... the art of conversation, of small talk. I would equip myself to be able to entertain the grouchiest, most blase people. For there is hardly a business in the world in which it is not a great advantage to be able to converse entertainingly. ... — 21 • Frank Crane
... their returned darling like parent birds over a strayed fledgeling which had come back to the nest. I took a seat apart, and, joining in the conversation but rarely, studied the girl who sat in a large rocking chair, and who talked as volubly and as entertainingly as any one could have wished. She was, as Mr. Grundy had said, of medium build. Her form was youthful, but possessed of that subtle roundness which betokens the approach of womanhood. Two dainty feet darted in and out ... — The Love Story of Abner Stone • Edwin Carlile Litsey