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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Thrid   Listen
Thrid  v. t.  (past & past part. thridded; pres. part. thridding)  
To pass through in the manner of a thread or a needle; to make or find a course through; to thread. "Some thrid the mazy ringlets of her hair." "And now he thrids the bramble bush." "I began To thrid the musky-circled mazes."
To make or effect (a way or course) through something; as, to thrid one's way through a wood.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Thrid" Quotes from Famous Books

... Who dotes on forest tramps and savages. Why, at the best, they are the worst of men; And this Tecumseh has so strained my temper, So over-stept my wishes, thrid my orders, That I would sooner ask the devil's aid Than such ...
— Tecumseh: A Drama • Charles Mair

... the moon, But a thing "beneath our shoon:" [A] 50 Let the bold Discoverer thrid In his bark the polar sea; Rear who will a pyramid; [5] Praise it is enough for me, If there be but three or four 55 Who will ...
— The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. II. • William Wordsworth

... shaggy gray mare upon whose back I thrid the great pine forests daily, much to my delight. Nothing seems so restorative to me as a ...
— Sidney Lanier • Edwin Mims

... bundyn be. He speryt the conwyne off the land, And quha the castell had in hand. And thai him tauld all halily; And syne amang them priuely Thai ordanyt, that he still suld be In hiddillis, and in priwete, Till Palme Sonday, that wes ner hand, The thrid day eftyr folowand. For than the folk off that countre Assemblyt at the kyrk wald be; And thai, that in the castell wer, Wald als be thar, thar palmys to ber, As folk that had na dreid off ill; For thai thoucht all wes at thair will. Than suld he cum with his twa men. Bot, for that men suld nocht ...
— Waverley Volume XII • Sir Walter Scott

... did nott greatlie advance thair kingdome of darknes, nether yit was it able utterlie to extingueise the trewth: For albeit, that in the dayis of Kingis James the Secund and Thrid, we fynd small questioun of religioun moved within this Realme, yit in the tyme of King James the Fourt, in the saxt year of his reigne, and in the twenty-twa yeir of his age, which was in the year of God 1494, war summoned befoir the King and his Great Counsell, by Robert Blackedar called Archebischope ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

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