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Whip-poor-will   Listen
Whip-poor-will  n.  (Written also whippowil)  (Zool.) An American bird (Antrostomus vociferus) allied to the nighthawk and goatsucker; so called in imitation of the peculiar notes which it utters in the evening.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Whip-poor-will" Quotes from Famous Books

... the sound that had awakened her came again—a curious, hoarse call, given in imitation of a whip-poor-will, but badly done. No bird had uttered that cry, and Bessie, country bred, listening intently, knew it. Silently she rose and slipped on moccasins that belonged to Minnehaha, and a dress. And then, making no more noise than a cat would have done, she crept to the opening in the front of ...
— A Campfire Girl's First Council Fire - The Camp Fire Girls In the Woods • Jane L. Stewart

... were stealing out, and gleaming down as if with pitying glance upon the young wanderers; but they could not light up their pathway, or point their homeward track. The only sound, save the lulling murmur of the rippling stream below, was the plaintive note of the whip-poor-will, from a gnarled oak that grew near them, and the harsh grating scream of the night hawk, darting about in the higher regions of the air, pursuing its noisy congeners, or swooping down with that peculiar ...
— Canadian Crusoes - A Tale of The Rice Lake Plains • Catharine Parr Traill

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