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Sulphureous   Listen
Sulphureous  adj.  Consisting of sulphur; having the qualities of sulphur, or brimstone; impregnated with sulphur. "Her snakes united, sulphureous waters drink."

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"Sulphureous" Quotes from Famous Books

... Pylae, which signifies gates, was a name applied by the Greeks to divers passes, or defiles, but especially to the pass of Thermopylae, which opened through the ridges of Mount Oeta into the country of the Epicnemidian Locrians, and was so called from the hot sulphureous springs that gushed from the foot of the mountain.] would take away their revenues? Surely not. And yet these things have occurred, as all mankind may know. You behold Philip, I said, a dispenser of gifts and promises: pray, if you are wise, that you may never know him for a cheat ...
— The Olynthiacs and the Phillippics of Demosthenes • Demosthenes

... surge— Fly far—already louder thunders roll, And more terrific flames arise! Oh, spare, Dread Power! for sure some deity abides Deep in the central earth, amidst the reek Of sacrifice and blue sulphureous fume 220 Involved. Perhaps the living Moloch[171] there Rules in his horrid empire, amid flames, Thunders, and blackening volumes, that ascend And wrap his burning throne! So was their path, To those who first the cheerless ocean roamed, Darkened with dread and ...
— The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Vol. 1 • William Lisle Bowles

... far below, Gennesaret's main Spreads many a mile of liquid plain, (Though all seem gathered in one eager bound,) Then narrowing cleaves you palmy lea, Towards that deep sulphureous sea, Where five proud cities lie, by one dire ...
— The Christian Year • Rev. John Keble

... Time was Ortygia on the waves "Floated, now firm she rests. Argo, first ship "Dreaded the isles Cyanean scatter'd round "And clashing oft amid the roaring waves; "Which rest unmov'd now, and the winds despise. "Nor Etna whose sulphureous furnace flames "Will always burn; time was it burn'd not yet: "For let earth be an animated mass, "Which lives, and breathing holes in various parts "Exhaling flame, possesses, she may change, "Each time she moves, ...
— The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidus Naso in English blank verse Vols. I & II • Ovid

... strip Peter, you will see a fellow Scorched by Hell's hyperequatorial climate Into a kind of a sulphureous yellow: A lean mark, hardly fit to fling a rhyme at; In shape a Scaramouch, in hue Othello. 45 If you unveil my Witch, no priest nor primate Can shrive you of that sin,—if sin there be In love, when it ...
— The Witch of Atlas • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... thou wentest swimmingly; or, when it was their pleasure, stoodest still with sailor-like patience. Thy course was natural, not forced, as in a hot-bed; nor didst thou go poisoning the breath of ocean with sulphureous smoke—a great sea-chimaera, chimneying and furnacing the deep; or liker to that ...
— The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, Volume 2 • Charles Lamb

... great thunderclap which was heard all of a sudden in the middle of clear fine weather, the winter after Sidonia's death, and the numberless mock suns that appeared in different places, or of that strange rain, when a sulphureous matter, like starch in appearance, fell from the air (item, a snow-white pike was caught at Colzow in Wellin, seven quarters long, and half an ell broad, with red round eyes, and red fins), a stranger wonder than all was seen at Wolgast; for suddenly, during a review held there, one ...
— Sidonia The Sorceress V2 • William Mienhold

... hath variety of examples, and gives his reader full satisfaction of all such sounds by way of demonstration. [2708]At Barrey, an isle in the Severn mouth, they seem to hear a smith's forge; so at Lipari, and those sulphureous isles, and many such like, which Olaus speaks of in the continent of Scandia, and those northern countries. Cardan de rerum var. l. 15, c. 84, mentioneth a woman, that still supposed she heard the devil call her, and speaking ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... and stones, mingled with particles of their arms and clothing, as well as fragments of the torn flesh of some victims, on the missile exploding in a sheet of crackling flame, with a rasping, tearing noise—all combined with the thick sulphureous cloud of gunpowder which hung over the battlefield, half asphyxiating the combatants, whose hoarse cries of rage and hatred could be heard above the noise of the cannon and discharges of musketry, mixed up with the words of command of their different officers, the "En avant, mes amis!" of the ...
— Fritz and Eric - The Brother Crusoes • John Conroy Hutcheson

... the waste where no bird flies, nor husbandman ploughs, nor voice of man sounds." The "accursed spirit" obeys, and he appears all black, "with sharp visage and ample beard. His locks hung to his ankles, his eyes were scattering fiery sparks, sulphureous flame stood in his mouth, he was frightfully feather-clad."[126] This is already the devil of the Mysteries, the one described by Rabelais, almost in the same words. We can imagine the effect of so minute a picture on the Saxon herdsmen assembled ...
— A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand

... the rude confusion into which his household goods had been thrown, and impatient till his mansion was purified from all marks of intrusion. In his anger he uttered more orders than the limited number of his domestics were likely to find time or hands to execute. "The villains have left such sulphureous steams behind them, too," said the old knight, "as if old Davie Leslie and the whole Scottish army had quartered ...
— Woodstock; or, The Cavalier • Sir Walter Scott

... ground. 'Cease now!' cried St Cuthman, 'vain is your toil! Come forth from the dyke! Leave your pick in the soil! You agreed to work 'tween sunset and morn, And lo! the glimmer of day is born! In vain was your fag, And your senseless brag.' Dizzy and dazed with sulphureous vapour, Old Nick was deceived by St Ursula's taper. 'The dawn!' yelled the Devil, 'in vain was my boast, That I'd have your soul, for I've lost it, I've lost!' 'Away!' cried St Cuthman, 'Foul fiend! away! See yonder approaches the dawn of day! Return to the flames ...
— A Mere Accident • George Moore

... these springs we noticed a large open tub in which the family washing was being done in the natural hot water thus supplied; but the water was yellow, and gave off a sulphureous odour—although it did not ...
— A Girl's Ride in Iceland • Ethel Brilliana Alec-Tweedie

... long been asleep before she was suddenly aroused by the apparent report of a pistol, seemingly discharged close to her head. Awakened so instantaneously, her recollection, for a time, was confused and imperfect. She was only sensible of a strong, sulphureous scent: but she soon remembered that she had left two candles burning, and every object was now shrouded in darkness. This alarmed her exceedingly. What could have become of the candles? They must have been blown out or taken away. What was the sound she had just heard?——What ...
— Alonzo and Melissa - The Unfeeling Father • Daniel Jackson, Jr.

... sulphureous fountaines, and cast forth a stinking smell a farre off, especially in the winter season, and when the weather is coldest. They are all noysome to smell to, and cold to touch, without any manifest, or actuall heat at all; by reason ...
— Spadacrene Anglica - The English Spa Fountain • Edmund Deane

... spiritum exhalantes. It may appear wonderful; but the Amonians were determined in the situation both of their cities and temples by these strange phaenomena. They esteemed no places so sacred as those where there were fiery eruptions, uncommon steams, and sulphureous exhalations. In Armenia, near [112]Comana, and Camisena, was the temple of [113]Anait, or fountain of the Sun. It was a Persic and Babylonish Deity, as well as an Armenian, which was honoured with Puratheia, where the rites of fire were ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant

... powerful remedies for the preservation of life? Near Avernus and Acheron are situated that barren land whence rises continually a salutary vapour, which is a cure for several diseases, and those hot-springs that vomit hot and sulphureous cinders. I have seen the baths which Nature has prepared; but the avarice of physicians has rendered them of doubtful use. This does not, however, prevent them from being visited by the invalids of all the neighbouring towns. These hollowed mountains dazzle us with the lustre of their ...
— The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch

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