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Ex officio   /ɛks əfˈɪsioʊ/   Listen
Ex officio

By virtue of an office or position.

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"Ex officio" Quotes from Famous Books

... of course; the Private Secretary to the Viceroy would be on the Committee almost ex officio, wouldn't he? Impossible to conceive a Private Secretary to the Viceroy whose opinion would not be valuable upon any head. The member for Public Works—I suppose he can build bridges, or could once, therefore he can draw, or could ...
— The Pool in the Desert • Sara Jeannette Duncan

... ex-officio. The Lieutenant-Governor, ex-offixo. The Secretary of State, ex-officio. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officio. ...
— Civil Government for Common Schools • Henry C. Northam

... that distinguishes the expenditures of his countrymen, swept off half a dozen of the family at one purchase. Accident gave him the liberal end of the piece, a circumstance to which he never would have assented had he known the fact, for being an attache of the legation of his own country, he was ex officio aristocratic. My brother amused me exceedingly with his account of the indignation he felt at finding himself in a very hot-bed of monarchical opinions, in the set at the American legation. What rendered these diplomates so much the more ...
— Autobiography of a Pocket-Hankerchief • James Fenimore Cooper

... have the autocracy they need to get what they want unless they are willing to give over to their representatives the necessary trust pro tem., the necessary ex officio right to be autocrats in their behalf. Democracy is autocracy of the people, for the people, by the people—that is, by the people in spirit to their representatives who ...
— The Ghost in the White House • Gerald Stanley Lee

... Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, sacrarum literarum Professoribus, et Religiosis, aliisque nobis pro tempore assistentibus, in ecclesia nostra Metropolitana S[ti Andree] regni Scotie primatiali, die N mensis N proxime futuris, hora decima antemeridiana vel eo circa, ad respondendum nobis ex officio de et super suis pertinaciter dictis, affirmatis, predicatis, divulgatis, tentis et disputatis contra nostram orthodoxam fidem et sanctam ecclesiam catholicam; et propterea ad videndum et audiendum ipsum hereticum declarari, et pena condigna a canonibus propterea lata et imperata puniendum ...
— The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell

... expected to resent the insult, had retreated to his castle and pulled up the drawbridge behind him, the slavey, with Sissy as assistant, became doorkeeper, and, later, butler. Critics, of course, these two were ex officio; and from their station out in the chilly hall, they listened to and mocked at the literary program, which Miss Madigan had entitled, "A Night of ...
— The Madigans • Miriam Michelson

... attorney-general or the Superior Council, or to all the other officers of justice of an inferior jurisdiction, and may put the written exposition of their wrongs into their hands; upon which information, and even ex officio, should the information come from another quarter, the attorney-general shall prosecute said masters," etc. But the young law student on making his visit was captivated by the sweetness of the lady whom he had been sent to warn against committing unlawful misdemeanors, and withdrew filled ...
— Strange True Stories of Louisiana • George Washington Cable

... transportation.—In the selection of members of the National Advisory Council who are health or emergency medical services professionals, the Administrator shall work with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Transportation. (3) Ex officio members.—The Administrator shall designate 1 or more officers of the Federal Government to serve as ex officio members of the National Advisory Council. (4) Terms of office.— (A) In general.—Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the term of office of each member of ...
— Homeland Security Act of 2002 - Updated Through October 14, 2008 • Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives

... number of directly-elected seats increases to 20); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (60 total; 21 indirectly elected by functional constituencies, 18 directly elected, 18 appointed by governor, 3 ex officio members); indirect elections - number of seats by functional constituency NA; direct elections - UDHK 12, Meeting Point 3, ADPL 1, other 2 Executive branch: British monarch, governor, chief secretary of the Executive Council Legislative branch: ...
— The 1993 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... openly paid court to his patron, called him by that name to other folks, went on his errands for him,—any sort of errands which the patron might devise,—called him sir in speaking to him, stood up in his presence until bidden to sit down, and flattered him ex officio. Mr. Sampson did not take the least shame in speaking of Harry as his young patron,—as a young Virginian nobleman recommended to him by his other noble patron, the Earl of Castlewood. He was proud of appearing at Harry's side, and as his humble retainer, in ...
— The Virginians • William Makepeace Thackeray

Words linked to "Ex officio" :   by right of office, official

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