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Tuque   Listen
Tuque  n.  A kind of warm cap winter wear, made from a knit bag with closed tapered ends by pushing one end within the other, thus making a conical cap of double thickness. "Picturesque fellow with tuques, red sashes, and fur coats."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tuque" Quotes from Famous Books

... knapsack, saying "permettit me," as she unfastened the straps of Coristine's, and removed that burden, which she deposited upon a table in the sitting-room adjoining the hall. Pierre, a bald-headed French-Canadian, hiding his lack of hair under a red tuque, and sporting a white moustache of large dimensions, arrived too late to help the schoolmaster, but he elevated his eyebrows, grimaced, rubbed his hands, and slid his feet apart, ...
— Two Knapsacks - A Novel of Canadian Summer Life • John Campbell

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