth of the jar. The bag is closed with a cotton sheet whose edges are soldered by a felting-process to the edges of the opening. The soldering is so well done that the honey-pouch and its cover form an indivisible whole. Immediately above it, the second cell is constructed, having its own base. At the beginning of this work, the insect takes care to join the two storeys by felting the ceiling of the first to the floor of the second. Thus ...
— Bramble-bees and Others • J. Henri Fabre

... just twisted together and then bound with tape to form a joint. Twisted wires sometimes break and sometimes come loose; then an arc forms, and the house catches fire. Good wiring always means soldering every joint and screwing the ends of the wires tightly into the switches or sockets ...
— Common Science • Carleton W. Washburne

... not care to bother with the soldering you can purchase a safe and simple device that will do the work for you. This device is called a tin-can sealer. With a sealer no soldering is necessary. Even an inexperienced person, by following directions carefully, can seal a can as ...
— Every Step in Canning • Grace Viall Gray

... These were proud and vain people. Then he saw another fire, where the fiends were putting out people's eyes and pouring molten brass and lead into the sockets, and tearing off their arms and the nails of their feet and hands, and soldering them on again. This was the doom of swearers. William saw other fires wherein the devils were executing tortures varied and horrible on their unfortunate victims. We ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 4 • Charles Dudley Warner

... acid, and sulphuric acid were also used to affect the colour of the wood. This treatment lessened its lasting power, and often caused its decay through the attacks of worms. The scorching was done with molten lead, or in very dark places with a soldering-iron. It is now done with hot sand. The following technical description is taken from a German book of 1669—"Wood-workers paint with quite thin little bits of wood, which are coloured in different ways, and the same are put together after the form of the design ...
— Intarsia and Marquetry • F. Hamilton Jackson

... mercury in a tube like that of a thermometer until it connects two platinum wires fused through the glass and in circuit with a bell. Some employ a curving bi-metallic spring to make the necessary contact. The spring is made by soldering strips of brass and iron back to back, and as these metals expand unequally when heated, the spring is deformed, and touches the contact which is connected in the circuit, thus permitting the current to ring the bell. A still better device, however, is a small ...
— The Story Of Electricity • John Munro

... scattered far apart, with miles and miles of prairie land stretching between them, and sometimes woodland and rivers, too, separated one village from the next. At night he usually earned his crust of bread and lodgings by mending the teakettle or wash-boiler of some farmer's wife, or by soldering on the handle of her tin cup or the knob to her tea-pot, as he always carried in one of his coat pockets a small charcoal stove and a bit of solder. He always carried under his arm or over his shoulder a green baize bag, and when the mending was done ...
— The Junior Classics • Various

... permitted or suffered to work in any capacity (1) in, about or in connection with any processes in which dangerous or poisonous acids are used; (2) nor in the manufacture or packing of paints, colors, white or red lead; (3) nor in soldering; (4) nor in occupation causing dust in injurious quantities; (5) nor in the manufacture or use of dangerous or poisonous dyes; (6) nor in the manufacture or preparation of compositions with dangerous ...
— Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 • Anonymous

... the joys of tinkering, "the happiest life under heaven . . . pitching your tent under the pleasant hedge-row, listening to the song of the feathered tribes, collecting all the leaky kettles in the neighbourhood, soldering and joining, earning your honest bread by the wholesome sweat of ...
— The Life of George Borrow • Herbert Jenkins

... engineer's hammer. 3 tomahawks. 1 saw. 1 small flat iron anvil. 1 small pair of bellows. 1 iron windlass-handle and fittings. 1 1-inch chisel. 1 brace and bits. 1 3/4 inch auger bit. 1 emery stone. 4 iron dishes. 1 sieve-dish. 1 iron dolly. 1 soldering iron for mending water casks. 2 sticks solder for mending water casks. 1 bottle spirits of salts for mending water casks. 1 case of tools. Screwdriver, small saw, hammer, chisel, file, gimlet, leather-punch, wire nipper, screw wrench, large scissors, &c. ...
— Spinifex and Sand - Five Years' Pioneering and Exploration in Western Australia • David W Carnegie

... princes modestly play their part, Speeding the silent process of soldering heart to heart, Just as the forces of Nature silently swell the bud, For blood may be thicker than water, but Trade ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, January 28th, 1920 • Various

... lady, every inch," said Bill, relenting suddenly and completely. "We'll see you gets home safe. An' about this engine—Jim—ain't you got ne'er a pal as can use a soldering iron? Seems to me that's about all the little ...
— The Railway Children • E. Nesbit

... competition of electric lighting, so important an industry that we shall do well to glance at the processes which it includes. Coal gas may be produced on a very small scale as follows:—Fill a tin canister (the joints of which have been made by folding the metal, not by soldering) with coal, clap on the lid, and place it, lid downwards, in a bright fire, after punching a hole in the bottom. Vapour soon begins to issue from the hole. This is probably at first only steam, due to the coal ...
— How it Works • Archibald Williams

... back to his wife's room; but the father was there no longer. Clemence had now been placed in a leaden coffin, and workmen were employed in soldering the cover. Jules returned, horrified by the sight; the sound of the hammers the men were using made him mechanically burst ...
— Ferragus • Honore de Balzac

... remarkable success and variety. Their wing was formed by the extension of a great fold of skin on the enormously elongated outermost finger, and they varied from the size of a sparrow to a spread of over five feet. A soldering of the dorsal vertebrae as in our Flying Birds was an adaptation to striking the air with some force, but as there is not more than a slight keel, if any, on the breast-bone, it is unlikely that they could fly far. For we know from our modern birds that the power ...
— The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) - A Plain Story Simply Told • J. Arthur Thomson

... in water, take one of these laces and coil it round and round as in "a," soldering it together with water rubbed on and into the joints. Keep on adding, shaping and rubbing, till you have a saucer about three inches across and a quarter of an inch thick. Put this away in some shady place to set, or harden a little; otherwise it would ...
— Woodland Tales • Ernest Seton-Thompson

Words linked to "Soldering" :   soldering flux, bonding, solder, soldering iron

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