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Tenne   Listen
Tenne  n.  (Her.) A tincture, rarely employed, which is considered as an orange color or bright brown. It is represented by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter, crossed by vertical lines.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tenne" Quotes from Famous Books

... himselfe in debt For twelue dayes' wonder, hoping so to get; He is a gull whose conscience is a block, Not to take interest, but wastes his stock; He is a gull who cannot haue a whore, But brags how much he spends upon her score; He is a gull that for commoditie Payes tenne times ten, and sells the same for three; He is a gull who, passing finicall, Peiseth each word to be rhetoricall; And, to conclude, who selfe-conceitedly Thinks al men guls, ther's ...
— The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Christopher Marlowe

... for two shillinges frenche ys not equall in valewe (asI nowe takeyt) to two shillinges Englishe: and much lesse equall to the florens in Chaucers tyme, whiche was of the valewe of thre shillings, fowre pence, or halfe a noble, or, at the leaste, of two shillinges tenne pence farthinge, as apperethe by recorde and historye: some of them being called florens de scuto or of the valewe of the shelde or frenche crowne and some of them called florens regall. Whereof yo{u} shall fynde, in ...
— Animaduersions uppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's workes - 1865 edition • Francis Thynne

... no issue, the bulk of his extensive property went to his nephew, Henry Bradshaw; but there were various legacies, and among them the following in one group in the second codicil,—"To old Margarett ffive markes, to Mr. Marcham^t. Nedham tenne pounds, and to Mr. John Milton tenne poundes." There is nothing here to settle the disputed question of Milton's cousinship, on his mother's side, with Bradshaw.[1] The legacy was a trifling one, equivalent to L35 now; and, as Needham and Milton are associated on terms of equality, Bradshaw must ...
— The Life of John Milton, Volume 5 (of 7), 1654-1660 • David Masson

... counsell of state (if at my death he shall then be living) all my Italian, French and Spanish bookes, as well printed as unprinted, being in number about Three hundred and fortie, namely my new and perfect dictionary, as also my tenne dialogues in Italian and English and my unbound volume of divers written collections and rapsodies, most heartilie entreating his Honorable Lordshippe (as hee once promised mee) to accept of them as a ...
— Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592 • Arthur Acheson

... I set on towardes Thetford, dauncing that tenne mile in three houres; for I left Bury somewhat after seauen in the morning, and was at Thetford somewhat after ten that same forenoone. But, indeed, considering how I had been booted the other iourneys before, and that all this way, or the most of it, was ouer a heath, it was ...
— Kemps Nine Daies Wonder - Performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich • William Kemp

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