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Duplex   /dˈuplˌɛks/   Listen

(used technically of a device or process) having two parts.
Allowing communication in opposite directions simultaneously.  "Duplex telephony"

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"Duplex" Quotes from Famous Books

... amantissimus. Nam ut omittam loca sparsa, quae ex monumentis veterum conquisita, nostram fidem apposite affirmateque propugnant; tenemus horum integra volumina, quae de industria religionem, quam tuemur, evangelicam distincte copioseque dilucidant. Duplex Hierarchia Martyris Dionysii[38] quas classes, quae sacra, quos ritus edocet? Pupugit ea res Lutherum[39] tam valde, ut huius opera "simillima somniis, nec non perniciosissima" iudicaret. Imitatus parentem Caussaeus,[40] ...
— Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name • Edmund Campion

... stimulating motive drawn from the thought of what Israel's army fought for,—'Our people, and the cities of our God.' Patriotism and devotion coalesced, and, like two contiguous flames in some duplex lamp, each made the other burn the brighter. So we may feel that we have the highest good of 'our people,' our brethren, in view, and that, in helping them and warring against evil, we are fighting for ...
— Expositions Of Holy Scripture - Volume I: St. Luke, Chaps. I to XII • Alexander Maclaren

... Hinc ad Leucas duas venitur in ciuitatem Hebron, et Hebron ab Helyn distat ad Meridianam plagani millibus circiter 39. de qua legitur, quod primis temporibus fuerit habitatio maximorum Gigantium, Regumque, postea Dauidis. In hac est illa spelunca duplex, quae seruat ossa sanctorum Patriarcharum, Abrahae, Isaac, et Jacob, Sarae, et Rebeccae, consistitque ad radicem montis, et habetur super istam cum propugnaculis ad modum castri constructa pulchra Ecclesia. Sarraceni appellant istam speluncam Kariackaba, custodienies locum ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation. v. 8 - Asia, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... at the young artist. He seemed transfigured. I could scarcely realise that an hour ago he had been among the rowdiest of the Comus crew, whose shrieks and laughter still rang all around us. Even his duplex costume seemed to have grown subtly symbolical, the diabolical part typical of all that is bestial and selfish in man, the death-mask speaking silently of renunciation and the peace of the tomb. He went on, after a moment of emotion: "They say that pity is akin ...
— The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes • Israel Zangwill

... appear, then, that M. Van Rysselberghe has made an advance of very extraordinary merit in devising these combinations. We have seen in recent years how duplex telegraphy superseded single working, only to be in turn superseded by the quadruplex system. Multiplex telegraphy of various kinds has been actively pursued, but chiefly on the other side of the Atlantic rather than in this country, where our fast-speed automatic ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884 • Various

... bet it's slower than the rise of a toy balloon." Seaton threw down the papers and picked up his slide-rule, a twenty-inch trigonometrical duplex. "You'll concede that it is allowable to neglect the radial component of the orbital velocity of the earth for a first approximation, won't you—or shall ...
— Skylark Three • Edward Elmer Smith

... elsewhere, "is but an item in the duplex potency of the mystery, and behind the proudest consciousness that ever reigned, Reason and Wonder blushed face to face. The legend sinks to burlesque if in that great argument which antedates man ...
— Memories and Studies • William James

... must of Necessity err many Ways. Neither indeed can that which immediately follows be perspicuous in the Latin. [Greek: Kai ara eoti sigonta legein; ditton gar esti to sigonta legein, to te ton legonta sigan, kai to ta legomena.] That they have render'd thus; Et putas, est tacentem dicere? Duplex enim est, tacentem dicere; et hunc dicere tacentem, et quae dicuntur. Are not these Words more obscure than the Books of ...
— Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. • Erasmus

... rubio scarleto duplucat' c[u] panno rubio, unu' collobiu' duplex de sanguineto et Bukhorn', unu' collobi[u] duplex, de sanguineto et nigro, unu' gip' de serico auro int'text furrat' c[u] menivero, unu' gyp' de rubio et nigro furrat' cu' calibir', unu' gyp' furrat cu' grys, unu' paltok' de nigro serico, unu' paltok de nigro ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 235, April 29, 1854 • Various

... my duplex lamp, And write, and write, and write; They come and drown in the blue-black ink, Or fry themselves in the light. They pop, and drop, and flop, and hop, Like catherine-wheels at play; And die in pain down the back of my neck ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, August 1, 1891 • Various

... hoc caeca nocte tegat studium: Sed dicam vobis, vos porro dicite multis 45 Milibus et facite haec charta loquatur anus * * * * Notescatque magis mortuos atque magis, Nec tenuem texens sublimis aranea telam In deserto Alli nomine opus faciat. 50 Nam, mihi quam dederit duplex Amathusia curam, Scitis, et in quo me corruerit genere, Cum tantum arderem quantum Trinacria rupes Lymphaque in Oetaeis Malia Thermopylis, Maesta neque adsiduo tabescere lumina fletu 55 Cessarent tristique imbre madere genae. Qualis in aerii perlucens ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

Words linked to "Duplex" :   multiple, telecommunication, house, apartment, convert, flat, telecom, bidirectional

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