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Tressed   Listen
Tressed  adj.  
Having tresses.
Formed into ringlets or braided; braided; curled.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tressed" Quotes from Famous Books

... shall stop the passage of the ayre: This punishment the pittilesse may moue. With teares out of the Channels of mine eyes She'st quench her thirst as duly as they fall: Kinde words vnkindest meate I can deuise, My sweet, my faire, my good, my best of all. Ile binde her then with my torne-tressed haire, And racke her with a thousand holy wishes; Then, on a place prepared for her there, Ile execute her with a thousand kisses. Thus will I crucifie, my cruell shee; Thus Ile plague her ...
— Minor Poems of Michael Drayton • Michael Drayton

... surrounded Van Twiller's inamorata left us free to indulge in the wildest conjectures. Whether she was black-tressed Melpomene, with bowl and dagger, or Thalia, with the fair hair and the laughing face, was only to be guessed at. It was popularly conceded, however, that Van Twiller was on the point of ...
— Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski • Thomas Bailey Aldrich

... freedom of speech in the gallery, where the uncle and aunt held anxious counsel over the poor little dark-tressed head that still lay upon good Johanna's knees. The dame was indignant and resolute: "Take the child back with him into a very nest of robbers!—her own innocent dove whom they had shielded from all evil like a very nun in a cloister! She ...
— The Dove in the Eagle's Nest • Charlotte M. Yonge

... of the sea, Or lake, or fount, or stream, Enchants from their ancestral heaven of waters To Naiad it through the unfrothing air; My song enchants so out of undulous dream The glimmering shapes of its dim-tressed daughters, And missions each to be thy minister. Saying; "O ye, The organ-stops of being's harmony; The blushes on existence's pale face, Lending it sudden grace; Without whom we should but guess Heaven's worth By blank negations of this sordid earth, (So haply to the blind may light Be but gloom's ...
— Sister Songs • Francis Thompson

... libation, and thrice, my Lady Moon, I speak this spell:- Be it with a friend that he lingers, be it with a leman he lies, may he as clean forget them as Theseus, of old, in Dia—so legends tell—did utterly forget the fair-tressed Ariadne. ...
— Theocritus, Bion and Moschus rendered into English Prose • Andrew Lang

... the devil! Do you think I want your stupid island in order to live there like Robinson Crusoe? I shall want something to sweeten my life in that desert. Over there I have reveled in a surfeit of embraces from black-eyed, sable-tressed women; now, after seeing Noemi's golden locks and blue eyes, I am quite mad about her. And then she struck me in the face, and drove me away; I must have payment for that. Is there a nobler revenge than to give a kiss for a blow? I will be ...
— Timar's Two Worlds • Mr Jkai

... in this idyllic country, the beloved Grevire of the melodious Romand speech, where "the houses are high with roofs leaning far towards the ground, where the plums are so ripe they fall with the breeze, where there are oats and tressed wheat, cows black and white and rich cheese, black goats, too, and horned oxen—and ...
— The Counts of Gruyere • Mrs. Reginald de Koven

... garlands, and lay them As a crown on his brow, many-tressed, But our feet shall refrain not nor stay them: 'Tis the joy that the Muses have blest. For our king is returned as from prison, The old king, to be master again, Our beloved in justice re-risen: With guile he hath slain... But cry, ...
— The Electra of Euripides • Euripides

... Nine vellers tressed like den-pins - dey goed to de end' der hall. Und dwo Hans Wurst, shack-puddin' glowns - dey rolled at em mit a ball. De balls vas paintet peaudiful; dey was vifdeen feet aroundt; Und de rule ov de came: "whoefer cot hidt, moost doomple on ...
— The Breitmann Ballads • Charles G. Leland

... and glorious, That he feasts—the Lord of War? When his Empire's life, victorious, Saved from Charles the Russian Tsar? Greet they Catharine's saint, those thunders? Hath she given a Prince to life? Of our Giant-Tsar of Wonders, She, the raven-tressed wife? ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845 • Various

... friendly lips; then orders gifts to be carried to my ships, of heavy gold and sawn ivory, and loads the hulls with massy silver and cauldrons [467-502]of Dodona, a mail coat triple-woven with hooks of gold, and a helmet splendid with spike and tressed plumes, the armour of Neoptolemus. My father too hath his gifts. Horses besides he brings, and grooms . . . fills up the tale of our oarsmen, and ...
— The Aeneid of Virgil • Virgil

... diaphanous texture; her array was very simple, to be sure, but it looked imposing and festal because it was so clear, full, and floating; a veil shadowed her head, and hung below her knee; a little wreath of pink flowers fastened it to her thickly tressed Grecian plait, and thence it fell softly on each side of her face. Singular to state, she was, or had been crying; when I asked her if she were ready, she said "Yes, monsieur," with something very like a checked sob; and when I took a shawl, which lay on the table, ...
— The Professor • (AKA Charlotte Bronte) Currer Bell

... thy sire and the hero thy spouse, while near thee thy mother Sits in her ivory chair, as she plaits ambrosial tresses. All night long thou wilt shine; all day thou wilt feast on Olympus, Happy, the guest of the gods, by thy husband, the god-begotten.' Blissful, they turned them to go: but the fair-tressed Pallas Athene Rose, like a pillar of tall white cloud, toward silver Olympus; Far above ocean and shore, and the peaks of the isles and the mainland; Where no frost nor storm is, in clear blue windless abysses, High in the home of the summer, the seats of the happy Immortals, Shrouded ...
— Andromeda and Other Poems • Charles Kingsley

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