"Forcefully" Quotes from Famous Books
... be comprehensive ... that's vital. BLACKBOROUGH. [Very forcefully.] I give you my word to support its integrity, if you'll keep with me in persuading Horsham that the inclusion of Trebell in his cabinet will be a blow to the whole Conservative Cause. Horsham, I implore ... — Waste - A Tragedy, In Four Acts • Granville Barker
... shone fair upon us, as our little bark glided down the river. We were in the deep current which pushes forcefully forward under the new pressure of the East Canada waters, and save for occasional guidance there was small need of my paddle. The scene was very beautiful to the eye—the white light upon the flood, the soft ... — In the Valley • Harold Frederic
... with strong filial affection should have reached, carry in their long history, a belief in one spirit of the departed which hovers about the home, one which hovers about the grave and another which wanders abroad, for surely there are associations with each of these conditions which must long and forcefully awaken memories of friends gone. If this view is possible may not such ancestral worship be an index of qualities of character strongly fixed and of the highest worth which, when improvements come that may relieve the heavy burdens now carried, will only ... — Farmers of Forty Centuries - or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan • F. H. King
... IS LIFE: Take a deep, full, abdominal breath with each body building exercise, inhale through the nose and expel forcefully through the mouth. ... — Supreme Personality • Delmer Eugene Croft
... wilderness, and its grip is conveyed very forcefully to the pages of Colonel Patterson's book, which holds the reader as closely as the Nyika holds those who venture into it.... Colonel Patterson has a particularly interesting way of describing things he sees.... ... — Kings in Exile • Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts
... There is not the slightest scintilla of a foundation in fact for any one of the three statements. Not a single passage can be quoted from Marx which justifies any one of them. As we shall see, Marx specifically repudiated each one of them, a great deal more forcefully than Mr. Mallock does. That such misrepresentations of Marx should have been permitted to pass unchallenged in so many of our great colleges and universities is to our national shame. We will briefly consider the teaching of Marx under each of ... — Socialism - A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles • John Spargo
... progress was made. Secretary of the Navy Tracy introduced reform methods in his department. The appointment of Theodore Roosevelt to the Civil Service Commission was productive of good results. The work of reform was defended forcefully and successfully; its opponents were challenged to substantiate their charges. When Senator Gorman declared that in an examination for letter carriers in Baltimore the candidates were asked to tell the most direct route from Baltimore to China, Roosevelt at ... — The United States Since The Civil War • Charles Ramsdell Lingley
... Cry on my shoulder," he said forcefully, and despite her resistance he drew her into his arms and her head to his breast. There he held her, feeling the strain of her muscles slowly relax. She did not weep violently, but in a heartbroken way that ... — Valley of Wild Horses • Zane Grey
... politics, with an apparent ease that their uncouth appearance would not lead one to expect. In the little school of less than 150 boys in Kumamoto there were more individuals who could talk intelligibly and forcefully on important themes of national policy, the relation of religion and politics, the relation of Japan to the Occident and the Orient, than could be found in either of the two colleges in the United States with which I was connected. I do not say that they could bring forth original ideas ... — Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic • Sidney L. Gulick
... the individual that governs the whole performance. The effect of this personality on the outward form, and the influence it has in modifying the aspect of body and features, are the things that concern the portrait draughtsman: the seizing on and expressing forcefully the individual character of the sitter, as expressed ... — The Practice and Science Of Drawing • Harold Speed |