"Unreturned" Quotes from Famous Books
... very fond of Milly. Of that fact there could be no possible doubt; and I think he had already begun to suffer keenly from the knowledge that his love was unreturned. That he hoped against hope at this time—that he counted fully on his power to win her in the future, I know. He was too wise to precipitate matters by any untimely avowal of his feelings. ... — Milly Darrell and Other Tales • M. E. Braddon
... the beginning she had found Elfrida's passionate admiration so novel and so sweet that her heart was half won before they came, together in completer intimacy, and she gave her new original friend a meed of affection which seemed to strengthen as it instinctively felt itself unreturned—at least in kind. Elfrida retracted none of her admiration, and she added to it, when she ceded her sympathy, the freedom of a fortified city; but Janet hungered for more. Inwardly she cried out for the something warm and ... — A Daughter of To-Day • Sara Jeannette Duncan (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes)
... please the object of it. The consciousness of this fact embittered much of Petrea's life; but it conducted her by degrees to a love in which tact and address are of no consequence, and which is never unreturned. ... — The Home • Fredrika Bremer
... a passion which, like certain powerful drugs, acts differently upon each different constitution of temper; love also acts more strongly when it is unreturned or thwarted than when it is mutual and uneventful. If two persons love each other truly, and there is no obstacle to their union, it is probable that, without any violent emotion, their love will grow and become ... — Saracinesca • F. Marion Crawford
... end of the stick and swinging the whole business unaided on my back. Two new guards—or rather gendarmes—were now officially put in charge of my person; and the three of us passed down the lane, much to the interest of the sentinel, to whom I bade a vivid and unreturned adieu. I can see him perfectly as he stares stupidly at us, a queer shape in the gloom, ... — The Enormous Room • Edward Estlin Cummings
... appearance, but retired immediately. However, the sultan knew her; and said to the labourer, "Wilt thou dispose of this damsel?" "I cannot, my lord," replied the labourer, "for my soul is wholly occupied with her love, though as yet unreturned." "May thy love be rewarded!" exclaimed the sultan; "but bring her with thee at sunset to the palace." "To hear is to obey," ... — The Arabian Nights Entertainments Complete • Anonymous |