"Wey" Quotes from Famous Books
... ta'en the puir thief Trumps—alias Rodgers—into his hoosehold likewise, and made him a flunkey. Mrs Brentwood—Dory, as he ca's her—didna quite like the notion at first; but the Colonel's got a wonderfu' wheedlin' wey wi' him, an' whan he said, 'If you an' I have been redeemed an' reinstated, why should not Rodgers?' Dory, like a wise woman, gied in. The argement, ye ken, was unanswerable. Onywie, he's in ... — The Garret and the Garden • R.M. Ballantyne
... iustnesse of our cause, And he's no man their number that will wey; Thus our great Grandsire purchas'd his applause, The more they are, the greater is our prey, We'll hand in hand wade into dangers iawes, And let report to England this Conuey That it for me no Ransome e'r shall rayse, Either I'le Conquer, or here ... — The Battaile of Agincourt • Michael Drayton
... Lordschipe shall draw to good remembrance, and wey the great and havye murmur against me, bayth be the Quenis Grace, the Kirk men, Spirituall and Temporall Estaitis, and weall gevin people, meanyng, crying, and murmuring me greattumlie, that I do nott my office to thole sick infamouse ... — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... county from the west at Farnham, with the old Way along the chalk ridge, and I leave it by Titsey on the east. Of course, not all the Surrey villages belong to the ridge, though the chief towns lie along it. Other villages set themselves along the banks of the two Surrey rivers, the Wey and the Mole, and there are separate little groups like the villages of the Fold country, or on the plateaux of the Downs round Epsom, or between Chertsey and Windsor on the Thames. These group themselves ... — Highways and Byways in Surrey • Eric Parker
... as the more Western Indians term it. There is in the early red Indian mythology really no God; only more or less powerful magicians.] And when he that was the racer of the village met the young man, the youth said, "Who art thou?" and he replied, "I am Wey-ad-esk" (the Northern Lights, M.); "but who art thou?" And he answered, "I am Wosogwodesk" (the Chain Lightning). And they ran. In an instant they were no longer in sight; they were far away over the most distant hills. Then all sat and waited, ... — The Algonquin Legends of New England • Charles Godfrey Leland
... seventeenth-century town hall, with its great clock projecting half-way across the street towards the Corn Exchange, with its classic stone portico, a most charming picture is spread before one. The steep street dropping down to the river Wey, with the great green slopes of the Hog's Back rising immediately beyond, framed in with quaint gabled fronts and projecting windows. The castle, though very much in ruins, still possesses its huge square keep standing upon an artificial ... — What to See in England • Gordon Home |