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Symposium   Listen
Symposium  n.  (pl. symposia)  
A drinking together; a merry feast.
A collection of short essays by different authors on a common topic; so called from the appellation given to the philosophical dialogue by the Greeks.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Symposium" Quotes from Famous Books

... German newspapers have been organising a symposium on the subject of how to spend the coming Christmas. Herr ARTHUR VON GWINNER, director of the Deutsche Bank, is evidently something of a humourist. "More than ever," he says, "in the exercise of works of love and charity." We rather doubt whether the Herr Direktor's irony ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, December 30, 1914 • Various

... and Vice-President Wilson, who were ready to discuss the conditions of the temperance reform which they had come to advocate. Down in the dining-room the "Chi-Alpha" Society of distinguished ministers are holding their Saturday evening symposium; in the parlor my Irish guest, the Earl of Meath, is describing to me his philanthropies in London, and his Countess is describing her organization of "Ministering Children." In the library, Whittier is writing at the table; or Mr. Fulton is narrating his missionary work in China; ...
— Recollections of a Long Life - An Autobiography • Theodore Ledyard Cuyler

... What did it really matter how long they dawdled? She could hear in anticipation their voices and the laughter that would tell her of their coming. In a very little while it would be a reality, and, after all, the pleasure of a good symposium over Sally's betrothal was still to come. She and Gerry and the two principals had not spoken of it together yet. That would be a real happiness. How seldom it was that an engagement to marry gave such complete satisfaction to bystanders! And, after all, ...
— Somehow Good • William de Morgan

... greener—reapers stood at the crosses of villages, towns, and cities, passing from one to another comfortless quaichs of sma' yill, with their straw-bound sickles hanging idle across their shoulders, and with unhired-looking faces, as ragged a company as if you were to dream of a Symposium of Scarecrows. Alarmed imagination beheld harvest treading on ...
— Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2 • John Wilson

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