"Fistula" Quotes from Famous Books
... produced, which trickles down the nostrils in cold weather. This discharge is so acrid as to inflame the upper lip; which is owing to the neutral salts, with which it abounds, not being reabsorbed; so the tears in the fistula lacrymalis inflame the cheek. See Class I. 1. ... — Zoonomia, Vol. II - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin
... recognized forms of fistula, the complete and the incomplete: the latter, having only one opening, either external or internal; if the opening is internal, it is termed, "blind fistula." The complete fistula has two openings, usually, one external and one internal, but in some cases, both ... — The Royal Road to Health • Chas. A. Tyrrell
... doctrine, or rather jargon, when Jupiter has dominion, it will be necessary to bleed and take calomel to guard against (not to attack it when it has taken place) inflammation of the liver; and when Mars presides, to send immediately for Van Butchel to frighten away an imaginary fistula—absurd and ridiculous nonsense, too prevalent even at the present day; for what can bleeding and physicking at the spring and fall of the year be called but operations without reason, under suppositious stellar influence. "Observe also to gather all your ... — Thaumaturgia • An Oxonian |